
GeoprocessingTaskInfo contains information on a geoprocessing task. GeoprocessingTaskInfo is retrieved from a loaded GeoprocessingTask instance by calling GeoprocessingTask.geoprocessingTaskInfo. GeoprocessingTaskInfo contains the name and description of the geoprocessing task along with execution type and descriptions of all the task's parameters.



See also


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The geoprocessing task's category.

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The geoprocessing task's description.

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The geoprocessing task's display name.

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The geoprocessing task's execution type.

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The geoprocessing task's help URL.

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The geoprocessing task's name.

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The list of geoprocessing task parameters information instances. The returned List contains GeoprocessingParameterInfo instances. Each parameter information instance in the array describes one input or output parameter of the geoprocessing task. Includes such properties as name, data type, whether input or output and whether a particular input parameter is required or not.

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val url: String

The geoprocessing task URL.