
Specifies a SyncDirection for any layer in the geodatabase. If the geodatabase supports the SyncModel.Layer synchronization model, you can add a SyncLayerOption to the SyncGeodatabaseParameters.layerOptions collection, to specify how individual the geodatabase layers and tables are synchronized.

The default sync direction for layers is bidirectional (SyncDirection.Bidirectional). Therefore, you need to provide a SyncLayerOption if you do not want the default behavior.




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constructor(layerId: Long = 0)

Creates a new sync layer option with a layer id.

constructor(layerId: Long, syncDirection: SyncDirection)

Creates a new sync layer option with layer id and sync direction.


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The layer or table Id to specify the SyncDirection. The Id must match a table of layer Id in the synchronized geodatabase.

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The synchronization direction for the specified layer or table Id. The default value is SyncDirection.Bidirectional.


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