Obsolete Members for <MapTypes.h>

The following members of class <MapTypes.h> are obsolete. They are provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using them in new code.


(obsolete) enum class BasemapType { Imagery, ImageryWithLabels, Streets, Topographic, TerrainWithLabels, …, DarkGrayCanvasVector }

Type Documentation

enum class BasemapType

This enum is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

The list of basemap types.

This is used to determine which basemap to use. In order to take advantage of geographically load balanced services and monitor usage with API keys or named users, use BasemapStyle.

Many of the basemaps in this enumeration are in Mature Support. More information can be found here: Lifecycle for Esri's hosted raster basemap services. Esri's Basemap Life Cycle Support Status can be found here: Basemaps Life Cycle Support Status. Use Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BasemapStyle instead, which also takes advantage of geographically load-balanced services and can monitor usage with API keys or named users.

The BasemapType can be one of:

BasemapType::Imagery0Imagery. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryStandard.
BasemapType::ImageryWithLabels1Imagery with labels. This basemap contains a reference layer that is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISImagery.
BasemapType::Streets2Streets. This basemap is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsRelief.
BasemapType::Topographic3Topographic. This basemap is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISTopographic.
BasemapType::TerrainWithLabels4Terrain with labels. This basemap is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrain.
BasemapType::LightGrayCanvas5Light gray canvas. This basemap is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGray.
BasemapType::NationalGeographic6National geographic. This basemap is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use National Geographic Style Map.
BasemapType::Oceans7Oceans. This basemap contains a reference layer that is in Mature Support and will no longer be updated. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceans.
BasemapType::OpenStreetMap8Open Street Map. Use BasemapStyle::OSMStandard.
BasemapType::ImageryWithLabelsVector9Imagery with labels hybrid basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISImagery.
BasemapType::StreetsVector10Streets vector basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreets.
BasemapType::TopographicVector11Topographic hybrid basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISTopographic.
BasemapType::TerrainWithLabelsVector12Terrain with labels hybrid basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrain.
BasemapType::LightGrayCanvasVector13Light gray canvas vector basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGray.
BasemapType::NavigationVector14Navigation vector basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigation.
BasemapType::StreetsNightVector15Streets night vector basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsNight.
BasemapType::StreetsWithReliefVector16Streets with relief hybrid basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsRelief.
BasemapType::DarkGrayCanvasVector17Dark gray canvas vector basemap. Use BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGray.

Obsolete since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
