BingMapsLayer Class

  • BingMapsLayer
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayer

    A Bing Maps layer displays map content from a Bing Maps web service, providing access to static map tiles and imagery metadata. More...

    Header: #include <BingMapsLayer.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1
    Inherits: Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ServiceImageTiledLayer

    This class was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

    Public Functions

    BingMapsLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Portal *portal, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayerStyle style, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    BingMapsLayer(const QString &bingMapsKey, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayerStyle style, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~BingMapsLayer() override
    QString culture() const
    QString key() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Portal *portal() const
    void setCulture(const QString &culture)
    void setKey(const QString &bingMapsKey)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayerStyle style() const

    Detailed Description

    Functional characteristics

    Bing maps require an API key from Microsoft. There are two ways to set this key:

    A Bing maps layer will fail to load if it does not have a Bing map key or a Portal from where it can get the Bing map key. In this situation, you can set the BingMapsLayer::key and call Loadable::retryLoad.

    Bing maps layers do not support identify, query, selection, or time.

    Use of BingMapsLayer in ArcGIS Runtime requires adherence to Microsoft's Mobile Brand Guidelines.

    Performance characteristics

    Bing maps layers perform similarly to other tiled layers. Raster tiles are fetched from Bing's servers on demand.

    Member Function Documentation

    BingMapsLayer::BingMapsLayer(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Portal *portal, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayerStyle style, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructor that takes a portal, style, and an optional parent.

    BingMapsLayer::BingMapsLayer(const QString &bingMapsKey, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayerStyle style, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Constructor that takes a bingMapsKey, style, and an optional parent.

    [override virtual] BingMapsLayer::~BingMapsLayer()


    QString BingMapsLayer::culture() const

    Returns the culture for the layer.

    The culture affects the localization of certain items, such as street names or country names.

    See Supported culture codes.

    Note: the culture cannot be changed after the layer is loaded.

    See also setCulture().

    QString BingMapsLayer::key() const

    Returns the Bing Maps key.

    See also setKey().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Portal *BingMapsLayer::portal() const

    Returns the Portal the layer loaded its Bing Maps API key from.

    void BingMapsLayer::setCulture(const QString &culture)

    Sets the culture for the layer to culture.

    The culture affects the localization of certain items, such as street names or country names.

    See Supported culture codes.

    Note: the culture cannot be changed after the layer is loaded.

    See also culture().

    void BingMapsLayer::setKey(const QString &bingMapsKey)

    Sets the Bing Maps key to bingMapsKey.

    See also key().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BingMapsLayerStyle BingMapsLayer::style() const

    Returns the BingMapsLayerStyle for the layer.

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    Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
