<TaskTypes.h> - Task Enums

Collection of Task enumerations. More...

Header: #include <TaskTypes.h>


enum class AttachmentSyncDirection { None, Upload, Bidirectional }
enum class GenerateLayerQueryOption { Unknown, All, None, UseFilter }
enum class JobMessageSeverity { Info, Warning, Error, Unknown }
enum class JobMessageSource { Client, Service }
enum class JobStatus { NotStarted, Started, Paused, Succeeded, Failed, Canceling }
enum class JobType { Unknown, GenerateGeodatabaseJob, SyncGeodatabaseJob, ExportTileCacheJob, EstimateTileCacheSizeJob, …, DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob }
enum class SyncDirection { None, Download, Upload, Bidirectional }
enum class SyncModel { None, Geodatabase, Layer }
enum class UtilityNetworkSyncMode { None, SyncSystemTables }

Detailed Description

Type Documentation

enum class AttachmentSyncDirection

Enumerates sync direction for attachments.

AttachmentSyncDirection indicates the direction that attachment changes are sent between the mobile geodatabase and the service. AttachmentSyncDirection can be one of:

AttachmentSyncDirection::None0No sync direction specified.
AttachmentSyncDirection::Upload1Upload changes to the service.
AttachmentSyncDirection::Bidirectional2Upload and download changes.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class GenerateLayerQueryOption

Enumerates generate layer query options.

GenerateLayerQueryOption determines which features are copied from the server when generating a geodatabase. GenerateLayerQueryOption can be one of:

GenerateLayerQueryOption::Unknown-1An unknown query option. Normally the result when an error occurs. This value is obsolete.
GenerateLayerQueryOption::All0All features are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.
GenerateLayerQueryOption::None1When combined with Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption::isIncludeRelated, if false, no features are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase. When true, only features that are in a relationship are copied. When used in conjunction with upload-only synchronization, this enables a faster upload scenario where new features are only sent to the server and none are downloaded.
GenerateLayerQueryOption::UseFilter2Features satisfying the criteria imposed by the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption::whereClause and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption::isUseGeometry properties are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class JobMessageSeverity

Enumerates the different levels of severity of a job message.

JobMessageSeverity can be one of:

JobMessageSeverity::Info0An informative message is generated during the job's execution, such as a job uploading data, job progressing on a server or job results. This message type never indicates a problem.
JobMessageSeverity::Warning1A warning message is generated when a job experiences a situation that may cause a problem during its execution or when the result may not be what you expect. For example, when the job has failed to take a layer offline from an online map. Generally the job will run to successful completion even if there are one or more warnings.
JobMessageSeverity::Error2An error message indicates a critical event that caused the job to fail. The error instance is also available from the job's error property.
JobMessageSeverity::Unknown-1A message of unknown severity.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class JobMessageSource

Enumerates the origin of a job message.

JobMessageSource can be one of:

JobMessageSource::Client0A job message generated by the ArcGISRuntime client.
JobMessageSource::Service1A job message generated by a service.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class JobStatus

Enumerates the status of an instance of a Job.

JobStatus can be one of:

JobStatus::NotStarted0Not started
JobStatus::Canceling5In the process of being canceled.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class JobType

Enumerates the type of an instance of a Job.

JobType can be one of:

JobType::Unknown-1Unknown job type.
JobType::GenerateGeodatabaseJob0Generate geodatabase Job
JobType::SyncGeodatabaseJob1Sync geodatabase Job.
JobType::ExportTileCacheJob2Export tile cache Job.
JobType::EstimateTileCacheSizeJob3Estimate tile cache size Job.
JobType::GeoprocessingJob4Geoprocessing Job.
JobType::GenerateOfflineMapJob5Generate offline map Job.
JobType::ExportVectorTilesJob6Export vector tiles Job.
JobType::OfflineMapSyncJob7Offline map sync Job.
JobType::DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob8Download preplanned map areas Job.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SyncDirection

Enumerates sync direction of features.

SyncDirection indicates the direction that feature changes are sent between the mobile geodatabase and the service. SyncDirection can be one of:

SyncDirection::None0No sync direction specified.
SyncDirection::Download1Download changes from the service.
SyncDirection::Upload2Upload changes to the service.
SyncDirection::Bidirectional3Upload and download changes.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class SyncModel

Enumerates sync model.

SyncModel indicates whether sync options are applied for the whole mobile geodatabase or for each layer or table that is synced. SyncModel can be one of:

SyncModel::None0No sync model is defined.
SyncModel::Geodatabase1Layers within a geodatabase cannot be synchronized independently; the whole geodatabase must be synced. The sync operation and sync direction applies to all the layers in the geodatabase.
SyncModel::Layer2Layers within a geodatabase can be synchronized independently of one another. Any subset of the layers can be synchronized when running the sync operation. Also, each layer's sync direction can be set independently. See Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateGeodatabaseParameters::setLayerOptions and Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateLayerOption.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class UtilityNetworkSyncMode

The different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task.

The UtilityNetworkSyncMode can be one of:

UtilityNetworkSyncMode::None0No utility network resource will be synced.
UtilityNetworkSyncMode::SyncSystemTables1Utility Network system tables will be synced. The service must return true for SyncCapabilities::isSupportsUtilityNetworkSystem to support taking Utility Network System data offline.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.11.

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