A class that describes the single service area polygon. The service area polygon stores the resultant service area polygon, which cover the area of the network that can be reached within the given time, distance, or other travel-cost cutoff.
From impedance cutoff. A service area polygon's minimal impedance value. For example, a time impedance value of "5 10 15" specifies service areas of 5, 10, and 15 minutes intervals. You can get polygon which covers area from 5 to 10 minutes interval.
Service area polygon's geometry. The geometry for the polygon in case if ServiceAreaParameters.returnPolygons is true.
To impedance cutoff. A service area polygon's maximal impedance value. For example, a time impedance value of "5 10 15" specifies service areas of 5, 10, and 15 minutes intervals. You can get polygon which covers area from 5 to 10 minutes interval.