
Checks if the utility association can be added to the utility network. Checks that all of the following conditions are met:

  • the utility network is in a valid state and supports the association type.

  • the specified association only includes elements that are accessible and that have the necessary association role and terminal selection.

  • a utility rule exists that permits their association.

  • the current user has the necessary permissions.


True if the association can be added to the utility network, false otherwise.



See also

(UtilityAssociationType, UtilityElement, UtilityElement)

suspend fun canAddAssociation(associationType: UtilityAssociationType, fromElement: UtilityElement, toElement: UtilityElement): Result<Boolean>

Checks if a utility association with the specified type between the specified utility elements can be added to the utility network. Checks that all of the following conditions are met:

  • the utility network is in a valid state and supports the association type.

  • the specified association only includes elements that are accessible and that have the necessary association role and terminal selection.

  • a utility rule exists that permits their association.

  • the current user has the necessary permissions.


True if the association can be added to the utility network, false otherwise.



See also