
Defines an angular unit of measurement. The angular unit class is derived from the unit class.




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constructor(unitId: AngularUnitId)

Creates a unit given its known id.


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object Companion


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The AngularUnitId of the given angular unit. If an error occurs then AngularUnitId.Other is returned.

Inherited properties

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The abbreviation of the unit. The abbreviation for a specific unit.

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The display name of the unit. The display name for a specific unit.

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The name of the unit. The name for a specific unit.

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The display name of the unit. The display name for a specific unit.

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val wkid: Int

The well-known ID for the unit, or 0 for a custom unit.


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fun convertFrom(fromUnit: AngularUnit, angle: Double): Double

Converts a value in another UOM into this UOM.

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fun convertTo(toUnit: AngularUnit, angle: Double): Double

Converts a value in this UOM into another UOM.

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fun fromRadians(radians: Double): Double

Converts a radian value to this UOM.

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fun toRadians(angle: Double): Double

Converts a value in this UOM to radians.

Inherited functions

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int