Container for helper services that are provided by the portal. More...
Header: | #include <PortalHelperServices.h> |
Since: | Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0 |
Inherits: | Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Object and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::JsonSerializable |
This class was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.
Public Functions
QUrl | analysisServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | asyncClosestFacilityServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | asyncLocationAllocationServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | asyncODCostMatrixServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | asyncServiceAreaServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | asyncVRPServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | closestFacilityServiceUrl() const |
QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ElevationServiceInfo> | defaultElevationServices() const |
QUrl | elevationServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | elevationSyncServiceUrl() const |
QList<QUrl> | geocodeServiceUrls() const |
QUrl | geoenrichmentServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | geometryServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | hydrologyServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | locationTrackingServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | printTaskUrl() const |
QUrl | routeServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | serviceAreaServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | syncVRPServiceUrl() const |
QUrl | trafficServiceUrl() const |
Reimplemented Public Functions
virtual QString | toJson() const override |
virtual QJsonObject | unknownJson() const override |
virtual QJsonObject | unsupportedJson() const override |
Static Public Members
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalHelperServices * | fromJson(const QString &json, QObject *parent = nullptr) |
Detailed Description
Objects of this class are provided by calling helperServices on a PortalInfo object.
For detailed information about these services, see the "Services from Esri" topic within the ArcGIS REST API documentation.
The services include the following:
- analysis: Hosted geoprocessing services that perform analyses.
- asyncClosestFacility: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous closest-facility analysis.
- asyncLocationAllocation: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous location-allocation network analysis.
- asyncODCostMatrix: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for generating origin-destination cost matrices.
- asyncServiceArea: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous service-area analysis.
- asyncVRP: ArcGIS geoprocessing service for solving asynchronous vehicle routing problems.
- closestFacility: ArcGIS NAServer service for synchronous closest-facility analysis.
- defaultElevationServices: Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service used by ArcGIS Pro and the Web Scene Viewer.
- elevation: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for elevation analysis.
- elevation3DService: Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service used by ArcGIS Pro and the Web Scene Viewer (obsolete).
- elevationSync: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for elevation analysis.
- geocode: Array of ArcGIS geocoding services to use for geocoding.
- geoenrichment: ArcGIS GeoenrichmentServer.
- geometry: ArcGIS GeometryServer to use for geometry functions.
- hydrology: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for hydrologic analysis.
- locationTracking: ArcGIS geoprocessing services for location tracking analysis.
- printTask: ArcGIS PrintServer task to use for printing functionality.
- route: ArcGIS NAServer to use for routing functionality.
- serviceArea: ArcGIS NAServer service for synchronous service-area analysis.
- syncVRP: ArcGIS NAServer service for solving synchronous vehicle routing problems.
- traffic: ArcGIS TrafficMapServer service for traffic functionality.
See also PortalInfo and Portal Self (ArcGIS REST API).
Member Function Documentation
QUrl PortalHelperServices::analysisServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of hosted GP services that perform analyses.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::asyncClosestFacilityServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous closest facility service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::asyncLocationAllocationServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous location-allocation service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::asyncODCostMatrixServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous Origin Destination Cost Matrix service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::asyncServiceAreaServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous service-area service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::asyncVRPServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous vehicle routing problem service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::closestFacilityServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous closest facility service.
QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ElevationServiceInfo > PortalHelperServices::defaultElevationServices () const
Returns information about Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation services used by ArcGIS Pro and the Web Scene Viewer.
This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::elevationServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the asynchronous elevation analysis services.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::elevationSyncServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the elevation sync services.
Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalHelperServices *PortalHelperServices::fromJson (const QString &json, QObject *parent = nullptr)
Creates a new PortalHelperServices from json with an optional parent.
See also JsonSerializable.
QList<QUrl> PortalHelperServices::geocodeServiceUrls () const
Returns the list of geocode service URLs.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::geoenrichmentServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the Geoenrichment Service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::geometryServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the geometry service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::hydrologyServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the hydrology service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::locationTrackingServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the location tracking service.
This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.5.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::printTaskUrl () const
Returns the URL of the print service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::routeServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the synchronous route service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::serviceAreaServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the synchronous service-area service.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::syncVRPServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the synchronous vehicle routing problem service.
[override virtual]
QString PortalHelperServices::toJson () const
Reimplements: JsonSerializable::toJson() const.
Returns the PortalHelperServices as a JSON string representation.
See also JsonSerializable.
QUrl PortalHelperServices::trafficServiceUrl () const
Returns the URL of the traffic service.
[override virtual]
QJsonObject PortalHelperServices::unknownJson () const
Reimplements: JsonSerializable::unknownJson() const.
Returns the unknown JSON of this object.
See also JsonSerializable.
[override virtual]
QJsonObject PortalHelperServices::unsupportedJson () const
Reimplements: JsonSerializable::unsupportedJson() const.
Returns the unsupported JSON of this object.
See also JsonSerializable.