PortalFolder Class

  • PortalFolder
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder

    A folder used to organize a user's portal items. More...

    Header: #include <PortalFolder.h>
    Since: Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0

    This class was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

    Public Functions

    PortalFolder(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &&other)
    PortalFolder(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &other)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &operator=(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &&other)
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &operator=(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &other)
    QDateTime created() const
    QString folderId() const
    QString title() const

    Detailed Description

    Each item in a portal has a unique URL that is common across all users. In addition, each user has a personal view of the content they own. The user's content is organized into a set of personal folders.

    A user's personal view consists of items that are either in the root content folder for the user (the My Contents home folder) or in a subfolder of the home folder with a given folderId. Multilevel folders are not supported.

    See also PortalUser and PortalItem.

    Member Function Documentation

    PortalFolder::PortalFolder(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &&other)

    Move constructor from other PortalFolder.

    PortalFolder::PortalFolder(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &other)

    Copy constructor from other PortalFolder.


    Default constructor.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &PortalFolder::operator=(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &&other)

    Move operator from other PortalFolder.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &PortalFolder::operator=(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PortalFolder &other)

    Assignment operator from other PortalFolder.



    QDateTime PortalFolder::created() const

    Returns the folder's creation time.

    Always a Gregorian Calendar using UTC time zone and English locale.

    QString PortalFolder::folderId() const

    Returns the folder ID.

    QString PortalFolder::title() const

    Returns the folder's title.

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