Render multilayer symbols

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Show different kinds of multilayer symbols on a map similar to some pre-defined 2D simple symbol styles.

Image of render multilayer symbols

Use case

Allows you to customize a graphic with a multilayer symbol. For example, you may want more customizable symbols than the one that is provided with the API to display a unique representation of a landmark.

How to use the sample

The sample loads multilayer symbols for points, polylines, and polygons.

How it works

  1. Create multilayer symbols for each predefined 2D simple symbol style.
    • For multilayer point symbols, use the MultilayerPoint constructor.
    • For multilayer polyline symbols, use the MultiLayerPolyline constructor.
    • For multilayer polygon symbols, use the MultiLayerPolygon constructor.
  2. Create graphics by passing in a geometry and the associated symbol.
  3. Add graphics to the graphics overlay with graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(graphic)

Relevant API

  • Graphic
  • GraphicsOverlay
  • MultiLayerPoint
  • MultiLayerPolygon
  • MultiLayerPolyline
  • PictureMarkerSymbolLayer
  • SolidFillSymbolLayer
  • SolidStrokeSymbolLayer
  • VectorMarkerSymbolLayer


graphic, marker, multilayer, picture, symbol

Sample Code

<UserControl x:Class="ArcGISRuntime.WinUI.Samples.RenderMultilayerSymbols.RenderMultilayerSymbols"
    <esriUI:MapView x:Name="MyMapView" />

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