
The OAuth user configuration information used by an OAuthUserCredential. The portal URL, client ID, and redirect URL are required to create an OAuthUserCredential. You can get the the client ID and redirect URL by following the Create OAuth credentials for user authentication tutorial.

To configure the lifetime of the OAuthUserCredential set the refresh token expiration and exchange intervals.

You can configure the look and feel of the OAuth login page, displayed by an OAUth user credential, by setting OAuthUserConfiguration.showCancelButton or OAuthUserConfiguration.userInterfaceStyle, for example.




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constructor(portalUrl: String, clientId: String, redirectUrl: String, culture: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), refreshTokenExpirationInterval: RefreshTokenExpirationInterval = RefreshTokenExpirationInterval.Default, refreshTokenExchangeInterval: RefreshTokenExchangeInterval = RefreshTokenExchangeInterval.Never, federatedTokenExpirationInterval: Int? = null, showCancelButton: Boolean = true, userInterfaceStyle: OAuthUserConfiguration.UserInterfaceStyle = UserInterfaceStyle.Unspecified, preferPrivateWebBrowserSession: Boolean = false)

Creates an OAuth configuration with the specified parameters.


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object Companion
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sealed class UserInterfaceStyle

Constants indicating the interface style.


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A unique identifier associated with an application registered with the portal that assists with client/server OAuth authentication.

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The OAuth login page is displayed in the language specified by the given culture code. If not explicitly set, the culture used by the device is used. If the culture is not supported by the portal then OAuth login page will be displayed in the language corresponding to culture specified in the portal/organization settings.

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The requested expiration interval (in minutes) for federated tokens generated using the OAuth credential.

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The URL of the portal to authenticate with.

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A Boolean value indicating whether the OAuth login session should ask the browser for a private authentication session.

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The URL that the OAuth login page will redirect to when authentication completes.

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The requested exchange interval (in minutes) for the OAuth refresh token. Use this to exchange a refresh token before it expires. This will limit the number of times a user will have to login because of expiring tokens. If the exchange interval is set to RefreshTokenExchangeInterval.Never, then the refresh token will never be exchanged and will eventually expire, causing the user to have to log in again. Use RefreshTokenExchangeInterval.Minutes to set a specific exchange interval. To have any affect, this should be set to a value less than the OAuthUserConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationInterval. Setting it to a value greater than the OAuthUserConfiguration.refreshTokenExpirationInterval will have the same effect as setting this to RefreshTokenExchangeInterval.Never.

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The requested expiration interval (in minutes) for the refreshToken generated by the OAuth request. Set this to RefreshTokenExpirationInterval.Maximum for getting the maximum refresh token supported by the portal (ninety days). The max interval can be overridden by the portal administrator. To set a specific time in minutes use RefreshTokenExpirationInterval.Minutes If this is not set, RefreshTokenExpirationInterval.Default will be used and then the refresh token will be valid for two weeks.

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A Boolean value indicating whether to show the "Cancel" button on the OAuth login page.

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Constants indicating the interface style for the OAuth login page. The default is OAuthUserConfiguration.UserInterfaceStyle.Unspecified.


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Checks if this configuration can be used for the given URL.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Inherited functions

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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.