Basemap Class

  • Basemap
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap

    A basemap that can be displayed in a map. More...

    This class was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

    Public Functions

    Basemap(const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *> &baseLayers, const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *> &referenceLayers, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BasemapStyle basemapStyle, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *credential, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BasemapStyle basemapStyle, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *baseLayer, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Basemap(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Item *item, QObject *parent = nullptr)
    Basemap(QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~Basemap() override
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerListModel *baseLayers() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Item *item() const
    QString name() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerListModel *referenceLayers() const
    void setName(const QString &name)

    Reimplemented Public Functions

    virtual QString apiKey() const override
    virtual void cancelLoad() override
    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *credential() const override
    virtual void load() override
    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Error loadError() const override
    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus loadStatus() const override
    virtual Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration() const override
    virtual void retryLoad() override
    virtual void setApiKey(const QString &apiKey) override
    virtual void setRequestConfiguration(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration &requestConfiguration) override
    virtual QString toJson() const override
    virtual QJsonObject unknownJson() const override
    virtual QJsonObject unsupportedJson() const override
    virtual QUrl url() const override


    void doneLoading(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Error loadError)
    void loadStatusChanged(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus loadStatus)

    Static Public Members

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *fromJson(const QString &json, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Detailed Description

    A basemap provides a background of geographical context for the content you want to display in the map. It is used for locational reference and provides a framework on which you can overlay operational layers, perform analysis, and visualize geographic information. Thus, the basemap serves as a foundation and provides a framework for working with information geographically.

    ArcGIS Online provides a number of ready-to-use basemaps for streets, topography, shaded relief, and so on. If you prefer, you can create your own basemap by mashing up layers.

    A basemap is composed of a collection of base layers and reference layers. Base layers are displayed at the bottom of a map, and reference layers are displayed at the top, with the map's operational layers sandwiched between them. The content of a basemap is typically static and does not change frequently.

    Typically, you will use one basemap layer that is drawn beneath all other layers, but you can also add a basemap layer on top of all other layers to depict boundaries, labels, or a road network.

    In order to take advantage of geographically load balanced services and monitor usage with API keys or named users, use Basemap(BasemapStyle, QObject* parent). Example:

    Add a tiled map service to a map's basemap:

    ArcGISTiledLayer* tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(streetMapServiceUrl, this);
    Basemap* basemap = new Basemap(tiledLayer, this);
    Map* map = new Map(basemap, this);

    See also BasemapStyle.

    Member Function Documentation

    Basemap::Basemap(const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *> &baseLayers, const QList<Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *> &referenceLayers, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Construct a Basemap from baseLayers and referenceLayers with an optional parent.

    Basemap::Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BasemapStyle basemapStyle, Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *credential, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Construct a Basemap with a style and a credential.

    • basemapStyle - The basemap style.
    • credential - the credential to use.
    • parent - The optional parent QObject.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

    Basemap::Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::BasemapStyle basemapStyle, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Construct a Basemap with a style.

    • basemapStyle - The basemap style.
    • parent - The optional parent QObject.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

    See also BasemapStyle.

    Basemap::Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Layer *baseLayer, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Construct a Basemap from a baseLayer with an optional parent.

    Basemap::Basemap(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Construct a Basemap from a url with an optional parent.

    url may be a direct URL to web map JSON content or the URL of a portal item.

    The URL can be one of three possible types:

    Basemap::Basemap(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Item *item, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Construct a Basemap from an item with an optional parent.

    Basemap::Basemap(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Default constructor with an optional parent.

    [signal] void Basemap::doneLoading(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Error loadError)

    Signal emitted when Basemap is done loading.

    • loadError - Details about any error that may have occurred.

    Note: If there is a load error it will also be emitted on the errorOccurred signal.

    See also Loadable and Object.

    [signal] void Basemap::loadStatusChanged(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus loadStatus)

    loadStatus See Loadable.

    [override virtual] Basemap::~Basemap()


    [override virtual] QString Basemap::apiKey() const

    Reimplements: ApiKeyResource::apiKey() const.

    Returns the API key. See ApiKeyResource.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

    See also setApiKey().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerListModel *Basemap::baseLayers() const

    Returns the base layers.

    The collection is specific to a basemap, so you cannot reuse a layer collection coming from another Map or Basemap.

    See also GeoModel::operationalLayers and baseLayers.

    [override virtual] void Basemap::cancelLoad()

    Reimplements: Loadable::cancelLoad().

    See Loadable.

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Credential *Basemap::credential() const

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::credential() const.

    Returns the security credential used to access the basemap.

    [static] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Basemap *Basemap::fromJson(const QString &json, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Creates a new Basemap from json with an optional parent.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Item *Basemap::item() const

    Gets the item.

    Returns The item.

    [override virtual] void Basemap::load()

    Reimplements: Loadable::load().

    See Loadable.

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Error Basemap::loadError() const

    Reimplements: Loadable::loadError() const.

    See Loadable.

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus Basemap::loadStatus() const

    Reimplements: Loadable::loadStatus() const.

    See Loadable.

    QString Basemap::name() const

    Gets the name of the Basemap.

    Returns the name.

    See also setName().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LayerListModel *Basemap::referenceLayers() const

    Gets the reference layers as a LayerListModel.

    Returns The reference layers.

    [override virtual] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration Basemap::requestConfiguration() const

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::requestConfiguration() const.

    Returns the RequestConfiguration in use by this basemap.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

    See also setRequestConfiguration().

    [override virtual] void Basemap::retryLoad()

    Reimplements: Loadable::retryLoad().

    See Loadable.

    [override virtual] void Basemap::setApiKey(const QString &apiKey)

    Reimplements: ApiKeyResource::setApiKey(const QString &apiKey).

    Sets the API key to apiKey. See ApiKeyResource.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

    See also apiKey().

    void Basemap::setName(const QString &name)

    Sets the name of the Basemap.

    • name - The new Basemap name.

    See also name().

    [override virtual] void Basemap::setRequestConfiguration(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration &requestConfiguration)

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::setRequestConfiguration(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::RequestConfiguration &requestConfiguration).

    Sets configuration parameters used for network requests sent by this basemap to requestConfiguration.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.10.

    See also requestConfiguration().

    [override virtual] QString Basemap::toJson() const

    Reimplements: JsonSerializable::toJson() const.

    Gets the json representation of this object.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    [override virtual] QJsonObject Basemap::unknownJson() const

    Reimplements: JsonSerializable::unknownJson() const.

    Gets the unknown JSON of this object.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    [override virtual] QJsonObject Basemap::unsupportedJson() const

    Reimplements: JsonSerializable::unsupportedJson() const.

    Gets the unsupported JSON of this object.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    [override virtual] QUrl Basemap::url() const

    Reimplements: RemoteResource::url() const.

    Gets the URL of the Basemap.

    Returns the URL.

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    Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
