Create terrain from local tile package

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Set the terrain surface with elevation described by a local tile package.

Image of create terrain from local tile package

Use case

In a scene view, the terrain surface is what the basemap, operational layers, and graphics are draped onto. For example, when viewing a scene in a mountainous region, applying a terrain surface to the scene will help in recognizing the slopes, valleys, and elevated areas.

How to use the sample

When loaded, the sample will show a scene with a terrain surface applied. Pan and zoom to explore the scene and observe how the terrain surface allows visualizing elevation differences.

How it works

  1. Create a Scene and add it to a SceneView.
  2. Create an ArcGISTiledElevationSource with the path to the local tile package.
  3. Add this source to the scene's base surface: Scene.BaseSurface.ElevationSources.Add(tiledElevationSource).

Relevant API

  • ArcGISTiledElevationSource
  • Surface

Additional information

The tile package must be a LERC (limited error raster compression) encoded TPK. Details on can be found in the topic Share a tile package in the ArcGIS Pro documentation.


3D, elevation, LERC, surface, terrain, tile cache

Sample Code

<UserControl x:Class="ArcGISRuntime.WPF.Samples.CreateTerrainSurfaceTilePackage.CreateTerrainSurfaceTilePackage"
        <esri:SceneView x:Name="MySceneView" />

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