Obsolete Members for GeoView

  • GeoView
  • The following members of class GeoView are deprecated. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.

    Public Functions

    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher exportImage()
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyGraphicsOverlay(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GraphicsOverlay *graphicsOverlay, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyGraphicsOverlay(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GraphicsOverlay *graphicsOverlay, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResults)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyGraphicsOverlays(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyGraphicsOverlays(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResultsPerOverlay)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *layer, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *layer, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResults)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyLayers(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher identifyLayers(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResultsPerLayer)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher setBookmark(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Bookmark *bookmark)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher setViewpoint(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Viewpoint &viewpoint)
    (deprecated) Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher setViewpoint(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Viewpoint &viewpoint, float durationSeconds)

    Protected Functions

    (deprecated) virtual void exportImageCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, const QImage &image)
    (deprecated) virtual void identifyGraphicsOverlayCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult *identifyResult)
    (deprecated) virtual void identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult *> &identifyResults)
    (deprecated) virtual void identifyLayerCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyLayerResult *identifyResult)
    (deprecated) virtual void identifyLayersCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyLayerResult *> &identifyResults)
    (deprecated) virtual void setBookmarkCompletedEvent(bool success)
    (deprecated) virtual void setViewpointCompletedEvent(bool success)

    Member Function Documentation

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::exportImage()

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Exports an image snapshot of the current GeoView to a QImage.

    The exported image contains the currently visible content of the MapView or SceneView. Elements drawn on top of the GeoView, such as callouts or popups, are not exported. You can check GeoView::drawStatus to confirm that drawing is complete before calling this method.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::exportImageCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, const QImage &image)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when an exportImage operation completes.

    • taskId - The task ID of the operation.
    • image - The exported map image.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlay(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GraphicsOverlay *graphicsOverlay, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identify the topmost graphic in the specified GraphicsOverlay at the specified screen coordinates.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The returnPopupsOnly parameter controls which properties are populated in the IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult instance. If returnPopupsOnly is true, IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups is populated. If the overlay does not have popups an error is returned. If returnPopupsOnly is false, IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::graphics and IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups is populated, if the overlay has popups.

    • graphicsOverlay - The GraphicsOverlay in which to identify graphics.
    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only a popup in the identify result. False includes both a graphic and a popup in the result.

    This overload will return the topmost visible graphic only.

    signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of Graphics.

    See also MapQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlay(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GraphicsOverlay *graphicsOverlay, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResults)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identify which graphics in the specified GraphicsOverlay appear at the specified screen coordinates.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The returnPopupsOnly parameter controls which properties are populated in the IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult instance. If true, only IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups is populated. If the overlay does not have popups an error is returned. If false, both IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::graphics and IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups are populated, if the overlay has popups.

    • graphicsOverlay - The GraphicsOverlay in which to identify graphics.
    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both geoelements and popups in the results.
    • maximumResults - The maximum number of graphics and/or popups returned in the IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult. A value of -1 indicates unlimited results.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView, MapGraphicsView, SceneQuickView, and SceneGraphicsView, the identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of Graphics.


    Identify graphics in a MapView:

    // connect to the mouse clicked signal on the MapQuickView
    connect(m_mapView, &MapQuickView::mouseClicked, this, [this](QMouseEvent& mouseEvent)
      // call identify on the map view
      constexpr double tolerance = 5.0;
      constexpr bool returnPopupsOnly = false;
      constexpr int maximumResults = 1;
      m_mapView->identifyGraphicsOverlayAsync(m_graphicsOverlay, mouseEvent.position(), tolerance, returnPopupsOnly, maximumResults).then(this,
      [this](IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult* rawIdentifyResult)
        // Delete rawIdentifyResult on leaving scope.
        auto identifyResult = std::unique_ptr<IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult>(rawIdentifyResult);
        if (identifyResult)
          m_identifiedGraphicsCount = identifyResult->graphics().size();
          emit identifiedGraphicsCountChanged();

    See also MapQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompleted.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlayCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult *identifyResult)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when an identifyGraphicsOverlay operation completes.

    • taskId - The task ID of the operation.
    • identifyResult - The identify graphics overlay result object.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlays(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identifies the topmost graphics in all the graphics overlays at the specified screen coordinates.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The returnPopupsOnly parameter controls which properties are populated in the IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult instance. If true, only IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups is populated. If the overlay does not have popups an error is returned. If false, both IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::graphics and IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups are populated, if the overlay has popups.

    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both geoelements and popups in the results.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView, MapGraphicsView, SceneQuickView, and SceneGraphicsView, the identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult.

    See also MapQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlays(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResultsPerOverlay)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identifies a limited number of graphics in all graphics overlays, at the specified screen coordinates.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The returnPopupsOnly parameter controls which properties are populated in the IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult instance. If true, only IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups is populated. If the overlay does not have popups an error is returned. If false, both IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::graphics and IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult::popups are populated, if the overlay has popups. Results are returned in a top-to-bottom order.

    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify graphics.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both geoelements and popups in the results.
    • maximumResultsPerOverlay - The maximum number of graphics that should be returned as the result.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView, MapGraphicsView, SceneQuickView, and SceneGraphicsView, the identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult.

    See also MapQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompleted.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlaysCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult *> &identifyResults)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when an identifyGraphicsOverlays operation completes.

    • taskId - The task ID of the operation.
    • identifyResults - The list of identify results.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *layer, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identify the topmost GeoElement in the specified layer at the specified screen coordinates.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The result is returned in a single IdentifyLayerResult instance. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is true only IdentifyLayerResult::popups is populated. If the layer does not have popups an error is returned. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is false, both IdentifyLayerResult::geoElements and IdentifyLayerResult::popups are populated, if the layer has popups.

    • layer - The Layer in which to identify GeoElements.
    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both geoelements and popups in the results.

    This overload will return the topmost visible GeoElement only.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView, MapGraphicsView, SceneQuickView, and SceneGraphicsView, the identifyLayerCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to an IdentifyLayerResult object.

    See also MapQuickView::identifyLayerCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyLayerCompleted, SceneGraphicsView::identifyLayerCompleted, and SceneQuickView::identifyLayerCompleted.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *layer, double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResults)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identifies a limited number of geoelements in the specified layer or sublayer, at the given screen point.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The result is returned in a single IdentifyLayerResult instance. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is true only IdentifyLayerResult::popups is populated. If the layer does not have popups an error is returned. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is false, both IdentifyLayerResult::geoElements and IdentifyLayerResult::popups are populated, if the layer has popups. IdentifyLayerResult::geoElements and IdentifyLayerResult::popups provide the results in a top-to-bottom order.

    • layer - The Layer in which to identify GeoElements.
    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both graphics and popups in the results.
    • maximumResults - The maximum number of GeoElements that should be returned as the result.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView and MapGraphicsView, the identifyLayerCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to an IdentifyLayerResult object.


    Identify and select features in a FeatureLayer:

    void FeatureLayerSelection::connectSignals()
      // lambda expression for the mouse press event on the mapview... do an identify operation
      connect(m_mapView, &MapQuickView::mouseClicked, this, [this](QMouseEvent& mouseEvent)
        constexpr double tolerance = 22.0;
        constexpr bool returnPopupsOnly = false;
        constexpr int maximumResults = 1000;
        m_mapView->identifyLayerAsync(m_featureLayer, mouseEvent.position(), tolerance, returnPopupsOnly, maximumResults).then(this,
        [this](IdentifyLayerResult* result)
    void FeatureLayerSelection::onIdentifyLayerCompleted_(IdentifyLayerResult* result)
      auto identifyResult = std::unique_ptr<IdentifyLayerResult>(result);
      if (!identifyResult)
      // clear any existing selection
      // create a list to store the identified elements
      QList<Feature*> identifiedFeatures;
      for (int i = 0; i < identifyResult->geoElements().size(); i++)
        GeoElement* element = identifyResult->geoElements().at(i);
        if (nullptr != element)
          // add the element to the list and take ownership of it.
          Feature* feature = static_cast<Feature*>(element);
      // select the identified features
      // update the member with the number of selected features
      const qsizetype count = identifiedFeatures.length();
      m_selectedFeatureText = count > 1 ? QString::number(count) + " features selected." : QString::number(count) + " feature selected.";
      emit selectedFeatureTextChanged();

    See also MapQuickView::identifyLayerCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyLayerCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyLayerCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyLayerCompleted.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::identifyLayerCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyLayerResult *identifyResult)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when an identifyLayer operation completes.

    • taskId - The task ID of the operation.
    • identifyResult - The identify layer result object.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyLayers(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identifies the topmost geoelements at the given screen point, in each identifiable layer or sublayer in the geoview's Map or Scene.

    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both graphics and popups in the results.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The result is returned in a collection of IdentifyLayerResult to match the order of the geo view's Map::operationalLayers or Scene::operationalLayers collection. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is true, only IdentifyLayerResult::popups is populated. If the layer does not have popups an error is returned. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is false, both IdentifyLayerResult::geoElements and IdentifyLayerResult::popups are populated, if the layer has popups.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView, MapGraphicsView, SceneQuickView, and SceneGraphicsView, the identifyLayersCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyLayerResult.

    See also MapQuickView::identifyLayersCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyLayersCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyLayersCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyLayersCompleted.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::identifyLayers(double screenX, double screenY, double tolerance, bool returnPopupsOnly, int maximumResultsPerLayer)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Identify which GeoElements in all of the map's layers appear at the specified screen coordinates.

    As locations from user gestures are not always accurate to the exact pixel, you can define a tolerance for the identify operation. The tolerance parameter sets the radius of a circle, centered at the specified coordinates, in device-independent pixels (DIP). If the tolerance value is 0, identify performs the test at the specified coordinates. If it is greater than 0, identify tests inside the circle. For touch displays a value of 22 is recommended to cover an average finger tap. The maximum allowed value is 100 DIPs.

    The result is returned in a collection of IdentifyLayerResult to match the order of the geo view's Map::operationalLayers or Scene::operationalLayers collection. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is true only IdentifyLayerResult::popups is populated. If the layer does not have popups an error is returned. If the returnPopupsOnly parameter is false, both IdentifyLayerResult::geoElements and IdentifyLayerResult::popups are populated if the layer has popups. IdentifyLayerResult::geoElements and IdentifyLayerResult::popups provide the results in a top-to-bottom order.

    • screenX - The screen's x-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • screenY - The screen's y-coordinate at which to identify GeoElements.
    • tolerance - A radius in device-independent pixels (DIP) that specifies how precise the identify operation should be.
    • returnPopupsOnly - true includes only popups in the identify results. False includes both graphics and popups in the results.
    • maximumResultsPerLayer - The maximum number of GeoElements that should be returned as the result.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task. For MapQuickView and MapGraphicsView, the identifyLayersCompleted signal will emit once complete, giving access to a list of IdentifyLayerResult.

    See also MapQuickView::identifyLayersCompleted, MapGraphicsView::identifyLayersCompleted, SceneQuickView::identifyLayersCompleted, and SceneGraphicsView::identifyLayersCompleted.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::identifyLayersCompletedEvent(QUuid taskId, const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::IdentifyLayerResult *> &identifyResults)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when an identifyLayers operation completes.

    • taskId - The task ID of the operation.
    • identifyResults - The list of identify results.

    [since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.3] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::setBookmark(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Bookmark *bookmark)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Sets the Viewpoint of the GeoView to the Bookmark::viewpoint.

    • bookmark - The bookmark.

    This method returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous operation.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::setBookmarkCompletedEvent(bool success)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when a setBookmark operation completes.

    • success true if setting the bookmark completed successfully.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::setViewpoint(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Viewpoint &viewpoint)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Pan or zoom the GeoView using animation to the specified Viewpoint location, asynchronously.

    • viewpoint - The Viewpoint to set.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher GeoView::setViewpoint(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Viewpoint &viewpoint, float durationSeconds)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Pans or zooms the GeoView using animation to the specified Viewpoint location. Animation takes place over the specified duration.

    • viewpoint - The Viewpoint to set.
    • durationSeconds - The duration of the animation in seconds.

    Returns a TaskWatcher for the asynchronous task.

    [virtual protected] void GeoView::setViewpointCompletedEvent(bool success)

    This function is deprecated. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

    Override this method to perform custom logic when a setViewpoint operation completes.

    • success true if setting the viewport completed successfully.

    Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.

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    Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
