Toolkit Namespace


Contains Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit classes. More...

Header: #include <Toolkit>




Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createDecimalDegrees(QObject *parent = nullptr)
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createDegreesDecimalMinutes(QObject *parent = nullptr)
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createDegreesMinutesSeconds(QObject *parent = nullptr)
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createGars(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GarsConversionMode mode = GarsConversionMode::Center, QObject *parent = nullptr)
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createMgrs(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MgrsConversionMode mode = MgrsConversionMode::Automatic, QObject *parent = nullptr)
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createUsng(int precision = 7, bool useSpaces = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createUtm(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UtmConversionMode mode = UtmConversionMode::NorthSouthIndicators, bool useSpaces = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)
void registerComponents(QQmlEngine &engine)

Detailed Description


namespace Toolkit::CoordinateConversionConstants


class ArcGISArView

A scene view for displaying ARKit/ARCore features on mobile devices using the C++ API. More...

class ArcGISArViewInterface

Base class to impement AR scene view. More...

class AuthenticationController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding AuthenticationView. More...

class AuthenticationView

A view for handling authentication challenges and automatically launching the appropriate UI for each type of authentication. More...

class BasemapGallery

The user interface for the BasemapGallery. The BasemapGallery displays a collection of items representing basemaps from either ArcGIS Online, a user-defined portal, or an array of Basemaps. When the user selects a basemap from the BasemapGallery, the basemap rendered in the current geoModel is removed from the given map/scene and replaced with the basemap selected in the gallery. More...

class BasemapGalleryController

The controller part of a BasemapGallery. This class handles the management of the BasemapGalleryItem objects, and listening to changes to the current Basemap of an associated GeoModel. More...

class BasemapGalleryItem

Represents the contents of a BasemapGallery. Can be accessed via BasemapGalleryController::gallery. More...

class BookmarkListItem

An item contained within BookmarksViewController::bookmarks. This class wraps a Bookmark for easy manipulation/inspection within an AbstractItemModel. More...

class BookmarksView

The user interface for the BookmarksView. The BookmarksView displays a collection of bookmarks in the form of viewpoints from either Webmap/Webscene or are programmatically defined. When the user selects a bookmark from the provided list, the viewpoint in the geoView is set to the new bookmark's view extent. More...

class BookmarksViewController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding Bookmark view. This class handles the management of the BookmarkListItem objects, and displays the current bookmark. More...

class CoordinateConversion

The user interface for the coordinate conversion tool. This tool allows a user to select a point on the map or to enter a point by text entry. The point may be highlighted by zooming into that point, or by highlighting the point on the GeoView. A list of different coordinate formats represnenting the same point are available to the user. More...

class CoordinateConversionController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding CoordinateConversion view. More...

class CoordinateConversionOption

a CoordinateConversionOption is a collection of properties that dictates how a Point should be converted to and from a string. More...

class CoordinateConversionResult

A CoordinateConversionResult stores the textual representation of a a point converted to a string using the formatting given in a CoordinateConversionOption. More...

class FloorFilter

Displays and filters the available floor aware layers in the current GeoModel. More...

class FloorFilterController

The controller part of a FloorFilter. This class handles the visibility of levels, and listening to changes to the current viewpoint for automatically selecting a level. More...

class FloorFilterFacilityItem

An item contained within FloorFilterController::facilities. This class wraps a FloorFacility for easy manipulation/inspection within an AbstractItemModel. More...

class FloorFilterLevelItem

An item contained within FloorFilterController::levels. This class wraps a FloorLevel for easy manipulation/inspection within an AbstractItemModel. More...

class FloorFilterSiteItem

An item contained within FloorFilterController::sites. This class wraps a FloorLevel for easy manipulation/inspection within an AbstractItemModel. More...

class GenericListModel

This ListModel automatically exposes a list of QObjects with properties as a list of elements where each property is mapped to a user role. More...

class LocationDataSource

Updates the location using the positioning device. More...

class LocatorSearchSource

Uses a Locator to provide search and suggest results. More...

class NorthArrow

The NorthArrow displays a compass overlaid on the GeoView, with the compass heading matching the current rotation of the MapView, or Camera heading of the SceneView. Double-clicking on the NorthArrow triggers the heading of the connected GeoView to be orientated to 0 (North). More...

class NorthArrowController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding NorthArrow view. More...

class OverviewMap

Defines a small "overview" (or "inset") map displaying a representation of the current viewpoint of the given GeoView. For MapViews, the current viewpoint will be represented by a polygon displaying the visible area of the MapView. For SceneViews, the current viewpoint will be represented by a reticle (crosshairs) displaying the viewpoint center. More...

class OverviewMapController

The controller part of a OverviewMap. This class handles the management of the inset MapView, including symbol styling and navigation. More...

class PopupViewController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding PopupView. More...

class ScalebarController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding Scalebar view. More...

class SearchResult

Wraps a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeocodeResult result for display. More...

class SearchSourceInterface

Defines the contract for a search result provider. More...

class SearchSuggestion

Wraps a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SuggestResult result for display. More...

class SearchViewController

Performs searches and manages search state for a SearchView. More...

class SmartLocatorSearchSource

Extends LocatorSearchSource with intelligent search behaviors; adds support for repeated search. More...

class TimeSliderController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding TimeSlider. More...

class UserCredentialView

The user interface for displaying a username/password sign-in dialog. More...

class UtilityNetworkListItem

An item contained within UtilityNetworkTraceController::utilityNetworks. This class wraps a UtilityNetwork for easy manipulation/inspection within an AbstractItemModel. More...

class UtilityNetworkTraceController

In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding Utility Network Trace that enables trace analysis to be performed on a Utility Network with the selected named trace configuration and starting points. More...

Function Documentation

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *Toolkit::createDecimalDegrees(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format DD with parent parent.

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *Toolkit::createDegreesDecimalMinutes(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format DDM with parent parent.

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *Toolkit::createDegreesMinutesSeconds(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format DMS with parent parent.

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createGars(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GarsConversionMode mode = GarsConversionMode::Center, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format Gars with parent parent.

  • mode Conversion mode.

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createMgrs(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MgrsConversionMode mode = MgrsConversionMode::Automatic, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format MGRS with parent parent.

  • mode Conversion mode.

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createUsng(int precision = 7, bool useSpaces = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format USGN with parent parent.

  • precision Numerical precision.
  • useSpaces Dictates if formatted output should contain spaces or not.

Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::CoordinateConversionOption *createUtm(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UtmConversionMode mode = UtmConversionMode::NorthSouthIndicators, bool useSpaces = true, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Creates a new CoordinateConversionOption set up to format UTM with parent parent.

  • mode Conversion mode.
  • useSpaces Dictates if formatted output should contain spaces or not.

void registerComponents(QQmlEngine &engine)

This registration function must be called after the QML engine has been declared, but before it is run. This sets up resources and component registration with the `QQmlEngine` and the toolkit.

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