Package-level declarations


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An ArcGIS specific feature stored in an ArcGISFeatureTable. ArcGIS features are stored in ArcGIS specific data sources such as a GeodatabaseFeatureTable or ServiceFeatureTable. Since ArcGISFeature is a subclass of Feature, it contains a geometry that defines its location and shape, and a set of attributes that describe the real-world entity it represents.

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A table of features that typically represent real-world objects created from an ArcGIS feature service or an ArcGIS geodatabase. This is the base class for the ArcGIS specific feature tables GeodatabaseFeatureTable and ServiceFeatureTable. You can create instances of these subclasses using their constructors.

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An object that represents a geodatabase attachment type.

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An object that represents a coded value found in CodedValueDomain.

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An object that describes a CodedValue to be created. Creation of domains is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase.create(String).

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An object that specifies an explicit set of values for a Field.

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An object that describes a CodedValueDomain to be created. Creation of domains is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase.create(String).

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An object that defines a contingency.

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An object that defines a contingency constraint violation.

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The different types of contingency constraint violations.

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An object that indicates any domain value is allowed in a contingency.

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An object that defines a coded value specified in a contingency.

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An object that indicates a null value is allowed in a contingency.

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An object that defines a min and max range specified in a contingency.

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sealed class ContingentValue

An object that defines possible field values for fields participating in contingent field groups.

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An object that defines a contingent values definition.

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An object that defines possible values for a field in the context of the contingent field groups it participates in.

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sealed class Domain : JsonSerializable

An object that represents the valid values for a Field.

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sealed class DomainDescription

An object that describes a domain to be created.

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sealed class DrawingTool

An enumeration of available drawing tools.

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sealed class EditOperation

The various types of edits.

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sealed class EditResult

An object that represents the results of an attempt to push an update to a service.

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sealed class Feature : Closeable, GeoElement

A representation of a real-world geographic entity. Features are composed of both a geometry (point, polyline, or polygon) and attributes. The geometry represents the location and shape of the real-world entity; the attributes (key-value pairs) represent the fields and values that describe the entity. Examples of features include roads, fire hydrants, and property boundaries. Applications can access features from a feature layer or a feature collection to visualize the feature's geographic and attribute information, execute spatial queries, perform analyses, or make edits to the feature's data directly. Feature attribute values can be changed, but attribute definitions cannot be added, deleted, or modified.

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A feature collection represents a lightweight collection of features that can be saved in a map or portal item. A feature collection is typically used to hold features with mixed geometry or unstructured data. The features are stored in feature collection tables, where all the features that belong to a table share the same attribute schema (fields), geometry type, and spatial reference. The feature collection groups these different feature tables together so that you can display and manage them in a single layer.

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A feature collection table represents an individual feature table in a FeatureCollection. A FeatureCollectionTable consists of a feature definition (table schema) and a set of features that match that feature definition. You can obtain a FeatureCollectionTable from an existing FeatureCollection.tables collection or you can create a new FeatureCollectionTable programmatically in your app.

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An object that represents the results of an attempt to push a feature update to a feature service.

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An object that represents the results of a feature query.

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sealed class FeatureRequestMode

The feature request mode for a service feature table. It determines (1) whether features are cached locally (for quicker access by map and scene layers) and (2) whether queries are performed on the local cache or on the server.

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An interface for feature sets. This interface encapsulates some common read-only operations that could be applied to various sets of features.

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A feature subtype describes a subset of features in an ArcGISFeatureTable that share the same integer attribute value. Feature subtypes categorize features in a dataset based on the value of an integer attribute. A subtype can define different default values or domains for fields. For example, city streets in a feature table could be categorized into three feature subtypes: local streets, collector streets, and arterial streets. Feature subtypes can also be used with utility networks to represent asset groups.

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A table of features that typically represent real-world objects such as fire hydrants, roads, and forests. This is the base class for a number of different feature tables, such as ServiceFeatureTable, FeatureCollectionTable, and GeoPackageFeatureTable.

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The edit results of a specific FeatureTable.

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A feature template defines the default attribute values for the fields of a newly created ArcGISFeature and suggests a type of drawing tool to sketch the feature's geometry. The owner of the ArcGIS feature service can define one or more feature templates when they publish the service. These are held within the "Templates" tag of the ArcGIS feature service's REST Services Directory. Each template has a name, description, suggested drawing tool, and a list of attributes with their initial values (called prototype). You can obtain the feature service's collection of feature templates from the ArcGISFeatureTable.featureTemplates. Alternatively, if you are using a FeatureType, you can obtain its templates from FeatureType.templates. Use ArcGISFeatureTable.createFeature(FeatureTemplate) to create a feature with the feature template.

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A feature type defines the domains and feature templates that are used to create a new feature. A feature type is used to ensure that appropriate attribute values are captured when a new feature is created. A FeatureType can specify the domains for the attribute values and can provide a template that populates the feature with initial values. For example, a roads layer may contain different types of roads, such as main roads, city streets, and unpaved tracks. The owner could set up a feature type named 'main road' to ensure that new features are only populated with attribute values appropriate for a 'main road', and so on.

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class Field

An object that defines a field.

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An object that describes a Field to be created. Creation of fields and tables is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase.create(String).

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An object that defines a field group.

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sealed class FieldType

The different types of a row value variant.

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A mobile geodatabase containing geographic data and non-spatial tables. Geodatabase is used to open and access the contents of a mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase file) that can contain geographic features, non-spatial tabular data, and data such as attachments, utility networks, field domain definitions, contingent values, and relationships between layers/tables.

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An interface for geodatabase dataset. Describes common part of functionality for all geodatabase datasets. Supports types of geodatabase datasets presents in GeodatabaseDatasetType enum.

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The types of geodatabase datasets.

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A feature table stored in a Geodatabase. For mobile geodatabases created by ArcGIS Pro, renderer information isn't stored in the geodatabase. A default renderer is therefore used to display mobile geodatabase feature tables in a feature layer. In most cases, this default should be replaced with a custom renderer.

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A GeoPackage file (.gpkg) that can contain multiple datasets of geographic features, non-spatial tabular data, and raster dataset that conform to the OGC GeoPackage format. A GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing, compact format for transferring geospatial information. It is a platform-independent SQLite database file that contains the GeoPackage data and metadata tables. See GeoPackage Encoding Standard[] for more information.

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A dataset in a GeoPackage containing features or non-spatial records. A GeoPackageFeatureTable supports core GeoPackage geometry types and represents them as Point, Multipoint, Polyline, or Polygon. The GeoPackage specification supports a geometry collection type (storing a variety of core geometry types in a single table). For these tables, the first geometry type found in the collection is rendered.

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An object that specifies an inherited domain that specifies the valid values for a Field.

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An object that represents a pending feature edit specifying its edit operation and most recent edit time.

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An object that represents the LocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order based on edit time.

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An OGC API - Features feature collection table. To display data from an OGC feature collection table in a FeatureLayer use the FeatureLayer.FeatureLayer(FeatureTable) constructor where the OgcFeatureCollectionTable is the parameter that is passed into the constructor. Note: The OgcFeatureCollectionTable should not be confused with FeatureCollectionTable which is used as an input to create a FeatureCollection.

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class OrderBy

An object that represents an ordering in a query's order by clause.

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Parameters to perform a query on a dataset. These parameters provide attribute, spatial, and temporal criteria that you can use to filter features. You can define attribute criteria using a standard SQL expression based on the available attribute fields, spatial criteria using a geometry and a spatial relationship (such as within, contains, intersect), or temporal filters using a single date/time, or a range. You can also control how the results are sorted and whether to return geometry.

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An object that specifies a range of valid values for a Field.

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An object that describes a RangeDomain to be created. Creation of domains is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase.create(String).

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Contains the features that have been returned from a related tables query. Instances of this class represents the result of related queries. A prerequisite for querying related features is that all the participating tables must be part of a map, as either feature layers or non-spatial tables. An array of instances are returned, one per related table containing features related to the queried feature. This class has methods that can be used to iterate over the collection of related features.

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Parameters to perform a related query on an ArcGISFeatureTable. When querying related features, all participating tables must be included in the same ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene, as either feature layers or non-spatial tables. The query that uses these parameters will load these related tables.

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The various constraint violations that may occur when relating two features.

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A table of features that typically represent real-world objects created from an ArcGIS feature service. An instance of this class represents the dataset of an individual layer or table in an ArcGIS map or feature service. The map or feature service may be hosted in the cloud on ArcGIS Online, or on-premises on an ArcGIS Server. To access these services you may need to provide authentication in your application.

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A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable connected to a feature service. A ServiceGeodatabase connects to a feature service as a whole, grouping together ServiceFeatureTable instances for related records queries, connecting to a version in a branch-versioned service, and managing edits for all tables.

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A table of features that typically represents real-world objects created from a local shapefile data source. A shapefile is a vector data storage format that stores the location, shape, and attributes of geographic features with the same geometry type (such as point, line, and polygon) and the same spatial reference. A shapefile dataset consists of at least three files (.shp, .shx, .dbf), and may include many others. Each of the component files of a shapefile must be smaller than 2 GB. If the minimum required files are not present (or are larger than 2 GB), the table will fail to load. If the file permissions are read-only, features cannot be edited.

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An object that represents a shapefile info. If a shapefile has an associated .xml file, shapefile info will be created and populated with metadata from the file. If an .xml file does not exist, this object will be null.

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sealed class SortOrder

The various ways a query result can be ordered by.

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sealed class SpatialRelationship

The various operators for spatially relating geometries.

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Represents a type used for defining a statistic to be queried for in the table.

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Represents a value within the StatisticsQueryResult iterator.

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Parameters to perform a statistical query on a FeatureTable. Perform statistical analyses such as average, count, maximum, and standard deviation on a feature table by defining a StatisticType on a StatisticDefinition. Use a combination of attribute, spatial, and temporal criteria to filter the features to be analyzed. If no filters are defined, all features in the table are included in the statistical query. You can also control how to group the results.

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Represents a type that contains the results of a statistics query.

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sealed class StatisticType

An enumeration that represents the various statistics that can be calculated for values in a field in a table.

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An object that describes a GeodatabaseFeatureTable to be created. Creation of fields and tables is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase.create(String).

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A transportation network dataset of a map or scene stored in a mobile map or scene package. A transportation network, such as a street, pedestrian, or railroad network, models networks that typically permit travel in both directions. Map and scene authors can use ArcGIS Pro to create a mobile map or scene package that includes transportation networks. For more information, see Create a mobile map package[] or

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A table of features that typically represents real-world objects from an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) dataset. You can create WFS feature table using the URL of an OGC Web Feature Service and a specified layer name. Alternatively, you may connect to a WfsService, obtain its metadata from WfsService.serviceInfo, and discover its available layers using WfsServiceInfo.layerInfos. You can then create a WfsFeatureTable from an individual layer using WfsFeatureTable.WfsFeatureTable(WfsLayerInfo).