Scene layer (URL)

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Display an ArcGIS scene layer from a URL.

Image of scene layer URL

Use case

Adding a scene layer from a URL allows you to author the scene layer elsewhere in the platform, say with ArcGIS Pro or CityEngine, and then add that scene layer to a scene in Runtime. Loading a scene layer from a URL also permits the layer source to change dynamically without updating the code.

How to use the sample

Pan and zoom to explore the scene.

How it works

  1. Create an ArcGISSceneLayer passing in the URL to a scene layer service.
  2. Wait for the user to tap with the sceneView.GeoViewTapped event and get the tapped screen point.
  3. Call sceneView.IdentifyLayersAsync(sceneLayer, screenPoint, tolerance, false, 1) to identify features in the scene.
  4. From the resulting IdentifyLayerResult, get the list of identified GeoElements with result.GeoElements.
  5. Get the first element in the list, checking that it is a feature, and call sceneLayer.SelectFeature(feature) to select it.

Relevant API

  • ArcGISScene
  • ArcGISSceneLayer
  • SceneView

About the data

This sample shows a Portland, Oregon USA Scene hosted on ArcGIS Online.


3D, buildings, model, Portland, scene, service, URL

Sample Code

<UserControl x:Class="ArcGISRuntime.WinUI.Samples.SceneLayerUrl.SceneLayerUrl"
        <esriUI:SceneView x:Name="MySceneView" />

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
