Using and updating GIS content

The GIS is a warehouse of geographic content and services. ArcGIS includes several classes to make use of this content, publish new items and update them when needed. This sample on updating the content of web maps and web scenes will demonstrate the following

  • Replace web layers of a web map. For instance, you can use this to update a web map when the services it points to were deleted. The sample shows how to read a web feature layer as a FeatureService object and inspect its properties.
  • Drive the map widget by code. In addition to displaying the interactive map widget, you can also set it to load at a particular extent. This is great for presentation purposes. During this process, the sample shows how to create and use a MapView object and a Geocoder object.
  • Make a copy of a public web scene item into your contents and then update it.
    • Edit the list of layers to remove unnecessary ones.
    • Replace the basemap of the web scene. In this step the sample shows how to search for groups and query the member items.
    • Change visibility of layers.
from arcgis.gis import GIS
from arcgis.mapping import WebMap, WebScene
from IPython.display import display
import json

gis = GIS(profile="your_online_profile")

Creating a web map and feature layer

We will will create a feature layer and a web map. We will then delete the feature layer and re-publish. This will change the service and leave us with a broken layer inside our map, don't worry we will fix this in the next steps.

Create a feature layer

my_csv = 'data/updating_gis_content/capitals_1.csv'
item_prop = {'title':'USA Capitals spreadsheet for WebMap'}
csv_item = gis.content.add(item_properties=item_prop, data=my_csv)
capitals_item = csv_item.publish()

Create WebMap, Add Layer, and Save

wm = WebMap()
        "title": "USA Capitals WebMap", 
        "tags": ["python", "webmap"], 
        "snippet": "A webmap that contains USA capitals as a feature layer."
USA Capitals WebMap
A webmap that contains USA capitals as a feature layer.Web Map by arcgis_python
Last Modified: April 15, 2024
0 comments, 0 views

Delete Feature Layer and re-publish

Why? This seems a bit weird to put in a sample, but this demonstrates how some feature layers can get deleted without us realizing that they are part of webmaps. Below we will get the webmap and see that the layer does not show up!
This sample can then guide you to fix this problem of missing layers.

# re-publish so we can find it again
new_capitals = csv_item.publish()
USA Capitals spreadsheet for WebMap
Feature Layer Collection by arcgis_python
Last Modified: April 11, 2024
0 comments, 8 views

Using and updating a web map

We will search for that web map that has broken layers, render it on the notebook and update it.

search_result ="title:USA Capitals WebMap", item_type = "Web Map")

Read the web map as a WebMap object

wm_item = search_result[0]
web_map_obj = WebMap(wm_item)
# display the web map obj in an interactive widget

Fix errors in web map

The widget loads an empty web map with just a basemap. Let us investigate the contents of the web map to determine the issue. You can query the layers in the web map using the layers property.

   "title": "USA_Capitals_spreadsheet_for_WebMap",
   "opacity": 1,
   "visibility": true,
   "id": "5053d89e-4861-47a6-a4d3-3bbd9cc27bf0",
   "layerDefinition": {
     "definitionExpression": null,
     "drawingInfo": {
       "renderer": {
         "type": "simple",
         "symbol": {
           "type": "esriPMS",
           "url": "RedSphere.png",
           "imageData": "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",
           "contentType": "image/png",
           "width": 15,
           "height": 15
   "layerType": "ArcGISFeatureLayer",
   "itemId": "eea32f0a785948b88d612e639cfa02a1",
   "url": "",
   "popupInfo": {
     "title": "USA_Capitals_spreadsheet_for_WebMap",
     "fieldInfos": [
         "fieldName": "city_id",
         "label": "city_id",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "name",
         "label": "name",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "state",
         "label": "state",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "capital",
         "label": "capital",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "pop2000",
         "label": "pop2000",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "pop2007",
         "label": "pop2007",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "longitude",
         "label": "longitude",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "latitude",
         "label": "latitude",
         "isEditable": true,
         "visible": true
         "fieldName": "ObjectId",
         "label": "ObjectId",
         "isEditable": false,
         "visible": true
     "description": null,
     "showAttachments": true,
     "mediaInfos": []
# Feature service item id for the missing layer:

The web map has only 1 layer and that points to a feature service named USA_Capitals_spreadsheet_for_WebMap. Let us verify if a feature service of that name exists on the server. If not, let us try to find the closest match.

search_result ='title:USA_Capitals_spreadsheet_for_WebMap', item_type = 'Feature Service')
[<Item title:"USA Capitals spreadsheet for WebMap" type:Feature Layer Collection owner:arcgis_python>]

Let's check the itemId to make sure it is different. This means we have re-published it and the service was changed.


It is likely the old service was deleted and a new one was published. Let us update the web map with the new feature layer

capitals = search_result[0]
[<FeatureLayer url:"">]

The new feature service does have a layer with id 0. Hence we can use the same layer id while switching the url. To remove the old layer, call remove_layer() method. Then add the correct FeatureLayer object by calling the add_layer() method on the WebMap object.

# remove the old layer from the web map
# add the correct layer. While adding you can customize the title
web_map_obj.add_layer(capitals.layers[0], options={'title':'USA Capitals'})

Check the layers on the web map

for lyr in web_map_obj.layers:
    print(lyr.title + " " + lyr.url)
USA Capitals

Update the web map

Now the web map should be fixed as it points to a live service. To update the web map, we call the update() method. You have the option to update the thumbnail or any other item properties at this time.

web_map_obj.update(item_properties={'title':'USA Capitals - updated'},
                  thumbnail = "./data/webmap_thumbnail.png")

Query the web map object to visualize it in the notebook


The web map was sucessfully overwritten with correct operational layers. You can interact with the widget and zoom into the USA to observe the locations of capitals.

# Let's clean it up so we can always run this notebook again

Using and updating a web scene

In the sample above we observed how to update a web map. Updating the web scene is similar, we use the update() method. Let us look at the example of a web scene that displays tropical cyclones over the Pacific ocean.

search_result ='title:Western Pacific Typhoons (2005)', 
                                   item_type = 'Web Scene', outside_org = True)
Western Pacific Typhoons (2005)
A thematic global scene showing the 23 typhoons that meandered through the western Pacific in 2005Web Scene by esri_3d
Last Modified: May 01, 2020
1 comments, 21096 views

Lets display the web scene in the notebook.

web_scene_item = search_result[0]
web_scene_obj = WebScene(web_scene_item)

# display web scene in the notebook

This is a great web scene and it displays a lot of hurricane tracks. However, we want to create a new one with only a particular subset of data and customize the basemaps. To modify this web scene, let us first make a copy of it and publish it into your portal.

Make a copy of the public web scene item

To make a copy, we essentially download the content of the web scene JSON, remove the parts we don't want, add the layers that we want and publish a new item using that information. The publishing steps are similar to what is described earlier in the data preparation section and in detail in the sample titled Publishing web maps and web scenes.

Let's say, we are only interested in the storms that occur in summer. Summer in tropical Asia is around April-June and that matches with a layer in the existing web scene. Let us query the operationalLayers section of the web scene to understand what the layers look like.

Update operational layers of new web scene

[{'id': '882ce65eceda4e2ba2ad65f9e2c0632f',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'Typhoon Paths',
  'url': '',
  'visibility': True,
  'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
  'layerDefinition': {'minScale': 120000000,
   'maxScale': 0,
   'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'onTheGround'},
   'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
     'description': '',
     'label': '',
     'symbol': {'type': 'LineSymbol3D',
      'symbolLayers': [{'material': {'color': [0, 169, 230]},
        'type': 'Line',
        'size': 5}]}}}},
  'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
   'title': '{name}',
   'popupElements': [{'type': 'text'}],
   'description': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Typhoon {name}</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Started: </span><span>{datedescription}</span></p></div>"}},
 {'id': '14a37c86f84-layer21',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'October - December',
  'visibility': False,
  'layers': [{'id': '7a24e304d2474d7eb29a712c95202140',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q4',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q4: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': '10944e27c9f04bc39b5821c0046523a5',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q4',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'},
 {'id': '14a37c7f247-layer20',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'September',
  'visibility': False,
  'layers': [{'id': '90eba5af0b084c569a55ebc9b3bfc21e',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q3_3',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q3_3: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': '341d7b380907439990e4c238147b46ce',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q3_3',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'},
 {'id': '14a37c78bc8-layer19',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'August',
  'visibility': False,
  'layers': [{'id': '6e54f2736388480ab0a214cb468d48f9',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q3_2',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q3_2: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': '6b549bb78d824b4c8d24f5c90b93c4f6',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q3_2',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'},
 {'id': '14a37c4590b-layer18',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'July',
  'visibility': False,
  'layers': [{'id': 'b8cc403be27e475ca93db04a34845e89',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q3_1',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q3_1: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': 'e60bd6abdb094bf2b9daacd8bb57495c',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q3_1',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'},
 {'id': '14a37c397dc-layer17',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'April - June',
  'visibility': False,
  'layers': [{'id': '56803f3d64184140950f0ef1256a0603',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q2',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q2: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': '72668fcc8a904bd6a1444bef2e72f420',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q2',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'},
 {'id': '14a37c2a1a7-layer16',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'January - March',
  'visibility': True,
  'layers': [{'id': '16c9bf0e374443d394f0b77980171499',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q1',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': True,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q1: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': '3921d1e5c45c41b4a0b498df8fab4e2c',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q1',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': True,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'}]

There is a lot of information displayed above. Let us drill into this and display only layer names and their urls. If you notice, some of the layers above are group layers, meaning, they contain sub layers. So let us write a loop like below and print some details.

for layer in web_scene_obj['operationalLayers']:
    print(layer['title'] + " :: " + layer['layerType'])
    if layer['layerType'] == 'GroupLayer':
        for sub_layer in layer['layers']:
            print("\t" + sub_layer['title'] + " :: "+ sub_layer['url'])
Typhoon Paths :: ArcGISFeatureLayer
October - December :: GroupLayer
	Labels Q4 ::
	Typhoons Q4 ::
September :: GroupLayer
	Labels Q3_3 ::
	Typhoons Q3_3 ::
August :: GroupLayer
	Labels Q3_2 ::
	Typhoons Q3_2 ::
July :: GroupLayer
	Labels Q3_1 ::
	Typhoons Q3_1 ::
April - June :: GroupLayer
	Labels Q2 ::
	Typhoons Q2 ::
January - March :: GroupLayer
	Labels Q1 ::
	Typhoons Q1 ::

We are only interested in the layers that correspond to cyclones in summer. From the above report, we understand that information is in a group layer with two sub layers. Let us extract just that dictionary and compose a new web scene data.

# Let us construct a list comprehension and mine out that group layer.
subset_op_layers = [subset for subset in web_scene_obj['operationalLayers'] if subset['title'] == 'April - June']
[{'id': '14a37c397dc-layer17',
  'listMode': 'hide-children',
  'opacity': 1,
  'title': 'April - June',
  'visibility': False,
  'layers': [{'id': '56803f3d64184140950f0ef1256a0603',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Labels Q2',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 25,
         'axis': 'all',
         'valueUnit': 'unknown'}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriIconsStyle',
        'name': 'Pushpin 1'}}}},
    'showLabels': True,
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': True,
     'title': 'Labels Q2: {name}',
     'fieldInfos': [{'fieldName': 'typhoonid',
       'label': 'typhoonid',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'name', 'label': 'name', 'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'datedescription',
       'label': 'datedescription',
       'visible': True},
      {'fieldName': 'ORIG_FID',
       'label': 'ORIG_FID',
       'visible': True,
       'format': {'digitSeparator': True, 'places': 0}}],
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'attachments'}]}},
   {'id': '72668fcc8a904bd6a1444bef2e72f420',
    'opacity': 1,
    'title': 'Typhoons Q2',
    'url': '',
    'visibility': False,
    'layerType': 'ArcGISFeatureLayer',
    'layerDefinition': {'elevationInfo': {'mode': 'absoluteHeight'},
     'drawingInfo': {'renderer': {'type': 'simple',
       'visualVariables': [{'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'field': 'windspeed',
         'minSize': 1,
         'minDataValue': 0.0001,
         'axis': 'height'},
        {'type': 'sizeInfo',
         'minSize': 100000,
         'axis': 'widthAndDepth',
         'valueUnit': 'meters'},
        {'type': 'colorInfo',
         'field': 'airpressure',
         'stops': [{'value': 920, 'color': [245, 0, 0, 255]},
          {'value': 1014, 'color': [245, 245, 0, 255]}]}],
       'description': '',
       'label': '',
       'symbol': {'type': 'styleSymbolReference',
        'styleName': 'EsriThematicShapesStyle',
        'name': 'Standing Cylinder'}}}},
    'popupInfo': {'showAttachments': False,
     'title': '{typhoon}',
     'popupElements': [{'type': 'fields'}, {'type': 'media'}],
     'mediaInfos': [{'type': 'image',
       'title': "<div><p style='font-weight:bold;'><span>{typhoonclass} {typhoon}</span></p></div>",
       'caption': "<div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Pressure: </span><span>{airpressure} hPa</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Wind speed: </span><span>{wind_mph} mph / {wind_kph} kph</span></p><p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;'>Date: </span><span>{timedescription}</span></p></div></p>",
       'value': {'sourceURL': '{image}'}}]}}],
  'layerType': 'GroupLayer',
  'visibilityMode': 'inherited'}]
# Let us apply the changes to a new web scene object.
new_web_scene_obj = web_scene_obj
new_web_scene_obj['operationalLayers'] = subset_op_layers

Update basemap of new web scene

We now have the necessary operationalLayers information. Let us also try to change the basemap to a darker shade. First let us search the basemaps available in the current portal. If no suitable one is found, we can widen the search outside the organization and use a basemap published by Esri.

Basemaps are web maps that are stored in a group usually called Basemaps. Thus to get the list of basemaps available on a portal, we can find the basemaps group and list all web maps that are a part of it.

To get the list of groups on the portal, we use groups property of the GIS class.

basemap_search ='title:dark', 
                                    outside_org=True, item_type='web map')
for item in basemap_search:
Dark Gray Canvas
This web map provides a detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features.Web Map by esri
Last Modified: February 29, 2024
0 comments, 6999552 views
['basemap', 'esri_basemap', 'vector', 'canvas', 'dark', 'esri_vector', 'v2', 'general availability', 'basemaps', 'wma', 'World_Basemap_v2']
Human Geography Dark Map
This web map consists of vector tile layers that form a detailed basemap for the world, featuring a dark monochromatic style with content adjusted to support Human Geography information.Web Map by esri
Last Modified: February 29, 2024
2 comments, 255878218 views
['vector', 'basemap', 'esri_vector', 'style', 'sample', 'web map', 'human geography', 'dark', 'human geography dark', 'esri_basemap', 'Andrew Skinner', 'creative']
NZ Dark Grey Canvas (Classic) (Mature Support)
NZ Canvas Dark Basemap draws attention to your thematic content by providing a dark, neutral background with minimal colors, labels, and features. Web Map by eaglegis
Last Modified: September 29, 2022
0 comments, 1245055 views
['NZ', 'New zealand', 'Basemap', 'Dark Canvas', 'Basemaps', 'esri_basemap', 'parcels', 'urban', 'public', 'Dark Grey', 'Canvas', 'New Zealand', 'Kiwi', 'Map', 'Background', 'Layer', 'topographic', 'topography', 'content', 'living atlas', 'basemaps', 'esri_basemaps', 'detailed', 'digital map', 'KiwiRail', 'Linz', 'NZTA', 'current', 'open data', 'data sets', 'mature support', 'deprecated', 'eaglegis']
Dark Gray Canvas (WGS84)
This web map provides a detailed vector basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. It uses WGS84 Geographic, version 2 tiling scheme.Web Map by esri
Last Modified: February 29, 2024
2 comments, 745017 views
['esri_basemap', 'esri_vector', 'GCS', 'WGS84', 'canvas', 'dark gray', 'v2', 'general availability', 'basemaps', 'World_Basemap_GCS_v2', 'vector', 'basemap', 'gcs', 'wkid 4326']
Enhanced Contrast Dark Map
This web map provides a detailed vector basemap for the world with dark colors and enhanced contrast that aim to meet the standards for WCAG and US Government Section 508 compliance. The map detail is built with higher contrast and color-vision-deficient-safe colors.Web Map by esri_vector
Last Modified: February 29, 2024
0 comments, 87230682 views
['enhanced contrast', 'dark', 'night', 'base', 'basemap', 'basemaps', 'esri_vector', 'Esri Vector Basemaps', 'esri_basemap', 'esri_basemaps', 'WGAC', 'Section 508', 'accessibility', 'reference', 'web map', 'wma', 'World_Basemap_v2', 'general availability']
Navigation (Dark)
This web map provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a 'dark mode' version of the Navigation vector basemap, using the same content.Web Map by esri
Last Modified: February 29, 2024
0 comments, 256254519 views
['v2', 'wma', 'World_Basemap_v2', 'global', 'basemaps', 'vector', 'basemap', 'esri_basemap', 'general availability', 'navigation', 'dark', 'dark mode', 'esri_vector']
Starter Map - Vector Layers (Dark Gray)
Web Map by cgis.script.runner
Last Modified: September 13, 2021
0 comments, 792 views
['Portland', 'PDX', 'Basemap', 'Gray', 'Dark']
Dark Gray Canvas
This map is designed to focus attention on your thematic content by providing a neutral background with minimal colors, labels, and features.Web Map by esri_en
Last Modified: October 25, 2023
1 comments, 338665885 views
['basemap', 'vector']
Dark Gray Canvas
This item is in mature support.Web Map by esri_en
Last Modified: September 21, 2021
6 comments, 74630977 views
Dark Gray Canvas
Dark gray canvas basemap from esriWeb Map by karmstrongSEEM
Last Modified: January 13, 2015
0 comments, 271 views

We have found the basemap of our choice. Let us read it as a WebMap object and query the baseMap dictionary.

dark_basemap_item = basemap_search[-2]
dark_basemap_obj = WebMap(dark_basemap_item)
  "baseMapLayers": [
      "opacity": 1,
      "title": "World Dark Gray Canvas Base",
      "url": "",
      "visibility": true,
      "layerType": "ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer",
      "id": "layer0"
      "opacity": 1,
      "title": "World Dark Gray Reference",
      "url": "",
      "visibility": true,
      "layerType": "ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer",
      "isReference": true,
      "id": "World_Dark_Gray_Reference_8618"
  "title": "Dark Gray Canvas"

Now let us explore what the baseMap dictionary of the web scene looks like.

{'baseMapLayers': [{'id': '73e9780a7d6f413f8547abbd19ec786c',
   'opacity': 1,
   'title': 'World Topo Map',
   'url': '',
   'visibility': True,
   'layerType': 'ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer'}],
 'id': 'basemap',
 'title': 'Topographic',
 'elevationLayers': [{'id': 'globalElevation_0',
   'listMode': 'hide',
   'title': 'Terrain3D',
   'url': '',
   'visibility': True,
   'layerType': 'ArcGISTiledElevationServiceLayer'}]}

To get the desired basemap, we need to update the url key-value pair of the web scene's baseMap dictionary. Here we will pick the first layer of the dark basemap web map.

new_web_scene_obj['baseMap']['baseMapLayers'][0]['url'] = dark_basemap_obj.basemap['baseMapLayers'][0]['url']

Now that we have performed the necessary updates, we can go ahead and publish this as a new web scene item on our portal.

new_web_scene_properties= {'title':'Toprical Cyclones - Summer',
                          'type' : 'Web Scene',
                          'tags' : 'ArcGIS Python API',
                          'snippet' : str.format('Subset of <a href={2}>{0}</a> published by {1}',
                                                 web_scene_item.title, web_scene_item.owner,
                                                "" +,
                          'text' : json.dumps(new_web_scene_obj)}

new_item = gis.content.add(new_web_scene_properties)
Toprical Cyclones - Summer
Subset of Western Pacific Typhoons (2005) published by esri_3dWeb Scene by arcgis_python
Last Modified: April 15, 2024
0 comments, 0 views

We have successfully published the new web scene. Now let us display in an interactive widget and observe if it has the necessary updates.

new_web_scene_obj = WebScene(new_item)

Our required updates have been applied to the new web scene. However notice the April - June layer is turned off by default. Let us fix that and update the web scene.

Let us query the operationalLayer dictionary of the new web scene and look for a key called visibility.

for layer in new_web_scene_obj['operationalLayers']:

As we know, there is just 1 group layer and it is turned off. Let us change that and update the web scene.

for layer in new_web_scene_obj['operationalLayers']:
    layer['visibility'] = True

To update the web scene call the update() method on the web scene object.



In this sample, we observed how to consume web maps, web scenes and how to update them. During this process, the sample showed how to read a web feature layers, how to use geocoding to get co-ordinates of a point of interest, how to modify the map widget using code, how to make copy of an existing item into your account, how to look for basemaps and finally, how to update layer properties within a web scene.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
