
A class that contains settings that are used when solving a ClosestFacilityTask. The ClosestFacilityParameters class contains all inputs for the ClosestFacilityTask, as well as settings such as the impedance attribute, accumulate and restriction attributes, backtrack (u-turn) policy, etc.



See also


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Accumulate attribute names. The accumulate attribute names e.g. "Minutes", "Miles", etc. Accumulate attributes are useful when more information other than the default impedance attribute is required.

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The default cutoff value to stop traversing.

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The default number of target facilities to find.

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Directions distance units. Describes the unit of measurement for the length of directions. Default value com.arcgismaps.UnitSystem.Metric will be returned on error.

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Directions language e.g. "en-US". The ISO language code of the directions language to be set. If an unsupported language is set, an exception will occur at solve time in ClosestFacilityTask.solveClosestFacility method.

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Directions style. The directions setting to generate directions designed for different kind of applications. Default value DirectionsStyle.Desktop will be returned on error.

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Output spatial reference. All route's geometries will be returned in this spatial reference in the even of a successful solve.

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Whether or not turn-by-turn directions for the closest facility routes are to be returned.

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Whether or not to return the point barriers used in the closest facility task.

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Whether or not to return the polygon barriers used in the closest facility task.

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Whether or not to return the polyline barriers used in the closest facility task.

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Whether or not return routes are to be returned. Enabled by default. Can be returned in the event of a successful solve.

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Route shape type. The enumeration value for the output shape type e.g. straight line shape, true shape, or no shape. Default value RouteShapeType.None will be returned on error.

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Start time. Expects time in the time zone of first Stop.

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Start time usage. Default value StartTimeUsage.DepartureTime will be returned on error.

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The travel direction for the closest facility computation (to or from facility). Default value TravelDirection.FromFacility will be returned on error.

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Travel mode. Travel mode that will be used for closest facility's solving. List of supported travel modes can be obtained from ClosestFacilityTaskInfo.travelModes method.


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Clears facilities. Clears facilities that were set by ClosestFacilityParameters.setFacilities or ClosestFacilityParameters.setFacilities.

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Clears incidents. Clears incidents that were set by ClosestFacilityParameters.setIncidents or ClosestFacilityParameters.setIncidents.

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Clears point barriers. Clears point barriers that were set by ClosestFacilityParameters.setPointBarriers or ClosestFacilityParameters.setPointBarriers.

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Clears polygon barriers. Clears polygon barriers that were set by ClosestFacilityParameters.setPolygonBarriers or ClosestFacilityParameters.setPolygonBarriers.

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Clears polyline barriers. Clears polyline barriers that were set by ClosestFacilityParameters.setPolylineBarriers or ClosestFacilityParameters.setPolylineBarriers.

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Gets the search where clause from the specified network dataset's source feature class.

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fun setFacilities(facilities: Iterable<Facility>)

Sets facilities. The set of facilities loaded as network locations during analysis.

fun setFacilities(featureTable: ArcGISFeatureTable, queryParameters: QueryParameters)

Sets the facilities from the features in specified feature table. The feature table can be either local or online. The feature table must be of geometry type point. Attributes from the feature table are mapped to the properties on the facilities objects generated from the specified feature table. The where clause set in the query parameters will be applied to the feature table. If an online feature table is specified the table will not be queried for features until Solve is called. Sets facilities by importing them from local or remote table.

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fun setIncidents(incidents: Iterable<Incident>)

Sets incidents. The set of incidents loaded as network locations during analysis.

fun setIncidents(featureTable: ArcGISFeatureTable, queryParameters: QueryParameters)

Sets the incidents from the features in specified feature table. The feature table can be either local or online. The feature table must be of geometry type point. Attributes from the feature table are mapped to the properties on the incidents objects generated from the specified feature table. The where clause set in the query parameters will be applied to the feature table. If an online feature table is specified the table will not be queried for features until Solve is called. Sets incidents by importing them from local or remote table.

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Sets point barriers.

fun setPointBarriers(featureTable: ArcGISFeatureTable, queryParameters: QueryParameters)

Sets the point barriers from the features in specified feature table. The feature table can be either local or online. The feature table must be of geometry type point. Attributes from the feature table are mapped to the properties on the barrier objects generated from the specified feature table. The where clause set in the query parameters will be applied to the feature table. If an online feature table is specified the table will not be queried for features until Solve is called. Sets point barriers by importing them from local or remote table.

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Sets polygon barriers.

fun setPolygonBarriers(featureTable: ArcGISFeatureTable, queryParameters: QueryParameters)

Sets the polygon barriers from the features in specified feature table. The feature table can be either local or online. The feature table must be of geometry type polygon. Attributes from the feature table are mapped to the properties on the barrier objects generated from the specified feature table. The where clause set in the query parameters will be applied to the feature table. If an online feature table is specified the table will not be queried for features until Solve is called. Sets polygon barriers by importing them from local or remote table.

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Sets polyline barriers.

fun setPolylineBarriers(featureTable: ArcGISFeatureTable, queryParameters: QueryParameters)

Sets the polyline barriers from the features in specified feature table. The feature table can be either local or online. The feature table must be of geometry type polyline. Attributes from the feature table are mapped to the properties on the barrier objects generated from the specified feature table. The where clause set in the query parameters will be applied to the feature table. If an online feature table is specified the table will not be queried for features until Solve is called. Sets polyline barriers by importing them from local or remote table.

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fun setSearchWhereClause(sourceName: String, searchWhereClause: String)

Sets a search where clause on the specified network dataset's source feature class. Only features satisfying the where clause for the specified feature class will be used to locate facilities or incidents on the network during the solve operation. If a where clause is not set all network features are used.