Represents the media that is displayed in a pop-up for a geo-element.
See also
The caption that is displayed for the media. This can contain a literal value, or a placeholder for value from the geoelement's attribute for which the pop-up is displayed. The placeholder needs to be of the form {field_name} where field_name is a key in the geoelement's attributes.
The image refresh interval. This property is useful only for a pop-up media of type PopupMediaType.Image. The refresh interval, in milliseconds. A refresh interval of 0 means never refresh. The default value is 0.
The type of media.
The optional popup media value that are depending on the type of media. A null if an error occurs or if the popup media has no associated value.
Generates a com.arcgismaps.mapping.ChartImage with an image of the chart. Will fail if the pop_up media is a PopupMediaType.Image or if PopupElement.isEvaluated is false.