The capabilities of an ArcGIS map service, including whether it supports exporting map images, data and query operations. You can access the content of a map from an ArcGIS map service using one of its three main capabilities:
Data - find, query, and related records.
Map - export map images and list all layers and tables.
Query - identify and access attachment data.
These capabilities are reflected in MapServiceCapabilities.supportsData, MapServiceCapabilities.supportsMap, and MapServiceCapabilities.supportsQuery. For more information, see the Map Service help documentation.
You can obtain an ArcGIS map service's MapServiceCapabilities using ArcGISMapServiceInfo. This is available from a number of loaded resources, such as com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISMapImageLayer, com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISTiledLayer, or com.arcgismaps.tasks.tilecache.ExportTileCacheTask.
True if the map service supports data operations, such as find, query, and related records, false otherwise. All ArcGIS REST API operations define their required capability in the Map Service help documentation.
True if the map service supports map operations, such as exporting map images and listing all layers and tables, false otherwise. All ArcGIS REST API operations define their required capability in the Map Service help documentation.
True if the map service supports query operations, such as identify and access attachment data, false otherwise. All ArcGIS REST API operations define their required capability in the Map Service help documentation.
True if the map service supports tiles, false otherwise.
True if the map service only supports tile requests, false otherwise. You cannot create an com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISMapImageLayer from a service that only supports tile requests.