ArcGISRuntime Namespace


Contains ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt classes. More...

Header: #include <ArcGISRuntime>


class AbstractLocationDataSource
class AddRastersParameters
class Analysis
class AnalysisListModel
class AnalysisOverlay
class AnalysisOverlayListModel
class AngularUnit
class AnnotationLayer
class AnnotationSublayer
class ApiKeyResource
class ArcGISFeature
class ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo
class ArcGISFeatureListModel
class ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo
class ArcGISFeatureTable
class ArcGISImageServiceInfo
class ArcGISMapImageLayer
class ArcGISMapImageSublayer
class ArcGISMapServiceInfo
class ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo
class ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment
class ArcGISSceneLayer
class ArcGISSublayer
class ArcGISSublayerListModel
class ArcGISTiledElevationSource
class ArcGISTiledLayer
class ArcGISTiledSublayer
class ArcGISVectorTiledLayer
class ArcadeConsoleMessageContext
class ArcadeEvaluationResult
class ArcadeEvaluator
class ArcadeExpression
class ArcadeLabelExpression
class AreaUnit
class Attachment
class AttachmentListModel
class AttachmentsPopupElement
class AttributeListModel
class AttributeParameterValue
class AuthenticationChallenge
class AuthenticationManager
class BackgroundGrid
class BaseStretchRenderer
class Basemap
class BasemapListModel
class BingMapsLayer
class BlendRenderer
class Bookmark
class BookmarkListModel
class CalloutData
class Camera
class CameraController
class ClassBreak
class ClassBreakListModel
class ClassBreaksRenderer
class ClosestFacilityParameters
class ClosestFacilityResult
class ClosestFacilityRoute
class ClosestFacilityTask
class ClosestFacilityTaskInfo
class CodedValue
class CodedValueDescription
class CodedValueDescriptionListModel
class CodedValueDomain
class CodedValueDomainDescription
class ColorRamp
class Colormap
class ColormapRenderer
class CompositeSymbol
class Contingency
class ContingencyConstraintViolation
class ContingentAnyValue
class ContingentCodedValue
class ContingentNullValue
class ContingentRangeValue
class ContingentValue
class ContingentValuesDefinition
class ContingentValuesResult
class CoordinateFormatter
class CostAttribute
class Credential
class CredentialCache
class CubicBezierSegment
class DashGeometricEffect
class DatumTransformation
class DefaultLocationDataSource
class DictionaryRenderer
class DictionarySymbolStyle
class DictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration
class DimensionLayer
class DirectionEvent
class DirectionManeuver
class DirectionManeuverListModel
class DirectionMessage
class DisplayFilter
class DisplayFilterDefinition
class DisplayFilterListModel
class Distance
class DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol
class DistanceSymbolRange
class DistanceSymbolRangeListModel
class Domain
class DomainDescription
class DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob
class DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters
class DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult
class DrawingInfo
class DynamicWorkspace
class EditFieldsInfo
class EditResult
class EditorTrackingInfo
class ElevationServiceInfo
class ElevationSource
class ElevationSourceListModel
class EllipticArcSegment
class EncCell
class EncDataset
class EncDisplayCategories
class EncDisplaySettings
class EncEnvironmentSettings
class EncExchangeSet
class EncFeature
class EncLayer
class EncMarinerSettings
class EncTextGroupVisibilitySettings
class EncViewingGroupSettings
class EnterpriseGeodatabaseWorkspace
class Envelope
class EnvelopeBuilder
class Error
class EstimateTileCacheSizeJob
class EstimateTileCacheSizeResult
class Expiration
class ExportTileCacheJob
class ExportTileCacheParameters
class ExportTileCacheTask
class ExportVectorTilesJob
class ExportVectorTilesParameters
class ExportVectorTilesResult
class ExportVectorTilesTask
class ExpressionPopupElement
class ExtensionLicense
class Facility
class FacilityLayerDefinition
class Feature
class FeatureCollection
class FeatureCollectionLayer
class FeatureCollectionTable
class FeatureCollectionTableListModel
class FeatureEditResult
class FeatureFenceParameters
class FeatureIterator
class FeatureLayer
class FeatureQueryResult
class FeatureServiceCapabilities
class FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo
class FeatureSet
class FeatureSubtype
class FeatureTable
class FeatureTableEditResult
class FeatureTableListModel
class FeatureTemplate
class FeatureType
class FenceGeotrigger
class FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo
class FenceParameters
class Field
class FieldDescription
class FieldDescriptionListModel
class FieldGroup
class FieldsPopupElement
class FileGeodatabaseWorkspace
class FillSymbol
class FillSymbolLayer
class FloorAware
class FloorFacility
class FloorLevel
class FloorManager
class FloorSite
class FrameCameraAddRastersParameters
class GenerateGeodatabaseJob
class GenerateGeodatabaseParameters
class GenerateLayerOption
class GenerateOfflineMapJob
class GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides
class GenerateOfflineMapParameters
class GenerateOfflineMapResult
class GeoElement
class GeoElementLineOfSight
class GeoElementViewshed
class GeoModel
class GeoModelFloorDefinition
class GeoPackage
class GeoPackageFeatureTable
class GeoPackageRaster
class GeoView
class GeocodeParameters
class GeocodeResult
class Geodatabase
class GeodatabaseDataset
class GeodatabaseDeltaInfo
class GeodatabaseFeatureTable
class GeodatabaseSyncTask
class GeodesicEllipseParameters
class GeodesicSectorParameters
class GeodeticDistanceResult
class GeographicTransformation
class GeographicTransformationStep
class GeometricEffect
class GeometricEffectListModel
class Geometry
class GeometryBuilder
class GeometryEngine
class GeoprocessingBoolean
class GeoprocessingDataFile
class GeoprocessingDate
class GeoprocessingDouble
class GeoprocessingFeatureSet
class GeoprocessingFeatures
class GeoprocessingJob
class GeoprocessingLinearUnit
class GeoprocessingLong
class GeoprocessingMultiValue
class GeoprocessingParameter
class GeoprocessingParameterInfo
class GeoprocessingParameters
class GeoprocessingRaster
class GeoprocessingResult
class GeoprocessingString
class GeoprocessingTask
class GeoprocessingTaskInfo
class GeoprocessingUnknownParameter
class Geotrigger
class GeotriggerFeed
class GeotriggerListModel
class GeotriggerMonitor
class GeotriggerNotificationInfo
class GeotriggersInfo
class GlobeCameraController
class Graphic
class GraphicFenceParameters
class GraphicListModel
class GraphicsOverlay
class GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters
class GraphicsOverlayListModel
class Grid
class GroupLayer
class HatchFillSymbolLayer
class HeatmapRenderer
class HillshadeRenderer
class HistogramEqualizationStretchParameters
class HorizontalVerticalTransformation
class HorizontalVerticalTransformationStep
class IdInfo
class IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult
class IdentifyLayerResult
class ImageAdjustmentLayer
class ImageFrame
class ImageOverlay
class ImageOverlayListModel
class ImageServiceRaster
class ImageTiledLayer
class ImmutablePart
class ImmutablePartCollection
class ImmutablePointCollection
class ImmutablePortalItemListModel
class Incident
class IndoorsLocationDataSource
class InheritedDomain
class IntegratedMeshLayer
class Item
class ItemResourceCache
class Iterable
class Job
class JobMessage
class JsonSerializable
class KmlColorStyle
class KmlContainer
class KmlDataset
class KmlDocument
class KmlFolder
class KmlGeometry
class KmlGeometryListModel
class KmlGroundOverlay
class KmlIcon
class KmlIconStyle
class KmlImageCoordinate
class KmlLabelStyle
class KmlLayer
class KmlLineStyle
class KmlNetworkLink
class KmlNode
class KmlNodeListModel
class KmlPhotoOverlay
class KmlPlacemark
class KmlPolygonStyle
class KmlScreenOverlay
class KmlStyle
class KmlTour
class KmlTourController
class KmlViewpoint
class LabelAngle
class LabelDefinition
class LabelDefinitionListModel
class LabelExpression
class LabelStackSeparator
class LabelStackSeparatorListModel
class LabelingInfo
class LatitudeLongitudeGrid
class Layer
class LayerContent
class LayerFloorDefinition
class LayerListModel
class LayerSceneProperties
class LayerTimeInfo
class LayerViewState
class LegendInfo
class LegendInfoListModel
class LevelLayerDefinition
class LevelOfDetail
class License
class LicenseInfo
class LicenseResult
class LineOfSight
class LineSegment
class LineSymbol
class LinearUnit
class LoadSettings
class Loadable
class LocalFeatureEdit
class LocalFeatureEditIterator
class LocalFeatureEditsResult
class LocalFeatureService
class LocalGeoprocessingService
class LocalItem
class LocalMapService
class LocalServer
class LocalService
class Location
class LocationDisplay
class LocationDistanceMeasurement
class LocationGeotriggerFeed
class LocationLineOfSight
class LocationSourcePropertiesKeys
class LocationToScreenResult
class LocationViewshed
class LocatorAttribute
class LocatorInfo
class LocatorTask
class MGRSGrid
class ManualDisplayFilterDefinition
class Map
class MapGraphicsView
class MapQuickView
class MapServiceCapabilities
class MapServiceLayerIdInfo
class MapSublayerSource
class MapView
class MarkerSceneSymbol
class MarkerSymbol
class MarkerSymbolLayer
class MediaPopupElement
class MinMaxStretchParameters
class MobileBasemapLayer
class MobileMapPackage
class MobileScenePackage
class ModelSceneSymbol
class MosaicDatasetRaster
class MosaicRule
class MultilayerPointSymbol
class MultilayerPolygonSymbol
class MultilayerPolylineSymbol
class MultilayerSymbol
class Multipart
class MultipartBuilder
class Multipoint
class MultipointBuilder
class NetworkCacheConfiguration
class NetworkLocation
class NetworkRequestProgress
class NmeaLocation
class NmeaLocationDataSource
class OAuthClientInfo
class Object
class OfflineCapability
class OfflineMapCapabilities
class OfflineMapItemInfo
class OfflineMapParametersKey
class OfflineMapSyncJob
class OfflineMapSyncLayerResult
class OfflineMapSyncParameters
class OfflineMapSyncResult
class OfflineMapSyncTask
class OfflineMapTask
class OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities
class OfflineMapUpdatesInfo
class OfflineSettings
class OgcFeatureCollectionInfo
class OgcFeatureCollectionTable
class OgcFeatureService
class OgcFeatureServiceInfo
class OpenStreetMapLayer
class OrbitGeoElementCameraController
class OrbitLocationCameraController
class OrderBy
class OwnershipBasedAccessControlInfo
class Part
class PartCollection
class PercentClipStretchParameters
class PictureFillSymbol
class PictureFillSymbolLayer
class PictureMarkerSymbol
class PictureMarkerSymbolLayer
class Point
class PointBarrier
class PointBuilder
class PointCloudLayer
class PointCollection
class Polygon
class PolygonBarrier
class PolygonBuilder
class Polyline
class PolylineBarrier
class PolylineBuilder
class Popup
class PopupAttachment
class PopupAttachmentListModel
class PopupAttachmentManager
class PopupAttributeListModel
class PopupDefinition
class PopupElement
class PopupExpression
class PopupExpressionEvaluation
class PopupField
class PopupFieldFormat
class PopupFieldListModel
class PopupManager
class PopupMedia
class PopupMediaListModel
class PopupMediaValue
class PopupRelatedFeaturesDefinition
class PopupRelatedFeaturesSortOrder
class PopupSource
class Portal
class PortalFolder
class PortalFolderListModel
class PortalGroup
class PortalGroupListModel
class PortalHelperServices
class PortalInfo
class PortalItem
class PortalItemComment
class PortalItemCommentListModel
class PortalItemListModel
class PortalPrivilege
class PortalPrivilegeListModel
class PortalQueryParameters
class PortalQueryParametersForGroups
class PortalQueryParametersForItems
class PortalQueryResultSetForGroups
class PortalQueryResultSetForItems
class PortalResult
class PortalUser
class PreplannedMapArea
class PreplannedMapAreaListModel
class ProximityResult
class QueryParameters
class RGBRenderer
class RangeDomain
class RangeDomainDescription
class Raster
class RasterCell
class RasterElevationSource
class RasterFunction
class RasterFunctionArguments
class RasterLayer
class RasterRenderer
class RasterSublayerSource
class RasterWorkspace
class RelatedFeatureQueryResult
class RelatedQueryParameters
class RelationshipInfo
class RemoteResource
class Renderer
class RendererSceneProperties
class RenderingRule
class RenderingRuleInfo
class RequestConfiguration
class ReroutingParameters
class RestrictionAttribute
class ReverseGeocodeParameters
class Route
class RouteParameters
class RouteResult
class RouteTask
class RouteTaskInfo
class RouteTracker
class RouteTrackerLocationDataSource
class ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition
class ScaleRangeDisplayFilter
class ScaleRangeDisplayFilterListModel
class Scene
class SceneGraphicsView
class SceneQuickView
class SceneView
class Segment
class SelectionProperties
class ServiceAreaFacility
class ServiceAreaParameters
class ServiceAreaPolygon
class ServiceAreaPolyline
class ServiceAreaResult
class ServiceAreaTask
class ServiceAreaTaskInfo
class ServiceDocumentInfo
class ServiceFeatureTable
class ServiceGeodatabase
class ServiceImageTiledLayer
class ServiceTimeInfo
class ServiceVersionInfo
class ServiceVersionParameters
class ShapefileFeatureTable
class ShapefileInfo
class ShapefileWorkspace
class SimpleFillSymbol
class SimpleLabelExpression
class SimpleLineSymbol
class SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol
class SimpleMarkerSymbol
class SimpleRenderer
class SimulatedLocationDataSource
class SimulationParameters
class SiteLayerDefinition
class SketchEditConfiguration
class SketchEditor
class SketchStyle
class SketchVertex
class SolidFillSymbolLayer
class SolidStrokeSymbolLayer
class SourceObjectPosition
class SpatialReference
class StandardDeviationStretchParameters
class StatisticDefinition
class StatisticRecord
class StatisticRecordIterator
class StatisticsQueryParameters
class StatisticsQueryResult
class Stop
class StretchParameters
class StretchRenderer
class StrokeSymbolLayer
class SublayerSource
class SubscriptionInfo
class SubtypeFeatureLayer
class SubtypeSublayer
class SubtypeSublayerListModel
class SuggestListModel
class SuggestParameters
class SuggestResult
class Surface
class Symbol
class SymbolAnchor
class SymbolLayer
class SymbolLayerListModel
class SymbolListModel
class SymbolReferenceProperties
class SymbolStyle
class SymbolStyleSearchParameters
class SymbolStyleSearchResult
class SymbolStyleSearchResultListModel
class SymbolStyleSearchResultSymbolFetcher
class SyncCapabilities
class SyncGeodatabaseJob
class SyncGeodatabaseParameters
class SyncLayerOption
class SyncLayerResult
class TableDescription
class TableJoinSublayerSource
class TableQuerySublayerSource
class TableSublayerSource
class TaskWatcher
class TextPopupElement
class TextSymbol
class TileCache
class TileInfo
class TileKey
class TimeAware
class TimeExtent
class TimeReference
class TimeValue
class TrackingDistance
class TrackingProgress
class TrackingStatus
class TransformationCatalog
class TransformationMatrix
class TransformationMatrixCameraController
class TransportationNetworkDataset
class TravelMode
class USNGGrid
class UTMGrid
class UniqueValue
class UniqueValueListModel
class UniqueValueRenderer
class Unit
class UnknownLayer
class UnsupportedLayer
class UtilityAssetGroup
class UtilityAssetType
class UtilityAssetTypeListModel
class UtilityAssociation
class UtilityCategory
class UtilityCategoryComparison
class UtilityDomainNetwork
class UtilityElement
class UtilityElementTraceResult
class UtilityFunctionTraceResult
class UtilityGeometryTraceResult
class UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration
class UtilityNamedTraceConfigurationQueryParameters
class UtilityNearestNeighbor
class UtilityNetwork
class UtilityNetworkAttribute
class UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison
class UtilityNetworkDefinition
class UtilityNetworkListModel
class UtilityNetworkSource
class UtilityPropagator
class UtilityPropagatorListModel
class UtilityTerminal
class UtilityTerminalConfiguration
class UtilityTerminalConfigurationPath
class UtilityTerminalPath
class UtilityTier
class UtilityTierGroup
class UtilityTraceAndCondition
class UtilityTraceCondition
class UtilityTraceConditionalExpression
class UtilityTraceConfiguration
class UtilityTraceFilter
class UtilityTraceFunction
class UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier
class UtilityTraceFunctionBarrierListModel
class UtilityTraceFunctionListModel
class UtilityTraceFunctionOutput
class UtilityTraceOrCondition
class UtilityTraceParameters
class UtilityTraceResult
class UtilityTraceResultListModel
class UtilityTraversability
class VectorMarkerSymbolElement
class VectorMarkerSymbolElementListModel
class VectorMarkerSymbolLayer
class VectorTileCache
class VectorTileSourceInfo
class VectorTileStyle
class ViewInsets
class ViewLabelProperties
class Viewpoint
class Viewshed
class VoiceGuidance
class WebTiledLayer
class WebmapLabelExpression
class WfsFeatureTable
class WfsLayerInfo
class WfsService
class WfsServiceInfo
class WmsFeature
class WmsLayer
class WmsLayerInfo
class WmsService
class WmsServiceInfo
class WmsSublayer
class WmtsLayer
class WmtsLayerInfo
class WmtsService
class WmtsServiceInfo
class WmtsTileMatrix
class WmtsTileMatrixSet


enum class AddRastersParametersType { AddRastersParameters, FrameCameraAddRastersParameters }
enum class AnalysisType { Unknown, LocationViewshed, LocationLineOfSight, GeoElementViewshed, GeoElementLineOfSight, LocationDistanceMeasurement }
enum class AngularUnitId { Other, Degrees, Grads, Minutes, Radians, Seconds }
enum class AnimationCurve { Linear, EaseInQuad, EaseOutQuad, EaseInOutQuad, EaseInCubic, …, EaseInOutCirc }
enum class AntialiasingMode { None, Fastest, Fast, Normal, Best }
enum class ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType { Layer, Table, GroupLayer, AnnotationLayer, DimensionLayer, Unknown }
enum class ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType { FeatureLayer, Table, GroupLayer, RasterLayer, NetworkAnalysisLayer, Unknown }
enum class ArcGISSublayerType { ArcGISMapImageSublayer, ArcGISTiledSublayer, SubtypeSublayer, Unknown }
enum class ArcadeExpressionReturnType { Automatic, Number, String, Dictionary, Any, Boolean }
enum class ArcadeProfile { Restricted, Unrestricted, Alias, AttributeRuleCalculation, AttributeRuleConstraint, …, LocationUpdateConstraint }
enum class AreaUnitId { Other, Acres, Hectares, SquareCentimeters, SquareDecimeters, …, SquareYards }
enum class AspectRatioMode { IgnoreAspectRatio, KeepAspectRatio, KeepAspectRatioByExpanding }
enum class AtmosphereEffect { None, HorizonOnly, Realistic }
enum class AttachmentSyncDirection { None, Upload, Bidirectional }
enum class AttributeUnit { Unknown, Inches, Feet, Yards, Miles, …, Days }
enum class AuthenticationChallengeType { Unknown, UsernamePassword, OAuth, ClientCertificate, SslHandshake }
enum class AuthenticationType { Unknown, Token, HTTP, Certificate }
enum class BarrierType { Restriction, CostAdjustment }
enum class BasemapStyle { ArcGISImagery, ArcGISImageryStandard, ArcGISImageryLabels, ArcGISLightGray, ArcGISLightGrayBase, …, OsmStreetsReliefBase }
enum class BingMapsLayerStyle { Unknown, Aerial, Hybrid, Road }
enum class CacheStorageFormat { Unknown, Compact, CompactV2, Exploded }
enum class CameraControllerType { Unknown, GlobeCameraController, OrbitGeoElementCameraController, OrbitLocationCameraController, TransformationMatrixCameraController }
enum class ContingencyConstraintViolationType { Warning, Error }
enum class ContingentValueType { ContingentCodedValue, ContingentRangeValue, ContingentNullValue, ContingentAnyValue }
enum class CurbApproach { EitherSide, LeftSide, RightSide, NoUturn, Unknown }
enum class DatumTransformationType { GeographicTransformation, HorizontalVerticalTransformation }
enum class DestinationStatus { NotReached, Approaching, Reached }
enum class DestinationTableRowFilter { All, RelatedOnly }
enum class DeviceOrientation { Portrait, LandscapeLeft, ReversePortrait, LandscapeRight }
enum class DirectionManeuverType { Unknown, Stop, Straight, BearLeft, BearRight, …, DoorPassage }
enum class DirectionMessageType { Length, Time, Summary, TimeWindow, ViolationTime, …, Exit }
enum class DirectionsStyle { Desktop, Navigation, Campus }
enum class DisplayFilterDefinitionType { Unknown, ManualDisplayFilterDefinition, ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition }
enum class DisplayFilterType { Unknown, DisplayFilter, ScaleRangeDisplayFilter }
enum class DomainDescriptionType { Unknown, CodedValueDomainDescription, RangeDomainDescription }
enum class DomainType { Unknown, CodedValueDomain, InheritedDomain, RangeDomain }
enum class DrawStatus { InProgress, Completed }
enum class DrawingTool { Unknown, AutoCompletePolygon, Circle, DownArrow, Ellipse, …, UpArrow }
enum class DynamicWorkspaceType { Raster, Shapefile, EnterpriseGeodatabase, FileGeodatabase }
enum class EditOperation { Unknown, Add, Update, Delete }
enum class EditResultType { Unknown, FeatureEditResult, EditResult }
enum class ElevationSourceType { Unknown, ArcGISTiledElevationSource, RasterElevationSource }
enum class EncAreaSymbolizationType { Plain, Symbolized }
enum class EncColorScheme { Day, Dusk, Night }
enum class EncDisplayDepthUnits { Meters, Feet, Fathoms }
enum class EncPointSymbolizationType { Simplified, PaperChart }
enum class ErrorDomainType { Unknown, ArcGISRuntime, ArcGISServer }
enum class ErrorType { Unknown, Success, CommonNullPtr, CommonInvalidArgument, CommonNotImplemented, …, MotionSensorMagnetometerNotSupported }
enum class EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption { UseOriginalService, UseReducedFontsService }
enum class ExpirationType { Unknown, AllowExpiredAccess, PreventExpiredAccess }
enum class ExtendedErrorType { None, NetworkError, FileIOError }
enum class ExtrusionMode { None, Minimum, Maximum, AbsoluteHeight, BaseHeight }
enum class FeatureObjectType { Unknown, ArcGISFeature, Feature }
enum class FeatureRenderingMode { Automatic, Static, Dynamic }
enum class FeatureRequestMode { Undefined, OnInteractionCache, OnInteractionNoCache, ManualCache }
enum class FeatureServiceSessionType { Transient, Persistent }
enum class FeatureTableType { Unknown, FeatureTable, ServiceFeatureTable, GeodatabaseFeatureTable, FeatureCollectionTable, …, OgcFeatureCollectionTable }
enum class FeatureTilingMode { EnabledWhenSupported, Disabled }
enum class FeatureTypeChangeMode { ResetToDefaults, KeepValues }
enum class FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship { EnterIntersectsAndExitDoesNotIntersect, EnterContainsAndExitDoesNotContain, EnterContainsAndExitDoesNotIntersect }
enum class FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode { UseGeometry, UseGeometryWithAccuracy }
enum class FenceNotificationType { Entered, Exited }
enum class FenceParametersType { GraphicFenceParameters, FeatureFenceParameters, GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters }
enum class FenceRuleType { Enter, Exit, EnterOrExit }
enum class FieldType { Unknown, Int16, Int32, GUID, Float32, …, Xml }
enum class FontDecoration { LineThrough, None, Underline }
enum class FontStyle { Italic, Normal, Oblique }
enum class FontWeight { Bold, Normal }
enum class GarsConversionMode { LowerLeft, Center }
enum class GenerateLayerQueryOption { Unknown, All, None, UseFilter }
enum class GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode { SyncWithFeatureServices, NoUpdates }
enum class GeoViewType { MapView, SceneView, Unknown }
enum class GeodatabaseDatasetType { Unknown, TransportationNetworkDataset }
enum class GeodeticCurveType { Geodesic, Loxodrome, GreatElliptic, NormalSection, ShapePreserving }
enum class GeometricEffectType { Unknown, DashGeometricEffect }
enum class GeometryBuilderType { Unknown, PointBuilder, EnvelopeBuilder, PolylineBuilder, PolygonBuilder, MultipointBuilder }
enum class GeometryExtendOptions { Default, RelocateEnds, KeepEndAttributes, NoEndAttributes, DoNotExtendFromStartPoint, DoNotExtendFromEndPoint }
enum class GeometryOffsetType { Mitered, Bevelled, Rounded, Squared }
enum class GeometryType { Unknown, Point, Envelope, Polyline, Polygon, Multipoint }
enum class GeoprocessingExecutionType { Unknown, AsynchronousSubmit, SynchronousExecute }
enum class GeoprocessingLinearUnits { Unknown, Centimeter, Decimeter, Kilometer, Meter, …, USSurveyYard }
enum class GeoprocessingParameterDirection { Input, Output }
enum class GeoprocessingParameterType { GeoprocessingBoolean, GeoprocessingDataFile, GeoprocessingDate, GeoprocessingDouble, GeoprocessingFeatures, …, GeoprocessingUnknownParameter }
enum class GeoprocessingServiceType { SynchronousExecute, AsynchronousSubmit, AsynchronousSubmitWithMapServerResult }
enum class GeotriggerFeedType { LocationGeotriggerFeed }
enum class GeotriggerMonitorStatus { Stopped, Starting, Started, FailedToStart }
enum class GeotriggerNotificationInfoType { FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo }
enum class GeotriggerType { FenceGeotrigger }
enum class GraphicsRenderingMode { Dynamic, Static }
enum class GridLabelPosition { Geographic, BottomLeft, BottomRight, TopLeft, TopRight, …, AllSides }
enum class GridType { Unknown, LatitudeLongitudeGrid, UTMGrid, MGRSGrid, USNGGrid }
enum class GroupVisibilityMode { Independent, Inherited, Exclusive }
enum class HorizontalAlignment { Center, Justify, Left, Right }
enum class IdInfoType { IdInfo, MapServiceLayerIdInfo, FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo, Unknown }
enum class ItemType { Unknown, PortalItem, LocalItem }
enum class JobMessageSeverity { Info, Warning, Error, Unknown }
enum class JobMessageSource { Client, Service }
enum class JobStatus { NotStarted, Started, Paused, Succeeded, Failed, Canceling }
enum class JobType { Unknown, GenerateGeodatabaseJob, SyncGeodatabaseJob, ExportTileCacheJob, EstimateTileCacheSizeJob, …, DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob }
enum class JoinType { InnerJoin, LeftOuterJoin, Unknown }
enum class KmlAltitudeMode { ClampToGround, RelativeToGround, Absolute, Unknown }
enum class KmlColorMode { Normal, Random }
enum class KmlDatasetEventType { AutoBalloonPopup, HideBalloonPopup, BeginNodeAutoRefresh, NodeAutoRefreshed, Unknown }
enum class KmlGeometryType { Point, Polyline, Polygon, Model, Unknown }
enum class KmlGraphicType { None, Point, Polyline, Polygon, ExtrudedPoint, …, Unknown }
enum class KmlListItemType { Check, RadioFolder, CheckHideChildren, Unknown, CheckOffOnly }
enum class KmlNodeType { KmlDocument, KmlFolder, KmlNetworkLink, KmlPlacemark, KmlPhotoOverlay, …, Unknown }
enum class KmlRefreshMode { OnChange, OnExpire, OnInterval }
enum class KmlRefreshStatus { None, InProgress, Completed, Failed }
enum class KmlTourStatus { NotInitialized, Initializing, Initialized, Playing, Paused, Completed }
enum class KmlUnitsType { Fraction, Pixels, InsetPixels }
enum class KmlViewRefreshMode { Never, OnStop, OnRegion, OnRequest }
enum class KmlViewpointType { Camera, LookAt, Unknown }
enum class LabelAngleRotationType { Automatic, Arithmetic, Geographic }
enum class LabelBarrierWeight { None, Low, Medium, High }
enum class LabelDeconflictionStrategy { Automatic, Dynamic, None, Static, DynamicNeverRemove }
enum class LabelExpressionType { ArcadeLabelExpression, SimpleLabelExpression, WebmapLabelExpression }
enum class LabelLineConnection { Automatic, MinimizeLabels, None, UnambiguousLabels }
enum class LabelMultipartStrategy { Automatic, LabelLargest, LabelPerFeature, LabelPerPart, LabelPerSegment }
enum class LabelOverlapStrategy { Automatic, Allow, Avoid, Exclude }
enum class LabelOverrunStrategy { Automatic, None, Allow }
enum class LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy { Automatic, All, FeatureType, LabelClass, None }
enum class LabelRepeatStrategy { Automatic, None, Repeat }
enum class LabelStackAlignment { Automatic, Dynamic, TextSymbol }
enum class LabelStackBreakPosition { Automatic, After, Before }
enum class LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition { Automatic, After, Before }
enum class LabelStackStrategy { Automatic, None, Allow }
enum class LabelTextLayout { Automatic, Horizontal, Perpendicular, Straight, FollowFeature }
enum class LabelTextOrientation { Automatic, Direction, Screen }
enum class LabelingPlacement { Automatic, Unknown, LineAboveAfter, LineAboveAlong, LineAboveBefore, …, PolygonAlwaysHorizontal }
enum class LatitudeLongitudeFormat { DecimalDegrees, DegreesDecimalMinutes, DegreesMinutesSeconds }
enum class LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat { DecimalDegrees, DegreesMinutesSeconds }
enum class LayerType { ImageTiledLayer, ServiceImageTiledLayer, ArcGISMapImageLayer, ArcGISTiledLayer, FeatureCollectionLayer, …, UnknownLayer }
enum class LayerViewStatus { Active, NotVisible, OutOfScale, Loading, Error, Warning }
flags LayerViewStatusFlags
enum class LicenseLevel { Developer, Lite, Basic, Standard, Advanced }
enum class LicenseStatus { Invalid, Expired, LoginRequired, Valid }
enum class LicenseType { Developer, NamedUser, LicenseKey }
enum class LightingMode { NoLight, Light, LightAndShadows }
enum class LineOfSightTargetVisibility { Visible, Obstructed, Unknown }
enum class LinearUnitId { Other, Centimeters, Feet, Inches, Kilometers, …, Yards }
enum class LoadStatus { Loaded, Loading, FailedToLoad, NotLoaded, Unknown }
enum class LocalItemType { Unknown, MobileMap, MobileScene, MobileMapPackage, MobileScenePackage }
enum class LocalServerStatus { Stopped, Starting, Started, Stopping, Failed }
enum class LocationDataSourceStatus { Stopped, Starting, Started, Stopping, FailedToStart }
enum class LocationDisplayAutoPanMode { Off, Recenter, Navigation, CompassNavigation }
enum class LocationStatus { NotLocated, OnClosest, OnClosestNotRestricted, NotReached }
enum class LocationType { Location, NmeaLocation, Unknown }
enum class LoginType { Unknown, OAuth, ClientCertificate, UsernamePassword }
enum class MGRSGridLabelUnit { KilometersMeters, Meters }
enum class MapServiceImageFormat { Default, PNG, PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, …, Unknown }
enum class MgrsConversionMode { Automatic, New180InZone01, New180InZone60, Old180InZone01, Old180InZone60 }
enum class MosaicMethod { None, Center, Northwest, Nadir, Viewpoint, …, Seamline }
enum class MosaicOperation { First, Last, Min, Max, Mean, …, Sum }
enum class NavigationConstraint { None, StayAbove }
enum class NetworkCachePolicy { AlwaysNetwork, PreferNetwork, PreferCache, AlwaysCache }
enum class NetworkDirectionsSupport { Unknown, Unsupported, Supported }
enum class NmeaAccuracyType { Gst, Gsa, Gga }
enum class NmeaFixType { Invalid, Standard, Dgps, Pps, Rtk, …, Simulation }
enum class NmeaGnssSystem { Unknown, Gps, Glonass, Galileo, Bds, …, Navic }
enum class NoDataTileBehavior { UpSample, Blank, Show, Unknown }
enum class OAuthMode { Unknown, User, App }
enum class OfflineMapParametersType { Unknown, GenerateGeodatabase, ExportVectorTiles, ExportTileCache }
enum class OfflineUpdateAvailability { Indeterminate, Available, None }
enum class OgcAxisOrder { Auto, Swap, NoSwap }
enum class OnlineOnlyServicesOption { Exclude, Include, UseAuthoredSettings }
enum class PansharpenType { None, Ihs, Brovey, Mean, Esri, GramSchmidt }
enum class PixelType { Unknown, Uint1, Uint2, Uint4, Uint8, …, Float64 }
enum class PopupAttachmentEditState { Original, Added, Deleted }
enum class PopupAttachmentType { Image, Video, Document, Other }
enum class PopupAttachmentsDisplayType { List, Preview, Auto }
enum class PopupDateFormat { DayShortMonthYear, LongDate, LongMonthDayYear, LongMonthYear, ShortDate, …, Unknown }
enum class PopupElementType { Unknown, TextPopupElement, FieldsPopupElement, MediaPopupElement, AttachmentsPopupElement, ExpressionPopupElement }
enum class PopupErrorCode { InvalidGeoElement, NullNotAllowed, ValueOutOfRange, ExceedsMaxLength, IllegalDomainCode, ContingencyValidationFailure }
enum class PopupExpressionReturnType { String, Number, Dictionary }
enum class PopupMediaType { Image, BarChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, PieChart, Unknown }
enum class PopupStringFieldOption { SingleLine, MultiLine, RichText, Unknown }
enum class PortalAccess { Unknown, Organization, Private, Public, Shared }
enum class PortalFileType { Unknown, CSV, Shapefile, TilePackage, FeatureService, …, ServiceDefinition }
enum class PortalGroupSortField { AverageRating, Created, Modified, Owner, Title, …, ViewCount }
enum class PortalItemType { Unknown, ArcGISProAddIn, ArcPadPackage, CADDrawing, CSV, …, OgcFeatureServer }
enum class PortalMode { Unknown, MultiTenant, SingleTenant }
enum class PortalPrivilegeRealm { Unknown, Portal, Features, OpenData, Premium, Marketplace }
enum class PortalPrivilegeRole { Unknown, Administrator, Publisher, User }
enum class PortalPrivilegeSubtype { Unknown, None, Stored, Temporary, ClosestFacility, …, VehicleRouting }
enum class PortalPrivilegeType { Unknown, Edit, FullEdit, Manage, Purchase, …, ScheduleNotebooks }
enum class PortalQuerySortOrder { Ascending, Descending }
enum class PortalUserRole { Unknown, Publisher, Admin, User }
enum class PreplannedPackagingStatus { Unknown, Processing, Failed, Complete }
enum class PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption { NoUpdates, DownloadAllUpdates }
enum class PreplannedUpdateMode { NoUpdates, SyncWithFeatureServices, DownloadScheduledUpdates, DownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures }
enum class PresetColorRampType { None, Elevation, DemScreen, DemLight }
enum class QueryFeatureFields { IdsOnly, Minimum, LoadAll }
enum class RasterRendererType { RasterRenderer, BlendRenderer, ColormapRenderer, HillshadeRenderer, RgbRenderer, StretchRenderer }
enum class RasterType { Raster, MosaicDatasetRaster, GeopackageRaster, GeoPackageRaster, ImageServiceRaster, Unknown }
enum class RelationshipCardinality { Unknown, ManyToMany, OneToMany, OneToOne }
enum class RelationshipConstraintViolationType { None, Cardinality, Orphaned }
enum class RelationshipRole { Unknown, Destination, Origin }
enum class RendererClassificationMethod { DefinedInterval, EqualInterval, GeometricalInterval, NaturalBreaks, Quantile, …, Manual }
enum class RendererNormalizationType { ByField, ByLog, ByPercentOfTotal, None }
enum class RendererType { ClassBreaksRenderer, DictionaryRenderer, SimpleRenderer, UniqueValueRenderer, UnsupportedRenderer, …, Unknown }
enum class ReroutingStrategy { ToNextWaypoint, ToNextStop, ResequenceStopsOnly }
enum class ReturnLayerAttachmentOption { None, AllLayers, ReadOnlyLayers, EditableLayers }
enum class RotationType { Arithmetic, Geographic }
enum class RouteShapeType { None, StraightLine, TrueShapeWithMeasures }
enum class SceneLayerDataType { Unknown, SceneObject, Point, IntegratedMesh }
enum class SceneLocationVisibility { Visible, HiddenByBaseSurface, HiddenByEarth, HiddenByElevation, NotOnScreen }
enum class SceneSymbolAnchorPosition { Top, Bottom, Center, Origin }
enum class SceneViewTilingScheme { Geographic, WebMercator }
enum class SegmentType { Unknown, LineSegment, CubicBezierSegment, EllipticArcSegment }
enum class SelectionMode { Add, New, Subtract }
enum class ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry { Overlap, Dissolve, Split }
enum class ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry { Rings, Disks }
enum class ServiceAreaPolygonDetail { Generalized, Standard, High }
enum class ServiceCurveGeometryMode { DensifyCurves, FetchCurves, TrueCurveClient }
enum class ServiceType { Unknown, FeatureService, ImageService, MapService }
enum class SimpleFillSymbolStyle { BackwardDiagonal, Cross, DiagonalCross, ForwardDiagonal, Horizontal, …, Vertical }
enum class SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement { Begin, End, BeginAndEnd }
enum class SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle { None, Arrow }
enum class SimpleLineSymbolStyle { Dash, DashDot, DashDotDot, Dot, Null, …, ShortDot }
enum class SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle { Cone, Cube, Cylinder, Diamond, Sphere, Tetrahedron }
enum class SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle { Circle, Cross, Diamond, Square, Triangle, X }
enum class SketchCreationMode { Unknown, Point, Polyline, Polygon, Multipoint }
enum class SketchResizeMode { None, Stretch, Uniform }
enum class SketchVertexEditMode { InteractionEdit, SelectOnly }
enum class SlopeType { None, Degree, PercentRise, Scaled }
enum class SortOrder { Ascending, Descending }
enum class SpaceEffect { Stars, Transparent }
enum class SpatialRelationship { Unknown, Relate, Equals, Disjoint, Intersects, …, IndexIntersects }
enum class StartTimeUsage { DepartureTime, ArrivalTime }
enum class StatisticType { Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, StandardDeviation, …, Variance }
enum class StopType { Stop, Waypoint, RestBreak }
enum class StretchParametersType { Unknown, MinMaxStretchParameters, StandardDeviationStretchParameters, HistogramEqualizationStretchParameters, PercentClipStretchParameters }
enum class StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle { Butt, Round, Square }
enum class StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D { Tube, Strip }
enum class SublayerSourceType { MapSublayerSource, TableQuerySublayerSource, TableJoinSublayerSource, TableSublayerSource, RasterSublayerSource, Unknown }
enum class SubscriptionState { Unknown, Active, Canceled, Deleted, Expired, …, Suspended }
enum class SurfacePlacement { Draped, DrapedBillboarded, Absolute, Relative, RelativeToScene, DrapedFlat }
enum class SymbolAnchorPlacementMode { Relative, Absolute }
enum class SymbolAngleAlignment { Map, Screen }
enum class SymbolLayerType { Unknown, SymbolLayer, MarkerSymbolLayer, VectorMarkerSymbolLayer, StrokeSymbolLayer, …, HatchFillSymbolLayer }
enum class SymbolSizeUnits { DIPs, Meters }
enum class SymbolStyleType { DictionarySymbolStyle, SymbolStyle, Unknown }
enum class SymbolType { SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleMarkerSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, TextSymbol, …, Unknown }
enum class SyncDirection { None, Download, Upload, Bidirectional }
enum class SyncModel { None, Geodatabase, Layer }
enum class TextAntialiasingMode { None, Normal, Force }
enum class TileImageFormat { PNG, PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, JPG, …, Unknown }
enum class TimeRelation { Unknown, Overlaps, AfterStartOverlapsEnd, OverlapsStartWithinEnd }
enum class TimeUnit { Unknown, Centuries, Days, Decades, Hours, …, Years }
enum class TravelDirection { FromFacility, ToFacility }
enum class USNGGridLabelUnit { KilometersMeters, Meters }
enum class UTurnPolicy { NotAllowed, AllowedAtDeadEnds, AllowedAtIntersections, AllowedAtDeadEndsAndIntersections }
enum class UnitSystem { Imperial, Metric }
enum class UnitType { LinearUnit, AngularUnit, AreaUnit, Unknown }
enum class UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics { None, Cascade, Restricted }
enum class UtilityAssociationRole { None, Container, Structure }
enum class UtilityAssociationType { Connectivity, Containment, Attachment, JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityFromSide, JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityMidspan, JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityToSide }
enum class UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator { Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual, LessThan, …, DoesNotIncludeAny }
enum class UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator { Exists, DoesNotExist }
enum class UtilityMinimumStartingLocations { One, Many }
enum class UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType { Integer, Float, Double, Boolean }
enum class UtilityNetworkSourceType { Junction, Edge }
enum class UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType { Device, Junction, Line, Assembly, SubnetLine, …, StructureEdgeObject }
enum class UtilityNetworkSyncMode { None, SyncSystemTables }
enum class UtilityPropagatorFunctionType { BitwiseAnd, Max, Min }
enum class UtilitySubnetworkControllerType { None, Source, Sink }
enum class UtilityTerminalDirectionality { Unidirectional, Bidirectional }
enum class UtilityTierTopologyType { Radial, Mesh }
enum class UtilityTierType { Hierarchical, Partitioned }
enum class UtilityTraceConditionType { UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison, UtilityCategoryComparison, UtilityTraceAndCondition, UtilityTraceOrCondition }
enum class UtilityTraceFunctionType { Add, Average, Count, Max, Min, Subtract }
enum class UtilityTraceResultObjectType { UtilityElementTraceResult, UtilityFunctionTraceResult, UtilityGeometryTraceResult }
enum class UtilityTraceResultType { Elements, FunctionOutputs, Geometry }
enum class UtilityTraceType { Connected, Subnetwork, Upstream, Downstream, Isolation, …, ShortestPath }
enum class UtilityTraversabilityScope { JunctionsAndEdges, Junctions, Edges }
enum class UtmConversionMode { LatitudeBandIndicators, NorthSouthIndicators }
enum class VersionAccess { Public, Protected, Private }
enum class VerticalAlignment { Baseline, Bottom, Middle, Top }
enum class ViewpointType { CenterAndScale, BoundingGeometry, Unknown }
enum class VoiceGuidanceType { ApproachingManeuver, AtManeuver, ApproachingDestination }
enum class WmsVersion { V110, V111, V130 }
enum class WrapAroundMode { EnabledWhenSupported, Disabled }

Detailed Description


class AbstractLocationDataSource

A location data source object. More...

class AddRastersParameters

Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters. More...

class Analysis

Analysis is a base class for those classes used to render analysis results in a scene view. More...

class AnalysisListModel

A list model storing a list of analyses available in an AnalysisOverlay. More...

class AnalysisOverlay

AnalysisOverlay manages the display of one or more analyses in a scene view. More...

class AnalysisOverlayListModel

A list model storing a list of analysis overlays available in a scene view. More...

class AngularUnit

Indicates the units of measurement of an instance of AngularUnit, or an angular measurement operation. More...

class AnnotationLayer

A layer that can visualize annotation text data. Annotation can be used to symbolize text on your maps as described here in "Annotation". It is defined using a text string, geographical location, and display properties including font, size, and color. This information is stored together in an annotation feature class within a geodatabase. More...

class AnnotationSublayer

Allows you to interrogate the properties of a sublayer within an annotation layer and to change the visibility of the sublayer. More...

class ApiKeyResource

An interface for getting and setting the API key of an object. More...

class ArcGISFeature

A Feature stored in an ArcGISFeatureTable. More...

class ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo

Information about an individual layer in an ArcGIS feature service. More...

class ArcGISFeatureListModel

A list model storing a list of ArcGISFeature objects. More...

class ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo

Information about an ArcGIS feature service. More...

class ArcGISFeatureTable

A feature table created from an ArcGIS feature source. More...

class ArcGISImageServiceInfo

Read-only metadata from the image service. More...

class ArcGISMapImageLayer

A layer based on a dynamic ArcGIS Map service. More...

class ArcGISMapImageSublayer

A sublayer of an ArcGISMapImageLayer. More...

class ArcGISMapServiceInfo

Read-only metadata from the map service. More...

class ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo

Information about a sublayer in an ArcGIS map service. More...

class ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment

Methods for managing Runtime components, configuring your operating environment and licensing your app for deployment. More...

class ArcGISSceneLayer

A layer to visualize an ArcGIS scene service. Scene layers display content from a scene service or a scene package. More...

class ArcGISSublayer

A sublayer of a Layer. More...

class ArcGISSublayerListModel

A list model storing a list of sublayers. More...

class ArcGISTiledElevationSource

A tile based elevation source. More...

class ArcGISTiledLayer

Displays data from a ArcGIS Map service, by using pre-generated tiles. More...

class ArcGISTiledSublayer

A sublayer of an ArcGISTiledLayer. More...

class ArcGISVectorTiledLayer

Displays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source. More...

class ArcadeConsoleMessageContext

Provides information about the execution context where an Arcade console function is invoked. More...

class ArcadeEvaluationResult

The result from the successful evaluation of an Arcade Expression. More...

class ArcadeEvaluator

This object allows you to evaluate an ArcadeExpression under a given ArcadeProfile. More...

class ArcadeExpression

An Arcade expression object, containing an expression, a name, a return type and a title. More...

class ArcadeLabelExpression

An expression script using the Arcade language. More...

class AreaUnit

Indicates the units of measurement of an instance of AreaUnit, or area measurement operation. More...

class Attachment

A feature attachment. More...

class AttachmentListModel

A list model storing a list of Attachments available for an ArcGISFeature. More...

class AttachmentsPopupElement

Represents a pop-up element of type attachments that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement. More...

class AttributeListModel

A list model storing a list of key-value pairs to be used as attributes for a Feature or Graphic. More...

class AttributeParameterValue

A placeholder for attribute values that can change for a particular network analysis. More...

class AuthenticationChallenge

Represents an authentication challenge when accessing secured resources. More...

class AuthenticationManager

A singleton instance to manage authentication. More...

class BackgroundGrid

Defines the default color and context grid for display behind a map or scene surface. More...

class BaseStretchRenderer

A base class for stretch raster renderers. More...

class Basemap

A basemap that can be displayed in a map. More...

class BasemapListModel

The result of fetching the basemaps available for a portal. More...

class BingMapsLayer

A Bing Maps layer displays map content from a Bing Maps web service, providing access to static map tiles and imagery metadata. More...

class BlendRenderer

Blends a hillshade with the original raster by specifying the elevation data. More...

class Bookmark

Represents a saved location on a Map. More...

class BookmarkListModel

A list model storing a list of bookmarks available in a Map. More...

class CalloutData

The data for a Callout view. More...

class Camera

3D view description modeled as a virtual camera. More...

class CameraController

A base class for all camera controllers. More...

class ClassBreak

A class break object used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range of values. More...

class ClassBreakListModel

A list model storing a list of class breaks available in a class breaks renderer. More...

class ClassBreaksRenderer

A renderer that displays various symbols based on ranges of attribute values. More...

class ClosestFacilityParameters

Parameters for a ClosestFacilityTask, such as facilities, incidents, barriers, and whether to return directions. More...

class ClosestFacilityResult

The result from a ClosestFacilityTask. More...

class ClosestFacilityRoute

A ClosestFacilityRoute contains information about the route to maneuver between an incident and a facility. More...

class ClosestFacilityTask

A task to find a least-cost route between facilities and incidents. More...

class ClosestFacilityTaskInfo

A class that describes the transportation network that a closest facility task is bound to. More...

class CodedValue

Defines valid values for a field. More...

class CodedValueDescription

An object that describes a CodedValue to be created. More...

class CodedValueDescriptionListModel

A list model storing code value descriptions. More...

class CodedValueDomain

A domain which specifies an explicit set of valid values for a field. More...

class CodedValueDomainDescription

An object that describes a CodedValueDomain to be created. More...

class ColorRamp

A ColorRamp object for use in a StretchRenderer. More...

class Colormap

A Colormap object, which can be used with a ColormapRenderer. More...

class ColormapRenderer

A ColormapRenderer provides a discrete mapping of raster pixel values to colors. More...

class CompositeSymbol

Represents a set of symbols that make up a single symbol. More...

class Contingency

An object that defines a contingency. More...

class ContingencyConstraintViolation

An object that defines a contingency constraint violation. More...

class ContingentAnyValue

An object that indicates any domain value is allowed in a contingency. More...

class ContingentCodedValue

An object that defines a coded value specified in a contingency. More...

class ContingentNullValue

An object that indicates a null value is allowed in a contingency. More...

class ContingentRangeValue

An object that defines a min and max range specified in a contingency. More...

class ContingentValue

An object that defines possible field values for fields participating in contingent field groups. More...

class ContingentValuesDefinition

An object that defines a contingent values definition. More...

class ContingentValuesResult

An object that defines possible values for a field in the context of the contingent field groups it participates in. More...

class CoordinateFormatter

Converts between points and formatted coordinate notation strings. More...

class CostAttribute

An attribute used to measure and model impedance on the network, such as travel time (transit time on a street). More...

class Credential

A credential used for accessing secured ArcGIS services and portals. More...

class CredentialCache

A cache containing credentials to reuse. More...

class CubicBezierSegment

A cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry. More...

class DashGeometricEffect

A Geometric effect object that transforms the symbolization of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps. More...

class DatumTransformation

A class to convert between two coordinate systems. More...

class DefaultLocationDataSource

A default location data source object. More...

class DictionaryRenderer

A renderer that displays advanced military symbols obtained from a DictionarySymbolStyle. More...

class DictionarySymbolStyle

A dictionary symbol style object containing symbol primitives and rules for generating symbols from attribute values. More...

class DictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration

Configuration settings for a custom DictionarySymbolStyle. More...

class DimensionLayer

A layer that can visualize dimension features data. More...

class DirectionEvent

A general description of an event that is happening while navigating. More...

class DirectionManeuver

Information about a specific maneuver that must be made in a Route. More...

class DirectionManeuverListModel

A list model storing a list of DirectionManeuver for a Route. More...

class DirectionMessage

A detailed textual representation of a direction that is obtained from a DirectionManeuever or DirectionEvent. More...

class DisplayFilter

Represents a type used for limiting which features are rendered. More...

class DisplayFilterDefinition

Provides definition on how features are filtered from the display. More...

class DisplayFilterListModel

A container class storing a list of display filters. More...

class Distance

Contains the distance measurement data associated with a specific distance component. More...

class DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol

A dynamic composite 3D symbol that changes symbology according to the distance to the camera. More...

class DistanceSymbolRange

Contains a symbol distance range at which the symbol is appropriately viewed. More...

class DistanceSymbolRangeListModel

A list model of DistanceSymbolRange objects. More...

class Domain

Base class for domains that specify the set of valid values for a field. More...

class DomainDescription

An object that describes a domain to be created. More...

class DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob

A job to download an offline map area from an online map as part of the preplanned offline workflow. More...

class DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters

Parameters used for creating a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob. More...

class DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult

The result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob. More...

class DrawingInfo

Drawing information about a sublayer of map or feature service. More...

class DynamicWorkspace

The base class for dynamic workspaces. More...

class EditFieldsInfo

Information about edit tracking fields. More...

class EditResult

The result of an edit operation, such as add, delete, or update. More...

class EditorTrackingInfo

Information about a feature service's editor tracking configuration. More...

class ElevationServiceInfo

Represents a Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service that is provided by the portal. More...

class ElevationSource

The base class for elevation source classes such as ArcGISTiledElevationSource. More...

class ElevationSourceListModel

A list model storing a list of elevation sources available in a Scene. More...

class EllipticArcSegment

An elliptic arc segment for use in a multipart geometry. More...

class EncCell

A single Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) data source object. More...

class EncDataset

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) dataset object. More...

class EncDisplayCategories

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) display categories object. More...

class EncDisplaySettings

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) display settings object. More...

class EncEnvironmentSettings

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) environment settings object. More...

class EncExchangeSet

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) exchange set object. More...

class EncFeature

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) feature object. More...

class EncLayer

A layer that displays ENC data. More...

class EncMarinerSettings

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) mariner settings object. More...

class EncTextGroupVisibilitySettings

Visibility settings for Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) text groups. More...

class EncViewingGroupSettings

An Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) viewing group settings object. More...

class EnterpriseGeodatabaseWorkspace

An enterprise geodatabase workspace. More...

class Envelope

Represents a rectangular area, defined by a minimum and maximum x-coordinate and a minimum and maximum y-coordinate, and a spatial reference. More...

class EnvelopeBuilder

Helper class for building immutable Envelope geometries. More...

class Error

Error information about a runtime or server error. More...

class EstimateTileCacheSizeJob

A job returned by the ExportTileCacheTask::estimateTileCacheSize method. More...

class EstimateTileCacheSizeResult

Size estimate of a tile cache requested by ExportTileCacheTask. More...

class Expiration

Expiration details, that indicate whether a given package is out of date. More...

class ExportTileCacheJob

A job that exports a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) from a service. It is returned by the ExportTileCacheTask::exportTileCache method. More...

class ExportTileCacheParameters

The parameters for estimating the size of and exporting a tile cache with the ExportTileCacheTask. More...

class ExportTileCacheTask

A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx). Use this in conjunction with a map or image service to generate and download tile packages. More...

class ExportVectorTilesJob

A job that exports vector tiles from a service, or exports an item resource cache from a portal item. More...

class ExportVectorTilesParameters

The parameters for exporting a vector tile cache with an ExportVectorTilesTask. More...

class ExportVectorTilesResult

The result of an Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportVectorTilesTask. More...

class ExportVectorTilesTask

A task used to export vector tiles and optionally a portal item's vector tile style resources. More...

class ExpressionPopupElement

Represents a pop-up element of type expression that defines a pop-up element with an Arcade expression. More...

class ExtensionLicense

Runtime extension license information. More...

class Facility

A facility used with a closest facility task. More...

class FacilityLayerDefinition

Defines the properties of the layer that contains facilities for a floor-aware map or scene. More...

class Feature

A representation of a real-world object on a map. More...

class FeatureCollection

A container for a collection of FeatureCollectionTables. More...

class FeatureCollectionLayer

A layer that can visualize a FeatureCollection. More...

class FeatureCollectionTable

An individual table that can be stored in a FeatureCollection. More...

class FeatureCollectionTableListModel

A list model that stores a list of feature collection tables in a feature collection. More...

class FeatureEditResult

Represents the result of an edit operation, such as add, delete, or update. More...

class FeatureFenceParameters

Geotrigger fence data created from features. More...

class FeatureIterator

An iterator for a collection of features. More...

class FeatureLayer

A layer that can display features from a FeatureTable on a map. More...

class FeatureQueryResult

Contains the features that have been returned from a query. More...

class FeatureServiceCapabilities

The capabilities supported by a given feature service. More...

class FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo

Information about the feature service metadata for an ArcGIS Feature Service. More...

class FeatureSet

Base class for a collection of features. More...

class FeatureSubtype

Encapsulates properties of subtypes of features in a feature layer. More...

class FeatureTable

Base class for classes that represent a table of features. More...

class FeatureTableEditResult

Represents the result of an edit operation to a specific Esri::ArcGISRuntime::FeatureTable. More...

class FeatureTableListModel

A list model that stores a list of feature tables. More...

class FeatureTemplate

Represents all of the information needed to create a feature. More...

class FeatureType

Encapsulates properties of types of features in a feature layer. More...

class FenceGeotrigger

A Geotrigger that defines regions or fences to be monitored using a GeotriggerMonitor. More...

class FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo

A GeotriggerNotificationInfo from a FenceGeotrigger. More...

class FenceParameters

Geotrigger fence data required for a FenceGeotrigger. More...

class Field

Information about a field from a feature table. More...

class FieldDescription

An object that describes a Field to be created. Creation of fields and tables is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase::create(QString). More...

class FieldDescriptionListModel

A list model storing a list of FieldDescription objects in a TableDescription. More...

class FieldGroup

An object that defines a field group. More...

class FieldsPopupElement

Represents a pop-up element of type fields that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement. More...

class FileGeodatabaseWorkspace

A file geodatabase workspace. More...

class FillSymbol

Base class for fill symbols. More...

class FillSymbolLayer

Base class for fill symbol layers. More...

class FloorAware

An interface that can be implemented by layers that support floor filtering. More...

class FloorFacility

A facility that contains one or more levels for a floor-aware map or scene. More...

class FloorLevel

A floor level within a facility for a floor-aware map or scene. More...

class FloorManager

Manages the data displayed by a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels. More...

class FloorSite

A site containing one or more facilities for a floor-aware map or scene. More...

class FrameCameraAddRastersParameters

Adds raster datasets to a MosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters including the use of frame and camera text files. More...

class GenerateGeodatabaseJob

A job returned by the GeodatabaseSyncTask::generateGeodatabase method. More...

class GenerateGeodatabaseParameters

The parameters to sync data of a sync-enabled geodatabase. More...

class GenerateLayerOption

Options defining what data to generate for a specific layer or table when creating a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase. More...

class GenerateOfflineMapJob

A job to generate an offline map from an online map. More...

class GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides

Gives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile cache packages that make up the data of an offline map. More...

class GenerateOfflineMapParameters

Parameters used for creating a GenerateOfflineMapJob. More...

class GenerateOfflineMapResult

The result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob. More...

class GeoElement

An abstract representation of geographic entities on a map. More...

class GeoElementLineOfSight

An analysis object that evaluates visibility along a line defined by observer and target GeoElement objects. More...

class GeoElementViewshed

An analysis object that renders a viewshed for a specified GeoElement. More...

class GeoModel

A base class for either a Map or a Scene. More...

class GeoModelFloorDefinition

Contains floor-awareness settings for a map or scene. More...

class GeoPackage

GeoPackage is an open, standards-based, compact format for transferring geospatial information. More...

class GeoPackageFeatureTable

A GeoPackageFeatureTable is a feature table contained within a GeoPackage. More...

class GeoPackageRaster

A GeoPackageRaster is a raster contained within a GeoPackage. More...

class GeoView

The base class for working with views in an MVC architecture for Maps and Scenes. More...

class GeocodeParameters

Parameters for geocoding using a LocatorTask. More...

class GeocodeResult

A match candidate returned from a LocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation. More...

class Geodatabase

A mobile geodatabase on the local file system. More...

class GeodatabaseDataset

An abstract representation of a dataset within a geodatabase. More...

class GeodatabaseDeltaInfo

Represents the delta files created to synchronize changes to a Geodatabase. More...

class GeodatabaseFeatureTable

A feature table stored in a Geodatabase. More...

class GeodatabaseSyncTask

A task to download or sync a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase. More...

class GeodesicEllipseParameters

Parameters for the GeometryEngine::ellipseGeodesic method. More...

class GeodesicSectorParameters

Parameters for the GeometryEngine::sectorGeodesic method. More...

class GeodeticDistanceResult

A result of the GeometryEngine::distanceGeodetic method. More...

class GeographicTransformation

A class used to transform coordinates of geometries between spatial references that have two different geographic coordinate systems. More...

class GeographicTransformationStep

A step in the process of transforming between datums. More...

class GeometricEffect

A base class for multilayer symbol geometric effects. More...

class GeometricEffectListModel

A list model storing a list of geometric effects. More...

class Geometry

Base class for classes that represent geometric shapes. More...

class GeometryBuilder

Base class for classes used to create immutable geometries. More...

class GeometryEngine

Performs geometric operations such as spatial relationship tests, reprojections, shape manipulations, topological query and analysis operations on Geometry objects. More...

class GeoprocessingBoolean

A Boolean input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingDataFile

A data file input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingDate

A date input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingDouble

A double input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingFeatureSet

A read-only set of features that are returned from GeoprocessingFeatures. More...

class GeoprocessingFeatures

A features (or records) input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingJob

A geoprocessing job used to run the geoprocessing task on the service. More...

class GeoprocessingLinearUnit

A linear unit input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingLong

A 32-bit integer input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingMultiValue

A multi value input or output parameter which contains a collection of values having a single geoprocessing parameter type. More...

class GeoprocessingParameter

Base class for all parameter types that can be used in geoprocessing. More...

class GeoprocessingParameterInfo

Information about a single input or output parameter of a geoprocessing task. More...

class GeoprocessingParameters

Contains input parameters that are sent to the target geoprocessing task. More...

class GeoprocessingRaster

A raster input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingResult

The contains output parameters returned from the service. More...

class GeoprocessingString

A string input or output parameter. More...

class GeoprocessingTask

GeoprocessingTask is used to run a geoprocessing task that is published as a web service. More...

class GeoprocessingTaskInfo

Information about a GeoprocessingTask. More...

class GeoprocessingUnknownParameter

Represents a geoprocessing parameter of type Unknown. More...

class Geotrigger

A condition monitored by a GeotriggerMonitor. More...

class GeotriggerFeed

Feed data required for a Geotrigger. More...

class GeotriggerListModel

A list of Geotrigger conditions. More...

class GeotriggerMonitor

A GeotriggerMonitor monitors a Geotrigger condition and, when it is met, results in a GeotriggerNotificationInfo. More...

class GeotriggerNotificationInfo

Provides details about a Geotrigger condition that has been met. More...

class GeotriggersInfo

Presents information on a set of Geotrigger objects defined for a GeoModel. More...

class GlobeCameraController

The Globe camera controller provides free roaming camera navigation around the globe. More...

class Graphic

A visual element displayed in a GraphicsOverlay. More...

class GraphicFenceParameters

Geotrigger fence parameters data created from graphics. More...

class GraphicListModel

A container class storing a list of graphics available in a GraphicsOverlay. More...

class GraphicsOverlay

Contains a collection of graphics for display in a map or scene view. More...

class GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters

Geotrigger fence parameters data created from a GraphicsOverlay. More...

class GraphicsOverlayListModel

A container class storing a list of graphics overlays available in a GeoView. More...

class Grid

Represents options to display a grid on top of a map. More...

class GroupLayer

A layer that is a container for other layers and group layers. More...

class HatchFillSymbolLayer

A HatchFillSymbolLayer represents a polygon geometry filled with hatch lines. More...

class HeatmapRenderer

A renderer based on a heat map. More...

class HillshadeRenderer

A hillshade raster renderer. More...

class HistogramEqualizationStretchParameters

A histogram equalization stretch parameters object. More...

class HorizontalVerticalTransformation

Used to transform coordinates of z-aware geometries between spatial references that have different geographic and/or vertical coordinate systems. More...

class HorizontalVerticalTransformationStep

Represents a step in the process of transforming between horizontal and/or vertical datums. More...

class IdInfo

Information about the sublayer metadata for a feature service or a map service. More...

class IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult

The identified graphics of a GeoView::identifyGraphicsOverlays task. More...

class IdentifyLayerResult

The identified GeoElements of a GeoView::identifyLayers task. More...

class ImageAdjustmentLayer

A Layer that supports image adjustments. More...

class ImageFrame

A frame that, when added to an ImageOverlay, renders an image on top of a scene. More...

class ImageOverlay

An overlay that contains a frame with an image to display in the view. More...

class ImageOverlayListModel

A container class storing a list of image overlays available in a SceneView. More...

class ImageServiceRaster

Represents a raster based off an image service. More...

class ImageTiledLayer

A base class for layers that display cached maps. More...

class ImmutablePart

Represents a single part of a multipart geometry (polygon or polyline). More...

class ImmutablePartCollection

Represents an immutable collection of Parts that compose a Multipart geometry (Polygon or Polyline). More...

class ImmutablePointCollection

Represents an immutable collection of points. More...

class ImmutablePortalItemListModel

Represents an immutable list of portal items. More...

class Incident

A class that represents an incident. More...

class IndoorsLocationDataSource

Provides an indoor or outdoor position based on device sensor data (radio, GPS, motion sensors). An IPS (indoor positioning system) position is calculated based on radio data and motion sensors. The GPS position is used as a fallback in case an IPS position can't be calculated, or if the IPS position reports a position outside of a building. More...

class InheritedDomain

A domain which applies to domains on subtypes. More...

class IntegratedMeshLayer

An IntegratedMeshLayer represents a layer that can visualize an integrated mesh layer. An integrated mesh can represent built and natural 3D features, such as building walls, trees, valleys, and cliffs, with realistic textures and includes elevation information. More...

class Item

A base class for items in data stores, like Portal or a map package. More...

class ItemResourceCache

Contains information on offline resources, typically associated with a custom style for an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer. More...

class Iterable

Helper class to allow collection types to support iterators. More...

class Job

A base class for classes representing a long running job on a server. More...

class JobMessage

An informational message about the execution of a Job. More...

class JsonSerializable

Marker interface inherited by classes that support serialization to and from JSON. More...

class KmlColorStyle

KmlColorStyle defines how KmlNode will appear based on the specified color and colorMode properties. More...

class KmlContainer

Holds one or more KML nodes and allows the creation of nested hierarchies. More...

class KmlDataset

Contains the current state of the KML data specified in a KML/KMZ file. More...

class KmlDocument

A container for KML features and styles. More...

class KmlFolder

A container used to arrange other features hierarchically (Folders, Placemarks, NetworkLinks, or Overlays). More...

class KmlGeometry

Contains all the KML-specific information associated with a Geometry. More...

class KmlGeometryListModel

A list model storing a list of type KmlGeometry. More...

class KmlGroundOverlay

An image overlay draped over the terrain. More...

class KmlIcon

A KML Icon Object. More...

class KmlIconStyle

A KML icon style object. More...

class KmlImageCoordinate

A KML image coordinate object. More...

class KmlLabelStyle

A KML label style object. More...

class KmlLayer

A layer that can visualize KML data. More...

class KmlLineStyle

A KML line style object. More...

class KmlNetworkLink

A reference to a KML file or KMZ archive on a local or remote network. More...

class KmlNode

A KML Node. More...

class KmlNodeListModel

A list model storing a list of KmlNodes available in a KmlContainer. More...

class KmlPhotoOverlay

A photo overlay draped on a shape. More...

class KmlPlacemark

A KML node with associated Geometry. More...

class KmlPolygonStyle

A KML polygon style object. More...

class KmlScreenOverlay

An image overlay fixed to the screen. More...

class KmlStyle

Specifies the drawing style for a KmlNode. More...

class KmlTour

An execution of a KML Playlist. More...

class KmlTourController

KmlTourController is used to play, pause or reset a KML tour. More...

class KmlViewpoint

Contains all information about the KML camera and look at point. More...

class LabelAngle

Specifies how to calculate the angular position and layout direction for labels on or around point feature symbols. More...

class LabelDefinition

An object that defines the text, appearance, and position of labels for features within a given scale range. More...

class LabelDefinitionListModel

A list model storing a list of LabelDefinitions. More...

class LabelExpression

Abstract base class for the different types of expressions that can be used to create label text. More...

class LabelStackSeparator

A separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text. More...

class LabelStackSeparatorListModel

A list model storing a list of stack separator options available in a label. More...

class LabelingInfo

Labeling information about a sublayer of a map service or feature service. More...

class LatitudeLongitudeGrid

Represents a grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude (also known as graticules). More...

class Layer

Represents a layer that displays data on a map. More...

class LayerContent

Marker interface inherited by all types of layers. More...

class LayerFloorDefinition

Describes how features in a FloorAware layer are associated with floor levels of a facility. More...

class LayerListModel

A list model storing a list of layers available in a map. More...

class LayerSceneProperties

Contains 3D-specific rendering properties for a layer. More...

class LayerTimeInfo

Temporal information about a time-aware sublayer of a map service or feature service. More...

class LayerViewState

A helper class that provides information about the state of a layer. More...

class LegendInfo

Legend information from a Layer. More...

class LegendInfoListModel

A list model storing a list of LegendInfos available for a LayerContent type. More...

class LevelLayerDefinition

The layer and field properties for the layer that contains floor levels. More...

class LevelOfDetail

LOD information: level, resolution and scale. More...

class License

Runtime license information. More...

class LicenseInfo

Contains information for licensing an app for Lite or Basic-level functionality from a portal instance. More...

class LicenseResult

Runtime license result information. More...

class LineOfSight

A base class containing common functionality for line-of-sight analysis objects. More...

class LineSegment

Represents a straight line between a start and end point. More...

class LineSymbol

Base class for line symbols. More...

class LinearUnit

Indicates the specific units of measurement of an instance of LinearUnit, or linear measurement operation. More...

class LoadSettings

Contains properties which set the rendering behavior for the contents of a map or scene as they are loaded. More...

class Loadable

Marker interface inherited by classes that can load metadata asynchronously. More...

class LocalFeatureEdit

An object that represents a pending feature edit specifying its edit operation and most recent edit time. More...

class LocalFeatureEditIterator

An iterator for a collection of LocalFeatureEdit. More...

class LocalFeatureEditsResult

An object that represents the LocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order, based on edit time. More...

class LocalFeatureService

A feature service that runs on the local server. More...

class LocalGeoprocessingService

A local geoprocessing service which runs on an instance of Local Server. More...

class LocalItem

An item in a local data store such as a mobile map package. More...

class LocalMapService

A map service that runs on the local server. More...

class LocalServer

A local server instance. More...

class LocalService

The base class for local service classes. More...

class Location

Represents a location update from a position source. More...

class LocationDisplay

Controls displaying position information and updates on a MapView. More...

class LocationDistanceMeasurement

An analysis object that evaluates direct, vertical, and horizontal distances between two points defined by start and end point locations. More...

class LocationGeotriggerFeed

Feed data for a Geotrigger created from a AbstractLocationDataSource. More...

class LocationLineOfSight

An analysis object that evaluates visibility along a line defined by observer and target point objects. More...

class LocationSourcePropertiesKeys

A collection of well-known constant strings for keys in Location::additionalSourceProperties. More...

class LocationToScreenResult

The result of converting a scene location to a screen point. More...

class LocationViewshed

An analysis object that renders a viewshed for a specified point location. More...

class LocatorAttribute

Information about a Locator's attributes. More...

class LocatorInfo

Information about an Address Locator. More...

class LocatorTask

A task for Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding that supports both online and offline capabilities. More...

class MGRSGrid

Represents a grid with Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) for displaying on a map view. More...

class ManualDisplayFilterDefinition

Filter features from the display based on the specified active display filter. More...

class Map

A map that can be displayed on the screen by the mapview. More...

class MapGraphicsView

A MapGraphicsView renders data in a map and allows users to interact with the map. More...

class MapQuickView

A MapQuickView renders data in a map and allows users to interact with the map. More...

class MapServiceCapabilities

The capabilities of a map service. More...

class MapServiceLayerIdInfo

Information about the map service metadata for an ArcGIS Map Service. More...

class MapSublayerSource

Sublayer source that refers to an existing layer in the current map service. More...

class MapView

A MapView renders data in a map and allows users to interact with the map. More...

class MarkerSceneSymbol

Base class for 3D marker scene symbols. More...

class MarkerSymbol

Base class for marker symbols. More...

class MarkerSymbolLayer

A base class for marker symbol layers, representing a symbol layer used to display a marker. More...

class MediaPopupElement

Represents a pop-up element of type media that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement. More...

class MinMaxStretchParameters

A minimum/maximum stretch parameters object. More...

class MobileBasemapLayer

A layer that can display the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package. More...

class MobileMapPackage

A mobile map package. More...

class MobileScenePackage

A mobile scene package (.mspk file). More...

class ModelSceneSymbol

Used to display point or multipoint geoelements in a scene using a 3D model. More...

class MosaicDatasetRaster

A geodatabase model designed for managing a collection of raster images. More...

class MosaicRule

A rule determining how a requested image should participate in the mosaic. More...

class MultilayerPointSymbol

A multi-layer point symbol. More...

class MultilayerPolygonSymbol

A multi-layer polygon symbol. More...

class MultilayerPolylineSymbol

A multi-layer polyline symbol. More...

class MultilayerSymbol

Base type for multi-layer symbols. More...

class Multipart

Multipart geometry is comprised of a collection of shapes. More...

class MultipartBuilder

Base class for builders of geometries that consist of multiple parts, such as Polyline and Polygon. More...

class Multipoint

An ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry. More...

class MultipointBuilder

Helper class for building immutable multipoint geometries. More...

class NetworkCacheConfiguration

A singleton class to configure HTTP network caching options. More...

class NetworkLocation

A stop or barrier's corresponding location of a source feature in the network dataset. More...

class NetworkRequestProgress

Information about the progress of a network request. More...

class NmeaLocation

An NMEA location object. More...

class NmeaLocationDataSource

A NMEA location data source object. More...

class OAuthClientInfo

Client authentication information obtained from registering an application with a portal or ArcGIS Online. More...

class Object

The base class from which most objects in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime namespace derive. More...

class OfflineCapability

Describes whether a layer or table can be included in an offline map. More...

class OfflineMapCapabilities

The capability of taking a map's layers and tables offline. More...

class OfflineMapItemInfo

Contains properties to override the offline map's item properties. More...

class OfflineMapParametersKey

A key consisting of a service URL and type of an online service. The key is used to look up values in a dictionary exposed by a GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides. More...

class OfflineMapSyncJob

A job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services. More...

class OfflineMapSyncLayerResult

The result of an OfflineMapSyncJob for a single layer or table. More...

class OfflineMapSyncParameters

Parameters used for creating an OfflineMapSyncJob. More...

class OfflineMapSyncResult

The result of an OfflineMapSyncJob. More...

class OfflineMapSyncTask

A task with methods related to synchronizing an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services. More...

class OfflineMapTask

A task with methods related to taking a map offline and synchronizing online and offline maps. More...

class OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities

Describes supported methods for obtaining updates for a preplanned map area. More...

class OfflineMapUpdatesInfo

Provides information on the available updates for an offline map. More...

class OfflineSettings

Represents settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use. More...

class OgcFeatureCollectionInfo

Metadata of a layer (feature collection) in an OGC API - Features service. More...

class OgcFeatureCollectionTable

An OGC API - Features feature-collection table. More...

class OgcFeatureService

An OGC API - Features service. More...

class OgcFeatureServiceInfo

Metadata for an OGC API - Features service. More...

class OpenStreetMapLayer

A layer that requests images from OpenStreetMap servers. More...

class OrbitGeoElementCameraController

Provides orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving GeoElement. More...

class OrbitLocationCameraController

Provides orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving point object. More...

class OrderBy

Contains a field name and sort order for use in a query where the results are sorted. More...

class OwnershipBasedAccessControlInfo

Ownership-based access control information for the features of a feature service layer. More...

class Part

Represents a single part of a multipart builder. More...

class PartCollection

A mutable collection of parts for creating a Multipart geometry from a MultipartBuilder. More...

class PercentClipStretchParameters

A percent clip stretch parameters object. More...

class PictureFillSymbol

Uses an image to symbolize the fill for a Polygon GeoElement. More...

class PictureFillSymbolLayer

A symbol layer that fills polygon geometry with an image. The specified image fills the layer's polygon if it is the only symbol layer in a MultilayerPolygonSymbol. If a single image does not completely fill the geometry, it is tiled to complete the fill. More...

class PictureMarkerSymbol

Uses an image to symbolize GeoElements that have Point or Multipoint. More...

class PictureMarkerSymbolLayer

Represents a symbol layer used to place a picture marker on a point geometry. More...

class Point

Represents a specific location, defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates, and a SpatialReference. More...

class PointBarrier

A Point indicating where the network analysis should not traverse. More...

class PointBuilder

Helper class for building immutable Point geometries. More...

class PointCloudLayer

A point cloud layer. More...

class PointCollection

Represents a mutable collection of Points for creating a Multipoint geometry from a MultipointBuilder. More...

class Polygon

A geometry with an area shape defined by a collection of parts. More...

class PolygonBarrier

A polygon indicating where the network analysis should not traverse. More...

class PolygonBuilder

Helper class for building immutable polygon geometries. More...

class Polyline

A linear shape defined by a collection of segments. More...

class PolylineBarrier

A Polyline indicating where the network analysis should not traverse. More...

class PolylineBuilder

Helper class for building immutable polyline geometries. More...

class Popup

The combination of a PopupDefinition and a GeoElement, which allows a visual representation of the GeoElement's attributes as well as the ability to edit them. More...

class PopupAttachment

An attachment to a Popup, which contains the attachment data and some additional metadata about the attachment. More...

class PopupAttachmentListModel

A list model storing a list of PopupAttachment available for an ArcGISFeature. More...

class PopupAttachmentManager

Manages PopupAttachments for a Popup. More...

class PopupAttributeListModel

A list model used for viewing and editing attributes in a Popup. More...

class PopupDefinition

Defines how a Popup will be displayed and behave. More...

class PopupElement

Represents an element that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement. More...

class PopupExpression

Defines an Arcade expression within a Pop-up. More...

class PopupExpressionEvaluation

The result from evaluating a Popup Arcade expression. More...

class PopupField

A representation of a GeoElement's attribute field in a Popup. More...

class PopupFieldFormat

The formatting of a field when used in a Popup. More...

class PopupFieldListModel

A list model storing pop-up fields. More...

class PopupManager

Manages the viewing and editing of a Popup. More...

class PopupMedia

The media that is displayed in a Popup for a GeoElement. More...

class PopupMediaListModel

A list model storing pop-up fields. More...

class PopupMediaValue

Contents of an individual media element in a popup. More...

class PopupRelatedFeaturesDefinition

Contains information about displaying related features in a popup. More...

class PopupRelatedFeaturesSortOrder

Defines the order in which related features of a particular relationship are sorted for displaying in a popup. More...

class PopupSource

Marker interface inherited by layers and overlays that can display Popups. More...

class Portal

Represents a view into a portal by a user, either anonymous or with a Credential. More...

class PortalFolder

A folder used to organize a user's portal items. More...

class PortalFolderListModel

Represents the folders in the root folder of a user. More...

class PortalGroup

Represents a group within a Portal or Organization. More...

class PortalGroupListModel

Represents a particular set of groups in a portal. More...

class PortalHelperServices

Container for helper services that are provided by the portal. More...

class PortalInfo

Information about a portal as seen by the current user, anonymous or logged in. More...

class PortalItem

An item in a portal. More...

class PortalItemComment

Information about a comment on a PortalItem. More...

class PortalItemCommentListModel

Represents the list of comments relating to a PortalItem. More...

class PortalItemListModel

Represents a list of portal items. More...

class PortalPrivilege

Represents a particular privilege possessed by a portal user. More...

class PortalPrivilegeListModel

Represents the set of privileges possessed by a portal user. More...

class PortalQueryParameters

Base class for parameters needed to perform a query within a Portal. More...

class PortalQueryParametersForGroups

The query parameters suitable for finding groups contained in a portal. More...

class PortalQueryParametersForItems

The query parameters suitable for finding content contained in a portal. More...

class PortalQueryResultSetForGroups

This class represents results of a groups query performed on a portal. More...

class PortalQueryResultSetForItems

This class represents results of an items query performed on a portal. More...

class PortalResult

Represents the result of moving portal items. More...

class PortalUser

A registered user of a portal or organization. More...

class PreplannedMapArea

Represents a single preplanned offline map area. More...

class PreplannedMapAreaListModel

The list of preplanned map areas available obtained from an offline map task. More...

class ProximityResult

The results returned from calling GeometryEngine::nearestCoordinate or GeometryEngine::nearestVertex. More...

class QueryParameters

Contains parameters for a query for features. More...

class RGBRenderer

A RGB composite raster renderer. More...

class RangeDomain

A domain which specifies a range of valid values for a field. More...

class RangeDomainDescription

An object that describes a RangeDomain to be created. More...

class Raster

Represents raster data that can be rendered using a RasterLayer. More...

class RasterCell

A RasterCell is a specific type of GeoElement used to represent the values of a specific pixel in a RasterLayer. More...

class RasterElevationSource

A file-based raster elevation source. More...

class RasterFunction

An operation that can be performed on one or more rasters or a mosaic dataset by applying on-the-fly processing. More...

class RasterFunctionArguments

Represents arguments associated with a raster function. More...

class RasterLayer

Displays raster data in a map or scene. More...

class RasterRenderer

A base class for renderers that can help visualize raster data. More...

class RasterSublayerSource

Sublayer source that is a file-based raster, residing in a registered raster workspace. More...

class RasterWorkspace

A raster workspace. More...

class RelatedFeatureQueryResult

Contains the features that have been returned from a related tables query. More...

class RelatedQueryParameters

Contains the input parameters for a related tables query. More...

class RelationshipInfo

Information about the relationship between two tables. More...

class RemoteResource

An interface adopted by classes that access remote network resources that have the potential to be secured. More...

class Renderer

Base class for renderers. More...

class RendererSceneProperties

3D rendering properties for features or graphics in a Scene. More...

class RenderingRule

Represents a rendering rule created from JSON or a pre-defined one on server. More...

class RenderingRuleInfo

Metadata about a rendering rule on the image service. More...

class RequestConfiguration

Configuration parameters that apply to network requests. More...

class ReroutingParameters

Parameters used to perform automatic rerouting, if off-route while navigating a route. More...

class RestrictionAttribute

An attribute to be used as a restriction in the analysis. More...

class ReverseGeocodeParameters

Parameters for reverse geocoding using a LocatorTask. More...

class Route

A Route contains information about the best way to maneuver between a series of Stops. More...

class RouteParameters

Parameters for a RouteTask, such as stops, barriers, and whether to return directions. More...

class RouteResult

The result from a RouteTask. More...

class RouteTask

A task to find a route between two or more locations. More...

class RouteTaskInfo

Information about a RouteTask. More...

class RouteTracker

Uses a location to provide status and progress updates as a route is traversed (by a moving vehicle, for example). More...

class RouteTrackerLocationDataSource

A location data source that uses a route tracker and a generic location data source to output locations snapped to a route. More...

class ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition

Filter features from the display based on the current map scale. More...

class ScaleRangeDisplayFilter

A DisplayFilter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range. More...

class ScaleRangeDisplayFilterListModel

A container class storing a list of scale range display filters. More...

class Scene

A scene which can be displayed on the screen by the scene view. More...

class SceneGraphicsView

A 3D scene implemented as a QGraphicWidget. More...

class SceneQuickView

A 3D scene implemented as a QQuickItem component. More...

class SceneView

The base class for a 3D scene. More...

class Segment

A segment represents an edge of a multipart geometry, connecting a start to an end point. More...

class SelectionProperties

Defines selection properties for the GeoView. More...

class ServiceAreaFacility

Represents a service area facility. More...

class ServiceAreaParameters

Represents input parameters for computing service area using ServiceAreaTask. More...

class ServiceAreaPolygon

A single service area polygon. More...

class ServiceAreaPolyline

A single service area polyline. More...

class ServiceAreaResult

The results generated by a ServiceAreaTask after solving. More...

class ServiceAreaTask

A task to compute areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location. More...

class ServiceAreaTaskInfo

Information about a ServiceAreaTask. More...

class ServiceDocumentInfo

Identification metadata about a service. More...

class ServiceFeatureTable

A feature table created from the URL to an ArcGIS feature service. More...

class ServiceGeodatabase

A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable instances connected to a feature service. More...

class ServiceImageTiledLayer

A base class for all image tiled layers that fetch map tiles from a remote service. More...

class ServiceTimeInfo

Information about a time-aware map service. More...

class ServiceVersionInfo

An object that represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service. More...

class ServiceVersionParameters

The parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service. More...

class ShapefileFeatureTable

A feature table created from a shapefile. More...

class ShapefileInfo

Contains information about a shapefile. More...

class ShapefileWorkspace

A shapefile workspace. More...

class SimpleFillSymbol

A fill symbol based on simple patterns. More...

class SimpleLabelExpression

An expression script using the Simple REST language. More...

class SimpleLineSymbol

A line symbol based on simple patterns. More...

class SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol

A 3D marker symbol based on simple shapes. More...

class SimpleMarkerSymbol

A marker symbol based on simple shapes. More...

class SimpleRenderer

A simple renderer based on a single symbol. More...

class SimulatedLocationDataSource

A location data source that provides simulated device locations for testing. More...

class SimulationParameters

Parameters to control how locations are created from a simulated route of travel (Polyline). More...

class SiteLayerDefinition

The properties of the layer that contains sites for a floor-aware map or scene. More...

class SketchEditConfiguration

Defines which edit capabilities of the SketchEditor will be enabled or disabled. More...

class SketchEditor

A class that allows the user to sketch geometries on the map. More...

class SketchStyle

SketchStyle allows the visual appearance of the SketchEditor to be configured. More...

class SketchVertex

A class that represents a vertex or mid-vertex in the SketchEditor. More...

class SolidFillSymbolLayer

A solid fill symbol layer is a symbol layer intended for use with polygon geometries. More...

class SolidStrokeSymbolLayer

A class for line symbol layers with customized geometric effects. More...

class SourceObjectPosition

Position of the source object (a network element) in the source network dataset. More...

class SpatialReference

A spatial reference that defines how coordinates correspond to locations in the real world. More...

class StandardDeviationStretchParameters

A standard deviation stretch parameters object. More...

class StatisticDefinition

Represents a type used for defining a statistic to be queried for in the table. More...

class StatisticRecord

Represents a value within the StatisticRecordIterator. More...

class StatisticRecordIterator

An iterator for a collection of statistic records. More...

class StatisticsQueryParameters

Contains parameters for a query for statistics. More...

class StatisticsQueryResult

Contains the statistics that have been returned from a query. More...

class Stop

A location to stop along a Route. More...

class StretchParameters

Base class for various Stretch parameters. More...

class StretchRenderer

A stretch renderer that can help visualize raster data using RasterLayer. More...

class StrokeSymbolLayer

A StrokeSymbolLayer represents a symbol layer that, when applied to a polyline geometry, draws a stroke along that geometry. The StrokeSymbolLayer can also control drawing the outline of a polygon geometry. More...

class SublayerSource

The source of ArcGISMapImageSublayer, used to create dynamic layers. More...

class SubscriptionInfo

Information about the user's subscription. More...

class SubtypeFeatureLayer

A layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup properties, and so on for some or all of the FeatureSubtype in an ArcGISFeatureTable. More...

class SubtypeSublayer

A sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype. More...

class SubtypeSublayerListModel

A list model storing a list of subtype sublayers. More...

class SuggestListModel

A list model storing a list of SuggestResult for a LocatorTask. More...

class SuggestParameters

Parameters for suggesting potential matches using a LocatorTask. More...

class SuggestResult

The result class returned from a suggest operation of a LocatorTask. More...

class Surface

Class containing elevation sources. More...

class Symbol

Base type for symbols used to display a graphic or a feature. More...

class SymbolAnchor

Implements the anchor of a symbol layer, including placement mode and x and y anchor values. More...

class SymbolLayer

Symbol layers are used to build Multilayer symbols. More...

class SymbolLayerListModel

A list model storing a list of symbol layers available in a multi-layer symbol. More...

class SymbolListModel

A list model storing a list of symbols. More...

class SymbolReferenceProperties

Symbol properties that change how symbols behave when attached to a renderer. More...

class SymbolStyle

Creates a new symbol style object using the registered style name of the Esri web style on the portal. More...

class SymbolStyleSearchParameters

Search parameters used to search for symbols in a SymbolStyle. More...

class SymbolStyleSearchResult

A search result object returned by symbol style. More...

class SymbolStyleSearchResultListModel

A list model storing a list of SymbolStyleSearchResult. More...

class SymbolStyleSearchResultSymbolFetcher

A helper class for SymbolStyleSearchResult to utilize fetchSymbol. More...

class SyncCapabilities

Information about the capabilities supported by a sync-enabled service. More...

class SyncGeodatabaseJob

A job returned by the GeodatabaseSyncTask::syncGeodatabase method. More...

class SyncGeodatabaseParameters

The parameters to sync data of a sync-enabled geodatabase. More...

class SyncLayerOption

Options defining how to sync edits for a specific layer or table when creating a sync-enabled mobile geodatabase. More...

class SyncLayerResult

Result of a sync performed with GeodatabaseSyncTask. More...

class TableDescription

An object that describes a GeodatabaseFeatureTable to be created. Creation of fields and tables is currently only supported on mobile geodatabases, either created in ArcGIS Pro or via Geodatabase::create(QString). More...

class TableJoinSublayerSource

Sublayer source that is the result of a join operation between two sublayer sources. More...

class TableQuerySublayerSource

Sublayer source that is a layer/table defined by a SQL query. More...

class TableSublayerSource

Sublayer source that is a table, a feature class, or a raster that resides in a registered workspace (either a folder or geodatabase). More...

class TaskWatcher

Information about the state of a running task with cancel support. More...

class TextPopupElement

Represents a pop-up element of type text that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement. More...

class TextSymbol

Used to display text at points on a layer. More...

class TileCache

A local cache of pre-rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer. More...

class TileInfo

Describes a map tile cache. More...

class TileKey

A key used to identify specific tiles in a tile cache or service. More...

class TimeAware

A pure virtual interface implemented by classes that support time. More...

class TimeExtent

Represents a span of time between a start time and end time. More...

class TimeReference

Time zone information for a time-aware layer. More...

class TimeValue

Defines a time offset or interval for time related classes. More...

class TrackingDistance

Information about remaining distance on a route. More...

class TrackingProgress

Information about tracking progress (passed and remaining geometries, remaining time and distance). More...

class TrackingStatus

Defines route tracking current status data. More...

class TransformationCatalog

Allows discovery and management of the transformations used to convert coordinates between different datums. More...

class TransformationMatrix

A transformation matrix consisting of a translation vector and a rotation quaternion. More...

class TransformationMatrixCameraController

A transformation matrix camera controller that supports camera navigation by using TransformationMatrix. More...

class TransportationNetworkDataset

A transportation network dataset. More...

class TravelMode

Defines how a pedestrian, car, truck or other mode of transportation moves through the network. More...

class USNGGrid

Represents a United States National Grid (USNG) for displaying on a map view. More...

class UTMGrid

Represents a grid that displays Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zones on a map view. More...

class UniqueValue

A unique value definition for use with a unique value renderer. More...

class UniqueValueListModel

A list model storing a list of unique values available in a unique value renderer. More...

class UniqueValueRenderer

A renderer that displays different symbols based on unique values in the feature attributes. More...

class Unit

Base class for classes that represent a unit of measurement. More...

class UnknownLayer

An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined. More...

class UnsupportedLayer

An instance of this class represents a layer type that is not currently supported. More...

class UtilityAssetGroup

A utility network asset group. More...

class UtilityAssetType

The second-level categorization of a UtilityNetworkSource. More...

class UtilityAssetTypeListModel

A container class storing a list of UtilityAssetTypes. More...

class UtilityAssociation

A connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association. More...

class UtilityCategory

A category used to define a characteristic of an asset in a network. More...

class UtilityCategoryComparison

A condition evaluating whether a particular UtilityCategory exists on a feature in the trace. More...

class UtilityDomainNetwork

A domain network inside a utility network. More...

class UtilityElement

An entity in a utility network that corresponds to a Feature. More...

class UtilityElementTraceResult

A trace result set comprised of a collection of UtilityElement objects. More...

class UtilityFunctionTraceResult

A trace result set comprised of a collection of UtilityTraceFunctionOutput objects. More...

class UtilityGeometryTraceResult

The trace result comprised of a set of Geometry objects representing the network elements identified by the trace. More...

class UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration

A set of predefined trace options that can be used by UtilityTraceParameters to simplify configuring and running a trace operation. More...

class UtilityNamedTraceConfigurationQueryParameters

The query parameters to use when searching for applicable named trace configuration objects. More...

class UtilityNearestNeighbor

A filter set on UtilityTraceFilter::nearestNeighbor to return the next N features from the starting point. More...

class UtilityNetwork

A utility network. More...

class UtilityNetworkAttribute

A network attribute in a utility network. More...

class UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison

A condition evaluating the value of a UtilityNetworkAttribute on nodes in the network, either to another UtilityNetworkAttribute or to a specific value. More...

class UtilityNetworkDefinition

The metadata of a utility network. More...

class UtilityNetworkListModel

A container class storing a list of UtilityNetwork. More...

class UtilityNetworkSource

A network source in a utility network. More...

class UtilityPropagator

Propagator objects allow a subset of UtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while executing a trace. More...

class UtilityPropagatorListModel

A container class storing a list of UtilityPropagators. More...

class UtilityTerminal

A single terminal on a junction feature. More...

class UtilityTerminalConfiguration

A utility network terminal configuration. More...

class UtilityTerminalConfigurationPath

The set of flow paths between terminals for a given device configuration. More...

class UtilityTerminalPath

Specifies a flow path between two UtilityTerminal objects. More...

class UtilityTier

A logical level within a network. More...

class UtilityTierGroup

A related group of UtilityTier objects. More...

class UtilityTraceAndCondition

Combines two sub-expressions together using a logical AND operator. More...

class UtilityTraceCondition

The base class for a utility network traversability condition. More...

class UtilityTraceConditionalExpression

A trace condition that depends on the schema information in the Utility Network, such as the existence of a UtilityCategory on a node, or the value of a UtilityNetworkAttribute. More...

class UtilityTraceConfiguration

The set of utility network parameters that define elements of a trace or of a subnetwork. More...

class UtilityTraceFilter

A mechanism to stop tracing when returning results. UtilityTraceFilter objects do not stop traversability to the controller. More...

class UtilityTraceFunction

A function for computing values during a network trace. More...

class UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier

A logical barrier that stops continued network traversal when a comparison expression evaluates as true. More...

class UtilityTraceFunctionBarrierListModel

A container class storing a list of UtilityTraceFunctionBarrier objects. More...

class UtilityTraceFunctionListModel

A container class storing a list of UtilityTraceFunction. More...

class UtilityTraceFunctionOutput

A UtilityTraceFunctionOutput consists of a UtilityTraceFunction and its corresponding global result. More...

class UtilityTraceOrCondition

Two sub-expressions combined together using a logical OR operator. More...

class UtilityTraceParameters

Utility network trace parameters. More...

class UtilityTraceResult

The base class for utility network trace result objects. More...

class UtilityTraceResultListModel

A list model storing a list of UtilityTraceResult. More...

class UtilityTraversability

A set of options controlling which objects are evaluated or returned during a tracing operation. More...

class VectorMarkerSymbolElement

Vector marker symbol element comprises the pieces of a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer. More...

class VectorMarkerSymbolElementListModel

A list model storing a list of vector marker symbol elements. More...

class VectorMarkerSymbolLayer

Vector marker symbol layer represents a marker comprising vector graphics. More...

class VectorTileCache

This class represents the metadata for a local cache of vector map tiles that can be used to create an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer. More...

class VectorTileSourceInfo

Information about a vector tile source. More...

class VectorTileStyle

A style sheet for a vector tiled layer. More...

class ViewInsets

Defines areas along the edges of a GeoView that may be obscured by some other UI elements. More...

class ViewLabelProperties

Used for specifying labeling properties on the MapView. More...

class Viewpoint

Base class for classes describing the user's viewpoint when viewing a map or scene. More...

class Viewshed

A base class for the Analysis classes that determine visible and non-visible areas in a scene view. More...

class VoiceGuidance

Voice guidance to play at certain locations along a route. More...

class WebTiledLayer

A layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template. More...

class WebmapLabelExpression

The label Webmap expression expects to hold a legal, Webmap script and to be read and evaluated by a Webmap expression interpreter. An example expression that combines text with a field value is: c {State {State_Name}}. Note that quotes are not needed around the literal text. More...

class WfsFeatureTable

A table in an OGC Web Feature Service. More...

class WfsLayerInfo

Metadata about an individual layer in a Web Feature Service (WFS). More...

class WfsService

An OGC Web Feature Service (WFS). More...

class WfsServiceInfo

Service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Feature Service (WFS). More...

class WmsFeature

A WMS feature object. More...

class WmsLayer

Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) layer. More...

class WmsLayerInfo

Information about a WMS layer as described by a WMS service. More...

class WmsService

Represents an OGC Web Map Service (WMS). More...

class WmsServiceInfo

Represents the service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS). More...

class WmsSublayer

A sublayer of a WMS Layer. More...

class WmtsLayer

Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer. More...

class WmtsLayerInfo

Represents metadata about an individual layer in a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). More...

class WmtsService

An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). More...

class WmtsServiceInfo

Represents the service metadata for an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). More...

class WmtsTileMatrix

Defines an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) Tile Matrix. More...

class WmtsTileMatrixSet

A WMTS tile matrix set. More...

Type Documentation

enum class AddRastersParametersType

Enumerates the AddRastersParametersType used in a mosaic dataset raster.

The AddRastersParametersType can be one of:

AddRastersParametersType::AddRastersParameters0The add rasters parameters.
AddRastersParametersType::FrameCameraAddRastersParameters1The frame camera parameters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class AnalysisType

Enumerates possible analysis types.

The AnalysisType can be one of:

AnalysisType::Unknown-1Unknown anaylsis type.
AnalysisType::LocationViewshed1The LocationViewshed type.
AnalysisType::LocationLineOfSight2The LocationLineOfSight type.
AnalysisType::GeoElementViewshed3The GeoElementViewshed type.
AnalysisType::GeoElementLineOfSight4The GeoElementLineOfSight type.
AnalysisType::LocationDistanceMeasurement5The LocationDistanceMeasurement type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class AngularUnitId

Enumerates types of angular units that may be represented by AngularUnit.

The AngularUnitId can be one of:

AngularUnitId::Other0Other unit
AngularUnitId::Minutes9103Minutes (1/60 degree)
AngularUnitId::Seconds9104Seconds (1/3600 degree)

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AnimationCurve

Enumerates types of animation curves.

The AnimationCurve can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AntialiasingMode

Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing items in the map.

The AntialiasingMode can be one of:

AntialiasingMode::None0No antialiasing is performed.
AntialiasingMode::Fastest1Minimal antialiasing is performed, optimized for speed.
AntialiasingMode::Fast2Some antialiasing is performed, optimized for speed with better quality than Fastest.
AntialiasingMode::Normal3A good balance of speed and quality.
AntialiasingMode::Best4The best quality antialiasing. This option takes the longest to render.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType

Enumerates the types of the datasets underlying an Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.

This is used to determine the type of the dataset behind an Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo. Spatial datasets are considered to be layers whereas non-spatial datasets are tables.

The ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType can be one of:

ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::Layer0A feature layer. Containing geometrical features such as a points, lines, or polygons.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::Table1A feature table.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::GroupLayer2A group layer.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::AnnotationLayer3An annotation layer. Containing text features to be drawn at specific positions.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::DimensionLayer4A dimension layer. Containing schematic measurement features to be drawn at specific positions.
ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType::Unknown-1An unknown/unsupported dataset type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType

Enumerates type of map service sublayers.

The type of the service underlying an ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo. This is used to determine the type of the service behind an ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo.

The ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType can be one of:

ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::FeatureLayer0A feature layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::Table1A feature table.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::GroupLayer2A group layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::RasterLayer3A raster layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::NetworkAnalysisLayer4A network analysis layer.
ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType::Unknown-1An unknown/unsupported service type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ArcGISSublayerType

Enumerates types of ArcGIS sublayers.

The ArcGISSublayerType can be one of:

ArcGISSublayerType::ArcGISMapImageSublayer0ArcGIS map image sublayer.
ArcGISSublayerType::ArcGISTiledSublayer1ArcGIS tiled sublayer.
ArcGISSublayerType::SubtypeSublayer2A feature subtype sublayer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ArcadeExpressionReturnType

The expected type of the result calculated by an expression described within an ArcadeExpression.

The ArcadeExpressionReturnType can be one of:

ArcadeExpressionReturnType::Automatic0The return type of the expression will be automatically determined based on the script calculation. The return type is determined by the return value of the script. Different paths through the script might result in different result types. For example, depending on input values, it might return a number, a string, a date or an array.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType::Number1The return type is expected to be a floating-point number.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType::String2The return type is expected to be a string.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType::Dictionary3The return type is expected to be a dictionary of key/value pairs.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType::Any4The return type is expected to be any of the other ArcadeExpressionReturnType types. 'Any' implies that the application evaluating the expression will need to check the result for its type and use the value appropriately.
ArcadeExpressionReturnType::Boolean5The return type is expected to be a boolean value of true or false.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class ArcadeProfile

The execution context a script will run under.

The Arcade profile specifies the context under which a script should be executed. This allows the script writer to program against a set of known profile variables and functionality restrictions that are appropriate for their use case. This includes the set of expected return types.

Usage of restricted functionality (e.g. FeatureSets) while working in the labeling profile results in an error. Often the restrictions are applied due to performance considerations.

Currently ArcGIS Runtime does not check the required profile variables are present for evaluation within a certain profile, nor does it check the return type is the expected type. We provide ArcadeEvaluationResult::castTo(ArcadeExpressionReturnType) function to convert the type of the evaluation result using Arcade casting rules.

The ArcadeProfile can be one of:

ArcadeProfile::Restricted0Usage of any optional feature is blocked. Prefer this as your default.
ArcadeProfile::Unrestricted1All optional functionality is allowed. The default profile due to compatibility reasons, prefer ArcadeProfile.restricted as default.
ArcadeProfile::Alias2Alias profile. Alias profile functionality restrictions apply, only Alias profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::AttributeRuleCalculation3Attribute Rule Calculation profile. Attribute Rule Calculation profile functionality restrictions apply, only Attribute Rule Calculation profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::AttributeRuleConstraint4Attribute Rule Constraint profile. Attribute Rule Constraint profile functionality restrictions apply, only Attribute Rule Constraint profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::AttributeRuleValidation5Attribute Rule Validation profile. Attribute Rule profile functionality restrictions apply, only Attribute Rule profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Constraint6Constraint profile. Constraint profile functionality restrictions apply, only Constraint profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::DashboardFormatting7Dashboard Formatting profile. Dashboard Formatting profile functionality restrictions apply, only Dashboard Formatting profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::DashboardData8Dashboard Data profile. Dashboard Data profile functionality restrictions apply, only Dashboard Data profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::DictionaryRenderer9Dictionary Renderer profile. Dictionary Renderer profile functionality restrictions apply, only Dictionary Renderer profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::FeatureZ10Feature Z profile. Feature Z profile functionality restrictions apply, only Feature Z profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::FieldCalculation11Field Calculation profile. Field Calculation profile functionality restrictions apply, only Field Calculation profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::FieldMapping12Field Mapping profile. Field Mapping profile functionality restrictions apply, only Field Mapping profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Geoanalytics13Geoanalytics profile. Geoanalytics profile functionality restrictions apply, only Geoanalytics profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Labeling14Labeling profile. Labeling profile functionality restrictions apply, only Labeling profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Layout15Layout profile. Layout profile functionality restrictions apply, only Layout profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::MeasureVisualization16Measure Visualization profile. Measure Visualization profile functionality restrictions apply, only Measure Visualization profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Popup17Popup profile. Popup functionality profile restrictions apply, only Popup profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Velocity18Velocity profile. Velocity profile functionality restrictions apply, only Velocity profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Visualization19Visualization profile. Visualization profile functionality restrictions apply, only Visualization profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::GeotriggerNotification20Geotrigger Notification profile. Geotrigger Notification profile functionality restrictions apply, only Geotrigger Notification profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::FormCalculation21Form Calculation profile. Form Calculation profile functionality restrictions apply, only Form Calculation profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::Task22Task profile. Task profile functionality restrictions apply, only Task profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::PopupElement23Popup Element profile. Popup Element profile functionality restrictions apply, only Popup Element profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.
ArcadeProfile::LocationUpdateConstraint24Location Update Constraint profile. Location Update Constraint profile functionality restrictions apply, only Location Update Constraint profile variables should be made available. See Arcade profile documentation.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class AreaUnitId

Enumerates types of area units that may be represented by AreaUnit.

The AreaUnitId can be one of:

AreaUnitId::Other0Other unit

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AspectRatioMode

Enumerates the aspect ratio mode used.

AspectRatioMode::IgnoreAspectRatioQt::AspectRatioMode::IgnoreAspectRatioThe size is scaled freely. The aspect ratio is not preserved.
AspectRatioMode::KeepAspectRatioQt::AspectRatioMode::KeepAspectRatioThe size is scaled to a rectangle as large as possible inside a given rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio.
AspectRatioMode::KeepAspectRatioByExpandingQt::AspectRatioMode::KeepAspectRatioByExpandingThe size is expanded to a rectangle as small as possible outside given rectangle, preserving the aspect ratio.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AtmosphereEffect

Enumerates possible ways to add an atmosphere display effect to a scene view.

The AtmosphereEffect can be one of:

AtmosphereEffect::None0No atmosphere effect.
AtmosphereEffect::HorizonOnly1A simple atmosphere effect. This is not resource intensive.
AtmosphereEffect::Realistic2A more realistic atmosphere effect. Looks the best but is resource intensive.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AttachmentSyncDirection

Enumerates sync direction for attachments.

AttachmentSyncDirection indicates the direction that attachment changes are sent between the mobile geodatabase and the service. AttachmentSyncDirection can be one of:

AttachmentSyncDirection::None0No sync direction specified.
AttachmentSyncDirection::Upload1Upload changes to the service.
AttachmentSyncDirection::Bidirectional2Upload and download changes.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AttributeUnit

Enumerates the type of units for network attributes.

The AttributeUnit can be one of:

AttributeUnit::Unknown0An unknown unit.
AttributeUnit::NauticalMiles10Nautical miles.
AttributeUnit::DecimalDegrees11Decimal degrees.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AuthenticationChallengeType

Enumerates types of authentication challenges.

AuthenticationChallengeType::Unknown0No authentication challenge type defined.
AuthenticationChallengeType::UsernamePassword1Authentication challenge type requiring username and/or password.
AuthenticationChallengeType::OAuth2Authentication challenge type requiring an OAuth authorization code.
AuthenticationChallengeType::ClientCertificate3Authentication challenge type requiring a client certificate.
AuthenticationChallengeType::SslHandshake4Authentication challenge type indicating one or more SSL errors have occurred.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class AuthenticationType

Enumerates supported authentication types for secured services.

AuthenticationType::Unknown0No authentication type defined.
AuthenticationType::Token1Token-based authentication.
AuthenticationType::HTTP2HTTP Basic or Digest authentication.
AuthenticationType::Certificate3The client certificate-based security. Requires setting a SSL configuration.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class BarrierType

Enumerates the type of barrier for a route.

The BarrierType can be one of:

BarrierType::Restriction0A restriction attribute barrier type.
BarrierType::CostAdjustment1A cost adjustment barrier type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class BasemapStyle

The list of basemap styles.

This is used to determine which basemap to use. These basemaps are secured and require either an APIKey or named user to access them. The BasemapStyle can be one of the following:

BasemapStyle::ArcGISImagery0A composite basemap with satellite imagery of the world (raster) as the base layer and labels (vector) as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryStandard1A raster basemap with satellite imagery of the world as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryLabels2A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on BasemapStyle::ArcGISImageryStandard.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGray3A vector basemap for the world featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGrayBase4A vector basemap for the world featuring a light neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGrayLabels5A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on light neutral backgrounds such as the BasemapStyle::ArcGISLightGrayBase style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGray6A vector basemap for the world featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGrayBase7A vector basemap for the world featuring a dark neutral background style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGrayLabels8A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on dark neutral backgrounds such as the BasemapStyle::ArcGISDarkGrayBase style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigation9A vector basemap for the world featuring a custom navigation map style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigationNight10A vector basemap for the world featuring a 'dark mode' version of the BasemapStyle::ArcGISNavigation style, using the same content.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreets11A vector basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsNight12A vector basemap for the world featuring a custom 'night time' street map style.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsRelief13A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and a classic Esri street map style (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTopographic14A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and classic Esri topographic map style including a relief map (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceans15A composite basemap with ocean data of the world (raster) as the base layer and labels (vector) as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceansBase16A raster basemap with ocean data of the world as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceansLabels17A vector basemap with labels for the world as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceansBase.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrain18A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster), minimal map content like water and land fill, water lines and roads (vector) as the base layers and minimal map content like populated place names, admin and water labels with boundary lines (vector) as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrainBase19A vector basemap with minimal map content like water and land fill, water lines and roads as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrainDetail20A vector basemap with minimal map content like populated place names, admin and water labels with boundary lines as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on BasemapStyle::ArcGISTerrainBase and hillshade.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISCommunity21A vector basemap for the world in a style that is optimized to display special areas of interest (AOIs) that have been created and edited by Community Maps contributors.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISChartedTerritory22A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and the world featuring a geopolitical style reminiscent of a school classroom wall map (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISColoredPencil23A vector basemap presented in the style of hand-drawn, colored pencil cartography.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNova24A vector basemap for the world featuring a dark background with glowing blue symbology inspired by science-fiction and futuristic themes.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISModernAntique25A composite basemap with elevation hillshade (raster) and the look of 18th and 19th century antique maps in the modern world of multi-scale mapping (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISMidcentury26A vector basemap inspired by the art and advertising of the 1950's that presents a unique design option to the ArcGIS basemaps.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISNewspaper27A vector basemap in black & white design with halftone patterns, red highlights, and stylized fonts to depict a unique "newspaper" styled theme.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHillshadeLight28A raster basemap with elevation hillshade. Designed to be used as a backdrop for topographic, soil, hydro, landcover or other outdoor recreational maps.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISHillshadeDark29A raster basemap with world hillshade (Dark) is useful in building maps that provide terrain context while highlighting feature layers and labels.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISStreetsReliefBase30A vector basemap in the classic Esri street map style, using a relief map as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISTopographicBase31A vector basemap in the classic Esri topographic map style, using a relief map as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISChartedTerritoryBase32A vector basemap in a geopolitical style reminiscent of a school classroom wall map as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::ArcGISModernAntiqueBase33A vector basemap in the style of 18th and 19th century antique maps in the modern world of multi-scale mapping as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.
BasemapStyle::OsmStandard101A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using Open Street Map (OSM) cartography.
BasemapStyle::OsmStandardRelief102A composite basemap that uses elevation as an artistic hillshade (raster) and Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. It is rendered similarly to the Esri Street Map (with Relief) and uses a cartographic style (vector) as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmStandardReliefBase103A vector basemap is a version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using Esri Street Map cartographic style.
BasemapStyle::OsmStreets104A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using Esri Street Map style.
BasemapStyle::OsmStreetsRelief105A composite basemap with elevation as an artistic hillshade (raster) and Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered similarly to the Esri Street Map (with Relief) cartographic style (vector) as the base layers.
BasemapStyle::OsmLightGray106A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using light neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmLightGrayBase107A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using light neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmLightGrayLabels108A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. Contains only labels as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on light neutral styles with minimal colors such as BasemapStyle::OSMLightGrayBase.
BasemapStyle::OsmDarkGray109A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using dark neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer and labels as the reference layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmDarkGrayBase110A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri and rendered using dark neutral style with minimal colors as the base layer.
BasemapStyle::OsmDarkGrayLabels111A vector basemap version of Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. Contains only labels as the reference layer. Designed to be overlaid on dark neutral styles with minimal colors such as BasemapStyle::OSMDarkGrayBase.
BasemapStyle::OsmStreetsReliefBase112A vector basemap with Open Street Map (OSM) data hosted by Esri. It is rendered similarly to the Esri Street Map (with Relief) and uses a cartographic style as the base layer. This is a transparent basemap so it is recommended to use it along with a hillshade (raster) layer or adjust the BackgroundGrid of the GeoView.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class BingMapsLayerStyle

Enumerates the types of layer styles for a Bing Maps layer.

The BingMapsLayerStyle can be one of:

BingMapsLayerStyle::Unknown-1Unknown Bing Maps layer style.
BingMapsLayerStyle::Aerial0Aeriel layer style.
BingMapsLayerStyle::Hybrid1Hybrid layer style.
BingMapsLayerStyle::Road2Road layer style.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class CacheStorageFormat

The storage format of a tile cache.

The CacheStorageFormat can be one of:

CacheStorageFormat::Unknown-1Unknown storage format.
CacheStorageFormat::Compact0Compact storage format (.tpk).
CacheStorageFormat::CompactV21Compact V2 storage format (.tpkx). For more details on the specification of a .tpkx file, see
CacheStorageFormat::Exploded2Exploded storage format.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class CameraControllerType

Enumerates possible types of camera controller.

The camera controller can be one of:

CameraControllerType::Unknown-1Unknown camera controller type.
CameraControllerType::GlobeCameraController1A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GlobeCameraController.
CameraControllerType::OrbitGeoElementCameraController2A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::OrbitGeoElementCameraController.
CameraControllerType::OrbitLocationCameraController3A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::OrbitLocationCameraController.
CameraControllerType::TransformationMatrixCameraController4A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TransformationMatrixCameraController. New value since 100.6.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ContingencyConstraintViolationType

The different types of contingency constraint violations.

The ContingencyConstraintViolationType can be one of:

ContingencyConstraintViolationType::Warning0A warning violation.
ContingencyConstraintViolationType::Error1An error violation.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

enum class ContingentValueType

The different types of contingent values.

The ContingentValueType can be one of:

ContingentValueType::ContingentCodedValue0Contains one or more specific values from a coded value domain.
ContingentValueType::ContingentRangeValue1Contains a subset min and max from a range domain.
ContingentValueType::ContingentNullValue2Indicates that a null value is allowed.
ContingentValueType::ContingentAnyValue3Indicates that any value from the field's domain is allowed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

enum class CurbApproach

Enumerates the side of street for arrivals or departures of a route.

The CurbApproach can be one of:

CurbApproach::EitherSide0An either side curb approach.
CurbApproach::LeftSide1A left side curb approach.
CurbApproach::RightSide2A right side curb approach.
CurbApproach::NoUturn3A no U-turn curb approach.
CurbApproach::Unknown4An unknown curb approach, used when the approach is not determined.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DatumTransformationType

Supported datum transformation types.

The DatumTransformationType can be one of:

DatumTransformationType::GeographicTransformation1Represents a GeographicTransformation instance.
DatumTransformationType::HorizontalVerticalTransformation2Represents a HorizontalVerticalTransformation instance.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class DestinationStatus

Enumerates possible navigation rerouting strategies

The DestinationStatus can be one of:

DestinationStatus::NotReached0Have not reached the destination
DestinationStatus::Approaching1Approaching the destination
DestinationStatus::Reached2Reached the destination

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class DestinationTableRowFilter

Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows.

The DestinationTableRowFilter can be one of:

DestinationTableRowFilter::All0Indicates all rows of a table will be take offline.
DestinationTableRowFilter::RelatedOnly1Indicates that a table can be filtered to only related rows when taking the table offline.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class DeviceOrientation

Describes the rotation of the device.

Used to match the field of view of the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SceneView to the field of view of a camera lens using the lens characteristics and orientation.

The DeviceOrientation can be one of:

DeviceOrientation::Portrait0The device is in portrait mode, with the device held upright and the home button on the bottom.
DeviceOrientation::LandscapeLeft1The device is in landscape mode, with the device held sideways and the home button on the left side.
DeviceOrientation::ReversePortrait2The device is in portrait mode, with the device held upside down and the home button on the top.
DeviceOrientation::LandscapeRight3The device is in landscape mode, with the device held sideways and the home button on the right side.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class DirectionManeuverType

Enumerates the types of direction maneuvers on a route.

The DirectionManeuverType can be one of:

DirectionManeuverType::Unknown0An unknown maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::Stop1A stop maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::Straight2A continue straight maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::BearLeft3A bear left maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::BearRight4A bear right maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnLeft5A left turn.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnRight6A right turn.
DirectionManeuverType::SharpLeft7A sharp left turn.
DirectionManeuverType::SharpRight8A sharp right turn.
DirectionManeuverType::UTurn9A U-turn.
DirectionManeuverType::Ferry10A maneuver connecting with a ferry.
DirectionManeuverType::Roundabout11A maneuver via roundabout.
DirectionManeuverType::HighwayMerge12A merge of several highways.
DirectionManeuverType::HighwayExit13An exit from a highway.
DirectionManeuverType::HighwayChange14A change of highway.
DirectionManeuverType::ForkCenter15A straight at fork.
DirectionManeuverType::ForkLeft16A left at fork.
DirectionManeuverType::ForkRight17A right at fork.
DirectionManeuverType::Depart18A departure.
DirectionManeuverType::TripItem19Connected with trip planning maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::EndOfFerry20An end of ferry transfer.
DirectionManeuverType::RampRight21A maneuver to the right on a ramp.
DirectionManeuverType::RampLeft22A maneuver to the left on a ramp.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnLeftRight23A complex maneuver; turn left, then right.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnRightLeft24A complex maneuver; turn right, then left.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnRightRight25A complex maneuver; turn right, then right.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnLeftLeft26A complex maneuver; turn left, then left.
DirectionManeuverType::PedestrianRamp27A maneuver via pedestrian ramp.
DirectionManeuverType::Elevator28A maneuver via elevator.
DirectionManeuverType::Escalator29A maneuver via escalator.
DirectionManeuverType::Stairs30A maneuver via stairs.
DirectionManeuverType::DoorPassage31Passing through a door.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DirectionMessageType

Enumerates the types of direction messages on a route.

The DirectionMessageType can be one of:

DirectionMessageType::Length0A length message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::Time1A time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::Summary2A summary message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::TimeWindow3A time window message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::ViolationTime4A violation time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::WaitTime5A wait time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::ServiceTime6A service time for a stop message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::EstimatedArrivalTime7An estimated arrival time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::CumulativeLength8A cumulative length message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::StreetName9A street name message.
DirectionMessageType::AlternativeName10An alternative street name message.
DirectionMessageType::Branch11A signpost branch message.
DirectionMessageType::Toward12A signpost toward message.
DirectionMessageType::CrossStreet13An intersected street name message.
DirectionMessageType::Exit14An exit message.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DirectionsStyle

Enumerates the style of directions.

The DirectionsStyle can be one of:

DirectionsStyle::Desktop0Directions suitable for printing.
DirectionsStyle::Navigation1Directions designed for an in-vehicle navigation application.
DirectionsStyle::Campus2Walking directions, designed for pedestrian routes.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DisplayFilterDefinitionType

The different types of available display filter definitions.

The DisplayFilterDefinitionType can be one of:

DisplayFilterDefinitionType::Unknown-1An unknown display filter definition type.
DisplayFilterDefinitionType::ManualDisplayFilterDefinition0A ManualDisplayFilterDefinition type.
DisplayFilterDefinitionType::ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition1A ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

enum class DisplayFilterType

The different types of available display filters.

The DisplayFilterType can be one of:

DisplayFilterType::Unknown-1An unknown display filter type.
DisplayFilterType::DisplayFilter0A DisplayFilter type.
DisplayFilterType::ScaleRangeDisplayFilter1A ScaleRangeDisplayFilter type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

enum class DomainDescriptionType

An enumeration of Esri::ArcGISRuntime::DomainDescription types.

The DomainDescriptionType can be one of:

DomainDescriptionType::Unknown-1An unknown type.
DomainDescriptionType::CodedValueDomainDescription0A coded value domain description.
DomainDescriptionType::RangeDomainDescription2A range domain description.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class DomainType

Enumerates the type of domain.

The DomainType can be one of:

DomainType::Unknown-1Unknown domain type.
DomainType::CodedValueDomain0The coded value domain type.
DomainType::InheritedDomain1The inherited domain type.
DomainType::RangeDomain2The range domain type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DrawStatus

Enumerates the possible draw status of a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Map.

The DrawStatus can be one of:

DrawStatus::InProgress0Drawing is in progress.
DrawStatus::Completed1Drawing has completed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DrawingTool

Enumerates the drawing tool that could be used to draw a feature in an editing application.

The DrawingTool can be one of:

DrawingTool::Unknown-1Unknown drawing tool.
DrawingTool::AutoCompletePolygon0The auto complete polygon tool.
DrawingTool::Circle1The circle tool.
DrawingTool::DownArrow2The down arrow tool.
DrawingTool::Ellipse3The ellipse tool.
DrawingTool::FreeHand4The free hand tool.
DrawingTool::LeftArrow5The left arrow tool.
DrawingTool::Line6The line tool.
DrawingTool::None7No tool.
DrawingTool::Point8The point tool.
DrawingTool::Polygon9The polygon tool.
DrawingTool::Rectangle10The rectangle tool.
DrawingTool::RightArrow11The right arrow tool.
DrawingTool::Text12The text tool.
DrawingTool::Triangle13The triangle tool.
DrawingTool::UpArrow14The up arrow tool.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DynamicWorkspaceType

Enumerates the types of dynamic workspace.

DynamicWorkspaceType::Raster0Raster workspace.
DynamicWorkspaceType::Shapefile1Shapefile workspace.
DynamicWorkspaceType::EnterpriseGeodatabase2Enterprise Geodatabase workspace.
DynamicWorkspaceType::FileGeodatabase3File Geodatabase workspace.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class EditOperation

Enumerates types of feature dataset edit operations.

The EditOperation can be one of:

EditOperation::Unknown-1Unknown operation
EditOperation::Add0Add a feature
EditOperation::Update1Update a feature
EditOperation::Delete2Delete a feature

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class EditResultType

Enumerates types of editing results.

The EditResultType can be one of:

EditResultType::Unknown-1Unknown edit result type
EditResultType::FeatureEditResult0Edit result on features
EditResultType::EditResult1Basic edit result

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ElevationSourceType

Enumerates possible elevation source types.

The ElevationSourceType can be one of:

ElevationSourceType::ArcGISTiledElevationSource1An ArcGIS tiled elevation source.
ElevationSourceType::RasterElevationSource2A raster elevation source.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class EncAreaSymbolizationType

The list of area features symbolization settings.

This is used to specify whether areas should be symbolized with plain or traditional symbols.

The EncAreaSymbolizationType can be one of:

EncAreaSymbolizationType::Plain4Use plain symbols.
EncAreaSymbolizationType::Symbolized5Use traditional symbols.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class EncColorScheme

A switch between S-52 color schemes.

The S-52 standard allows for switching between three color modes.

The EncColorScheme can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class EncDisplayDepthUnits

A switch between units for depth.

Change the unit of depth for soundings and contours.

The EncDisplayDepthUnits can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class EncPointSymbolizationType

The list of point features symbolization settings.

This is used to specify whether point features should be symbolized with simplified or paperchart symbols.

The EncPointSymbolizationType can be one of:

EncPointSymbolizationType::Simplified2Use simplified symbols.
EncPointSymbolizationType::PaperChart1Use Paperchart symbols.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class ErrorDomainType

Enumerates the error domain.

The ErrorDomainType can be one of:

ErrorDomainType::ArcGISRuntime0ArcGISRuntime error
ErrorDomainType::ArcGISServer1ArcGISServer error

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ErrorType

The list of possible generic errors.

The ErrorType can be one of:

ErrorType::Unknown-1Unknown error. The catch-all for unknown errors.
ErrorType::Success0Success. Indicates success, not an error.
ErrorType::CommonNullPtr1nullptr pointer.
ErrorType::CommonInvalidArgument2Invalid argument.
ErrorType::CommonNotImplemented3Not implemented.
ErrorType::CommonOutOfRange4Out of range.
ErrorType::CommonInvalidAccess5Invalid access.
ErrorType::CommonIllegalState6Illegal state.
ErrorType::CommonNotFound7Not found.
ErrorType::CommonExists8Entity exists.
ErrorType::CommonRegularExpression10Regular expression error.
ErrorType::CommonPropertyNotSupported11Property not supported.
ErrorType::CommonNoPermission12No permission.
ErrorType::CommonFile13File error.
ErrorType::CommonFileNotFound14File not found.
ErrorType::CommonInvalidCall15Invalid call.
ErrorType::CommonIo16IO error.
ErrorType::CommonUserCanceled17User canceled.
ErrorType::CommonInternalError18Internal error.
ErrorType::CommonConversionFailed19Conversion failed.
ErrorType::CommonNoData20No data.
ErrorType::CommonInvalidJson21Invalid JSON.
ErrorType::CommonUserDefinedFailure22Propagated error.
ErrorType::CommonBadXml23Invalid XML.
ErrorType::CommonObjectAlreadyOwned24Object is already owned.
ErrorType::CommonQtReserved25Reserved for use by Qt.
ErrorType::CommonExpired26The resource is past its expiry date.
ErrorType::CommonNullabilityViolation27Nullability violation. nullptr was returned from a property or method which is expected to be non-nullable.
ErrorType::CommonInvalidProperty28Invalid property. The value of a property is invalid.
ErrorType::SqliteError1001SQLite error.
ErrorType::SqliteInternal1002SQLite internal error.
ErrorType::SqlitePerm1003SQLite permission.
ErrorType::SqliteAbort1004SQLite operation aborted.
ErrorType::SqliteBusy1005SQLite database busy.
ErrorType::SqliteLocked1006SQLite database locked.
ErrorType::SqliteNoMem1007SQLite out of memory.
ErrorType::SqliteReadonly1008SQLite read only.
ErrorType::SqliteInterrupt1009SQLite operation interrupted.
ErrorType::SqliteIoErr1010SQLite IO error.
ErrorType::SqliteCorrupt1011SQLite corrupt database.
ErrorType::SqliteNotFound1012SQLite not found.
ErrorType::SqliteFull1013SQLite disk full.
ErrorType::SqliteCantOpen1014SQLite cannot open.
ErrorType::SqliteProtocol1015SQLite file locking protocol.
ErrorType::SqliteEmpty1016SQLite empty error. This code is not currently used.
ErrorType::SqliteSchema1017SQLite schema changed.
ErrorType::SqliteTooBig1018SQLite string or data blob too large.
ErrorType::SqliteConstraint1019SQLite constraint violation.
ErrorType::SqliteMismatch1020SQLite data type mismatch.
ErrorType::SqliteMisuse1021SQLite interface misuse.
ErrorType::SqliteNolfs1022SQLite no large file support.
ErrorType::SqliteAuth1023SQLite statement not authorized.
ErrorType::SqliteFormat1024SQLite format error. This code is not currently used.
ErrorType::SqliteRange1025SQLite out of range.
ErrorType::SQLiteNotADatabase1026Not an SQLite database.
ErrorType::SqliteNotice1027SQLite unusual operation notice.
ErrorType::SqliteWarning1028SQLite unusual operation warning.
ErrorType::SqliteRow1029SQLite row is available.
ErrorType::SqliteDone1030SQLite operation is complete.
ErrorType::GeometryUnknownError2000Unknown geometry error.
ErrorType::GeometryCorruptedGeometry2001Corrupt geometry.
ErrorType::GeometryEmptyGeometry2002Empty geometry.
ErrorType::GeometryMathSingularity2003Math singularity.
ErrorType::GeometryBufferIsTooSmall2004Geometry buffer too small.
ErrorType::GeometryInvalidShapeType2005Geometry invalid shape type.
ErrorType::GeometryProjectionOutOfSupportedRange2006Geometry projection out of supported range.
ErrorType::GeometryNonSimpleGeometry2007Non simple geometry.
ErrorType::GeometryCannotCalculateGeodesic2008Cannot calculate geodesic.
ErrorType::GeometryNotationConversion2009Geometry notation conversion.
ErrorType::GeometryMissingGridFile2010Missing grid file.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseValueOutOfRange3001Geodatabase value out of range.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDataTypeMismatch3002Geodatabase data type mismatch.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseBadXml3003Geodatabase invalid XML.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseAlreadyExists3004Database already exists.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseDoesNotExist3005Database does not exist.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseNameLongerThan128Characters3006Geodatabase name longer than 128 characters.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidShapeType3007Geodatabase invalid shape type.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRasterNotSupported3008Geodatabase raster not supported.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRelationshipClassOneToOne3009Geodatabase relationship class one to one.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseItemNotFound3010Geodatabase item not found.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDuplicateCode3011Geodatabase duplicate code.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMissingCode3012Geodatabase missing code.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseWrongItemType3013Geodatabase wrong item type.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseIdFieldNotNullable3014Geodatabase Id field not nullable.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDefaultValueNotSupported3015Geodatabase default value not supported.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTableNotEditable3016Geodatabase table not editable.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFieldNotFound3017Geodatabase field not found.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFieldExists3018Geodatabase field exists.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldType3019Geodatabase cannot alter field type.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldWidth3020Geodatabase cannot alter field width.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToNullable3021Geodatabase cannot alter field to nullable.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToEditable3022Geodatabase cannot alter field to editable.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToDeletable3023Geodatabase cannot alter field to deletable.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotAlterGeometryProperties3024Geodatabase cannot alter geometry properties.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseUnnamedTable3025Geodatabase unnamed table.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidTypeForDomain3026Geodatabase invalid type for domain.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMinMaxReversed3027Geodatabase min max reversed.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFieldNotSupportedOnRelationshipClass3028Geodatabase field not supported on relationship class.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRelationshipClassKey3029Geodatabase relationship class key.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseValueIsNull3030Geodatabase value is nullptr.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMultipleSqlStatements3031Geodatabase multiple SQL statements.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseNoSqlStatements3032Geodatabase no SQL statements.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGeometryFieldMissing3033Geodatabase geometry field missing.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransactionStarted3034Geodatabase transaction started.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransactionNotStarted3035Geodatabase transaction not started.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeRequiresZ3036Geodatabase shape requires z.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeRequiresM3037Geodatabase shape requires m.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeNoZ3038Geodatabase shape no z.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeNoM3039Geodatabase shape no m.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseShapeWrongType3040Geodatabase shape wrong type.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotUpdateFieldType3041Geodatabase cannot update field type.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseNoRowsAffected3042Geodatabase no rows affected.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypeInvalid3043Geodatabase subtype invalid.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypeMustBeInteger3044Geodatabase subtype must be integer.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypesNotEnabled3045Geodatabase subtypes not enabled.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseSubtypeExists3046Geodatabase subtype exists.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDuplicateFieldNotAllowed3047Geodatabase duplicate field not allowed.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotDeleteField3048Geodatabase cannot delete field.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseIndexExists3049Geodatabase index exists.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseIndexNotFound3050Geodatabase index not found.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCursorNotOnRow3051Geodatabase cursor not on row.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInternalError3052Geodatabase internal error.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotWriteGeodatabaseManagedFields3053Geodatabase cannot write geodatabase managed fields.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseItemAlreadyExists3054Geodatabase item already exists.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidSpatialIndexName3055Geodatabase invalid spatial index name.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseRequiresSpatialIndex3056Geodatabase requires spatial index.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReservedName3057Geodatabase reserved name.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotUpdateSchemaIfChangeTracking3058Geodatabase cannot update schema if change tracking.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidDate3059Geodatabase invalid date.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseDoesNotHaveChanges3060Geodatabase database does not have changes.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaDoesNotExist3061Geodatabase replica does not exist.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseStorageTypeNotSupported3062Geodatabase storage type not supported.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaModelError3063Geodatabase replica model error.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaClientGenError3064Geodatabase replica client generation error.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseReplicaNoUploadToAcknowledge3065Geodatabase replica no upload to acknowledge.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseLastWriteTimeInTheFuture3066Geodatabase last write time in the future.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseInvalidArgument3067Geodatabase invalid argument.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkCorrupt3068Geodatabase transportation network corrupt.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkFileIo3069Geodatabase transportation network file IO error.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseFeatureHasPendingEdits3070Geodatabase feature has pending edits.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseChangeTrackingNotEnabled3071Geodatabase change tracking not enabled.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkFileOpen3072Geodatabase transportation network file open.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseTransportationNetworkUnsupported3073Geodatabase transportation network unsupported.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseCannotSyncCopy3074Geodatabase cannot sync copy.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseAccessControlDenied3075Geodatabase access control denied.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGeometryOutsideReplicaExtent3076Geodatabase geometry outside replica extent.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseUploadAlreadyInProgress3077Geodatabase upload already in progress.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDatabaseClosed3078Geodatabase is closed.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseDomainAlreadyExists3079Domain exists.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseGeometryTypeNotSupported3080Geodatabase geometry type not supported.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseAttachmentsRequireGlobalIds3081ArcGISFeatureTable requires a global Id field to support adding bulk attachments.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseConstraintRuleViolation3082Violated attribute constraint rule.
ErrorType::GeodatabaseMaxRuleEvaluationLevelExceeded3083The evaluation of attribute rules is cyclic or exceeds maximum cascading level.
ErrorType::GeocodeUnsupportedFileFormat4001Geocode unsupported file format.
ErrorType::GeocodeUnsupportedSpatialReference4002Geocode unsupported spatial reference.
ErrorType::GeocodeUnsupportedProjectionTransformation4003Geocode unsupported projection transformation.
ErrorType::GeocodeGeocoderCreation4004Geocoder creation error.
ErrorType::GeocodeIntersectionsNotSupported4005Geocode intersections not supported.
ErrorType::GeocodeUninitializedGeocodeTask4006Uninitialized geocode task.
ErrorType::GeocodeInvalidLocatorProperties4007Invalid geocode locator properties.
ErrorType::GeocodeRequiredFieldMissing4008Geocode required field missing.
ErrorType::GeocodeCannotReadAddress4009Geocode cannot read address.
ErrorType::GeocodeReverseGeocodingNotSupported4010Geocoding not supported.
ErrorType::GeocodeGeometryTypeNotSupported4011Geocode geometry type not supported.
ErrorType::GeocodeSuggestAddressNotSupported4012Geocode suggest address not supported.
ErrorType::GeocodeSuggestResultCorrupted4013Geocode suggest result corrupt.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidRouteSettings5001Network analyst invalid route settings.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNoSolution5002Network analyst no solution.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystTaskCanceled5003Network analyst task canceled.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidNetwork5004Network analyst invalid network.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystDirectionsError5005Network analyst directions error.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfStops5006Network analyst insufficient number of stops.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopUnlocated5007Network analyst stop unlocated.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopLocatedOnNonTraversableElement5008Network analyst stop located on non traversable element.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPointBarrierInvalidAddedCostAttributeName5009Network analyst point barrier invalid added cost attribute name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystLineBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeName5010Network analyst line barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolygonBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeName5011Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolygonBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeValue5012Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolylineBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeValue5013Network analyst polyline barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidImpedanceAttribute5014Network analyst invalid impedance attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidRestrictionAttribute5015Network analyst invalid restriction attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAccumulateAttribute5016Network analyst invalid accumulate attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsTimeAttribute5017Network analyst invalid directions time attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsDistanceAttribute5018Network analyst invalid directions distance attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersAttributeName5019Network analyst invalid attribute parameters attribute name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersParameterName5020Network analyst invalid attributes parameters parameter name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersValueType5021Network analyst invalid attributes parameters value type.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersRestrictionUsageValue5022Network analyst invalid attribute parameters restriction usage value.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNetworkHasNoHierarchyAttribute5023Network analyst network has no hierarchy attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNoPathFoundBetweenStops5024Network analyst no path found between stops.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUndefinedInputSpatialReference5025Network analyst undefined input spatial reference.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUndefinedOutputSpatialReference5026Network analyst undefined output spatial reference.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsStyle5027Network analyst invalid directions style.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsLanguage5028Deprecated. Network analyst invalid directions language.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystDirectionsTimeAndImpedanceAttributeMismatch5029Network analyst directions time and impedance attribute mismatch.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDirectionsRoadClassAttribute5030Network analyst invalid directions road class attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopIsUnreachable5031Network analyst stop cannot be reached.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopTimeWindowStartsBeforeUnixEpoch5032Network analyst stop time window starts before unix epoch.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopTimeWindowIsInverted5033Network analyst stop time window is inverted.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWalkingModeRouteTooLarge5034Walking mode route too large.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopHasNullGeometry5035Stop has nullptr geometry.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPointBarrierHasNullGeometry5036Point barrier has nullptr geometry.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolylineBarrierHasNullGeometry5037Polyline barrier has nullptr geometry.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolygonBarrierHasNullGeometry5038Polygon barrier has nullptr geometry.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUnsupportedSearchWhereClause5039Online route task does not support search_where_clause condition.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfFacilities5040Network analyst insufficient number of facilities.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasNullGeometry5041Network analyst facility has nullptr geometry.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidAddedCostAttributeName5042Network analyst facility has invalid added cost attribute name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasNegativeAddedCostAttribute5043Network analyst facility has negative added cost attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidImpedanceCutoff5044Network analyst facility has invalid impedance cutoff.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfIncidents5045Network analyst insufficient number of incidents.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasNullGeometry5046Network analyst incident has nullptr geometry.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidAddedCostAttributeName5047Network analyst incident has invalid added cost attribute name.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasNegativeAddedCostAttribute5048Network analyst incident has negative added cost attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidTargetFacilityCount5049Network analyst invalid target facility count.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidImpedanceCutoff5050Network analyst incident has invalid impedance cutoff.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStartTimeIsBeforeUnixEpoch5051Network analyst start time is before Unix epoch.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDefaultImpedanceCutoff5052Network analyst invalid default impedance cutoff.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidDefaultTargetFacilityCount5053Network analyst invalid default target facility count.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidPolygonBufferDistance5054Network analyst invalid polygon buffer distance.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPolylinesCannotBeReturned5055Network analyst polylines cannot be returned.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystTimeWindowsWithNonTimeImpedance5056Network analyst solving non time impedance, but time windows applied.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystUnsupportedStopType5057One or more stops have unsupported type.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystRouteStartsOrEndsOnWaypoint5058Network analyst route starts or ends on a waypoint.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWaypointsAndRestBreaksForbiddenReordering5059Network analyst reordering stops (Traveling Salesman Problem) is not supported when the collection of stops contains waypoints or rest breaks.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWaypointHasTimeWindows5060Network analyst waypoint contains time windows.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystWaypointHasAddedCostAttribute5061Network analyst waypoint contains added cost attribute.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystStopHasInvalidCurbApproach5062Network analyst stop has unknown curb approach.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystPointBarrierHasInvalidCurbApproach5063Network analyst point barrier has unknown curb approach.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidCurbApproach5064Network analyst facility has unknown curb approach.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidCurbApproach5065Network analyst incident has unknown curb approach.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNetworkDoesNotSupportDirections5066Network dataset has no directions attributes.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystDirectionsLanguageNotFound5067Desired direction language not supported by platform.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystRouteResultCannotBeUpdated5068Deprecated. Route result requires re-solving with current route task.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNoDirections5069Deprecated. Input route result does not have directions.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystNoStops5070Deprecated. Input route result does not have stops.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidRouteIndex5071Deprecated. Input route result does not have the route with passed route index.
ErrorType::NetworkAnalystInvalidRemainingDestinationsCount5072Deprecated. Input remaining destinations count does not match with input routes stops collection.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidToken6001JSON parser invalid token.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidCharacter6002JSON parser invalid character.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidUnicode6003JSON parser invalid unicode.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidJsonStart6004JSON parser invalid start of JSON.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEndOfPair6005JSON parser invalid end of pair.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEndOfElement6006JSON parser invalid end of element.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEscapeSequence6007JSON parser invalid escape sequence.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidEndOfFieldName6008JSON parser invalid end of field name.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidStartOfFieldName6009JSON parser invalid start of field name.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidStartOfComment6010JSON parser invalid start of comment.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidDecDigit6011JSON parser invalid decimal digit.
ErrorType::JsonParserInvalidHexDigit6012JSON parser invalid hex digit.
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingNull6013JSON parser expecting nullptr.
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingTrue6014JSON parser expecting true.
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingFalse6015JSON parser expecting false.
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingClosingQuote6016JSON parser expecting closing quote.
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingNan6017JSON parser expecting not a number.
ErrorType::JsonParserExpectingEndOfComment6018JSON parser expecting end of comment.
ErrorType::JsonParserUnexpectedEndOfData6019JSON parser unexpected end of data.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingStartObject6020JSON object expecting start object.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingStartArray6021JSON object expecting start array.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueObject6022JSON object expecting value object.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueArray6023JSON object expecting value array.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueInt326024JSON object expecting value int32.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingIntegerType6025JSON object expecting integer type.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingNumberType6026JSON object expecting number type.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueString6027JSON object expecting value string.
ErrorType::JsonObjectExpectingValueBool6028JSON object expecting value bool.
ErrorType::JsonObjectIteratorNotStarted6029JSON object iterator not started.
ErrorType::JsonObjectIteratorIsFinished6030JSON object iterator is finished.
ErrorType::JsonObjectKeyNotFound6031JSON object key not found.
ErrorType::JsonObjectIndexOutOfRange6032JSON object index out of range.
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterJsonIsComplete6033JSON string writer JSON is complete.
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterInvalidJsonInput6034JSON string writer invalid JSON input.
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingContainer6035JSON string writer expecting container.
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingKeyOrEndObject6036JSON string writer expecting key or end object.
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingValueOrEndArray6037JSON string writer expecting value or end array.
ErrorType::JsonStringWriterExpectingValue6038JSON string writer expecting value.
ErrorType::MappingMissingSpatialReference7001Spatial reference is missing.
ErrorType::MappingMissingInitialViewpoint7002Initial viewpoint is missing.
ErrorType::MappingInvalidResponse7003Invalid request response.
ErrorType::MappingMissingBingMapsKey7004Bing maps key is missing.
ErrorType::MappingUnsupportedLayerType7005Layer type is not supported.
ErrorType::MappingSyncNotEnabled7006Sync not enabled.
ErrorType::MappingTileExportNotEnabled7007Tile export is not enabled.
ErrorType::MappingMissingItemProperty7008Required item property is missing.
ErrorType::MappingWebmapNotSupported7009Web map version is not supported.
ErrorType::MappingSpatialReferenceInvalid7011Spatial reference invalid or incompatible.
ErrorType::MappingPackageUnpackRequired7012Package needs to be unpacked before it can be used.
ErrorType::MappingUnsupportedElevationFormat7013Elevation source data format is not supported.
ErrorType::MappingWebsceneNotSupported7014Web scene version or viewing mode is not supported.
ErrorType::MappingNotLoaded7015Loadable object is not loaded when it is expected to be loaded.
ErrorType::MappingScheduledUpdatesNotSupported7016Scheduled updates for an offline preplanned map area are not supported.
ErrorType::MappingUtilityNetworkTraceFailed7017Trace operation executed by the service failed.
ErrorType::MappingInvalidArcadeExpression7018Arcade expression is invalid.
ErrorType::MappingUtilityNetworkTooManyAssociations7019Requested extent contains too many associations.
ErrorType::MappingMaxFeatureCountExceeded7020A layer has requested more features than the service maximum feature count.
ErrorType::MappingBranchVersioningNotSupportedByService7021Feature service does not support branch versioning.
ErrorType::MappingPackagingNotComplete7022Packaging of data for the preplanned map area is not complete and it is not ready for download.
ErrorType::MappingSyncDirectionUploadNotSupported7023An upload sync direction is not supported.
ErrorType::MappingTileCacheCompactV2ExportNotEnabled7024Tile export in .tpkx format is not supported.
ErrorType::MappingLayerDoesNotIntersectAreaOfInterest7025There are no tiles within the export area of interest.
ErrorType::MappingScheduledUpdateUploadRequired7026Local edits must be sent to a service (using a sync direction of upload) before scheduled updates can download a replacement geodatabase.
ErrorType::LicensingUnlicensedFeature8001Unlicensed feature.
ErrorType::LicensingLicenseLevelFixed8002License level fixed.
ErrorType::LicensingLicenseLevelAlreadySet8003License level is already set.
ErrorType::LicensingMainLicenseNotSet8004Main license is not set.
ErrorType::LicensingUnlicensedExtension8005Unlicensed extension.
ErrorType::LicensingPortalUserWithNoLicense8006Portal user with no license.
ErrorType::LocalServerServerFailedToStart9001Local server failed to start.
ErrorType::LocalServerServiceFailedToStart9002A local server's service failed to start.
ErrorType::LocalServerServiceTerminatedUnexpectedly9003A local server's service terminated unexpectedly.
ErrorType::LocalServerServerFailed9004The local server has failed.
ErrorType::LocalServerServiceFailed9005A local server's service has failed.
ErrorType::StdIosBaseFailure10001IO error.
ErrorType::StdBadArrayNewLength10002Invalid array length.
ErrorType::StdUnderflowError10003Arithmetic underflow.
ErrorType::StdSystemError10004System error.
ErrorType::StdRangeError10005Range error.
ErrorType::StdOverflowError10006Arithmetic overflow.
ErrorType::StdOutOfRange10007Out of range.
ErrorType::StdLengthError10008Length error.
ErrorType::StdInvalidArgument10009Invalid argument.
ErrorType::StdFutureError10010Asynchronous error.
ErrorType::StdDomainError10011Math domain error.
ErrorType::StdRuntimeError10012Unknown error.
ErrorType::StdLogicError10013Logic error.
ErrorType::StdBadWeakPtr10014Invalid weak reference.
ErrorType::StdBadTypeId10015Invalid type Id.
ErrorType::StdBadFunctionCall10016Invalid function call.
ErrorType::StdBadException10017Invalid error management.
ErrorType::StdBadCast10018Invalid cast.
ErrorType::StdBadAlloc10019Out of memory.
ErrorType::StdException10020Unknown error.
ErrorType::NavigationReroutingNotSupportedByService13001Service does not support rerouting.
ErrorType::GeotriggersFeedError16001A problem was encountered with a GeotriggerFeed. An invalid GeotriggerFeed indicates that a GeotriggerMonitor is unable to perform checks. No GeotriggerNotificationInfo events will be sent.
ErrorType::GeotriggersFenceParametersError16002A problem was encountered with the FenceParameters for a FenceGeotrigger. An invalid FenceParameters indicates that a GeotriggerMonitor is unable to perform checks. No GeotriggerNotificationInfo events will be sent.
ErrorType::GeotriggersFenceDataWarning16003A problem was encountered with the fence data for a Geotrigger. There is a problem with some of the fence data and these will not be checked by a GeotriggerMonitor. However, other data is valid so GeotriggerNotificationInfo events can be sent.
ErrorType::MotionSensorAccelerometerNotSupported17000Device does not support accelerometer.
ErrorType::MotionSensorGyroscopeNotSupported17001Device does not support gyroscope.
ErrorType::MotionSensorMagnetometerNotSupported17002Device does not support magnetometer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption

Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service.

When taking an Esri vector tiled basemap service offline (e.g. to create a VectorTileCache on your device), you can choose from different versions of the service depending on your use case.

Primary considerations are the download speed and the size of the resulting .vtpk file. Among other things, file size is influenced by the amount of fonts downloaded from the service. Esri vector tiled basemap layers make use of fonts as part of their style resources - see the vector-tile-style documentation. When you take a vector tiled layer offline, these fonts are downloaded as part of the VectorTileCache.

Esri services also offer an alternative version with a reduced font package size which will reduce the download size of a vtpk by around 80 Mb. You can view a set of vector tile styles which use the reduced font services here. If you are creating a web map that is only intended for taking maps offline and not for online-viewing, these "for export" versions of the services are recommended.

This enumeration describes options for controlling which set of fonts are downloaded. Note that these options only apply to Esri vector tile basemap services.

The EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption can be one of:

EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption::UseOriginalService0The complete set of vector tile resources for the original service, including the full set of fonts, will be downloaded. Downloading all font resources increases the download size of a .vtpk. However, this option ensures that the offline vector tile layer displays the same as the original online service.
EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption::UseReducedFontsService1An alternative service that uses a reduced set of font resources, supporting a limited set of language characters, will be downloaded. Downloading the smaller set of font resources reduces the download size of a .vtpk by around 80 Mb. This omits the large Arial Unicode font that is used to support many characters for the full world basemap. This makes this option unsuitable for some locales or when your offline vector tiled layer includes certain character sets. For example, this option will not display Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean or Georgian characters. You should confirm that this option is suitable for your specific use-case.

You can view a set of vector tile styles which use the reduced font services here. This option is not recommended for Esri basemap services that do not have an equivalent "for export" version.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class ExpirationType

Enumerates the possible types of package expiration.

The ExpirationType can be one of:

ExpirationType::Unknown-1The expiration object is not valid. The package may not be loaded or may have no expiration.
ExpirationType::AllowExpiredAccess0The expiration is provided for warning purposes only. The package can still be used.
ExpirationType::PreventExpiredAccess1The expiration is mandatory and the package can no longer be used - for example, the resource will fail to load.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

enum class ExtendedErrorType

Enumerates extended error type.

The ExtendedErrorType can be one of:

ExtendedErrorType::NetworkError0Network error
ExtendedErrorType::FileIOError1File I/O error

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ExtrusionMode

Enumerates possible extrusion modes.

The ExtrusionMode can be one of:

ExtrusionMode::None0No extrusion.
ExtrusionMode::Minimum1A z-value is calculated by adding the extrusion height to the minimum z-value of the feature, and the feature is extruded to a flat top at that value.
ExtrusionMode::Maximum2A z-value is calculated by adding the extrusion height to the maximum z-value of the feature, and the feature is extruded to a flat top at that value.
ExtrusionMode::AbsoluteHeight3The feature is extruded to the specified z-value as a flat top, regardless of the z-values of the feature.
ExtrusionMode::BaseHeight4A z-value is calculated for each vertex of the feature's base, and the feature is extruded to the various z-values. This is the only extrusion mode that does not have a flat top.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FeatureObjectType

Enumerates feature object types.

The FeatureObjectType can be one of:

FeatureObjectType::Unknown-1Unknown feature object type
FeatureObjectType::ArcGISFeature0An ArcGIS feature type used with an ArcGISFeatureTable
FeatureObjectType::Feature1A feature type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FeatureRenderingMode

Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the FeatureLayer.

FeatureRenderingMode enumerates rendering modes available for the FeatureLayer.

The FeatureRenderingMode can be one of:

FeatureRenderingMode::Automatic0The rendering mode for the layer will be automatically chosen based on the geometry type and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Renderer.
FeatureRenderingMode::Static1Static rendering mode - Features will only update between zoom and pan operations in a retained mode. This mode is ideal, for example, for complex geometries or features rendered with cartographic quality symbology. It may also be suited for rendering features when low-end graphics hardware is used.
FeatureRenderingMode::Dynamic2Dynamic rendering mode - Features will be updated during pan and zoom operations for a smoothly rendered display. This mode is not supported by all Renderers. A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::HeatmapRenderer is an example of a renderer which does not support dynamic rendering mode.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class FeatureRequestMode

Enumerates feature request modes for the feature table.

The feature request mode for a service feature table. This determines (1) whether features are cached locally (for quicker access by map and scene layers) and (2) whether queries are performed on the local cache or on the server.

The FeatureRequestMode can be one of:

FeatureRequestMode::Undefined0The feature request mode is undefined and will be set on initialization of the table. If it is a spatial table then the feature request mode will be set to OnInteractionCache. If it's a non-spatial table the feature request mode will be set to ManualCache.
FeatureRequestMode::OnInteractionCache1The features are requested from the server as they are needed, in response to user or developer interaction with the layer (pan, zoom). Features are cached in the local table for the duration of the session. Queries are executed on the local cache or (if requested features are not resident in the cache) on the server. This mode is the default. In this mode, features have a minimum set of attributes, and feature geometries have no m-values even if m-values are defined by the service. This is an optimization for faster rendering. To access all attributes or access geometries that contain m-values, the features you get from a query must be loaded. You can load them yourself or request that the query method return them already loaded (see Esri::ArcGISRuntime::QueryFeatureFields::LoadAll at Esri::ArcGISRuntime::QueryFeatureFields). For more information, see the class description for Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ServiceFeatureTable.
FeatureRequestMode::OnInteractionNoCache2The features are always requested from the server and are never cached. This mode ensures that you are working against the latest data, but it has a high network bandwidth since it goes to the server for all interactions (pans, zooms, selects, or queries).
FeatureRequestMode::ManualCache3The features are requested from the server by an explicit call to Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ServiceFeatureTable::populateFromService(), which populates the local cache. Queries performed on the table will be executed locally. In this mode, the features have all fields defined by the outFields argument you pass to Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ServiceFeatureTable::populateFromService().

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FeatureServiceSessionType

An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data.

Session types—transient and persistent—let you control how multiple viewers and editors access branch versioned feature services. By default, a web map or web scene with branch versioned feature services (a ServiceGeodatabase version) loads as a FeatureServiceSessionType::Transient type; you can change this type to FeatureServiceSessionType::Persistent at the map or scene level when you load the map or scene.

When you switch the ServiceGeodatabase version being used via ServiceGeodatabase::switchVersion(QString), a read operation is started on the new version before releasing the previous version. If acquiring a shared lock on the new version fails (for example, if another user is editing the version), an error is raised. This behavior allows you to keep the user connected to the original version when the version they want is not yet available.

For additional ways to manage multiple viewers and editors in branch versioned data, such as using multiple tiers of editors, see the ArcGIS Pro discussion on branch version scenarios.

The FeatureServiceSessionType can be one of:

FeatureServiceSessionType::Transient0- A momentary session is used during queries and edit operations. This is the default session type. The server creates an exclusive lock upon an editor's ServiceGeodatabase::applyEdits operation and holds the lock only for the duration that it takes that operation to occur. An exclusive lock prevents readers and editors from accessing (connecting to and viewing) the rows affected by the edit in the ServiceGeodatabase version during this time, but they can access (connect to, view, query, and edit) other rows in the ServiceGeodatabase version. Use the transient type when concurrency is more important than data consistency between queries or between concurrent users.
FeatureServiceSessionType::Persistent1- A session is held open as long as tables are actively reading or writing.

If one or more read operations were already being performed on the ServiceFeatureTable when an edit operation began (if a shared lock was already in place), then the shared lock becomes an exclusive lock. When all edit operations are applied successfully, the exclusive lock returns to being a shared lock.

A call to ServiceGeodatabase::close will release an exclusive lock.

Note that if the ServiceGeodatabase version requested is the default version, no exclusive lock will be acquired.

Edit operations that trigger the locks described above:

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class FeatureTableType

Enumerates feature table types.

The FeatureTableType can be one of:

FeatureTableType::Unknown-1Unknown feature table type.
FeatureTableType::FeatureTable0Feature table base type
FeatureTableType::ServiceFeatureTable1A service feature table consuming and interacting with a connected feature service layer.
FeatureTableType::GeodatabaseFeatureTable2A local feature table consuming a feature table from a mobile geodatabase.
FeatureTableType::FeatureCollectionTable3A feature collection table.
FeatureTableType::ShapefileFeatureTable4A shapefile feature table.
FeatureTableType::GeoPackageFeatureTable5A GeoPackage feature table.
FeatureTableType::WfsFeatureTable6A WFS feature table.
FeatureTableType::OgcFeatureCollectionTable7An OGC Feature Collection Table.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FeatureTilingMode

Feature tiling modes available to feature layers. This determines whether or not to use feature tiling (if a service supports it). Using the default mode is highly recommended. As of now, only services based on service feature tables use feature tiling.

The FeatureTilingMode can be one of:

FeatureTilingMode::EnabledWhenSupported0Use feature tiling whenever a service supports it. Feature tiling retrieves more features per layer from a service by making multiple, smaller requests to said service. Since each request gathers a portion of the total features, this allows more features to be rendered in the extent than what the maxRecordCount would normally allow. When in this mode, all rendering requests to services will use feature tiling unless the following applies: FeatureRequestMode is FeatureRequestMode::ManualCache, the service does not support coordinate quantization, the max record count is not exceeded, or if the service does not support tile result types. This is the default mode.
FeatureTilingMode::Disabled1Feature tiling is disabled. When in this mode, feature tiling will not be used even if a service supports it. This is a potential performance hit if too many requests are being sent out at once. Disabling feature tiling results in less features returned from a service.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class FeatureTypeChangeMode

Enumerates the feature type change modes in a Popup.

FeatureTypeChangeMode can be one of:

FeatureTypeChangeMode::ResetToDefaults0Resets all fields to the default values defined in the feature template prototype.
FeatureTypeChangeMode::KeepValues1Keeps all applicable current field values. If the value is not allowed in the new feature type, then it will be set to null.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship

The spatial relationship that determines when a fence has been entered or exited.

When determining whether a feed entity has entered or exited a fence polygon, there are two spatial operations that can be used:

  • Intersects: the feed geometry must intersect the fence polygon.
  • Contains: the feed geometry must be contained by the fence polygon.

These operations determine whether a fence polygon has been entered, and also when it has been exited (the feed geometry no longer intersects or is no longer contained by the fence polygon). Because the contains condition is more strict than intersects (a geometry can intersect another geometry without being contained by it) it tends to result in fewer notifications when the two geometries are nearby. By using different combinations of these rules for enter and exit, you can control the likelihood that notifications will be sent.

Note that when the feed geometry is a Point, there is no difference between intersection and containment, so both options behave the same. When using a LocationGeotriggerFeed, set FenceGeotrigger::feedAccuracyMode to FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode::UseGeometryWithAccuracy in order to create a polygon geometry that accounts for the area of uncertainty around a Location::position.

The FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship can be one of:

FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship::EnterIntersectsAndExitDoesNotIntersect0The fence polygon is entered when it intersects a GeotriggerFeed entity and exited when it no longer intersects. This option tends to increase the number of notifications as an entity approaches a fence polygon. Use this option when you want to receive all possible notifications - for example, when you want to be warned that you are approaching a hazard.

This option has no effect unless the feed entity geometry is a Polygon. Set FenceGeotrigger::feedAccuracyMode to FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode::UseGeometryWithAccuracy to create a polygon geometry that accounts for the area of uncertainty around a Location::position.


In the diagram above, the feed enters the fence on the left (shown in yellow) and exits on the right (shown in purple).

FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship::EnterContainsAndExitDoesNotContain1The fence polygon is entered when it contains the entity from a GeotriggerFeed and exited when the entity is no longer contained. This option limits notifications to when the entity is fully within the fence polygon. Use this option to be certain you are within a given fence - for example when carrying out work within a specific land parcel.

This option has no effect unless the feed entity geometry is a Polygon. Set FenceGeotrigger::feedAccuracyMode to FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode::UseGeometryWithAccuracy to create a polygon geometry that accounts for the area of uncertainty around a Location::position.


In the diagram above, the feed enters the fence on the left (shown in yellow) and exits on the right (shown in purple).

FenceEnterExitSpatialRelationship::EnterContainsAndExitDoesNotIntersect2The fence polygon is entered when it contains a GeotriggerFeed entity and exited when it no longer intersects. This option tends to minimize the number of notifications. The entity must be fully within the fence polygon to enter and must be fully outside to exit. This combination reduces the number of spurious notifications that occur as you move around the border of a fence. Use this option when you want to limit notifications - for example, when driving past properties on your way to a delivery address.

This option has no effect unless the feed entity geometry is a Polygon. Set FenceGeotrigger::feedAccuracyMode to FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode::UseGeometryWithAccuracy in order to create a polygon geometry that accounts for the area of uncertainty around a Location::position.


In the diagram above, the feed enters the fence on the left (shown in yellow) and exits on the right (shown in purple).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

enum class FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode

Options that describe how a FenceGeotrigger uses accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed.

This enumeration defines options for using accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed to provide the Geometry for checking a Geotrigger condition. In particular, you can choose how to use the Location::horizontalAccuracy property to reflect the uncertainty around a fixed Location::position. Due to various factors, GPS positions may be inaccurate, with Location::horizontalAccuracy representing a radius that defines the area containing the actual location. Spurious notifications may occur when the Location::position is inaccurate and is incorrectly reported as inside or outside of a fence. You can use the Location::horizontalAccuracy to account for that uncertainty.

These values are used in conjunction with FenceGeotrigger::enterExitSpatialRelationship to affect when notifications are sent.

The FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode can be one of:

FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode::UseGeometry0The reported Geometry from a GeotriggerFeed is used. For a LocationGeotriggerFeed the point geometry from the Location::position property is used.
FenceGeotriggerFeedAccuracyMode::UseGeometryWithAccuracy1The reported Geometry from a GeotriggerFeed is used in conjunction with accuracy information. For a LocationGeotriggerFeed the point geometry from the Location::position property is buffered by the Location::horizontalAccuracy to produce a polygon geometry.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.13.

enum class FenceNotificationType

The type of a FenceGeotrigger that was met.

The FenceNotificationType can be one of:

FenceNotificationType::Entered0The feed data has entered one of the fence geometries.
FenceNotificationType::Exited1The feed data has exited one of the fence geometries.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class FenceParametersType

The type of a FenceParameters.

The FenceParametersType can be one of:

FenceParametersType::GraphicFenceParameters0The fence parameters uses Graphic data.
FenceParametersType::FeatureFenceParameters1The fence parameters uses features from a FeatureTable
FenceParametersType::GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters2The fence parameters uses graphics from a GraphicsOverlay

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class FenceRuleType

The rule or query that determines whether a FenceGeotrigger condition is met.

The FenceRuleType can be one of:

FenceRuleType::Enter0Check whether objects from the GeotriggerFeed enter the FenceParameters.
FenceRuleType::Exit1Check whether objects from the GeotriggerFeed exit the FenceParameters.
FenceRuleType::EnterOrExit2Check whether objects from the GeotriggerFeed enter or exit the FenceParameters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class FieldType

Enumerates the type of value stored in a field.

The FieldType can be one of:

FieldType::Unknown-1Unknown field type.
FieldType::Int160Small integer type.
FieldType::Int321Integer type.
FieldType::GUID3GUID type.
FieldType::Float324Float type.
FieldType::Float645Double type.
FieldType::Date6DateTime type (in case of shapefiles: only date, not time).
FieldType::Text7Text type.
FieldType::OID8ObjectID type.
FieldType::GlobalID9GlobalID type.
FieldType::Blob10Blob type.
FieldType::Geometry11Geometry type.
FieldType::Raster12Raster type.
FieldType::Xml13XML type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FontDecoration

Enumerates various font decorations that can be applied to text symbols.

The FontDecoration can be one of:

FontDecoration::LineThrough0Draw a line through the text.
FontDecoration::None1No decoration on the text.
FontDecoration::Underline2Underline the text.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FontStyle

Enumerates various styles that can be applied to the font of a text symbol.

The FontStyle can be one of:

FontStyle::Italic0Italic style applied (characters lean forwards, bottom left to top right: /).
FontStyle::Normal1No style applied.
FontStyle::Oblique2Oblique style applied (characters lean back, bottom right to top left: ).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class FontWeight

Enumerates the weight applied to the font of a text symbol.

The FontWeight can be one of:

FontWeight::Bold0Font will be rendered bold.
FontWeight::Normal1Font will be rendered with its normal weight.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GarsConversionMode

Enumerates possible locations of a point relative to a GARS cell.

The GarsConversionMode can be one of:

GarsConversionMode::LowerLeft0Represents a GARS cell by the coordinate of its south-west corner.
GarsConversionMode::Center1Represents a GARS cell by the coordinates of its center.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class GenerateLayerQueryOption

Enumerates generate layer query options.

GenerateLayerQueryOption determines which features are copied from the server when generating a geodatabase. GenerateLayerQueryOption can be one of:

GenerateLayerQueryOption::Unknown-1An unknown query option. Normally the result when an error occurs. This value is obsolete.
GenerateLayerQueryOption::All0All features are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.
GenerateLayerQueryOption::None1When combined with Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption::isIncludeRelated, if false, no features are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase. When true, only features that are in a relationship are copied. When used in conjunction with upload-only synchronization, this enables a faster upload scenario where new features are only sent to the server and none are downloaded.
GenerateLayerQueryOption::UseFilter2Features satisfying the criteria imposed by the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption::whereClause and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption::isUseGeometry properties are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode

Different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.

The GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode can be one of:

GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode::SyncWithFeatureServices0Changes, including local edits, will be synced directly with the underlying feature services.
GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode::NoUpdates1No feature updates will be performed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class GeoViewType

Enumerates types of Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoView objects.

The GeoViewType can be one of:

GeoViewType::MapView0GeoView is a MapView, a 2D view.
GeoViewType::SceneView1GeoView is a SceneView, a 3D view.
GeoViewType::Unknown-1Unknown type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeodatabaseDatasetType

Enumerates geodatabase dataset types.

The GeodatabaseDatasetType can be one of:

GeodatabaseDatasetType::Unknown-1Unknown geodatabase dataset type.
GeodatabaseDatasetType::TransportationNetworkDataset0A transportation network dataset, which is used to perform network-based analyses like finding a route.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeodeticCurveType

Enumerates types of geodetic curves for use in geodetic GeometryEngine operations.

The GeodeticCurveType can be one of:

GeodeticCurveType::Geodesic0The shortest line between any two points on the Earth's surface on a spheroid (ellipsoid).
GeodeticCurveType::Loxodrome1A line of constant bearing, or azimuth. Straight line is a rhumb line.
GeodeticCurveType::GreatElliptic2The line on a spheroid (ellipsoid) defined by the intersection at the surface by a plane that passes through the center of the spheroid and the start and end points of a segment. This is also known as a great circle when a sphere is used.
GeodeticCurveType::NormalSection3Straight line is a normal section.
GeodeticCurveType::ShapePreserving4Keeps the original shape of the geometry or curve.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeometricEffectType

Enumerates the type of geometric effect stored in a GeometricEffect object.

The GeometricEffectType can be one of:

GeometricEffectType::Unknown-1An unknown type.
GeometricEffectType::DashGeometricEffect0Dash geometric effect.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeometricEffectType.

enum class GeometryBuilderType

Enumerates types of geometry builder that may be represented by GeometryBuilder or a class that inherts from GeometryBuilder.

The GeometryBuilderType can be one of:

GeometryBuilderType::Unknown-1Unknown geometry builder type
GeometryBuilderType::PointBuilder1A PointBuilder
GeometryBuilderType::EnvelopeBuilder2An EnvelopeBuilder
GeometryBuilderType::PolylineBuilder3A PolylineBuilder
GeometryBuilderType::PolygonBuilder4A PolygonBuilder
GeometryBuilderType::MultipointBuilder5A MultipointBuilder

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeometryExtendOptions

Enumerates options that the GeometryEngine's extend() method should use.

The GeometryExtendOptions can be one of:

GeometryExtendOptions::Default0Extension considers both ends of paths. The old ends remain and new points are added at the extended ends.
GeometryExtendOptions::RelocateEnds1If an extension is performed at an end, relocate the end point to the new position instead of leaving the old point and adding a new point at the new position.
GeometryExtendOptions::KeepEndAttributes2If an extension is performed at an end, do not extrapolate the end-segment's attributes for the new point. Instead, make its attributes the same as the current end.
GeometryExtendOptions::NoEndAttributes4If an extension is performed at an end, do not extrapolate the end-segment's attributes for the new point. Instead, make its attributes be empty.
GeometryExtendOptions::DoNotExtendFromStartPoint8Do not extend the 'from' end of any path.
GeometryExtendOptions::DoNotExtendFromEndPoint16Do not extend the 'to' end of any path.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class GeometryOffsetType

Enumerates types of geometry offsets used in GeometryEngine's offset method.

The GeometryOffsetType can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeometryType

Enumerates types of geometry that may be represented by Geometry or a class that inherts from Geometry.

The GeometryType can be one of:

GeometryType::Unknown-1Unknown geometry type
GeometryType::Point1Single point (point)
GeometryType::Envelope2Enclosed rectangular area with sides aligned on the X and Y axes (area, multi-path, multi-vertex)
GeometryType::Polyline3One or more lines in a single %Geometry (linear, multi-vertex, multi-path)
GeometryType::Polygon4One or more enclosed areas in a single %Geometry (multi-vertex, multi-path)
GeometryType::Multipoint5One or more points in a single %Geometry (point, multi-vertex)

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeoprocessingExecutionType

Enumerates types of geoprocessing execution modes.

The GeoprocessingExecutionType can be one of:

GeoprocessingExecutionType::Unknown-1This value is returned when an error has occurred.
GeoprocessingExecutionType::AsynchronousSubmit0Asynchronously submit a job.
GeoprocessingExecutionType::SynchronousExecute1Synchronous task execution.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeoprocessingLinearUnits

Enumerates types of geoprocessing linear units.

Note: See Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoprocessingLinearUnit for a description of the relationship between Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoprocessingLinearUnit and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LinearUnit.

The GeoprocessingLinearUnits can be one of:

GeoprocessingLinearUnits::Unknown-1Unknown geoprocessing linear units.
GeoprocessingLinearUnits::USNauticalMile6US Nautical Mile.
GeoprocessingLinearUnits::USSurveyFoot7US Survey Foot.
GeoprocessingLinearUnits::USSurveyInch8US Survey Inch.
GeoprocessingLinearUnits::USSurveyMile9US Survey Mile.
GeoprocessingLinearUnits::USSurveyYard10US Survey Yard.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeoprocessingParameterDirection

Enumerates types of geoprocessing parameter directions.

The GeoprocessingParameterDirection can be one of:

GeoprocessingParameterDirection::Input0A parameter provided to a task as an input.
GeoprocessingParameterDirection::Output1A parameter provided by the task as an output.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class GeoprocessingParameterType

Enumerates types of geoprocessing parameters.

The GeoprocessingExecutionType can be one of:

GeoprocessingParameterType::GeoprocessingFeatures4GPRecordSet or GPFeatureRecordSetLayer
GeoprocessingParameterType::GeoprocessingRaster8GPRasterData or GPRasterDataLayer
GeoprocessingParameterType::GeoprocessingUnknownParameter10Unknown type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoprocessingParameter.

enum class GeoprocessingServiceType

Enumerates the service type of a GeoprocessingService.

GeoprocessingServiceType::SynchronousExecute0Synchronous execution
GeoprocessingServiceType::AsynchronousSubmit1Asynchronous execution.
GeoprocessingServiceType::AsynchronousSubmitWithMapServerResult2Asynchronous execution with a map server result.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GeotriggerFeedType

The type of a GeotriggerFeed.

The GeotriggerFeedType can be one of:

GeotriggerFeedType::LocationGeotriggerFeed0The feed uses a location data source.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class GeotriggerMonitorStatus

The current status of a GeotriggerMonitor.

The GeotriggerMonitorStatus can be one of:

GeotriggerMonitorStatus::Stopped0The GeotriggerMonitor has been stopped.
GeotriggerMonitorStatus::Starting1The GeotriggerMonitor is starting.
GeotriggerMonitorStatus::Started2The GeotriggerMonitor has been started.
GeotriggerMonitorStatus::FailedToStart3The GeotriggerMonitor failed to start.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class GeotriggerNotificationInfoType

The type of a GeotriggerNotificationInfo.

The GeotriggerNotificationInfoType can be one of:

GeotriggerNotificationInfoType::FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo0A FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class GeotriggerType

The type of a Geotrigger.

The GeotriggerType can be one of:

GeotriggerType::FenceGeotrigger0The geotrigger checks fences.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class GraphicsRenderingMode

Enumerates types of rendering modes available for the GraphicsOverlay.

GraphicsRenderingMode enumerates rendering modes available for the GraphicsOverlay.

The GraphicsRenderingMode can be one of:

GraphicsRenderingMode::Dynamic0Dynamic mode is used to provide smooth draws of Graphics. Graphics are redrawn at a high frame rate along with other map features. This requires more work on the part of your machine's graphics rendering pipeline than Static.
GraphicsRenderingMode::Static1Static mode is used to increase draw performance when the GraphicsOverlay may contain many unmoving Graphics. Graphics are rasterized for display. When the map display changes (such as during zoom) the symbols are not redrawn until the map display change is finished. Static rendering mode is not suitable for moving Graphics.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GridLabelPosition

Enumerates the label positioning options for the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Grid in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MapView.

The GridLabelPosition can be one of:

GridLabelPosition::Geographic0Labels anchored to a geographical position on the map view.
GridLabelPosition::BottomLeft1x-labels anchored to bottom, y-labels anchored to left of map view.
GridLabelPosition::BottomRight2x-labels anchored to bottom, y-labels anchored to right of map view.
GridLabelPosition::TopLeft3x-labels anchored to top, y-labels anchored to left of map view.
GridLabelPosition::TopRight4x-labels anchored to top, y-labels anchored to right of map view.
GridLabelPosition::Center5x- and y-label axes pass through center of map view.
GridLabelPosition::AllSides6Labels are anchored to top, right, bottom and left of map view.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GridType

Enumerates the grid types that can be used in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MapView.

The GridType can be one of:

GridType::Unknown-1Unknown grid type.
GridType::LatitudeLongitudeGrid0Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LatitudeLongitudeGrid - Latitude and longitude (graticules).
GridType::UTMGrid1Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UTMGrid - Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM).
GridType::MGRSGrid2Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MGRSGrid - Military Grid Reference System (MGRS).
GridType::USNGGrid3Esri::ArcGISRuntime::USNGGrid - United States National Grid (USNG).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GroupVisibilityMode

Enumerates the visibility modes on a group layer.

The GroupVisibilityMode can be one of:

GroupVisibilityMode::Independent0Each child manages its visibility independent of the parent group. Toggling the parent's visibility should not change the child's visibility. In a table of contents, the children might be displayed with check boxes to change their visibility.
GroupVisibilityMode::Inherited1Each child inherits the visibility of its parent group. The visibility of children should match that of the parent. In a table of contents, the children might be displayed with checkboxes whose values are bound to the parent or disabled. Alternatively, the children may be hidden from the table of contents because they effectively operate as a single layer.
GroupVisibilityMode::Exclusive2Only one child is visible at a time. When one child is made visible, all other children should be made not visible. In a table of contents, the children should be displayed with radio buttons.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class HorizontalAlignment

Enumerates the text's horizontal alignment relative to the symbol's point coordinate.

The HorizontalAlignment can be one of:

HorizontalAlignment::Center0Text is center aligned.
HorizontalAlignment::Justify1Text is aligned along the left margin, and spacing is adjusted so that the text falls flush with both margins.
HorizontalAlignment::Left2Text is left aligned.
HorizontalAlignment::Right3Text is right aligned.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class IdInfoType

Enumerates the type of IdInfo.

The IdInfoType can be one of:

IdInfoType::IdInfo0Simple IdInfo with ID and name.
IdInfoType::MapServiceLayerIdInfo1MapServiceLayerIdInfo with more info: default visibility, min/max scales, parent layer ID, sublayer IDs.
IdInfoType::FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo2FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo with more info: default visibility, min/max scales, geometry type, service type.
IdInfoType::Unknown-1Unknown IdInfo type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ItemType

Enumerates the type of item.

ItemType::PortalItem0Portal item.
ItemType::LocalItem1Local item.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class JobMessageSeverity

Enumerates the different levels of severity of a job message.

JobMessageSeverity can be one of:

JobMessageSeverity::Info0An informative message is generated during the job's execution, such as a job uploading data, job progressing on a server or job results. This message type never indicates a problem.
JobMessageSeverity::Warning1A warning message is generated when a job experiences a situation that may cause a problem during its execution or when the result may not be what you expect. For example, when the job has failed to take a layer offline from an online map. Generally the job will run to successful completion even if there are one or more warnings.
JobMessageSeverity::Error2An error message indicates a critical event that caused the job to fail. The error instance is also available from the job's error property.
JobMessageSeverity::Unknown-1A message of unknown severity.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class JobMessageSource

Enumerates the origin of a job message.

JobMessageSource can be one of:

JobMessageSource::Client0A job message generated by the ArcGISRuntime client.
JobMessageSource::Service1A job message generated by a service.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class JobStatus

Enumerates the status of an instance of a Job.

JobStatus can be one of:

JobStatus::NotStarted0Not started
JobStatus::Canceling5In the process of being canceled.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class JobType

Enumerates the type of an instance of a Job.

JobType can be one of:

JobType::Unknown-1Unknown job type.
JobType::GenerateGeodatabaseJob0Generate geodatabase Job
JobType::SyncGeodatabaseJob1Sync geodatabase Job.
JobType::ExportTileCacheJob2Export tile cache Job.
JobType::EstimateTileCacheSizeJob3Estimate tile cache size Job.
JobType::GeoprocessingJob4Geoprocessing Job.
JobType::GenerateOfflineMapJob5Generate offline map Job.
JobType::ExportVectorTilesJob6Export vector tiles Job.
JobType::OfflineMapSyncJob7Offline map sync Job.
JobType::DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob8Download preplanned map areas Job.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class JoinType

Enumerates join types of a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TableJoinSublayerSource.

The JoinType can be one of:

JoinType::InnerJoin0Inner join.
JoinType::LeftOuterJoin1Left outer join.
JoinType::Unknown-1Unknown join type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class KmlAltitudeMode

Enumerates the KML altitude modes.

The KmlAltitudeMode can be one of:

KmlAltitudeMode::ClampToGround0The <altitude> specification is ignored, and the object will be draped over the ground.
KmlAltitudeMode::RelativeToGround1(default) Interprets the <altitude> as a value in meters above the ground. If the point is over water, the <altitude> will be interpreted as a value in meters above sea level.
KmlAltitudeMode::Absolute2Interprets the <altitude> as a value in meters above sea level.
KmlAltitudeMode::Unknown-1Unknown altitude type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlColorMode

Enumerates the KML color modes.

The KmlColorMode can be one of:

KmlColorMode::Normal0Normal is the default value. This means that whatever Color property is set for the KmlColorStyle will be used.
KmlColorMode::Random1Random means whatever the Color property is set for the KmlColorStyle will be overwritten by a random color.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class KmlDatasetEventType

Enumerates the types of KML events.

The KmlDatasetEventType can be one of:

KmlDatasetEventType::AutoBalloonPopup0This event is raised when a network link control message is available or when a tour needs to show a popup.
KmlDatasetEventType::HideBalloonPopup1This event is raised when a previously shown balloon popup needs to be hidden.
KmlDatasetEventType::BeginNodeAutoRefresh2This event is raised when a KML node starts to refresh.
KmlDatasetEventType::NodeAutoRefreshed3This event is raised when a KML node is done refreshing successfully.
KmlDatasetEventType::Unknown-1Unknown event type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlGeometryType

Enumerates the types of KML geometry.

The KmlGeometryType can be one of:

KmlGeometryType::Point0A point.
KmlGeometryType::Polyline1A polyline
KmlGeometryType::Polygon2A polygon.
KmlGeometryType::Model3A model.
KmlGeometryType::Unknown-1Unknown KML geometry type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlGraphicType

Enumerates the types of KML graphics.

The KmlGraphicType can be one of:

KmlGraphicType::None0There is no geoemtry present.
KmlGraphicType::Point1A point.
KmlGraphicType::Polyline2A polyline.
KmlGraphicType::Polygon3A polygon.
KmlGraphicType::ExtrudedPoint4An extruded point.
KmlGraphicType::ExtrudedPolyline5An extruded polyline.
KmlGraphicType::ExtrudedPolygon6An extruded polygon
KmlGraphicType::Model7A model.
KmlGraphicType::MultiGeometry8A multi-geometry. This is a container for geometries.
KmlGraphicType::Unknown-1Unknown KML graphic type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlListItemType

Enumerates the types of KML list item. This information is used to determine how a KML node is displayed in a list view.

The KmlListItemType can be one of:

KmlListItemType::Check0(default) - The KML node's visibility is tied to its item's checkbox.
KmlListItemType::RadioFolder1When specified for a Container, only one of the Container's items is visible at a time.
KmlListItemType::CheckHideChildren2Use a normal checkbox for visibility but do not display the Container or Network Link's children in the list view. A checkbox allows the user to toggle visibility of the child objects in the viewer.
KmlListItemType::Unknown-1Unknown KML geometry type.
KmlListItemType::CheckOffOnly3Everything in the container or network link can be turned off all at once. Prevents nodes from becoming visible simultaneously. Child nodes must be enabled individually. This is useful if the container or network link contains a large amount of data.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlNodeType

Enumerates the types of KML nodes.

The KmlNodeType can be one of:

KmlNodeType::KmlDocument0A document KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlFolder1A folder KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlNetworkLink2A network link KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlPlacemark3A placemark KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlPhotoOverlay4A photo overlay KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlGroundOverlay5A ground overlay KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlScreenOverlay6A screen overlay KML node.
KmlNodeType::KmlTour7A tour KML node.
KmlNodeType::Unknown-1Unknown KML node.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlRefreshMode

Enumerates types of KML refresh mode.

Defines the time-based refresh behavior of a KML network link.

The KmlRefreshMode can be one of:

KmlRefreshMode::OnChange0Refresh when the file is loaded and whenever the Link parameters change.
KmlRefreshMode::OnExpire2Refresh every n milliseconds. Note, if refresh interval is 0 when the mode is set to OnInterval, it will automatically update the refresh interval to 4000 milliseconds.
KmlRefreshMode::OnInterval1Refresh the file when the expiration time is reached. If a fetched file has a network link control, the "expires" time takes precedence over expiration times specified in HTTP headers. If no "expires" time is specified, the HTTP max-age header is used (if present). If max-age is not present, the Expires HTTP header is used (if present). Currently this is treated the same as if the mode were onChange.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class KmlRefreshStatus

Enumerates types of KML refresh status.

The KmlRefreshStatus can be one of:

KmlRefreshStatus::None0The KML node has no refresh status.
KmlRefreshStatus::InProgress1KML node refresh has started.
KmlRefreshStatus::Completed2KML node refresh completed.
KmlRefreshStatus::Failed3KML node refresh failed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class KmlTourStatus

Enumerates types of KML tour status.

The KmlTourStatus can be one of:

KmlTourStatus::NotInitialized0The KML tour is not initialized. This is the default status. Set the tour on a tour controller to initialize it.
KmlTourStatus::Initializing1This status is set as soon as a KML tour is set on a tour controller.
KmlTourStatus::Initialized2This status is set when a KML tour is successfully initialized. If initialization fails, the status is set to KmlTourStatus::NotInitialized.
KmlTourStatus::Playing3This status is set when a KML tour starts playing.
KmlTourStatus::Paused4This status is set when a KML tour is paused.
KmlTourStatus::Completed5This status is set when a KML tour is completed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class KmlUnitsType

A KML units type object.

Use the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType enumeration via the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlImageCoordinate::KmlImageCoordinate(double, double, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType, QObject*) constructor to establish the KML image coordinate system. Values of type fraction must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Values below 0.0 will be set to 0.0, and values above 1.0 will be set to 1.0. If a non-integral number is specified with a unit type of pixels or insetPixels, it will be rounded down to a whole number (e.g. 2.243 will be rounded to 2.0).

The Esri::ArcGISRuntime::KmlUnitsType can be one of:

KmlUnitsType::Fraction0Fraction is the default value. Treat the x/y value as a fraction of the width/height.
KmlUnitsType::Pixels1Treat the x/y value as an integral number of pixels.
KmlUnitsType::InsetPixels2Treat the x/y value as an integral number of pixels from the top right corner.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class KmlViewRefreshMode

Enumerates types of KML view refresh mode.

Defines the view-based refresh behavior of a KML network link.

The KmlViewRefreshMode can be one of:

KmlViewRefreshMode::Never0Ignore changes in the view.
KmlViewRefreshMode::OnStop1Refresh the file n milliseconds after movement stops, where n is specified by viewRefreshTime. Note, if viewRefreshTime is 0 when the mode is set to onStop, it will automatically update the viewRefreshTime to 500 milliseconds.
KmlViewRefreshMode::OnRegion3Refresh the file only when the user explicitly requests it.
KmlViewRefreshMode::OnRequest2Refresh the file when the KML region becomes active.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class KmlViewpointType

Enumerates the types of KML viewpoints.

The KmlViewpointType can be one of:

KmlViewpointType::Camera0The view type is a camera.
KmlViewpointType::LookAt1The view type is a look at point.
KmlViewpointType::Unknown-1Unknown view type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class LabelAngleRotationType

How the placement angle should be interpreted.

The type of rotation applied to the LabelAngle::angleExpression should be interpreted as LabelAngleRotationType::Arithmetic (counter-clockwise from East) or LabelAngleRotationType::Geographic (clockwise from North).

The LabelAngleRotationType can be one of:

LabelAngleRotationType::Automatic0The angle uses the default interpretation (LabelAngleRotationType::Arithmetic).
LabelAngleRotationType::Arithmetic1The angle is interpreted as arithmetic, i.e., counterclockwise from East.
LabelAngleRotationType::Geographic2The angle is interpreted as geographic, i.e., clockwise from North.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelBarrierWeight

The weight of features when considered as barriers to labeling.

An AnnotationLayer or a DimensionLayer that has no LabelDefinition of its own can be added to a map's operational layers. Their features will be automatically considered by the labeling process, to block labels from being placed such that they overlap the features. This LabelBarrierWeight property controls how much labels must avoid the layer's features.

Note: Other layer types that have their own LabelDefinition can also have their features treated as barriers, but this is controlled by their LabelDefinition::featureBoundaryOverlapStrategy and LabelDefinition::featureInteriorOverlapStrategy properties.

The LabelBarrierWeight can be one of:

LabelBarrierWeight::None0The feature will not act as an barrier to labels.
LabelBarrierWeight::Low1Labels will avoid overlapping this feature unless there are no other placement positions. In this case, the label will overlap the feature.
LabelBarrierWeight::Medium2Labels will only overlap this feature after first unsuccessfully attempting other placement positions. In this case, the label will overlap the feature.``` This is similar to LabelBarrierWeight::Low, but the labeling process can try additional positions. Not all styles of labeling will have additional positions to try.
LabelBarrierWeight::High3The feature is an exclusion zone for labels. Labels that overlap the feature will not be placed unless the label is using a deconfliction strategy of LabelDeconflictionStrategy::None or LabelDeconflictionStrategy::DynamicNeverRemove.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class LabelDeconflictionStrategy

The strategy for moving labels to avoid overlapping point symbols or higher priority labels.

The LabelDeconflictionStrategy can be one of:

LabelDeconflictionStrategy::Automatic0The label will use the default deconfliction strategy (LabelDeconflictionStrategy::Static). This value corresponds to no value being specified for a LabelDefinition::deconflictionStrategy property.
LabelDeconflictionStrategy::Dynamic1Place the label in the preferred location, but move to an alternative location to not overlap higher priority labels or or feature/graphic symbols. This label is placed only if it can be moved to a location that will not overlap a higher priority label.
LabelDeconflictionStrategy::None2Place the label in the preferred location, regardless of overlaps with other features, graphics, or labels.
LabelDeconflictionStrategy::Static3Place the label in the preferred location, unless it would overlap a higher priority label or feature/graphic symbol. If it overlaps a lower priority label, then the lower priority label may disappear or move (depending on its LabelDefinition::deconflictionStrategy). If this label overlaps a higher priority label, then this label is not placed.
LabelDeconflictionStrategy::DynamicNeverRemove4Place the label in the preferred location, but move to an alternative location to minimize overlapping higher priority labels or feature/graphic symbols.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelExpressionType

The type of the label expression.

The type specifies which language interpreter should be used to read and evaluate the expression.

The LabelExpressionType can be one of:

LabelExpressionType::ArcadeLabelExpression1The LabelExpression property contains a ArcadeLabelExpression object.
LabelExpressionType::SimpleLabelExpression2The LabelExpression property contains a SimpleLabelExpression object.
LabelExpressionType::WebmapLabelExpression3The LabelExpression property contains a WebmapLabelExpression object.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelLineConnection

The strategy for whether line features with the same label, and matching end vertices, should be joined before sharing a label.

The LabelLineConnection can be one of:

LabelLineConnection::Automatic0The default approach for connectable features is to connect them (LabelLineConnection::MinimizeLabels). This value corresponds to no value being specified for a LabelDefinition::lineConnection property.
LabelLineConnection::MinimizeLabels1Line geometries with the same label and coincident end vertices should be considered together as a single, continuous geometry when placing labels. For example, if a single label is being placed on a line feature, then the single location will be chosen along the combined geometries. This combining will ignore junctions, so it may be ambiguous which line feature after a junction is the continuation of the earlier geometry.
LabelLineConnection::None2Keep one label per line feature geometry.
LabelLineConnection::UnambiguousLabels3Line geometries with the same label and coincident end vertices should be joined, until they hit a junction. For example, if a single label is being placed on a line geometry (composed of multiple features' geometries, but all having the same label text), then a label will be placed on both sides of any junction, to make it unambiguous which geometries are the continuation of the initial geometry.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelMultipartStrategy

The strategy for the number of labels to be placed on a multi-part feature.

The LabelMultipartStrategy can be one of:

LabelMultipartStrategy::Automatic0Labeling will use the default distribution of labels across multi-part features. This depends on Feature type: - Polygon labels will use LabelMultipartStrategy::LabelLargest - Point and Line labels will use LabelMultipartStrategy::LabelPerPart.
LabelMultipartStrategy::LabelLargest1If a feature consists of multiple parts, only the largest one will be assigned a label. If a line feature consists of multiple part geometries, or a polygon feature consists of multiple ring geometries, only the largest one will be assigned a label.
LabelMultipartStrategy::LabelPerFeature2One label per feature, but not supported yet in runtime. The intended use is to place one label to represent each feature, even if the feature is made up of multiple parts, e.g. placing a single label at the center of a group of point parts, not necessarily at the position of any individual part.
LabelMultipartStrategy::LabelPerPart3If a feature consists of multiple geometries, each geometry will be assigned a label. If a line feature consists of multiple line geometries, or a polygon feature consists of multiple ring geometries, each geometry will be assigned a label.
LabelMultipartStrategy::LabelPerSegment4One label per segment, but not supported yet in runtime. The intended use is to place a label on each segment of each line geometry.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelOverlapStrategy

The strategy for whether another label is allowed to be placed over this feature or label

The LabelOverlapStrategy can be one of:

LabelOverlapStrategy::Automatic0The other label will use the default overlap behavior, which depends on the object being overlapped. This value corresponds to no value being specified for a LabelDefinition overlap property.
LabelOverlapStrategy::Allow1The other label will be allowed to place itself in its preferred location, ignoring this obstacle.
LabelOverlapStrategy::Avoid2The other label will move to minimize overlapping this obstacle, but will overlap if necessary. The other label can only move if its LabelDefinition::deconflictionStrategy allows.
LabelOverlapStrategy::Exclude3The other label will not be placed rather than overlap this obstacle. The other label can only move if its LabelDefinition::deconflictionStrategy allows. If it cannot move, or if there is no free position available, then the other label will not be placed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelOverrunStrategy

The strategy for whether a label should be visible at viewing scales where the feature is too small for the label to fit.

The LabelOverrunStrategy can be one of:

LabelOverrunStrategy::Automatic0The label will use the default overrun behavior, which depends on the object being overrun. This value corresponds to no value being specified for the LabelDefinition::overrunStrategy property.
LabelOverrunStrategy::None1The label cannot run past the ends of its line geometry or edges of its polygon geometry.
LabelOverrunStrategy::Allow2The label can run past the ends of its line geometry or edges or its polygon geometry.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy

The strategy for whether labels should be removed if they have the same text as other labels, to reduce clutter and free up space.

The LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy can be one of:

LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy::Automatic0The default approach to duplicate labels to is keep them (LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy::None). This value corresponds to no value being specified for a LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesStrategy property.
LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy::All1Remove nearby duplicate labels. The distance within which to look for duplicates is controlled by LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesDistance.
LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy::FeatureType2Remove nearby duplicate labels, if they belong to the same Feature Type. Two features are considered the same type if they are both point features, both line features or both polygon features. The distance within which to look for duplicates is controlled by LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesDistance.
LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy::LabelClass3Remove nearby duplicate labels, if they below to the same Label Class. Two labels are considered the same Label Class if they are both created from the same LabelDefinition. The distance within which to look for duplicates is controlled by LabelDefinition::removeDuplicatesDistance.
LabelRemoveDuplicatesStrategy::None4No duplicates should be removed. Place all labels on the map, regardless of duplicates.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelRepeatStrategy

The strategy for whether a label should have multiple copies created and placed along or across the same feature.

The LabelRepeatStrategy can be one of:

LabelRepeatStrategy::Automatic0Labeling will use the default repetition for the feature type. Line feature labels will use LabelRepeatStrategy::Repeat. Polygon feature labels will use LabelRepeatStrategy::None. Point feature labels will use LabelRepeatStrategy::None.
LabelRepeatStrategy::None1Only place one label per feature.
LabelRepeatStrategy::Repeat2Repeat the label along or across the feature. The frequency of repetition is controlled by the LabelDefinition::repeatDistance property.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelStackAlignment

The strategy for how multi-row (stacked) text should be horizontally aligned.

Multi-row text labels can each be horizontally aligned on the left, right or at their center. By using the LabelStackAlignment, the user can choose to use the TextSymbol::horizontalAlignment property for all labels, or can choose to have the most aesthetic alignment calculated case-by-case for each label depending on its placement position around its feature. This is particularly useful for labels of dense point features, where labels may move above, below, left or right of their point symbol, in order to fit on the display.

The LabelStackAlignment can be one of:

LabelStackAlignment::Automatic0The default behavior is to use LabelStackAlignment::TextSymbol. This value corresponds to no value being specified for a LabelDefinition::stackAlignment property.
LabelStackAlignment::Dynamic1Set the alignment depending upon the label's position with respect to its feature. Have the alignment decided case-by-case for each label depending on its placement position around its feature. This is particularly useful for labels of dense point features, where labels may move above, below, left or right of their point symbol, in order to fit on the display. For example, a stack to the right of a point symbol will be left-aligned.
LabelStackAlignment::TextSymbol2Follow the alignment specified by the TextSymbol::horizontalAlignment.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelStackBreakPosition

The strategy for whether a row of text should be broken before or after it exceeds the ideal length.

If stacking is turned on, label placement can insert a line break before or after the word that overruns the maximum number of characters per row.

The LabelStackBreakPosition can be one of:

LabelStackBreakPosition::Automatic0Use the default break position (LabelStackBreakPosition::After).
LabelStackBreakPosition::After1Insert the line break after a word that has broken the stackRowLength limit. This means rows will generally be longer than the LabelDefinition::stackRowLength.
LabelStackBreakPosition::Before2Insert the line break before a word that will break the stackRowLength limit. This means rows will generally be shorter than the LabelDefinition::stackRowLength (although they will overrun for individual words larger than this count).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition

The position where the separator character in a label will be written, if used.

Determines whether the separator code point should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next. This does not matter if the separator is not to be visible when used.

The LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition can be one of:

LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition::Automatic0Use the default position (LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition::After).
LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition::After1Write the separator after the line break, at the start of the next row of text.
LabelStackSeparatorBreakPosition::Before2Write the separator before the line break, at the end of the previous row of text.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelStackStrategy

The strategy for whether the label text should be "stacked" (wrapped), rather than placed as a single line or row of text across the map.

The LabelStackStrategy can be one of:

LabelStackStrategy::Automatic0Stacking will be enabled for some feature types. The default stacking behavior for labels will depend on their feature type: - Point feature labels may stack - Line feature labels will not stack - Polygon feature labels may stack.
LabelStackStrategy::None1The text should not be broken (wrapped), no matter how long it is.
LabelStackStrategy::Allow2The label placement engine can break the text into two or more row (lines) if the rows are longer than the LabelDefinition::stackRowLength limit.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelTextLayout

The layout to use for label text, which can be either horizontal, straight, perpendicular, or follow the line feature.

The LabelTextLayout can be one of:

LabelTextLayout::Automatic0The text layout will be determined by the individual feature type. For each label, the layout will be determined by the feature geometry type: - Point feature labels will use LabelTextLayout::Horizontal - Line feature labels will use LabelTextLayout::FollowFeature - Polygon feature labels will use LabelTextLayout::Horizontal.
LabelTextLayout::Horizontal1Text will be written horizontally (with respect to the screen). If the map is rotated within the screen, then the text will be redrawn (and possibly repositioned) to remain horizontal with respect to the screen.
LabelTextLayout::Perpendicular2Text will be written perpendicular to the LabelTextLayout::Straight text layout.
LabelTextLayout::Straight3Text will be written along a straight line, following the point positioning angle or at a tangent to the line feature. An angle for placement and orientation will be calculated for each label if the "labelAngleInfo" json property for the LabelDefinition has been specified.

Centered point labels will stay centered on the point feature, but will be rotated to the angle (or horizontal, if none has been defined).

Offset point labels will be positioned around the point feature, at the position specified by the angle. The text will lie along this angle, so that it stretches radially from the edge of the point feature.

Note that if a label has an angle of zero then its text will be drawn horizontally with respect to the map. If the map is rotated within the screen, the text will rotate with the map.

Line labels will be positioned as usual, but then rotated (around their midpoint) to lie on a straight line at a tangent to the line geometry at that point.

LabelTextLayout::FollowFeature4Text will bend to follow a curved or multi-segment line feature. Individual characters will be angled to follow the changes in angle of the line geometry. If the text overruns the beginning or end of the line geometry, then the remaining characters will be laid out in a straight line extrapolated from the last geometry segment.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelTextOrientation

The orientation of label text.

The LabelTextOrientation can be one of:

LabelTextOrientation::Automatic0Use the default text orientation (LabelTextOrientation::Screen).
LabelTextOrientation::Direction1Text follows the placement angle direction, even if it means being drawn upside-down.
LabelTextOrientation::Screen2Text follows the screen orientation, and flips if necessary. Text should be flipped through 180 degrees to keep it readable on the screen. The text will flip whenever the feature determines that the text is angled upside-down, or if the map is rotated within the screen to make the text upside-down (with respect to the screen).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class LabelingPlacement

Enumerates the placement of a label in relation to a geometry.

The LabelingPlacement can be one of:

LabelingPlacement::Automatic-2Default position for the label, dependent on the type of feature being labeled.
LabelingPlacement::Unknown-1Preferred placement position has not been specified.
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveAfter0Lower-left corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment.
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveAlong1Lower midpoint of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry; label follows the geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveBefore2Lower right corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment.
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveEnd3Lower right corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineAboveStart4Lower left corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label follows the first geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowAfter5Upper left corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment.
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowAlong6Upper midpoint of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry, label follows the geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowBefore7Upper right corner of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment.
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowEnd8Upper right corner of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineBelowStart9Upper left corner of label is at first geometry coordinate, label follows the first geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterAfter10Left midpoint of label is at final geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the last geometry segment.
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterAlong11Center of label prefers the midpoint of the geometry; label follows the geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterBefore12Right midpoint of label is at first geometry coordinate; label extrapolates the first geometry segment.
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterEnd13Right midpoint of label is at final geometry coordinate; label follows the last geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::LineCenterStart14Left midpoint of label is at first geometry coordinate; label follows the first geometry segments.
LabelingPlacement::PointAboveCenter15Lower midpoint of label is offset north of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointAboveLeft16Lower-right corner of the label is offset northwest of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointAboveRight17Lower left corner of the label is offset North-east of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointBelowCenter18Upper midpoint of label is offset South of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointBelowLeft19Upper right corner of the label is offset South-west of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointBelowRight20Upper left corner of the label is offset South-east of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointCenterCenter21Center of label is placed on geometry point.
LabelingPlacement::PointCenterLeft22Right midpoint of label is offset West of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PointCenterRight23Left midpoint of label is offset East of point symbol.
LabelingPlacement::PolygonAlwaysHorizontal24Center of label is as far inside polygon as possible.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LatitudeLongitudeFormat

Enumerates supported formats for representing latitude-longitude geographical coordinates as a string.

The LatitudeLongitudeFormat can be one of:

LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DecimalDegrees0The geographical coordinates are represented in decimal degrees.
LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DegreesDecimalMinutes1The geographical coordinates are represented in degrees and decimal minutes.
LatitudeLongitudeFormat::DegreesMinutesSeconds2The geographical coordinates are represented in degrees and minutes and decimal seconds.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat

Enumerates the possible formats for Latitude-Longitude values used in grid labels.

The LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat can be one of:

LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat::DecimalDegrees0Label the grid lines (graticules) in decimal degrees.
LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat::DegreesMinutesSeconds1Label the grid lines (graticules) in degrees, minutes and seconds.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LayerType

Enumerates types of map layers.

The LayerType can be one of:

LayerType::ServiceImageTiledLayer2Service image tiled layer
LayerType::FeatureCollectionLayer5Feature collection layer
LayerType::FeatureLayer6Feature layer
LayerType::KMLLayer7KML layer
LayerType::BingMapLayer8This value is obsolete. Use LayerType::BingMapsLayer
LayerType::RasterLayer9Raster layer
LayerType::UnsupportedLayer10Unsupported layer
LayerType::MobileBasemapLayer11Mobile basemap layer
LayerType::ArcGISVectorTiledLayer12ArcGIS vector tiled layer
LayerType::ArcGISSceneLayer13ArcGIS scene layer
LayerType::WmtsLayer14WMTS layer
LayerType::OpenStreetMapLayer15Open street map layer
LayerType::WebTiledLayer16Web tiled layer
LayerType::BingMapsLayer17Bing Maps layer
LayerType::EncLayer18Electronic Navigational Charts layer
LayerType::WmsLayer19WMS Layer
LayerType::IntegratedMeshLayer20Integrated Mesh layer
LayerType::PointCloudLayer21Point Cloud layer
LayerType::GroupLayer22Group layer
LayerType::AnnotationLayer23Annotation layer
LayerType::SubtypeFeatureLayer24Subtype Feature layer
LayerType::DimensionLayer25Dimension layer
LayerType::UnknownLayer-1Unknown layer type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LayerViewStatus
flags LayerViewStatusFlags

The status of a layer in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoView.

This status is used to determine whether a layer is displaying in a MapView or SceneView or whether it is still loading, not visible, out of scale, or has encountered an error or warning. Each layer can have multiple states at the same time. For example, a layer could be both LayerViewStatus::NotVisible and l {LayerViewStatus} {LayerViewStatus::OutOfScale}, or it could be LayerViewStatus::NotVisible and LayerViewStatus::Loading. These multiple states are represented using a flags enumeration.

A status of LayerViewStatus::Active indicates that the layer is being displayed in the view. Note, that some of the layer view states are not possible together. For example, a layer cannot be both LayerViewStatus::Active and LayerViewStatus::NotVisible at the same time.

If you implement a layer list in a table of contents (TOCs), you can use the layer view status to manage the TOC user interface. For example, you could gray out the layer if it is LayerViewStatus::OutOfScale, or you could show a spinning icon if the layer is LayerViewStatus::Loading. If the layer list contains a GroupLayer that is LayerViewStatus::NotVisible then its child layers will be LayerViewStatus::NotVisible. If the GroupLayer is visible, then each child layer can be either visible or LayerViewStatus::NotVisible.

If the layer completely fails to load or render you will encounter a LayerViewStatus::Error. If the layer fails to render some of its content then you will encounter a LayerViewStatus::Warning. This could be due to the temporary loss of a network connection, failing layer requests or exceeding the max feature count. In both cases you will find more details about the problem in the LayerViewState::error.

The LayerViewStatus can be one of:

LayerViewStatus::Active1The layer in the view is active. A status of LayerViewStatus::Active indicates that the layer is being displayed in the view.
LayerViewStatus::NotVisible2The layer in the view is not visible.
LayerViewStatus::OutOfScale4The layer in the view is out of scale. A status of LayerViewStatus::OutOfScale indicates that the view is zoomed outside of the scale range of the layer. If the view is zoomed too far in (e.g. to a street level) it is beyond the max scale defined for the layer. If the view has zoomed to far out (e.g. to global scale) it is beyond the min scale defined for the layer.
LayerViewStatus::Loading8The layer in the view is loading. After loading has completed, the layer will be available for display in the view. If there was a problem loading the layer, the status will be set to LayerViewStatus::Error and the LayerViewState::error property will provide details on the specific problem.
LayerViewStatus::Error16The layer in the view has an unrecoverable error.

When the status is LayerViewStatus::Error, the layer cannot be rendered in the view. For example, it may have failed to load, be an unsupported layer type or contain invalid data.

The LayerViewState::error property will provide more details about the specific problem that was encountered. Depending on the type of problem, you could: - call Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer::retryLoad - remove the layer from the Map or Scene - inspect the data.

LayerViewStatus::Warning32The layer in the view has encountered an error which may be temporary. When the status is LayerViewStatus::Warning, the layer may still be displayed in the view. It is possible for the status to be both LayerViewStatus::Active and LayerViewStatus::Warning.

A warning status indicates that the layer has encountered a problem but may still be usable. For example, some tiles or features may be failing to load due to network failure or server error.

You should be aware that when a LayerViewStatus::Warning is received, the layer may not be showing all data or it may be showing data which is not up-to-date.

The LayerViewState::error property will provide more details about the specific problem which was encountered. Depending on the type of problem, you could: - check your network connection - check whether an online service is experiencing problems.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

The LayerViewStatusFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<LayerViewStatus>. It stores an OR combination of LayerViewStatus values.

enum class LicenseLevel

Enumerates the level of licensing used.

LicenseLevel::Developer0Licensed for developer use only.
LicenseLevel::Lite1Licensed for lite level deployment.
LicenseLevel::Basic2Licensed for basic level deployment.
LicenseLevel::Standard3Licensed for standard level deployment.
LicenseLevel::Advanced4Licensed for advanced level deployment.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LicenseStatus

Enumerates the license status of a Runtime license.

LicenseStatus::Invalid0License is not valid.
LicenseStatus::Expired1License is expired.
LicenseStatus::LoginRequired2Login is required to license the app.
LicenseStatus::Valid3License is valid.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LicenseType

Enumerates the possible license types that the application could be licensed as.

The LicenseType can be one of:

LicenseType::Developer0The license type has not been set and will run in developer mode.
LicenseType::NamedUser1Using a subscription license from a named user account.
LicenseType::LicenseKey2Licensed from a license string.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LightingMode

Enumerates possible ways to add a lighting mode (sunlit/dark) to a scene view.

The LightingMode can be one of:

LightingMode::NoLight0Not lighted by the Sun. Illumination is ambient light defined by ambient light color property.
LightingMode::Light1Lighted by the Sun, creating a day and night effect. The dark side of the globe is illuminated as defined by the ambient light property.
LightingMode::LightAndShadows2Like Light (lighted by the Sun), plus uses elevation and buildings to create and cast shadows.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class LineOfSightTargetVisibility

Enumerates the visibility state between an observer and target in a line of sight analysis.

The LineOfSightTargetVisibility can be one of:

LineOfSightTargetVisibility::Visible0Target is visible from the observer.
LineOfSightTargetVisibility::Obstructed1Target is not visible from the observer because the line of sight is obstructed.
LineOfSightTargetVisibility::Unknown2Target visibility from the observer cannot be accurately evaluated with the currently loaded data.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class LinearUnitId

Enumerates types of linear units that may be represented by LinearUnit.

Note: See Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoprocessingLinearUnit for a description of the relationship between Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoprocessingLinearUnit and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LinearUnit.

The LinearUnitId can be one of:

LinearUnitId::Other0Other unit

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LoadStatus

Enumerates possible load status for a layer or other resource.

The LoadStatus can be one of:

LoadStatus::FailedToLoad2Failed to load
LoadStatus::NotLoaded3Not loaded
LoadStatus::Unknown-1Unknown status

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LocalItemType

Enumerates the type of local item.

LocalItemType::MobileMap0Mobile map.
LocalItemType::MobileScene1Mobile scene.
LocalItemType::MobileMapPackage2Mobile map package.
LocalItemType::MobileScenePackage3Mobile scene package.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LocalServerStatus

Enumerates the status of the local server or a local service.

Note: Local server is only available on Windows and Linux.

LocalServerStatus::Stopped0The local server or service is not running
LocalServerStatus::Starting1The local server or service is starting up
LocalServerStatus::Started2The local server or service is running
LocalServerStatus::Stopping3The local server or service is shutting down
LocalServerStatus::Failed4The local server or service failed to start

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LocationDataSourceStatus

The list of possible LocationDataSource statuses.

This is used to determine the status of a LocationDataSource.

The LocationDataSourceStatus can be one of:

LocationDataSourceStatus::Stopped0The data source is stopped.
LocationDataSourceStatus::Starting1The data source is starting.
LocationDataSourceStatus::Started2The data source has started.
LocationDataSourceStatus::Stopping3The data source is stopping.
LocationDataSourceStatus::FailedToStart4The data source has failed to start.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class LocationDisplayAutoPanMode

An enumeration of the various modes that define how the map view extent reacts to location changes.

The LocationDisplayAutoPanMode can be one of:

LocationDisplayAutoPanMode::Off0Displays the location symbol at the current location without adjusting the map view's extent, so no auto-panning is performed.
LocationDisplayAutoPanMode::Recenter1Centers the map view at the current location, and shows the location symbol. When the current location changes, the map view is automatically panned to re-center at the new location. Behavior is affected by the wander extent factor.
LocationDisplayAutoPanMode::Navigation2Pans the map view so that the current location symbol is shown near the bottom of the map view, and rotates the map view to align it with the direction of travel. When the current location or direction of travel changes the map view is automatically panned and rotated to maintain this position. To use this mode effectively, the device location must be moving at a speed greater than 0 meters per second. Behavior is affected by the navigation point height factor.
LocationDisplayAutoPanMode::CompassNavigation3Centers the map view at the current location, rotates the map view to align with the direction in which the device is currently, and shows the location symbol. When the current location or position of the device changes, the map view is automatically panned and rotated to maintain this position, thus if the device is spun in a circle, the map view stays aligned with the real world.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LocationStatus

Enumerates the status regarding the network location associated with a stop.

The LocationStatus can be one of:

LocationStatus::NotLocated0Stop not located on network.
LocationStatus::OnClosest1Stop located on closest network element.
LocationStatus::OnClosestNotRestricted2Stop located on closest network element which is not restricted.
LocationStatus::NotReached3A network location can't be arrived at by the solver.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LocationType

The list of Location types.

This is used to determine the Location type.

The LocationType can be one of:

LocationType::Location0A basic location.
LocationType::NmeaLocation1A location obtained from an NMEA location source.
LocationType::Unknown-1An unknown location.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class LoginType

Supported login types for portal.

The LoginType can be one of:

LoginType::Unknown-1Login type is unknown.
LoginType::OAuth0Login uses an OAuth 2.0 based workflow.
LoginType::ClientCertificate1Login uses a digital certificate to identify the user.
LoginType::UsernamePassword2Login uses a username and password to identify the user.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class MGRSGridLabelUnit

Enumerates units for displaying values in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MGRSGrid.

The MGRSGridLabelUnit can be one of:

MGRSGridLabelUnit::KilometersMeters0Labels are displayed in kilometers or meters based on view's scale.
MGRSGridLabelUnit::Meters1Labels are always displayed in meters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class MapServiceImageFormat

Enumerates image formats, the method for encoding a raster image, for images from a map service.

The MapServiceImageFormat can be one of:

MapServiceImageFormat::JPGPNG6JPGPNG (return JPG if there are no transparent pixels in the requested extent, otherwise return PNG)

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class MgrsConversionMode

Enumerates the lettering scheme and treatment of coordinates at 180 degrees longitude when converting MGRS.

The MgrsConversionMode can be one of:

MgrsConversionMode::Automatic0The choice of MGRS lettering scheme is based on the datum and ellipsoid of the spatial reference provided. Spatial references with new datums (e.g. WGS 84) assume new lettering scheme (AA scheme). This is equivalent to MgrsConversionMode::New180InZone60. Spatial references with older datums (e.g. Clarke 1866, Bessel 1841, Clarke 1880) assume old lettering scheme (AL scheme). This is equivalent to MgrsConversionMode::Old180InZone60. When converted, points with longitude of exactly 180 degrees are placed in zone 60.
MgrsConversionMode::New180InZone011The MGRS notation uses the new lettering scheme (AA scheme) and, when converted, places points with longitude of 180 degrees in zone 01.
MgrsConversionMode::New180InZone602The MGRS notation uses the new lettering scheme (AA scheme) and, when converted, places points with longitude of 180 degrees in zone 60.
MgrsConversionMode::Old180InZone013The MGRS notation uses the old lettering scheme (AL scheme) and, when converted, places points with longitude of 180 degrees in zone 01.
MgrsConversionMode::Old180InZone604The MGRS notation uses the old lettering scheme (AL scheme) and, when converted, places points with longitude of 180 degrees in zone 60.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class MosaicMethod

Enumerates mosaic method types.

The MosaicMethod can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class MosaicOperation

Enumerates mosaic method types.

The MosaicOperation can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

Enumerates navigation constraint options that are based on surface elevation.

The navigation constraint can be one of:

NavigationConstraint::None0Camera navigation is unconstrained. In this mode, the camera may pass above and below the elevation surface. Subsurface navigation is allowed in this mode.
NavigationConstraint::StayAbove1Camera navigation is constrained to remaining above the elevation surface. The altitude of the camera may not fall below the elevation of the surface. If the elevation is added or updates resulting in the camera altitude being below the elevation the camera will be pushed up to be at the surface.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

enum class NetworkCachePolicy

Enumerates the cache behavior for requests.

NetworkCachePolicy::AlwaysNetworkQNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl::AlwaysNetworkAlways load from network and do not check if the cache has a valid entry (similar to the "Reload" feature in browsers). In addition, force intermediate caches to re-validate.
NetworkCachePolicy::PreferNetworkQNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl::PreferNetworkLoad from the network if the cached entry is older than the network entry. This will never return stale data from the cache, but revalidate resources that have become stale.
NetworkCachePolicy::PreferCacheQNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl::PreferCacheLoad from cache if available, otherwise load from network. Note that this can return possibly stale (but not expired) items from cache.
NetworkCachePolicy::AlwaysCacheQNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl::AlwaysCacheOnly load from cache, indicating error if the item was not cached (i.e., off-line mode).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.8.

enum class NetworkDirectionsSupport

Enumerates the type of direction support.

The NetworkDirectionsSupport can be one of:

NetworkDirectionsSupport::Unknown-1Directions support is unknown.
NetworkDirectionsSupport::Unsupported0Directions are unsupported.
NetworkDirectionsSupport::Supported1Directions are supported.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class NmeaAccuracyType

The list of NMEA accuracy types.

The NmeaAccuracyType can be one of:

NmeaAccuracyType::Gst0An accuracy calculated from GST (pseudo-range error statistics) message.
NmeaAccuracyType::Gsa1An accuracy calculated from GSA (DOP and active satellites) message.
NmeaAccuracyType::Gga2An accuracy calculated from GGA (time, position, and fix-related data) message.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class NmeaFixType

The list of NMEA fix types.

Indicates the type of signal or technique being used by the GPS receiver to determine its location. For example it indicates the quality of the signal, or the accuracy and reliability of the location being reported. The fix type is determined by the receiver based on number of satellites visible, the type of GPS receiver and the GPS technology being used.

The NmeaFixType can be one of:

NmeaFixType::Invalid0An invalid GPS fix type. Indicates that there is no satellite signal being received or there are not enough satellites available for proper location determination.
NmeaFixType::Standard1A standard GPS fix type. Indicates a standard GPS signal, or Standard Positioning Service (SPS) is being used. SPS is the standard specified level of positioning and timing accuracy that is available, without qualification or restrictions, to any user on a continuous worldwide basis.
NmeaFixType::Dgps2A differential GPS fix type. Indicates that Differential GPS is being used to provide increased accuracy over SPS. This technique uses a network of fixed ground based reference stations to broadcast the difference between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions.
NmeaFixType::Pps3A PPS GPS fix type. Indicates that Precise Positioning System, encrypted for government use is being used by the receiver. PPS is the most accurate positioning, velocity, and timing information continuously available, worldwide, from the basic GPS.
NmeaFixType::Rtk4A real time kinematic GPS fix type. A technique used in land survey based on the use of carrier phase measurements of the GPS signals where a single reference station provides the real-time corrections of even to a centimeter level of accuracy.
NmeaFixType::Frtk5A float real time kinematic GPS fix type. The type is very similar to the fixed RTK (NmeaFixType::RTK) method of calculating location, but is not as precise, typically around 20 cm to 1 meter accuracy range.
NmeaFixType::Estimated6An estimated GPS fix type. The type is the determination of a location based on computations of position given an accurately known point of origin and measurements of speed, heading and elapsed time.
NmeaFixType::Manual7A manual input mode GPS fix type. Indicates that the location has been manually entered into the GPS receiver, and is not based on the satellite system.
NmeaFixType::Simulation8A simulation mode GPS fix type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class NmeaGnssSystem

Enumeration of supported GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) systems

The NmeaGnssSystem can be one of:

NmeaGnssSystem::Unknown0The unknown GNSS type. Used if GNSS System ID is unknown or NMEA version before v4.11 is used.
NmeaGnssSystem::Gps1The Global Positioning System.
NmeaGnssSystem::Glonass2The Russian Global Navigation Satellite System.
NmeaGnssSystem::Galileo3The European Union Global Navigation Satellite System.
NmeaGnssSystem::Bds4The BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. Is a Chinese satellite navigation system.
NmeaGnssSystem::Qzss5The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System. Is a Japanese satellite navigation system.
NmeaGnssSystem::Navic6The Navigation Indian Constellation. Was renamed from IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

enum class NoDataTileBehavior

Enumerates the ways an ImageTiledLayer should treat NoData tiles.

The NoDataTileBehavior can be one of:

NoDataTileBehavior::UpSample0Show coarser tiles. This is the default for operational layers and basemap base layers.
NoDataTileBehavior::Blank1Show blank tiles (nothing). This is the default for basemap reference layers.
NoDataTileBehavior::Show2Show the tiles with 'No Data' stamped over them.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class OAuthMode

Enumerates the supported modes for logging in using OAuth.

OAuthMode::Unknown0No mode specified.
OAuthMode::User1OAuth User authentication mode. Requires client ID.
OAuthMode::App2OAuth App authentication mode. Requires client ID and client secret.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class OfflineMapParametersType

Enumerates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.

The OfflineMapParametersType can be one of:

OfflineMapParametersType::Unknown-1The parameter type is unknown.
OfflineMapParametersType::GenerateGeodatabase0The parameter is of type Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.
OfflineMapParametersType::ExportVectorTiles1The parameter is of type Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportVectorTilesParameters.
OfflineMapParametersType::ExportTileCache2The parameter is of type Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class OfflineUpdateAvailability

Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be determined.

The OfflineUpdateAvailability can be one of:

OfflineUpdateAvailability::Indeterminate-1It is not possible to determine whether updates are available, for example, because the operation is not supported.
OfflineUpdateAvailability::Available0There are updates available.
OfflineUpdateAvailability::None1There are no updates available.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class OgcAxisOrder

Enumerates the different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order.

The OgcAxisOrder can be one of:

OgcAxisOrder::Auto0Indicates swapping the axis order will be based on the OGC standard specification, version, and spatial reference.
OgcAxisOrder::Swap1Indicates the order of x/y coordinates will be swapped.
OgcAxisOrder::NoSwap2Indicates the order of x/y coordinates will stay as is, and all swapping rules by the OGC standards will be ignored.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

enum class OnlineOnlyServicesOption

Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).

The OnlineOnlyServicesOption can be one of:

OnlineOnlyServicesOption::Exclude0Online layers and tables that cannot be taken offline will be excluded when taking a map offline. (0)
OnlineOnlyServicesOption::Include1Online layers and tables that cannot be taken offline will be included when taking a map offline and will continue to reference the online service. (1)
OnlineOnlyServicesOption::UseAuthoredSettings2A given layer or table will be taken offline, included as online content, or excluded according to the settings in the web map. (2) When a web map is created, the author has the option to pre-select which layers should remain online. This can include:
  • Choosing to leave offline-enabled layers online (for example because they contain data that is frequently updated).
  • Choosing whether online-only layers should be included in the offline map or not.

If no settings are provided in the web map, the default behavior will be to omit any online-only layers or tables from the offline map. This matches the OnlineOnlyServicesOption::Exclude option.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class PansharpenType

Enumerates various types of pan-sharpening for use in a RasterRenderer.

For detailed information on pan-sharpening, please consult the ArcGIS Desktop documentation.

The PansharpenType can be one of:

PansharpenType::None-1No pan-sharpening.
PansharpenType::Ihs0IHS pan-sharpening.
PansharpenType::Brovey1Brovey pan-sharpening.
PansharpenType::Mean2Mean pan-sharpening.
PansharpenType::Esri3Esri pan-sharpening.
PansharpenType::GramSchmidt4Gram Shmidt pan-sharpening.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PixelType

Enumerates various pixel type values.

The PixelType can be one of:

PixelType::Unknown-1Unknown pixel type.
PixelType::Uint101-bit pixel type.
PixelType::Uint212-bit pixel type.
PixelType::Uint424-bit pixel type.
PixelType::Uint83Unsigned 8-bit integer pixel type.
PixelType::Int84Signed 8-bit integer pixel type.
PixelType::Uint165Unsigned 16-bit integer pixel type.
PixelType::Int166Signed 16-bit integer pixel type.
PixelType::Uint327Unsigned 32-bit integer pixel type.
PixelType::Int328Signed 32-bit integer pixel type.
PixelType::Float32932-bit floating point number pixel type.
PixelType::Float641064-bit floating point number pixel type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class PopupAttachmentEditState

Enumerates the attachment edit state of the Popup.

PopupAttachmentEditState can be one of:

PopupAttachmentEditState::Original0Attachments that already existed on the GeoElement and have not been deleted are considered original.
PopupAttachmentEditState::Added1Attachments that have been provided via a URL or directly via data and then added to a GeoElement are considered added.
PopupAttachmentEditState::Deleted2Attachments that existed on the GeoElement but have been removed are considered deleted.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupAttachmentType

Enumerates the type of attachment in the Popup.

PopupAttachmentType can be one of:

PopupAttachmentType::Image0An image.
PopupAttachmentType::Video1A video.
PopupAttachmentType::Document2A document.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupAttachmentsDisplayType

Indicates how to display the attachments. If `list` is specified, attachments show as links. If `preview` is specified, attachments expand to the width of the pop-up. Setting the value to `auto` allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application.

The PopupAttachmentsDisplayType can be one of:

PopupAttachmentsDisplayType::List0Show attachments as links.
PopupAttachmentsDisplayType::Preview1Attachments expand to the width of the pop-up.
PopupAttachmentsDisplayType::Auto2Allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class PopupDateFormat

Enumerates the date format for a Popup.

PopupDateFormat can be one of:

PopupDateFormat::DayShortMonthYear0Example: 30 Dec 1997
PopupDateFormat::LongDate1Example: Tuesday, December 30, 1997
PopupDateFormat::LongMonthDayYear2Example: December 30, 1997
PopupDateFormat::LongMonthYear3Example: December 1997
PopupDateFormat::ShortDate4Example: 12/30/1997
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLE5Example: 30/12/1997
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLELongTime6Example: 30/12/1997 5:59:59 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLELongTime247Example: 30/12/1997 17:59:59
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLEShortTime8Example: 30/12/1997 6:00 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLEShortTime249Example: 30/12/1997 18:00
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLongTime10Example: 12/30/1997 5:59:59 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLongTime2411Example: 12/30/1997 17:59:59
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateShortTime12Example: 12/30/1997 6:00 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateShortTime2413Example: 12/30/1997 18:00
PopupDateFormat::ShortMonthYear14Example: Dec 1997
PopupDateFormat::Year15Example: 1997
PopupDateFormat::Unknown-1Unknown date format

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupElementType

Enumerates types of PopupElement.

The PopupElementType can be one of:

PopupElementType::Unknown-1an unknown value
PopupElementType::TextPopupElement0a TextPopupElement
PopupElementType::FieldsPopupElement1a FieldsPopupElement
PopupElementType::MediaPopupElement2a MediaPopupElement
PopupElementType::AttachmentsPopupElement3a AttachmentsPopupElement
PopupElementType::ExpressionPopupElement4a ExpressionPopupElement

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class PopupErrorCode

Enumerates the error codes in a Popup.

PopupErrorCode can be one of:

PopupErrorCode::InvalidGeoElement11000Invalid attributes or geometry on the associated GeoElement.
PopupErrorCode::NullNotAllowed11001Null value not allowed.
PopupErrorCode::ValueOutOfRange11002Value is out of range.
PopupErrorCode::ExceedsMaxLength11003Value exceeds the maximum length.
PopupErrorCode::IllegalDomainCode11007Coded value domain code is not defined in the domain list.
PopupErrorCode::ContingencyValidationFailure11008Field values do not satisfy the ContingentValuesDefinition.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupExpressionReturnType

Enumerates the type of the result returned by an Arcade expression.

PopupExpressionReturnType can be one of:

PopupExpressionReturnType::String0A string value is returned.
PopupExpressionReturnType::Number1A numeric value is returned.
PopupExpressionReturnType::Dictionary2The return type is expected to be a dictionary of key/value pairs that must follow the Web Map Specification for a popupElement. Refer to Popup Element for more details.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

enum class PopupMediaType

Enumerates the type of media in a Popup.

PopupMediaType can be one of:

PopupMediaType::Image0An image.
PopupMediaType::BarChart1A bar chart.
PopupMediaType::ColumnChart2A column chart.
PopupMediaType::LineChart3A line chart.
PopupMediaType::PieChart4A pie chart.
PopupMediaType::Unknown-1An unknown media type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupStringFieldOption

Enumerates the string field options in a Popup.

PopupStringFieldOption can be one of:

PopupStringFieldOption::SingleLine0A single-line input box.
PopupStringFieldOption::MultiLine1A multiline input box.
PopupStringFieldOption::RichText2A rich text editor allowing for bold text, highlighting, and so forth.
PopupStringFieldOption::Unknown-1An unknown string field option.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalAccess

Indicates the level of access to this portal object: private, shared, organization, or public.

The PortalAccess can be one of:

PortalAccess::Unknown-1An unknown portal access.
PortalAccess::Organization0Members of the user's organization.
PortalAccess::Private1Only the owner.
PortalAccess::Public2Any user.
PortalAccess::Shared3Shared with one or more groups.

- For the PortalInfo object, it determines the level of access to an organization for anonymous users.

- For the PortalItemInfo object, it determines who can see and access the item.

- For the PortalGroupInfo object, it determines who can see and access the group.

- For the PortalUserInfo object, it determines what level of access to the user information will be available to others and whether it will be searchable.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalFileType

Enumerates types of files that can be items in a portal.

The PortalFileType can be one of:

PortalFileType::Unknown-1Unknown file type.
PortalFileType::CSV0Comma-separated value text file.
PortalFileType::TilePackage2Tile package.
PortalFileType::FeatureService3Feature service.
PortalFileType::FeatureCollection4Feature collection.
PortalFileType::ServiceDefinition5Service definition.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalGroupSortField

Enumerates fields to sort by.

The PortalGroupSortField can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalItemType

Enumerates types of items that may be stored in a portal.

The PortalItemType can be one of:

PortalItemType::Unknown-1Unknown item type.
PortalItemType::ArcPadPackage1ArcPad package.
PortalItemType::CADDrawing2CAD Drawing.
PortalItemType::CSV3Comma-separated value text file.
PortalItemType::CityEngineWebScene4CityEngine WebScene.
PortalItemType::CodeAttachment5Code attachment.
PortalItemType::CodeSample6Code sample.
PortalItemType::ColorSet7Color set.
PortalItemType::DesktopAddIn8ArcGIS Desktop add-in.
PortalItemType::DesktopApplication9ArcGIS Desktop application.
PortalItemType::DesktopApplicationTemplate10ArcGIS Desktop application template.
PortalItemType::DesktopStyle11Desktop style.
PortalItemType::DocumentLink12Document link.
PortalItemType::ExplorerAddIn13ArcGIS Explorer add-in.
PortalItemType::ExplorerLayer14ArcGIS Explorer layer.
PortalItemType::ExplorerMap15ArcGIS Explorer map.
PortalItemType::FeatureCollection16Feature collection.
PortalItemType::FeatureCollectionTemplate17Feature collection template.
PortalItemType::FeatureService18Feature service.
PortalItemType::FileGeodatabase19Geodatabase file.
PortalItemType::GeocodingService21Geocoding service.
PortalItemType::GeodataService22Geodata service.
PortalItemType::GeometryService23Geometry service.
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingPackage24Geoprocessing package.
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingPackageProVersion25Geoprocessing package pro version.
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingSample26Geoprocessing sample.
PortalItemType::GeoprocessingService27Geoprocessing service.
PortalItemType::GlobeDocument28ArcGlobe document.
PortalItemType::GlobeService29ArcGlobe service.
PortalItemType::Image30Image file.
PortalItemType::ImageCollection31Image collection.
PortalItemType::ImageService32Image service.
PortalItemType::InsightsModel33Insights model.
PortalItemType::InsightsPage34Insights page.
PortalItemType::InsightsWorkbook35Insights workbook.
PortalItemType::IWorkKeynote36IWork keynote.
PortalItemType::IWorkNumbers37IWork numbers.
PortalItemType::IWorkPages38IWork pages.
PortalItemType::KML39KML document.
PortalItemType::KMLCollection40KML collection.
PortalItemType::LayerPackage42Layer package.
PortalItemType::LocatorPackage44Locator package.
PortalItemType::MapDocument45ArcMap document.
PortalItemType::MapPackage46Map package.
PortalItemType::MapService47Map service.
PortalItemType::MapTemplate48Map template.
PortalItemType::MicrosoftExcel49Microsoft Excel spreadsheet document.
PortalItemType::MicrosoftPowerpoint50Microsoft PowerPoint document.
PortalItemType::MicrosoftWord51Microsoft Word document.
PortalItemType::MobileApplication52Mobile application.
PortalItemType::MobileBasemapPackage53Mobile basemap package.
PortalItemType::MobileMapPackage54Mobile map package.
PortalItemType::NativeApplication55Native application.
PortalItemType::NativeApplicationInstaller56Native Application Installer for ArcGIS AppStudio.
PortalItemType::NativeApplicationTemplate57Native Application Template for ArcGIS AppStudio.
PortalItemType::NetCDF58Net CDF.
PortalItemType::NetworkAnalysisService59Network Analysis service.
PortalItemType::OperationView60Operations Dashboard operation view.
PortalItemType::OperationsDashboardAddIn61Operations dashboard add-in.
PortalItemType::OperationsDashboardExtension62Operations dashboard extension.
PortalItemType::PDF63Adobe PDF document.
PortalItemType::ProjectPackage64ArcGIS Pro project package.
PortalItemType::ProjectTemplate65Project template.
PortalItemType::ProMap66Pro map.
PortalItemType::PublishedMap67Published map file.
PortalItemType::RasterFunctionTemplate68Raster function template.
PortalItemType::RelationalDatabaseConnection69Relational database connection.
PortalItemType::ReportTemplate70Report template.
PortalItemType::RulePackage71CityEngine rule package.
PortalItemType::SceneDocument72ArcGIS scene document.
PortalItemType::ScenePackage73ArcGIS scene package.
PortalItemType::SceneService74ArcGIS scene service.
PortalItemType::ServiceDefinition75Service definition file.
PortalItemType::StatisticalDataCollection77Statistical data collection.
PortalItemType::SymbolSet78ArcGIS symbol set file.
PortalItemType::TaskFile79Task file.
PortalItemType::TilePackage80Tile package.
PortalItemType::VectorTilePackage81Vector tile package.
PortalItemType::VectorTileService82Vector tile service. The URL to the service is stored in the serviceUrl property of the item (see Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalItem::serviceUrl).
PortalItemType::VisioDocument83Microsoft Visio document.
PortalItemType::Vr360Experience84Vr360 experience.
PortalItemType::WFS85OGC web feature service.
PortalItemType::WMS86OGC web map service (WMS).
PortalItemType::WMTS87OGC web map tile service (WMTS).
PortalItemType::WebMap88Web map.
PortalItemType::WebMappingApplication89Web mapping application.
PortalItemType::WindowsMobilePackage91Windows Mobile package.
PortalItemType::WorkflowManagerPackage92Workflow Manager package.
PortalItemType::WorkflowManagerService93Workflow Manager service.
PortalItemType::WorkforceProject94Workforce project.
PortalItemType::SQLiteGeodatabase95SQLite Geodatabase.
PortalItemType::MapArea96Map Area.
PortalItemType::HubInitiative97Hub Initiative.
PortalItemType::HubSiteApplication98Hub Site Application.
PortalItemType::HubPage99Hub Page.
PortalItemType::AppBuilderExtension100AppBuilder Extension for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.
PortalItemType::AppBuilderWidgetPackage101AppBuilder Widget Package for ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. Custom widget in a zip file that can be downloaded for use in Web AppBuilder Developer Edition or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.5.1 or above.
PortalItemType::ArcGISProConfiguration103ArcGIS Pro Configuration.
PortalItemType::ContentCategorySet104Content Category Set.
PortalItemType::InsightsTheme105Insights Theme.
PortalItemType::MobileScenePackage106Mobile Scene Package.
PortalItemType::OrientedImageryCatalog107Oriented Imagery Catalog.
PortalItemType::OrthoMappingProject108Ortho Mapping Project.
PortalItemType::OrthoMappingTemplate109Ortho Mapping Template.
PortalItemType::BuildingSceneLayer111Building Scene Layer.
PortalItemType::CompactTilePackage112Compact Tile Package.
PortalItemType::DataStore113Data Store.
PortalItemType::DeepLearningPackage114Deep Learning Package.
PortalItemType::ExcaliburImageryProject115Excalibur Imagery Project.
PortalItemType::SiteApplication118Site Application.
PortalItemType::SitePage119Site Page.
PortalItemType::BigDataAnalytic120Big Data Analytic.
PortalItemType::RealTimeAnalytic122Real Time Analytic.
PortalItemType::ProReport123Pro Report.
PortalItemType::QuickCaptureProject124QuickCapture Project.
PortalItemType::Survey123AddIn125Survey123 Add In.
PortalItemType::UrbanModel126Urban Model.
PortalItemType::WebExperience127Web Experience.
PortalItemType::WebExperienceTemplate128A template for a web experience, created from Experience Builder for ArcGIS.
PortalItemType::StoryMap129The next generation of StoryMap applications.
PortalItemType::Workflow130A collection of information (jobs, workflows, and configuration elements) supporting the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server.
PortalItemType::InsightsScript131An Insights Script is JSON that allows parameterized code created in the Insights console to be shared as an item and consumed in Insights in order for the user to run the script using different Insights data sets and fields as input parameters.
PortalItemType::KernelGatewayConnection132A Kernel Gateway Connection is JSON that creates a connection string from Insights in order for the Insights console to connect and execute code against a Jupyter Kernel Gateway.
PortalItemType::KnowledgeGraph133A Knowledge Graph enables you to connect, open, and access graph data so that it can be used in Link Charts and Maps.
PortalItemType::LinkChart134A Link Chart enables you to visualize and perform link analysis using entities and relationships from a Knowledge Graph so that you may better understand their connectivity.
PortalItemType::Style135A webstyle item.
PortalItemType::AdministrativeReport136An administrative report in CSV format that outlines various organization usage activities. This cannot be shared to the public.
PortalItemType::ExportPackage137A package that allows administrators or group owners to export a group, and its content, into a downloadable package (.epk file).
PortalItemType::GeoJson138An open standard geospatial data interchange format that represents simple geographic features and their nonspatial attributes. Based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), GeoJSON is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures.
PortalItemType::Gml139Geography Markup Language (GML) file (.zip). An XML grammar defined by the OGC for expressing geographical features, serving as both a modeling language and an interchange format.
PortalItemType::HubEvent140A central premium capability within ArcGIS Hub Premium, empowering customers and their trusted community members to create, edit, and manage in-person/online events.
PortalItemType::HubInitiativeTemplate141A package of multiple solutions related to a specific project or goal.
PortalItemType::StoryMapTheme142A set of fonts, colors, block styles, and other design elements that define the appearance of a StoryMap.
PortalItemType::WebAppBuilderWidget143A custom widget (available via marketplace) is a configurable and shareable functional unit for use in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. It will allow administrators to enable the use of a custom widget in Web AppBuilder UI so an organization can leverage the ArcGIS Online platform to host their applications.
PortalItemType::EarthConfiguration144An ArcGIS Earth configuration file is an exportable file containing all major settings in Earth. Earth users who have access to this file can customize the Earth settings by modifying this file. An Earth configuration file is saved as an .xml file. Users need to compress and zip the file before sharing. This zip file can be distributed and imported to Earth deployments.
PortalItemType::OgcFeatureServer145Support to publish OGC API Features service.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalMode

Enumerates whether the portal is operating in multi-tenant or single-tenant mode.

The PortalMode can be one of:

PortalMode::Unknown-1Unknown portal mode.
PortalMode::MultiTenant0Multi-tenant mode.
PortalMode::SingleTenant1Single-tenant mode.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalPrivilegeRealm

Enumerates the types of privilege realms available for a portal.

The PortalPrivilegeRealm can be one of:

PortalPrivilegeRealm::Unknown-1Unknown realm.
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Portal0Used for privileges related to general portal content and usage.
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Features1Used for privileges related to feature editing.
PortalPrivilegeRealm::OpenData2Used for privileges related to ArcGIS Open Data.
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Premium3Used for privileges related to premium content.
PortalPrivilegeRealm::Marketplace4Used for privileges related to the ArcGIS Marketplace.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalPrivilegeRole

Enumerates the types of privileges available for a portal.

The PortalPrivilegeRole can be one of:

PortalPrivilegeRole::Unknown-1Unknown privilege.
PortalPrivilegeRole::Administrator0Administrator role.
PortalPrivilegeRole::Publisher1Pulblisher role.
PortalPrivilegeRole::User2User role.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalPrivilegeSubtype

An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit.

The PortalPrivilegeSubtype can be one of:

PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Unknown-1An unknown portal privilege subtype.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::None0The privilege does not relate to a fine-grained operation.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Stored1Grants the ability to perform geocode operations and store the results, in a database for instance.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Temporary2Grants the ability to perform geocode operations in which the results are not stored.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::ClosestFacility3Grants the ability to perform closest facility tasks.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::LocationAllocation4Grants the ability to perform location-allocation tasks.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::OptimizedRouting5Grants the ability to perform optimized routing tasks.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::OriginDestinationCostMatrix6Grants the ability to perform origin-destination cost matrix tasks.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::Routing7Grants the ability to perform simple routing tasks.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::ServiceArea8Grants the ability to perform service area tasks.
PortalPrivilegeSubtype::VehicleRouting9Grants the ability to perform vehicle routing tasks.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class PortalPrivilegeType

Enumerates the particular type of operation a privilege permits.

The PortalPrivilegeType can be one of:

PortalPrivilegeType::FullEdit1Full Edit.
PortalPrivilegeType::StartTrial4Start Trial.
PortalPrivilegeType::DesignateGroup5Designate Group.
PortalPrivilegeType::OpenDataAdmin6OpenData Admin.
PortalPrivilegeType::AssignToGroups7Assign To Groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ChangeUserRoles8Change User Roles.
PortalPrivilegeType::DeleteGroups9Delete Groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::DeleteItems10Delete Items.
PortalPrivilegeType::DeleteUsers11Delete Users.
PortalPrivilegeType::DisableUsers12Disable Users.
PortalPrivilegeType::InviteUsers13Invite Users.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageEnterpriseGroups14Manage Enterprise Groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageLicenses15Manage Licenses.
PortalPrivilegeType::ReassignGroups16Reassign Groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ReassignItems17Reassign Items.
PortalPrivilegeType::ReassignUsers18Reassign Users.
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateGroups19Update Groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateItems20Update Items.
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateUsers21Update Users.
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewGroups22View Groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewItems23View Items.
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewUsers24View Users.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishFeatures25Publish Features.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishScenes26Publish Scenes.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishTiles27Publish Tiles.
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateGroup28Create Group.
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateItem29Create Item.
PortalPrivilegeType::JoinGroup30Join Group.
PortalPrivilegeType::JoinNonOrgGroup31Join Non Org Group.
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareGroupToOrg32Share Group To Org.
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareGroupToPublic33Share Group To Public.
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareToGroup34Share To Group.
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareToOrg35Share To Org.
PortalPrivilegeType::ShareToPublic36Share To Public.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishServerGPServices49Grants the ability to publish non-hosted server geoprocessing services.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishServerServices50Grants the ability to publish non-hosted server services.
PortalPrivilegeType::UpdateItemCategorySchema51Grants the ability to configure the organization content category schema.
PortalPrivilegeType::FeatureReport52Grants the ability to generate feature reports.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageCollaborations53Grants the ability to manage the organization's collaborations.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageCredits54Grants the ability to manage the organization's credit settings.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageRoles55Grants the ability to manage the organization's member roles.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageSecurity56Grants the ability to manage the organization's security settings.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageServers57Grants the ability to manage the portal's server settings.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageUtilityServices58Grants the ability to manage the organization's utility service settings.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageWebsite59Grants the ability to manage the organization's website settings.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageReplications60Grants the ability to manage replications and utilize the collaborations API.
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateNotebooks61Grants the ability to create and edit interactive notebook documents.
PortalPrivilegeType::CreateAdvancedNotebooks62Grants the ability to publish a notebook as a geoprocessing service.
PortalPrivilegeType::BulkPublishFromDataStores63Grants the ability to publish web layers from a registered data store.
PortalPrivilegeType::EnumerateDataStores64Grants the ability to get the list of datasets from a registered data store.
PortalPrivilegeType::RegisterDataStores65Grants the ability to register data stores to the portal.
PortalPrivilegeType::CategorizeItems66Grants the ability to categorize items in groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewTacks67This value is deprecated in 100.12. Use PortalPrivilegeType::ViewTracks instead.
PortalPrivilegeType::ViewTracks67Grants the ability to view members' location tracks via shared track views when location tracking is enabled.
PortalPrivilegeType::AddExternalMembersToGroup68Grants the ability to create groups that allow external members, as well as invite external members to groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageCollaborationGroupMembers69Grants the ability to manage members in partnered collaboration groups.
PortalPrivilegeType::ManageVersions70Grants the ability to manage version locks and view, alter, delete, edit, reconcile, and post to all branch versions accessed through ArcGIS Server feature layers.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishDynamicImagery71Grants the ability to publish hosted dynamic imagery layers from a single image or collection of images.
PortalPrivilegeType::PublishTiledImagery72Grants the ability to publish hosted tiled imagery layers from a single image or collection of images.
PortalPrivilegeType::ScheduleNotebooks73Grants the ability to schedule future automated runs of a notebook.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalQuerySortOrder

Enumerates sort order for returned results.

The PortalQuerySortOrder can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PortalUserRole

Enumerates portal user roles.

The PortalUserRole can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PreplannedPackagingStatus

Enumerates the different packaging states that an online Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea can be in.

A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is made up of a set of data packages for each of the layers in the map. When a web map author first creates a map area these packages must be prepared by the relevant online services before the area is ready to be downloaded as an offline map.

PreplannedPackagingStatus lists the possible packaging states for an online map area. The area cannot be downloaded until the value is Complete.

The PreplannedPackagingStatus can be one of:

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Unknown0Indicates that the packaging status of the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is unknown.

This status is returned when your app does not yet know the status of the online area. For example, this would be the case when the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea has a load status of Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus::NotLoaded.

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Processing1Indicates that the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is not yet ready for download.

This is the initial status for a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea that has been created on the web map, but is not yet ready for download.

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Failed2Indicates that a failure occurred when creating the packages for the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea.

This status means that the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea cannot be downloaded. Failures encountered while creating packages need to be addressed by the web map author.

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Complete3Indicates that packaging is complete and the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is ready to be downloaded.

This status means that all packages required to download the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea have been successfully prepared.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption

Enumerates options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.

The PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption can be one of:

PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption::NoUpdates0No updates will be downloaded.
PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption::DownloadAllUpdates1All available updates for feature data will be downloaded.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class PreplannedUpdateMode

Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.

The PreplannedUpdateMode can be one of:

PreplannedUpdateMode::NoUpdates0No feature updates will be performed.
PreplannedUpdateMode::SyncWithFeatureServices1Changes, including local edits, will be synced directly with the underlying feature services. This mode gives you full control over when you upload and download changes. However, performing a download sync places additional load on the backing feature service, so this approach does not scale well for larger deployments.

This mode is available when the PreplannedMapArea::updateCapabilities include OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsSyncWithFeatureServices.

PreplannedUpdateMode::DownloadScheduledUpdates2Scheduled, read-only updates will be downloaded from the online map area and applied to the local mobile geodatabases. Updates are prepared on a regular schedule and cached for download by all users of the offline map area. Sharing a single set of cached updates, rather than performing individual sync operations, reduces the load on the back-end services. This approach is scalable for large deployments but does not support offline editing.

This mode is available when the PreplannedMapArea::updateCapabilities include OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsScheduledUpdatesForFeatures.

PreplannedUpdateMode::DownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures3Scheduled, read-only updates are downloaded from the online map area and applied to the local mobile geodatabases. Newly added features can also be uploaded to the feature service. This is an advanced workflow that improves the scalability of feature services. When available, applicable scheduled update packages are downloaded and merged into a local geodatabase. This allows for efficient downloading of changes. New features are uploaded using feature sync, which is an efficient operation in the feature service.

Note that when the required update packages are not available, the local geodatabase will be replaced with a new copy. OfflineMapUpdatesInfo::isMobileMapPackageReopenRequired indicates that a new copy of a geodatabase will be downloaded. Local adds on your device must be uploaded to the feature service before the database can safely be replaced.

Be aware that immediately following replacement, the new geodatabase may not contain the new features that have been synced up to the feature service, as this relies on a subsequent scheduled update to download to the client. The new features will be retrieved when the next scheduled update is downloaded and applied.

This mode is available when the PreplannedMapArea::updateCapabilities include both OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsSyncWithFeatureServices and OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsScheduledUpdatesForFeatures and the feature services in your map support creating new features.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class PresetColorRampType

Enumerates various types of preset color ramps for use in a RasterRenderer.

The PresetColorRampType can be one of:

PresetColorRampType::None-1No preset color ramp.
PresetColorRampType::Elevation0Elevation preset color ramp.
PresetColorRampType::DemScreen1DEM screen preset color ramp.
PresetColorRampType::DemLight2DEM light preset color ramp.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class QueryFeatureFields

Enumerates query feature options.

Controls which attributes are included in the features returned by Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ServiceFeatureTable::queryFeatures() or Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ServiceFeatureTable::queryRelatedFeatures().

The QueryFeatureFields can be one of:

QueryFeatureFields::IdsOnly0Includes only the object id and global id in the ArcGISFeatures of the query result. The features are returned with no other attributes. The geometry returned by this request does not include m-values, even if they are defined in the feature service. To get full feature details, you should load the feature.
QueryFeatureFields::Minimum1Includes the minimum set of attributes in the ArcGISFeatures of the query result. The geometry returned by this request does not include m-values, even if they are defined in the feature service. To get full feature details, you should load the feature.
QueryFeatureFields::LoadAll2Includes all available attributes in the ArcGISFeatures of the query result. This constant loads the features returned by the query, which makes all attributes available. The geometry returned by this request includes m-values if defined in the feature service.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class RasterRendererType

Enumerates various types of raster renderers.

The RasterRendererType can be one of:

RasterRendererType::RasterRenderer0A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RasterRenderer. This value is deprecated since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.3
RasterRendererType::BlendRenderer1A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BlendRenderer.
RasterRendererType::ColormapRenderer2A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ColormapRenderer.
RasterRendererType::HillshadeRenderer3A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::HillshadeRenderer.
RasterRendererType::RgbRenderer4A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RGBRenderer.
RasterRendererType::StretchRenderer5A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::StretchRenderer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class RasterType

Enumerates various types of rasters.

The RasterType can be one of:

RasterType::Raster0A standard file-based raster.
RasterType::MosaicDatasetRaster1A mosaic dataset raster.
RasterType::GeopackageRaster2obsolete since 100.2, use RasterType::GeoPackageRaster.
RasterType::GeoPackageRaster2A GeoPackage raster. New value since 100.2.
RasterType::ImageServiceRaster3An image service raster.
RasterType::Unknown-1Unknown raster.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class RelationshipCardinality

Enumerates the relationship cardinality.

The RelationshipCardinality can be one of:

RelationshipCardinality::Unknown-1Unknown relationship cardinality.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class RelationshipConstraintViolationType

Enumerates the type of constraint violation for a given feature participating in a relationship.

The RelationshipConstraintViolationType can be one of:

RelationshipConstraintViolationType::None0There are no constraint violations.
RelationshipConstraintViolationType::Cardinality1Cardinality of the given feature is violated.
RelationshipConstraintViolationType::Orphaned2The given feature is an orphaned destination feature in a composite relationship. Note: Orphaned destination feature in a simple relationship is not considered a violation.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class RelationshipRole

Enumerates the relationship role.

The RelationshipRole can be one of:

RelationshipRole::Unknown-1Unknown relationship role.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class RendererClassificationMethod

Enumerates the type of classification methods used to generate class breaks.

The RendererClassificationMethod can be one of:

RendererClassificationMethod::DefinedInterval0Defined interval classification.
RendererClassificationMethod::EqualInterval1Equal interval classification.
RendererClassificationMethod::GeometricalInterval2Geometrical interval classification.
RendererClassificationMethod::NaturalBreaks3Natural breaks classification.
RendererClassificationMethod::Quantile4Quantile classification.
RendererClassificationMethod::StandardDeviation5Standard deviation classification.
RendererClassificationMethod::Manual6Manual classification.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class RendererNormalizationType

Enumerates the type of normalization used in a class breaks renderer.

The RendererNormalizationType can be one of:

RendererNormalizationType::ByField0Normalize the data by a field.
RendererNormalizationType::ByLog1Normalize the data by log.
RendererNormalizationType::ByPercentOfTotal2Normalize the data by the normalizationTotal.
RendererNormalizationType::None3No normalization is used.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class RendererType

Enumerates the type of renderer.

The RendererType can be one of:

RendererType::ClassBreaksRenderer0A class breaks renderer.
RendererType::DictionaryRenderer1A dictionary renderer.
RendererType::SimpleRenderer2A simple renderer.
RendererType::UniqueValueRenderer3A unique value renderer.
RendererType::UnsupportedRenderer4An unsupported renderer.
RendererType::HeatmapRenderer5A heatmap renderer.
RendererType::Unknown-1An unknown renderer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ReroutingStrategy

Enumerates possible navigation rerouting strategies

The ReroutingStrategy can be one of:

ReroutingStrategy::ToNextWaypoint0Route to next unvisited stop or waypoint, and use all remaining unvisited stops or waypoints, in their original sequence, for the rest of the route.
ReroutingStrategy::ToNextStop1Route to next unvisited stop, dropping all waypoint up to that stop. Then, use all remaining unvisited waypoints and stops, in their original sequence, for the rest of the route.
ReroutingStrategy::ResequenceStopsOnly2Route to only unvisited stops. All waypoints for the whole route are dropped. The property Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RouteParameters::isFindBestSequence will be set to true.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class ReturnLayerAttachmentOption

Enumerates the type of layers we wish to include attachments with when taking feature layers offline.

The ReturnLayerAttachmentOption can be one of:

ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::None0Don't include attachments when taking feature layers offline.
ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::AllLayers1Include attachments with all feature layers when taking offline.
ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::ReadOnlyLayers2Only include attachments with read-only feature layers when taking offline.
ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::EditableLayers3Only include attachments with editable feature layers when taking offline.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class RotationType

Enumerates the type of rotation applied to symbols.

The RotationType can be one of:

RotationType::Arithmetic0Rotation is from zero on the x-axis (east) with positive rotation counterclockwise.
RotationType::Geographic1Rotation is from zero on the y-axis (north) with positive rotation clockwise.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class RouteShapeType

Enumerates the output shape type for a route.

The RouteShapeType can be one of:

RouteShapeType::None0No shape type.
RouteShapeType::StraightLine1A straight line shape type.
RouteShapeType::TrueShapeWithMeasures2A true shape type with measures.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SceneLayerDataType

Identifies data type contained within a scene layer.

The scene layer data type can be one of:

SceneLayerDataType::Unknown0The type of the scene layer is unknown.
SceneLayerDataType::SceneObject1The type of the scene layer is 3D scene objects. Examples of 3D are building, ground, etc. The geometry of the data is a mesh.
SceneLayerDataType::Point2The type of the scene layer is point objects.
SceneLayerDataType::IntegratedMesh3The type of the scene layer is an integrated mesh.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

enum class SceneLocationVisibility

Enumerates the visibility of a scene location.

The SceneLocationVisibility can be one of:

SceneLocationVisibility::Visible0The scene location is visible.
SceneLocationVisibility::HiddenByBaseSurface1The scene location is hidden by the base surface.
SceneLocationVisibility::HiddenByEarth2The scene location is hidden by the Earth.
SceneLocationVisibility::HiddenByElevation3The scene location is hidden by elevation.
SceneLocationVisibility::NotOnScreen4The scene location is not on the screen.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SceneSymbolAnchorPosition

Enumerates the anchor position for scene symbols.

The SceneSymbolAnchorPosition can be one of:

SceneSymbolAnchorPosition::Top0The symbol is above its geographic location.
SceneSymbolAnchorPosition::Bottom1The symbol is below its geographic location.
SceneSymbolAnchorPosition::Center2The symbol is centered on its geographic location.
SceneSymbolAnchorPosition::Origin3The symbol's origin is positioned at its geographic location.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SceneViewTilingScheme

Enumerates the options for setting the tiling scheme of a Scene.

The SceneViewTilingScheme can be one of:

SceneViewTilingScheme::Geographic0Use a geographic tiling scheme for tiled layers.
SceneViewTilingScheme::WebMercator1Use a Web Mercator tiling scheme for tiled layers.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class SegmentType

The different types of segments.

Each of the different supported segment types. The segment type can be accessed by calling Segment::segmentType.

The SegmentType can be one of:

SegmentType::Unknown-1An unknown segment.
SegmentType::LineSegment1Line segment.
SegmentType::CubicBezierSegment2Cubic bezier curve segment.
SegmentType::EllipticArcSegment3Elliptic arc curve segment.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SelectionMode

Enumerates the modes used for selecting features.

The SelectionMode can be one of:

SelectionMode::Add0Adds features to the current selection set
SelectionMode::New1Creates a new selection
SelectionMode::Subtract2Removes features from the current selection set

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry

Enumerates the behavior of service area output from multiple facilities in relation to one another.

The ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry can be one of:

ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry::Overlap0The solver creates individual polygons or sets of lines for each facility
ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry::Dissolve1The solver joins the polygons of multiple facilities that have the same cutoff value into a single polygon
ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry::Split2The solver assigns area(s) to the service area so polygons or lines do not overlap each other

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry

Enumerates the behavior of service area output for a single facility when multiple cutoff values are specified.

The ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry can be one of:

ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry::Rings0Each polygon includes only the area between consecutive cutoff values
ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry::Disks1Each polygon includes the area reachable from the facility up to the cutoff value

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ServiceAreaPolygonDetail

Enumerates the level of detail of the output polygons.

The ServiceAreaPolygonDetail can be one of:

ServiceAreaPolygonDetail::Generalized0Generalized polygons using the hierarchy present in the network data source in order to produce results quickly
ServiceAreaPolygonDetail::Standard1Polygons with a standard level of detail
ServiceAreaPolygonDetail::High2Polygons with a higher level of detail for applications in which very precise results are important

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ServiceCurveGeometryMode

How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves.

By default, curve geometries are not fetched from services that support curves, meaning that densified versions of any curve geometries are fetched from the service. Additionally, by default, Runtime indicates that is it not a true-curve-capable client when sending updates to services that support curves. Use ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment::serviceCurveGeometryMode to change this default behavior.

For details of curve support in services, see ArcGIS REST API documentation.

The ServiceCurveGeometryMode can be one of:

ServiceCurveGeometryMode::DensifyCurves0Densified versions of geometries with curves are fetched. This is the default.
ServiceCurveGeometryMode::FetchCurves1Curve geometries are fetched, but ArcGIS Runtime does not act as a true-curve client when editing. This value is deprecated since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14. Use DensifyCurves or TrueCurveClient values instead.
ServiceCurveGeometryMode::TrueCurveClient2Curve geometries are fetched, and ArcGIS Runtime acts as a true-curve client when editing.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class ServiceType

Enumerates the type of ArcGIS service.

The ServiceType can be one of:

ServiceType::Unknown-1Unknown service type.
ServiceType::FeatureService0Feature service type.
ServiceType::ImageService1Image service type.
ServiceType::MapService2Map service type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SimpleFillSymbolStyle

Enumerates the fill style for simple fill symbols.

The SimpleFillSymbolStyle can be one of:

SimpleFillSymbolStyle::BackwardDiagonal0Backwards diagonal lines fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::Cross1Horizontal/vertical lines fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::DiagonalCross2Backwards/forwards diagonal lines fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::ForwardDiagonal3Forwards diagonal lines fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::Horizontal4Horizontal lines fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::Null5No fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::Solid6Solid fill.
SimpleFillSymbolStyle::Vertical7Vertical lines fill.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement

Enumerates the locations a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle can be applied to a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbol.

The SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement can be one of:

SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement::Begin0The Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle is applied to the beginning of the line symbol.
SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement::End1The Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle is applied to the end of the line symbol.
SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement::BeginAndEnd2The Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle is applied to the beginning and end of the line symbol.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle.

enum class SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle

Enumerates the type of marker styles which can be applied to the ends of a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbol.

The SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle can be one of:

SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle::None0Nothing is applied to either end of the line symbol.
SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle::Arrow1Arrow heads are applied to the one or both ends of the line symbol.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement.

enum class SimpleLineSymbolStyle

Enumerates the line style for simple line symbols.

The SimpleLineSymbolStyle can be one of:

SimpleLineSymbolStyle::Dash0Repeating dash pattern.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::DashDot1Repeating dash dot pattern.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::DashDotDot2Repeating dash dot dot pattern.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::Dot3Repeating dot pattern.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::Null4Invisible line.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::Solid5Solid line.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::LongDash6Dash line with long dash.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::LongDashDot7Dash dot line with long dash.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::ShortDash8Dash line with short gaps.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::ShortDashDot9Dash dot line with short gaps.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::ShortDashDotDot10Dash dot dot line with short gaps.
SimpleLineSymbolStyle::ShortDot11Dot line with short gaps.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle

Enumerates the marker style for simple marker scene symbols.

The SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle can be one of:

SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle::Cone0The marker is a cone.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle::Cube1The marker is a cube.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle::Cylinder2The marker is a cylinder.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle::Diamond3The marker is a diamond.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle::Sphere4The marker is a sphere.
SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle::Tetrahedron5The marker is a tetrahedron.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle

Enumerates the marker style for simple marker symbols.

The SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle can be one of:

SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Circle0The marker is a circle.
SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Cross1The marker is a cross (+).
SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Diamond2The marker is a diamond.
SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Square3The marker is a square.
SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::Triangle4The marker is a triangle.
SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle::X5The marker is a diagonal cross (X).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SketchCreationMode

Enumerates the type of geometry and how it will be created by the SketchEditor.

SketchCreationMode::Unknown-1Unknown geometry.
SketchCreationMode::Point0Sketches a Point geometry.
SketchCreationMode::Polyline1Sketches a Polyline geometry incrementally vertex by vertex.
SketchCreationMode::Polygon2Sketches a Polygon geometry incrementally vertex by vertex.
SketchCreationMode::Multipoint10Sketches a Multipoint geometry.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class SketchResizeMode

Describes how geometry is resized to fill its allocated space while editing geometry.

The SketchResizeMode can be one of:

SketchResizeMode::None0The geometry preserves its original size.
SketchResizeMode::Stretch1The geometry is resized to fill the destination dimensions. The aspect ratio is not preserved.
SketchResizeMode::Uniform2The geometry is resized to fill the destination dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class SketchVertexEditMode

Describes how vertices respond to user interaction.

The SketchVertexEditMode can be one of:

SketchVertexEditMode::InteractionEdit0Selection state and location of vertex can be updated through user interaction (i.e. tap, drag).
SketchVertexEditMode::SelectOnly1Only selection state of vertex can be updated through user interaction.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class SlopeType

Enumerates various slope types.

The SlopeType can be one of:

SlopeType::None-1No slope type.
SlopeType::Degree0The slope in degrees.
SlopeType::PercentRise1The slope in percent slope.
SlopeType::Scaled2The slope is scaled.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SortOrder

Enumerates the sort order in a query on a FeatureTable.

SortOrder::Ascending0Sorts fields in acending order.
SortOrder::Descending1Sorts fields in descending order.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SpaceEffect

Enumerates whether outer space is black with stars or transparent.

The SpaceEffect can be one of:

SpaceEffect::Stars0Outer space is black with stars.
SpaceEffect::Transparent1Outer space is transparent.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class SpatialRelationship

Enumerates different types of spatial relationships between geometries that can be tested for.

Geometry tests compare a base (first) geometry to a comparison (second) geometry, though for most relationships, this order does not matter.

The SpatialRelationship can be one of:

SpatialRelationship::Unknown-1Unknown relationship. Normally the result when an error occurs.
SpatialRelationship::Relate0Matched a spatial relationship function.
SpatialRelationship::Equals1Geometries are equal.
SpatialRelationship::Disjoint2The intersection of the geometries is empty.
SpatialRelationship::Intersects3The geometries are not disjoint.
SpatialRelationship::Touches4The intersection of the geometries is not empty, while the intersection of their interiors is empty.
SpatialRelationship::Crosses5Two polylines cross if they share only points in common, at least one of which is not an endpoint. A polyline and a polygon cross if they share a polyline in common on the interior of the polygon which is not equivalent to the entire polyline.
SpatialRelationship::Within6The base geometry is equal to its intersection with the comparison geometry and the intersection of their interiors is not empty.
SpatialRelationship::Contains7Same relationship as SpatialRelationshipWithin, but with the base and comparison geometry roles swapped.
SpatialRelationship::Overlaps8The dimension of both geometries and the intersection of the geometries are all the same, and intersection of the geometries is not equal to either of the geometries. (See Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry for description of dimension.)
SpatialRelationship::EnvelopeIntersects9The minimum bounding envelope of the two geometries have the SpatialRelationshipIntersects relationship.
SpatialRelationship::IndexIntersects10The base geometry intersects one or more spatial index entries for the comparison geometry, indicating that the geometries may intersect or are close to each other.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry.

enum class StartTimeUsage

Enumerates the start time usage types.

The StartTimeUsage can be one of:

StartTimeUsage::DepartureTime0Use as departure time.
StartTimeUsage::ArrivalTime1Use as arrival time.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class StatisticType

An enumeration that represents the various statistics that can be calculated for values in a field in a table.

The StatisticType can be one of:

StatisticType::Average0Returns the average for all non-null values in a column.
StatisticType::Count1Returns the number of non-null values in a column.
StatisticType::Maximum2Returns the maximum value found within a column.
StatisticType::Minimum3Returns the minimum value found within a column.
StatisticType::StandardDeviation4Returns the standard deviation of the values within a column.
StatisticType::Sum5Returns the sum of all non-null values within a column.
StatisticType::Variance6Returns the variance of the values within a column.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class StopType

Enumerates types of stops that can be in routes.

The StopType can be one of:

StopType::Stop0A regular stop
StopType::Waypoint1A waypoint along a route
StopType::RestBreak2A rest break along a route

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class StretchParametersType

Enumerates the StretchParametersType used in a raster renderer.

For detailed information on the different stretch types, please consult the ArcGIS Desktop documentation.

The StretchParametersType can be one of:

StretchParametersType::Unknown-1No stretch type.
StretchParametersType::MinMaxStretchParameters0Minimum maximum stretch type.
StretchParametersType::StandardDeviationStretchParameters1Standard deviation stretch type.
StretchParametersType::HistogramEqualizationStretchParameters2Histogram equalization stretch type.
StretchParametersType::PercentClipStretchParameters3Percent clip stretch type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle

Enumerates the list of possible cap styles.

The cap style describes the way that line symbol layers will terminate when combined with a geometry. The term "cap" refers to the end of the line. The options here control the shape that cap will take.

The StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle can be one of:

StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle::Butt0Applying the "butt" cap style will terminate the line ending exactly where the geometry ends. The end cap will be squared off. That is, two 90 degree angles form a butted ending to the symbol. In dynamic rendering mode, caps are always rendered with the StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle::Butt style.
StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle::Round1Applying the "round" cap style will terminate the line ending with a semicircle of radius equal to the stroke width. That semicircle will be centered at the line endpoint.
StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle::Square2Applying the "square" cap style will extend the termination of the line ending past the end of the geometry. The end cap will be squared off. That is, two 90 degree angles form a squared ending to the symbol.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle.

enum class StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D

Enumerates the type of line styles in a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::StrokeSymbolLayer.

The StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D can be one of:

StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D::Tube0The tube style causes the stroke to appear as a 3D tube. A "tube" here refers to a solid circular cylinder, following the given geometry.
StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D::Strip1The strip style causes the stroke to appear as a flat strip of surface. Note that the cap style for this line is always StrokeSymbolLayerCapStyle::Butt. A "strip" here refers to a flat 2D surface with more significant width than a line, though it is presented in 3D. Only the StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D::Strip style is supported in static rendering mode.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D.

enum class SublayerSourceType

Enumerates the types of sublayer sources.

The SublayerSourceType can be one of:

SublayerSourceType::Unknown-1Unknown type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class SubscriptionState

Enumerates the state of the user's subscription.

The SubscriptionState can be one of:

SubscriptionState::Unknown-1Subscription state is unknown.
SubscriptionState::Active0Subscription is active and allows all functionality.
SubscriptionState::Canceled1Subscription was canceled.
SubscriptionState::Deleted2Subscription was deleted.
SubscriptionState::Expired3Subscription has expired.
SubscriptionState::Restricted4Subscription has run out of credits.
SubscriptionState::Suspended5Subscription was suspended.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class SurfacePlacement

Enumerates possible ways to add a surface placement of a feature on a scene view.

The SurfacePlacement can be one of:

SurfacePlacement::Draped0The feature is draped on the surface. This value is deprecated since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7. Use SurfacePlacement::DrapedBillboarded instead.
SurfacePlacement::DrapedBillboarded0The feature is draped on the surface by ignoring the Z-Value. Symbols will always face the camera.
SurfacePlacement::Absolute1The feature is placed at the elevation specified in meters above sea level.
SurfacePlacement::Relative2The feature is placed at a height relative to the ground elevation.
SurfacePlacement::RelativeToScene3The height (Z-Value) of the feature is relative to the scene altitude values. New value since 100.6.
SurfacePlacement::DrapedFlat4The feature is draped to the surface by ignoring the Z-Value. Symbols will appear flat on the surface. New value since 100.7.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SymbolAnchorPlacementMode

Enumerates the type of placement modes in a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SymbolAnchor.

The SymbolAnchorPlacementMode can be one of:

SymbolAnchorPlacementMode::Relative0Specify anchor with relative values. This mode causes anchor values to be interpreted as percentages relative to the origin of the symbol. Percentage values must be expressed as fractions between [0, 1]. A 50% (.5) x-anchor, for example, moves the symbol layer anchor in the positive-x direction an amount equal to 50% of the symbol layer size.
SymbolAnchorPlacementMode::Absolute1Specify anchor with absolute values. This mode causes anchor values to be interpreted as absolute units (DIPs) rather than percentages.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SymbolAnchorPlacementMode.

enum class SymbolAngleAlignment

Enumerates whether the rotation of a marker symbol is relative to the map or the screen.

Note: This enumeration is only applicable for 2D and is not supported in 3D.

The SymbolAngleAlignment can be one of:

SymbolAngleAlignment::Map0Symbol rotation is relative to the map and will be affected by the map's rotation.
SymbolAngleAlignment::Screen1Symbol rotation is relative to the screen and will not be affected by the map's rotation.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SymbolLayerType

Enumerates the type of symbol layer stored in a SymbolLayer object.

The SymbolLayerType can be one of:

SymbolLayerType::Unknown-1An unknown value. This value typically indicates an error has occurred.
SymbolLayerType::SymbolLayer0The base symbol layer type.
SymbolLayerType::MarkerSymbolLayer1Marker symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::VectorMarkerSymbolLayer2Vector marker symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::StrokeSymbolLayer3Stroke symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::SolidStrokeSymbolLayer4Solid stroke symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::PictureMarkerSymbolLayer5Picture marker symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::FillSymbolLayer6Fill symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::SolidFillSymbolLayer7Solid fill symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::PictureFillSymbolLayer8Picture fill symbol layer.
SymbolLayerType::HatchFillSymbolLayer9Hatch fill symbol layer.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SymbolLayerType.

enum class SymbolSizeUnits

The list of possible size units for symbols.

The SymbolSizeUnits can be one of:

SymbolSizeUnits::DIPs0Render the affected symbol by interpreting the size values as DIPs. Symbols in this mode remain the same size on the screen even as the display is zoomed in or out.
SymbolSizeUnits::Meters1Render the affected symbol by interpreting the size values as meters. Symbols in this mode remain the same world space size even if the display is zoomed in or out.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.

See also Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SymbolSizeUnits.

enum class SymbolStyleType

Enumerates the type of SymbolStyle.

The SymbolStyleType can be one of:

SymbolStyleType::DictionarySymbolStyle0A DictionarySymbolStyle.
SymbolStyleType::SymbolStyle1A SymbolStyle base type.
SymbolStyleType::Unknown-1Unknown SymbolStyle.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SymbolType

Enumerates the type of symbol stored in a Symbol object.

The SymbolType can be one of:

SymbolType::SimpleFillSymbol0Simple fill symbol.
SymbolType::SimpleLineSymbol1Simple line symbol.
SymbolType::SimpleMarkerSymbol2Simple marker symbol.
SymbolType::PictureMarkerSymbol3Picture marker symbol.
SymbolType::TextSymbol4Text symbol.
SymbolType::SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol5Simple marker scene symbol.
SymbolType::ModelSceneSymbol6Model scene symbol.
SymbolType::DistanceCompositeSceneSymbol7Distance composite scene symbol.
SymbolType::UnsupportedSymbol8Unsupported symbol type.
SymbolType::CompositeSymbol9Composite symbol.
SymbolType::PictureFillSymbol10Picture fill symbol.
SymbolType::MultilayerPointSymbol11Multi-layer point symbol.
SymbolType::MultilayerPolylineSymbol12Multi-layer polyline symbol.
SymbolType::MultilayerPolygonSymbol13Multi-layer polygon symbol.
SymbolType::Unknown-1Unknown symbol type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SyncDirection

Enumerates sync direction of features.

SyncDirection indicates the direction that feature changes are sent between the mobile geodatabase and the service. SyncDirection can be one of:

SyncDirection::None0No sync direction specified.
SyncDirection::Download1Download changes from the service.
SyncDirection::Upload2Upload changes to the service.
SyncDirection::Bidirectional3Upload and download changes.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SyncModel

Enumerates sync model.

SyncModel indicates whether sync options are applied for the whole mobile geodatabase or for each layer or table that is synced. SyncModel can be one of:

SyncModel::None0No sync model is defined.
SyncModel::Geodatabase1Layers within a geodatabase cannot be synchronized independently; the whole geodatabase must be synced. The sync operation and sync direction applies to all the layers in the geodatabase.
SyncModel::Layer2Layers within a geodatabase can be synchronized independently of one another. Any subset of the layers can be synchronized when running the sync operation. Also, each layer's sync direction can be set independently. See Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateGeodatabaseParameters::setLayerOptions and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class TextAntialiasingMode

Enumerates the antialiasing mode for drawing text in the map.

The TextAntialiasingMode can be one of:

TextAntialiasingMode::None0No text antialiasing is performed.
TextAntialiasingMode::Normal1Antialiasing is performed as determined by the font. Each individual font has parameters created within it by the font author that define which sizes the font should draw with antialiasing.
TextAntialiasingMode::Force2Text is always drawn with antialiasing, regardless of the individual font's parameters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class TileImageFormat

Enumerates image formats, the method for encoding a raster image, for images from a map tile source.

The TileImageFormat can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class TimeRelation

Enumerates the time relation.

The TimeRelation can be one of:

TimeRelation::AfterStartOverlapsEnd1After start overlaps end.
TimeRelation::OverlapsStartWithinEnd2Overlaps start within end.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class TimeUnit

Enumerates the temporal unit of measurement.

The TimeUnit can be one of:


This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class TravelDirection

Enumerates travel direction for closest facilty and service area tasks.

The TravelDirection can be one of:

TravelDirection::FromFacility0Traveling away from a facility
TravelDirection::ToFacility1Traveling toward a facility

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class USNGGridLabelUnit

Enumerates units for displaying values in the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::USNGGrid.

The USNGGridLabelUnit can be one of:

USNGGridLabelUnit::KilometersMeters0Labels are displayed in kilometers or meters based on view's scale.
USNGGridLabelUnit::Meters1Labels are always displayed in meters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class UTurnPolicy

Enumerates the type of backtracking allowed via U-turns in a network.

The UTurnPolicy can be one of:

UTurnPolicy::NotAllowed0No U-turns allowed.
UTurnPolicy::AllowedAtDeadEnds1U-turns only allowed at dead ends.
UTurnPolicy::AllowedAtIntersections2U-turns only allowed at intersections.
UTurnPolicy::AllowedAtDeadEndsAndIntersections3U-turns allowed at dead ends and intersections.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class UnitSystem

Enumerates the unit system.

The UnitSystem can be one of:

UnitSystem::Imperial0Imperial units (feet, inches, and so on).
UnitSystem::Metric1Metric units (meters, centimeters, and so on).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class UnitType

Enumerates types of unit represented by an instance of a Unit type.

The UnitType can be one of:

UnitType::Unknown-1Unknown unit type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics

An enumeration of various association deletion behaviors.

Determines the behavior that occurs when attempting to delete a feature which has containment or structural attachment associations to other features.

The UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics can be one of:

UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics::None0Any associated features will not be deleted, but the associations will no longer exist. Default for UtilityAssociationRole::Structure.
UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics::Cascade1Any associations features will be deleted.
UtilityAssociationDeletionSemantics::Restricted2If the feature has any associations, deleting the feature will fail. Default for UtilityAssociationRole::Container.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.12.

enum class UtilityAssociationRole

Enumerates the various association roles

A feature's association role specifies how the feature can associate with other features, such as containment or attachment.

UtilityAssociationRole can be one of:

UtilityAssociationRole::None0These are features that are neither a container nor a structure but can connect to or be contained by other structures.
UtilityAssociationRole::Container1Features of this asset type can contain other features as contents.
UtilityAssociationRole::Structure2Features of this asset type can have other features attached to them.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityAssociationType

An enumeration of the various types of associations supported by the utility network.

UtilityAssociationType can be one of:

UtilityAssociationType::Connectivity1The association represents connectivity between two junctions.
UtilityAssociationType::Containment2The association represents containment of one Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UtilityElement within another.
UtilityAssociationType::Attachment3The association represents a structural attachment.
UtilityAssociationType::JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityFromSide4The association represents a junction or non-spatial junction connected to the end point of a non-spatial edge.
UtilityAssociationType::JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityMidspan5The association represents a junction or non-spatial junction connected along the midspan of a non-spatial edge.
UtilityAssociationType::JunctionEdgeObjectConnectivityToSide6The association represents a junction or non-spatial junction connected to the start point of a non-spatial edge.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator

Enumerates the various comparison operators for utility attributes

An enumeration of the various comparisons to perform between a UtilityNetworkAttribute and a second UtilityNetworkAttribute or a specific value.

UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator can be one of:

UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::Equal0Tests whether an attribute is equal to another attribute or a specific value.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::NotEqual1Tests whether an attribute is not equal to another attribute or a specific value.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::GreaterThan2Tests whether an attribute is greater than another attribute or a specific value.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::GreaterThanEqual3Tests whether an attribute is greater than or equal to another attribute or a specific value.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::LessThan4Tests whether an attribute is less than another attribute or a specific value.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::LessThanEqual5Tests whether an attribute is less than or equal to another attribute or a specific value.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::IncludesTheValues6Tests whether an attribute includes all the values specified in another attribute or the particular values contained in the condition.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::DoesNotIncludeTheValues7Tests whether an attribute does not include all of the values specified in another attribute or the particular values in the condition.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::IncludesAny8Tests whether an attribute includes any of the values specified in another attribute or the particular values contained in the condition.
UtilityAttributeComparisonOperator::DoesNotIncludeAny9Tests whether an attribute does not include any of the values specified in another attribute or the particular values in the condition.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator

Enumerates the various comparison operators for utility categories

An enumeration of the various types of operators to use when evaluating the existence of a UtilityCategory on a network feature.

UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator can be one of:

UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator::Exists0Evaluate that the UtilityCategory exists on a network feature.
UtilityCategoryComparisonOperator::DoesNotExist1Evaluate that the UtilityCategory does not exist on a network feature.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityMinimumStartingLocations

An enumeration of the various types of minimum starting locations used in UtilityTraceParameters.

The UtilityMinimumStartingLocations can be one of:

UtilityMinimumStartingLocations::One1At least one starting point is necessary for the particular trace parameters. Downstream traces require at least 1 starting point.
UtilityMinimumStartingLocations::Many2At least 2 starting points are necessary for the particular trace parameters. A shortestPath trace requires at least 2 starting points.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType

Enumerates the various network attribute data types

The UtilityNetworkAttribute objects in a topological index are limited to specific data types.

UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType can be one of:

UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType::Integer0A signed 64-bit integer value.
UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType::Float1A floating point value.
UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType::Double2A double precision floating point value.
UtilityNetworkAttributeDataType::Boolean3A Boolean m-value.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityNetworkSourceType

Enumerates the various utility network source types

UtilityNetworkSourceType can be one of:

UtilityNetworkSourceType::Junction0The network source references junctions in a feature class or table.
UtilityNetworkSourceType::Edge1The network source references edges in a feature class or table.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType

Enumerates the various network source usage types

These values indicate how a UtilityNetworkSource is used in a utility network.

UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType can be one of:

UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::Device0Network devices, such as transformers or valves.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::Junction1Miscellaneous junctions not typically tracked as assets, such as taps.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::Line2Lines such as conductors, pipes, or fiber strands.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::Assembly3Assemblies such as switchgear.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::SubnetLine4System-generated subnetwork lines.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::StructureJunction5Point structures, such as poles.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::StructureLine6Linear structures, such as ducts, conduits, or buffer tubes.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::StructureBoundary7Polygonal structures, such as substations or town border stations.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::JunctionObject8Non-spatial junctions, such as a transceiver in a fiber network.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::EdgeObject9Non-spatial edge, such as a fiber strand in a fiber cable.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::StructureJunctionObject10Non-spatial structure junction, such as a duct port in a manhole.
UtilityNetworkSourceUsageType::StructureEdgeObject11Non-spatial structure edge, such as a duct in a duct bank.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityNetworkSyncMode

The different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task.

The UtilityNetworkSyncMode can be one of:

UtilityNetworkSyncMode::None0No utility network resource will be synced.
UtilityNetworkSyncMode::SyncSystemTables1Utility Network system tables will be synced. The service must return true for SyncCapabilities::isSupportsUtilityNetworkSystem to support taking Utility Network System data offline.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

enum class UtilityPropagatorFunctionType

Enumerates the utility propagator function types.

UtilityPropagatorFunctionType can be one of:

UtilityPropagatorFunctionType::BitwiseAnd1The network attribute value of the current element is bitwise-anded with the network attribute value propagated from the source.
UtilityPropagatorFunctionType::Max2The network attribute value of the current element is compared against the network attribute value propagated from the source - the maximum of these values is propagated further.
UtilityPropagatorFunctionType::Min3The network attribute value of the current element is compared against the network attribute value propagated from the source - the minimum of these values is propagated further.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilitySubnetworkControllerType

Enumerates the type of subnetwork controllers that are supported by a domain network.

UtilitySubnetworkControllerType can be one of:

UtilitySubnetworkControllerType::None0This domain network does not support subnetworks.
UtilitySubnetworkControllerType::Source1Subnetwork controllers within this domain network serve as sources.
UtilitySubnetworkControllerType::Sink2Subnetwork controllers within this domain network serve as sinks.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityTerminalDirectionality

An enumeration of the directionality setting of terminals on a device.

UtilityTerminalDirectionality can be one of:

UtilityTerminalDirectionality::Unidirectional1Only one flow direction is permissible.
UtilityTerminalDirectionality::Bidirectional2Both flow directions are permissible.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.8.

enum class UtilityTierTopologyType

Enumerates the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition.

UtilityTierTopologyType can be one of:

UtilityTierTopologyType::Radial1A radial network. Edges and junctions spread out radially from a single source.
UtilityTierTopologyType::Mesh2A mesh network. Edges and junctions are connected to multiple sources in an interconnected lattice.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityTierType

Enumerates the type of topology that makes up a UtilityTier definition.

UtilityTierType can be one of:

UtilityTierType::Hierarchical1A radial network. Edges and junctions spread out radially from a single source.
UtilityTierType::Partitioned2A mesh network. Edges and junctions are connected to multiple sources in an interconnected lattice.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityTraceConditionType

Enumerates the concrete type of a Utility Network trace condition.

UtilityTraceConditionType can be one of:

UtilityTraceConditionType::UtilityNetworkAttributeComparison0A condition comparing one network attribute directly to another.
UtilityTraceConditionType::UtilityCategoryComparison1A condition evaluating whether a network category exists on a node.
UtilityTraceConditionType::UtilityTraceAndCondition2A logical "AND" join of two sub-conditions.
UtilityTraceConditionType::UtilityTraceOrCondition3A logical "OR" join of two sub-conditions.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityTraceFunctionType

Enumerates the type of function calculation to perform.

UtilityTraceFunctionType can be one of:

UtilityTraceFunctionType::Add1Computes the sum of the network attribute from each applicable element.
UtilityTraceFunctionType::Average2Computes the average value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
UtilityTraceFunctionType::Count3Counts the number of applicable elements.
UtilityTraceFunctionType::Max4Computes the maximum value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
UtilityTraceFunctionType::Min5Computes the minimum value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
UtilityTraceFunctionType::Subtract6Takes the network attribute value from the starting point as the base number, and then subtracts the value of the network attribute from each applicable element.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtilityTraceResultObjectType

Enumerates the subclasses of UtilityTraceResult.

An enumeration of the result types returned by a trace operation. UtilityTraceResultObjectType can be one of:

UtilityTraceResultObjectType::UtilityElementTraceResult0A UtilityElementTraceResult object.
UtilityTraceResultObjectType::UtilityFunctionTraceResult1A UtilityFunctionTraceResult object.
UtilityTraceResultObjectType::UtilityGeometryTraceResult2A UtilityGeometryTraceResult object.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityTraceResultType

An enumeration of the result types returned by a trace operation.

The default is UtilityTraceResultType::Elements.

The UtilityTraceResultType can be one of:

UtilityTraceResultType::Elements0An array of UtilityElement objects.
UtilityTraceResultType::FunctionOutputs1An array of UtilityTraceFunctionOutput objects.
UtilityTraceResultType::Geometry2A trace result consisting of three distinct Geometry types: a Polygon, a {Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Polyline} {Polyline}, and a Multipoint.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityTraceType

Enumerates the various types of traces that may be performed with a utility network.

The UtilityTraceType can be one of:

UtilityTraceType::Connected0A connected trace. Finds all features connected to a given set of starting points, ignoring traversability.
UtilityTraceType::Subnetwork1A subnetwork trace. Finds all features within the current subnetwork. This value is new since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.
UtilityTraceType::Upstream2An upstream trace.

For subnetworks with sources, upstream is defined as paths that lead to a source. For subnetworks with sinks, upstream is defined as paths that do not lead to a sink. This value is new since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

UtilityTraceType::Downstream3A downstream trace.

For subnetworks with sources, downstream is defined as paths that do not lead to a source. For subnetworks with sinks, downstream is defined as paths that lead to a sink. This value is new since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

UtilityTraceType::Isolation4An isolation trace.

The isolation trace requires that at least one UtilityTraceFilter barrier is set in the UtilityTraceConfiguration. Typically this filter identifies those features that isolate the section of network (e.g., valves). This value is new since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.8.

UtilityTraceType::Loops5Detects loops in the network.

The loops trace finds areas of the network where flow direction is ambiguous where resource can flow in either direction. Loops are expected with mesh networks but usually indicate error conditions in radial networks. This value is new since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

UtilityTraceType::ShortestPath6Discovers the shortest path.

This trace returns the shortest path based on cost or distance, which is calculated using a numeric network attribute such as shape length. This value is new since Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class UtilityTraversabilityScope

Enumerates whether traversability criteria are applied to junctions, edges, or both.

UtilityTraversabilityScope can be one of:

UtilityTraversabilityScope::JunctionsAndEdges0The traversability criteria should be evaluated at both junctions and edges.
UtilityTraversabilityScope::Junctions1The traversability criteria should only be evaluated at junctions.
UtilityTraversabilityScope::Edges2The traversability criteria should only be evaluated at edges.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class UtmConversionMode

Enumerates types of latitude designation in UTM notation.

Within a single longitudinal zone within the UTM system, two points share the same grid position: one in the northern hemisphere and one in the south. Two schemes are used to resolve this ambiguity. In the first, the point is designated a latitude band, identified with letters C through X (omitting I and O). In the second, in place of the latitude band, a hemisphere indicator (N or S) is used.

The UtmConversionMode can be one of:

UtmConversionMode::LatitudeBandIndicators0The letter after the UTM zone number represents a latitudinal band (C through X, omitting I and O).
UtmConversionMode::NorthSouthIndicators1The letter after the UTM zone number represents a hemisphere (N or S).

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class VersionAccess

The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.

The VersionAccess can be one of:

VersionAccess::Public0The version is public. (0)

Any portal user can view and edit the version.

VersionAccess::Protected1The version is protected. (1)

Any portal user can view, but only the version owner, feature layer owner, and portal administrator can edit the version.

VersionAccess::Private2The version is private. (2)

Only the version owner, feature layer owner, and portal administrator can view and edit the version.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class VerticalAlignment

Enumerates the text's vertical alignment relative to the symbol's point coordinate.

The VerticalAlignment can be one of:

VerticalAlignment::Baseline0Text is aligned at the baseline.
VerticalAlignment::Bottom1Text is bottom aligned.
VerticalAlignment::Middle2Text is middle aligned.
VerticalAlignment::Top3Text is top aligned.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ViewpointType

Enumerates types of Viewpoints for a MapView.

ViewpointType enumerates types of Viewpoints for a MapView.

The ViewpointType can be one of:

ViewpointType::CenterAndScale0Specified with a center point and a scale
ViewpointType::BoundingGeometry1Specified with a bounding Geometry
ViewpointType::Unknown-1Unknown viewpoint type

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class VoiceGuidanceType

Enumerates possible navigation voice guidance types.

VoiceGuidanceType::ApproachingManeuver0Approaching maneuver. This guidance notification type is set:
  • After passing the previous maneuver (Example: In a half mile, Turn right on North Eureka Street)
  • 20-30 seconds before next maneuver (Example: Turn right on North Eureka Street)
  • 9-10 seconds before next maneuver (Example: Turn right)
VoiceGuidanceType::AtManeuver1At maneuver. Guidance notification set when at maneuver, this type has no text. Can be used to notify user with a sound (e.g. beep) when at maneuver.
VoiceGuidanceType::ApproachingDestination2Approaching destination. Guidance notification type set when approaching a destination. Examples:
  • In 200 feet, the destination is ahead.
  • You have arrived at 1099 East Hospitality Lane on your right destination.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class WmsVersion

Enumerates the versions of a WMS service.

The WmsVersion can be one of:

WmsVersion::V110110Version 1.1.0.
WmsVersion::V111111Version 1.1.1.
WmsVersion::V130130Version 1.3.0.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

enum class WrapAroundMode

Enumerates the wraparound mode of the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::MapView.

The WrapAroundMode can be one of:

WrapAroundMode::EnabledWhenSupported0Enabled when supported

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

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