Propagator objects allow a subset of UtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while executing a trace. The propagated UtilityNetworkAttribute values can be tested to allow or disallow further traversal.
In the example of phase propagation, open devices along the network will restrict some phases from continuing along the trace.
Propagators only apply to subnetwork-based traces (UtilityTraceType.Upstream, UtilityTraceType.Downstream, and so on).
UtilityPropagator is set in the UtilityTraceConfiguration.
Creates a object that allows a subset of UtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network This constructor allows the specification of a substitution network attribute.
The operator that is applied when executing the trace. This operator is used to compare the propagated value to the specified UtilityPropagator.value For example, if propagating phase, this would be UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator.IncludesAny.
The UtilityNetworkAttribute to propagate further along the trace. For example, if propagating phase, this would be the UtilityNetworkAttribute that stores phase.
The function type that is applied to the UtilityNetworkAttribute to propagate the attribute further along the trace. For example, if propagating phase, this would be UtilityPropagatorFunctionType.BitwiseAnd.
The UtilityNetworkAttribute that maps each bit in another bitset network attribute value to a new value.
The value that is compared against the propagated value when executing the trace. The type of this numeric value is dependent on the UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType of the UtilityNetworkAttribute.