Viewshed Class

  • Viewshed
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Viewshed

    A base class for the Analysis classes that determine visible and non-visible areas in a scene view. More...

    Header: #include <Viewshed.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Analysis
    Inherited By:

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GeoElementViewshed and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LocationViewshed

    This class was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.2.

    Public Functions

    virtual ~Viewshed() override
    double horizontalAngle() const
    bool isFrustumOutlineVisible() const
    double maxDistance() const
    double minDistance() const
    void setFrustumOutlineVisible(bool visible)
    void setHorizontalAngle(double horizontalAngle)
    void setMaxDistance(double maxDistance)
    void setMinDistance(double minDistance)
    void setVerticalAngle(double verticalAngle)
    double verticalAngle() const

    Static Public Members

    QColor frustumOutlineColor()
    QColor obstructedColor()
    void setFrustumOutlineColor(const QColor &frustumOutlineColor)
    void setObstructedColor(const QColor &obstructedColor)
    void setVisibleColor(const QColor &visibleColor)
    QColor visibleColor()

    Detailed Description

    Visible and non-visible areas are determined for an area defined by an observer location, horizontal and vertical view angles, and a minimum/maximum distance range. These properties define a frustum (3D solid) inside of which visibility is calculated.

    The minimum distance allows you to exclude obstacles close to the observer (the corner of a building, for example). Since terrain and other obstacles between the observer and the specified minimum distance are completely excluded from the analysis, this value should be relatively small.

    Visibility is not evaluated beyond the maximum distance specified. This can be used to model factors that restrict the visible distance.

    Member Function Documentation

    [override virtual] Viewshed::~Viewshed()


    [static] QColor Viewshed::frustumOutlineColor()

    Returns the color used to render the frustum outline.

    The frustum (3D solid) within which visibility is evaluated can be symbolized with a specified outline color.

    See also setFrustumOutlineColor().

    double Viewshed::horizontalAngle() const

    Returns the horizontal angle of the observer's field of vision in degrees.

    See also setHorizontalAngle().

    bool Viewshed::isFrustumOutlineVisible() const

    Returns whether the Viewshed frustum outline is visible.

    double Viewshed::maxDistance() const

    Returns the maximum distance in meters from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated.

    See also setMaxDistance().

    double Viewshed::minDistance() const

    Returns the minimum distance in meters from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated.

    See also setMinDistance().

    [static] QColor Viewshed::obstructedColor()

    Returns the color with which to render non-visible areas.

    Areas of the scene view that are not visible from the observer location and within the defined frustum will be rendered using the specified color.

    See also setObstructedColor().

    [static] void Viewshed::setFrustumOutlineColor(const QColor &frustumOutlineColor)

    Sets the color used to render the frustum outline to frustumOutlineColor.

    The frustum (3D solid) within which visibility is evaluated can be symbolized with a specified outline color.

    This is a global setting and applies to all viewsheds within the application.

    See also frustumOutlineColor().

    void Viewshed::setFrustumOutlineVisible(bool visible)

    Sets whether the Viewshed frustum outline is visible.

    The frustum outline visibility can be controlled for individual Viewsheds.

    See also isFrustumOutlineVisible().

    void Viewshed::setHorizontalAngle(double horizontalAngle)

    Sets the horizontal angle of the observer's field of vision to horizontalAngle degrees (0-360).

    See also horizontalAngle().

    void Viewshed::setMaxDistance(double maxDistance)

    Sets the maximum distance in meters from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated to maxDistance.

    See also maxDistance().

    void Viewshed::setMinDistance(double minDistance)

    Sets the minimum distance in meters from the observer at which visibility will be evaluated to minDistance.

    See also minDistance().

    [static] void Viewshed::setObstructedColor(const QColor &obstructedColor)

    Sets the color with which non-visible areas of the viewshed will be rendered to obstructedColor.

    Areas of the scene view that are not visible from the observer location and within the defined frustum will be rendered using the specified color.

    This is a global setting and applies to all viewsheds within the application.

    See also obstructedColor().

    void Viewshed::setVerticalAngle(double verticalAngle)

    Sets the vertical angle of the observer's field of vision to verticalAngle degrees (0-360).

    See also verticalAngle().

    [static] void Viewshed::setVisibleColor(const QColor &visibleColor)

    Sets the color with which to render visible areas to visibleColor.

    Areas of the scene view that are visible from the observer location and within the defined frustum will be rendered using the specified color.

    This is a global setting and applies to all viewsheds within the application.

    See also visibleColor().

    double Viewshed::verticalAngle() const

    Returns the vertical angle of the observer's field of vision in degrees.

    See also setVerticalAngle().

    [static] QColor Viewshed::visibleColor()

    Returns the color with which to render visible areas.

    Areas of the scene view that are visible from the observer location and within the defined frustum will be rendered using the specified color.

    See also setVisibleColor().

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