Symbol Class

  • Symbol
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Symbol

    Base type for symbols used to display a graphic or a feature. More...

    This class was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

    Public Functions

    virtual ~Symbol() override
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher createSwatch(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry &geometry, float width, float height, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher createSwatch(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry &geometry, float width, float height, float screenScale, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher createSwatch(float width, float height, float screenScale, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher createSwatch(const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher createSwatch(float screenScale, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SymbolType symbolType() const
    bool operator==(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Symbol *other) const

    Reimplemented Public Functions

    virtual QString toJson() const override
    virtual QJsonObject unknownJson() const override
    virtual QJsonObject unsupportedJson() const override


    void createSwatchCompleted(QUuid taskId, QImage image)

    Static Public Members

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Symbol *fromJson(const QString &json, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Protected Functions

    Symbol(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Detailed Description

    Symbols describe how graphics and features look on the map. Different symbols are used with different geometry types: marker symbols for point and multipoint geometries, fill symbols for polygon geometries, and line symbols for polyline geometries. Other types of 2D and 3D symbols inherit from Symbol and its subtypes to implement capabilities such as composite and dynamic symbols.

    A symbol defines display properties for features and graphics (collectively referred to as geoelements). A geoelement has a geometry (location and shape), and optional descriptive information. For features and graphics to appear on a map, they must be assigned a symbol.

    ArcGIS Runtime uses two models for defining symbols in your map: simple and advanced (multilayer). In general, simple symbols are single-layer symbols that provide basic symbols, such as marker, line, fill, text, or picture. Advanced symbols are composed of one or several layers that can be defined individually and combined to create complex representations. Both of these are more fully described as follows:

    • Simple symbols follow the web map specification; you work with them through the simple symbol classes in the API. These are also the symbols you get from web maps or from feature services when advanced symbology is turned off. Simple symbols can be created for points (marker symbols), lines (line symbols), and polygons (fill symbols). Each of the simple symbol types provides an enumeration of pre-defined styles that can be applied to the symbol.
    • Advanced symbols, accessed through multilayer symbol classes, follow the ArcGIS Pro symbol model. These symbols come from feature services (that use advanced symbology), mobile style files, the dictionary renderer, and mobile map packages. You can also build your own advanced symbols for points, lines, and polygons.

    Simple symbology is the symbology of the web map. When authoring maps in ArcGIS Pro as web maps, your multilayer symbols will be converted to simple symbols. In general, point symbols are converted to picture marker symbols optimized for the web, and line and polygon symbols are simplified while representing the original symbol as closely as possible. If you're authoring a feature service from ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop, however, both the original symbols and the simplified symbols are stored. This allows clients that support advanced symbols to render the features as originally symbolized, while those that do not support advanced symbols (such as ArcGIS Online Map Viewer) can use the simple symbols for display. Having both sets of symbols allows you to retain the advanced symbology where available and still share the feature service as widely as possible.

    If your app works primarily with web maps that you want to look the same throughout the platform, your app should use the simple symbols API. Otherwise, make sure your users understand that advanced symbols render slightly differently on clients that don't support advanced symbology.

    If your maps are used only with ArcGIS Runtime and ArcGIS Pro, you can use advanced symbols exclusively. Advanced symbols are vectorized in ArcGIS Runtime clients, thereby scaling better on devices with high resolution screens.

    You can set LoadSettings::setUseAdvancedSymbology to control whether the map uses advanced symbols (when available) or always renders with simple symbols.

    Member Function Documentation

    [protected] Symbol::Symbol(QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Default constructor with an optional parent.

    [signal] void Symbol::createSwatchCompleted(QUuid taskId, QImage image)

    Emitted when create swatch image operation completes successfully.

    • taskId - The ID of the create swatch task.
    • image - The swatch image.

    [override virtual] Symbol::~Symbol()


    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher Symbol::createSwatch(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry &geometry, float width, float height, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())

    Creates a swatch image using the provided geometry, width, height, and optional backgroundColor.

    The background color defaults to transparent when the backgroundColor is not provided. The width, height, and geometry coordinate values are measured in device independent pixels (DIPs). This operation will determine the primary screen scale factor for scaling the image size.

    Emits the createSwatchCompleted(QUuid, QImage) signal when the swatch image operation completes.

    Note: The specified geometry is in DIPs, with the point {0,0} located at the centerpoint of the swatch image. The x-axis increases towards the right-hand side of the swatch image. The y-axis increases towards the top of the swatch image. For example, when creating a swatch for a MarkerSymbol, specifying a geometry of {10,10} will draw the marker 10 DIPs up and to the right of the center of the swatch. The geometry type should correspond to the symbol type. The geometry's spatial reference is ignored.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher Symbol::createSwatch(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Geometry &geometry, float width, float height, float screenScale, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())

    Creates a swatch image using the provided geometry, width, height, screenScale, and optional backgroundColor.

    The background color defaults to transparent when the backgroundColor is not provided. The width, height, and geometry coordinate values are measured in device independent pixels (DIPs). This operation will use the provided screenScale parameter to scale the image size.

    Emits the createSwatchCompleted(QUuid, QImage) signal when the swatch image operation completes.

    Note: The specified geometry is in DIPs, with the point {0,0} located at the centerpoint of the swatch image. The x-axis increases towards the right-hand side of the swatch image. The y-axis increases towards the top of the swatch image. for example, when creating a swatch for a MarkerSymbol, specifying a geometry of {10,10} will draw the marker 10 DIPs up and to the right of the center of the swatch. The geometry type should correspond to the symbol type. The geometry's spatial reference is ignored.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher Symbol::createSwatch(float width, float height, float screenScale, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())

    Creates a swatch image using the provided width, height, screenScale, and optional backgroundColor.

    The background color defaults to transparent when the backgroundColor is not provided. The width, and height are measured in device independent pixels (DIPs). This operation will use the provided screenScale parameter to scale the image size.

    Emits the createSwatchCompleted(QUuid, QImage) signal when the swatch image operation completes.

    This function was introduced in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher Symbol::createSwatch(const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())

    Creates a swatch image using the optional backgroundColor.

    The background color defaults to transparent when the backgroundColor is not provided. This operation will determine the primary screen scale factor for scaling the image size.

    Emits the createSwatchCompleted(QUuid, QImage) signal when the swatch image operation completes.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::TaskWatcher Symbol::createSwatch(float screenScale, const QColor &backgroundColor = QColor())

    Creates a swatch image using the provided screenScale, and optional backgroundColor.

    The background color defaults to transparent when the backgroundColor is not provided. This operation will use the provided screenScale parameter to scale the image size.

    Emits the createSwatchCompleted(QUuid, QImage) signal when the swatch image operation completes.

    [static] Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Symbol *Symbol::fromJson(const QString &json, QObject *parent = nullptr)

    Creates and returns a new Symbol from the provided json, with an optional parent.

    Sizes of symbols in JSON are represented in points (not pixels).

    Symbol layers in a multilayer symbol are in reverse order of how they appear in the JSON representation.

    For Symbols of type MarkerSymbol, an angle set from JSON will be inverted (e.g. an angle of 20 will become -20).

    See also JsonSerializable.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::SymbolType Symbol::symbolType() const

    Returns the symbol type.

    [override virtual] QString Symbol::toJson() const

    Reimplements: JsonSerializable::toJson() const.

    Returns this Symbol as a JSON representation.

    Sizes of symbols in JSON are represented in points (not pixels).

    Symbol layers in a multilayer symbol are in reverse order of how they appear in the JSON representation.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    [override virtual] QJsonObject Symbol::unknownJson() const

    Reimplements: JsonSerializable::unknownJson() const.

    Gets the unknown JSON of this object.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    [override virtual] QJsonObject Symbol::unsupportedJson() const

    Reimplements: JsonSerializable::unsupportedJson() const.

    Gets the unsupported JSON of this object.

    See also JsonSerializable.

    bool Symbol::operator==(const Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Symbol *other) const

    Equivalency operator.

    Returns whether this object and other are equal.

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