Information about a language that can be used to customize labels on a basemap. To request that labels on a Basemap are displayed in a given language, set the value of the BasemapStyleLanguageInfo.languageCode property to BasemapStyleParameters.specificLanguage.
Human-readable name of the language (e.g. "Portuguese (Brazil)"). To see the latest list of languages supported by the Basemap Styles Service, and the display name associated with each language, see the Languages * section of the Basemap Styles Service documentation.
CLDR code for this language. The format is a string that uses a two letter language code (e.g. "en" for English) optionally followed by a two letter country code (e.g. "en-US" for US English). To see the latest list of languages supported by the Basemap Styles Service, and the code associated with each language, see the Languages section of the Basemap Styles Service documentation.