<NetworkAnalystTypes.h> - NetworkAnalyst Enums

Collection of NetworkAnalyst enumerations. More...

Header: #include <NetworkAnalystTypes.h>


enum class AttributeUnit { Unknown, Inches, Feet, Yards, Miles, …, Days }
enum class BarrierType { Restriction, CostAdjustment }
enum class CurbApproach { EitherSide, LeftSide, RightSide, NoUturn, Unknown }
enum class DirectionManeuverType { Unknown, Stop, Straight, BearLeft, BearRight, …, DoorPassage }
enum class DirectionMessageType { Length, Time, Summary, TimeWindow, ViolationTime, …, Exit }
enum class DirectionsStyle { Desktop, Navigation, Campus }
enum class LocationStatus { NotLocated, OnClosest, OnClosestNotRestricted, NotReached }
enum class NetworkDirectionsSupport { Unknown, Unsupported, Supported }
enum class RouteShapeType { None, StraightLine, TrueShapeWithMeasures }
enum class ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry { Overlap, Dissolve, Split }
enum class ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry { Rings, Disks }
enum class ServiceAreaPolygonDetail { Generalized, Standard, High }
enum class StartTimeUsage { DepartureTime, ArrivalTime }
enum class StopType { Stop, Waypoint, RestBreak }
enum class TravelDirection { FromFacility, ToFacility }
enum class UTurnPolicy { NotAllowed, AllowedAtDeadEnds, AllowedAtIntersections, AllowedAtDeadEndsAndIntersections }

Detailed Description

Type Documentation

enum class AttributeUnit

Enumerates the type of units for network attributes.

The AttributeUnit can be one of:

AttributeUnit::Unknown0An unknown unit.
AttributeUnit::NauticalMiles10Nautical miles.
AttributeUnit::DecimalDegrees11Decimal degrees.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class BarrierType

Enumerates the type of barrier for a route.

The BarrierType can be one of:

BarrierType::Restriction0A restriction attribute barrier type.
BarrierType::CostAdjustment1A cost adjustment barrier type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class CurbApproach

Enumerates the side of street for arrivals or departures of a route.

The CurbApproach can be one of:

CurbApproach::EitherSide0An either side curb approach.
CurbApproach::LeftSide1A left side curb approach.
CurbApproach::RightSide2A right side curb approach.
CurbApproach::NoUturn3A no U-turn curb approach.
CurbApproach::Unknown4An unknown curb approach, used when the approach is not determined.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DirectionManeuverType

Enumerates the types of direction maneuvers on a route.

The DirectionManeuverType can be one of:

DirectionManeuverType::Unknown0An unknown maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::Stop1A stop maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::Straight2A continue straight maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::BearLeft3A bear left maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::BearRight4A bear right maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnLeft5A left turn.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnRight6A right turn.
DirectionManeuverType::SharpLeft7A sharp left turn.
DirectionManeuverType::SharpRight8A sharp right turn.
DirectionManeuverType::UTurn9A U-turn.
DirectionManeuverType::Ferry10A maneuver connecting with a ferry.
DirectionManeuverType::Roundabout11A maneuver via roundabout.
DirectionManeuverType::HighwayMerge12A merge of several highways.
DirectionManeuverType::HighwayExit13An exit from a highway.
DirectionManeuverType::HighwayChange14A change of highway.
DirectionManeuverType::ForkCenter15A straight at fork.
DirectionManeuverType::ForkLeft16A left at fork.
DirectionManeuverType::ForkRight17A right at fork.
DirectionManeuverType::Depart18A departure.
DirectionManeuverType::TripItem19Connected with trip planning maneuver.
DirectionManeuverType::EndOfFerry20An end of ferry transfer.
DirectionManeuverType::RampRight21A maneuver to the right on a ramp.
DirectionManeuverType::RampLeft22A maneuver to the left on a ramp.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnLeftRight23A complex maneuver; turn left, then right.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnRightLeft24A complex maneuver; turn right, then left.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnRightRight25A complex maneuver; turn right, then right.
DirectionManeuverType::TurnLeftLeft26A complex maneuver; turn left, then left.
DirectionManeuverType::PedestrianRamp27A maneuver via pedestrian ramp.
DirectionManeuverType::Elevator28A maneuver via elevator.
DirectionManeuverType::Escalator29A maneuver via escalator.
DirectionManeuverType::Stairs30A maneuver via stairs.
DirectionManeuverType::DoorPassage31Passing through a door.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DirectionMessageType

Enumerates the types of direction messages on a route.

The DirectionMessageType can be one of:

DirectionMessageType::Length0A length message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::Time1A time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::Summary2A summary message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::TimeWindow3A time window message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::ViolationTime4A violation time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::WaitTime5A wait time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::ServiceTime6A service time for a stop message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::EstimatedArrivalTime7An estimated arrival time message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::CumulativeLength8A cumulative length message. Obsolete since 100.2.
DirectionMessageType::StreetName9A street name message.
DirectionMessageType::AlternativeName10An alternative street name message.
DirectionMessageType::Branch11A signpost branch message.
DirectionMessageType::Toward12A signpost toward message.
DirectionMessageType::CrossStreet13An intersected street name message.
DirectionMessageType::Exit14An exit message.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class DirectionsStyle

Enumerates the style of directions.

The DirectionsStyle can be one of:

DirectionsStyle::Desktop0Directions suitable for printing.
DirectionsStyle::Navigation1Directions designed for an in-vehicle navigation application.
DirectionsStyle::Campus2Walking directions, designed for pedestrian routes.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class LocationStatus

Enumerates the status regarding the network location associated with a stop.

The LocationStatus can be one of:

LocationStatus::NotLocated0Stop not located on network.
LocationStatus::OnClosest1Stop located on closest network element.
LocationStatus::OnClosestNotRestricted2Stop located on closest network element which is not restricted.
LocationStatus::NotReached3A network location can't be arrived at by the solver.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class NetworkDirectionsSupport

Enumerates the type of direction support.

The NetworkDirectionsSupport can be one of:

NetworkDirectionsSupport::Unknown-1Directions support is unknown.
NetworkDirectionsSupport::Unsupported0Directions are unsupported.
NetworkDirectionsSupport::Supported1Directions are supported.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.7.

enum class RouteShapeType

Enumerates the output shape type for a route.

The RouteShapeType can be one of:

RouteShapeType::None0No shape type.
RouteShapeType::StraightLine1A straight line shape type.
RouteShapeType::TrueShapeWithMeasures2A true shape type with measures.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry

Enumerates the behavior of service area output from multiple facilities in relation to one another.

The ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry can be one of:

ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry::Overlap0The solver creates individual polygons or sets of lines for each facility
ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry::Dissolve1The solver joins the polygons of multiple facilities that have the same cutoff value into a single polygon
ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry::Split2The solver assigns area(s) to the service area so polygons or lines do not overlap each other

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry

Enumerates the behavior of service area output for a single facility when multiple cutoff values are specified.

The ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry can be one of:

ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry::Rings0Each polygon includes only the area between consecutive cutoff values
ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry::Disks1Each polygon includes the area reachable from the facility up to the cutoff value

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class ServiceAreaPolygonDetail

Enumerates the level of detail of the output polygons.

The ServiceAreaPolygonDetail can be one of:

ServiceAreaPolygonDetail::Generalized0Generalized polygons using the hierarchy present in the network data source in order to produce results quickly
ServiceAreaPolygonDetail::Standard1Polygons with a standard level of detail
ServiceAreaPolygonDetail::High2Polygons with a higher level of detail for applications in which very precise results are important

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class StartTimeUsage

Enumerates the start time usage types.

The StartTimeUsage can be one of:

StartTimeUsage::DepartureTime0Use as departure time.
StartTimeUsage::ArrivalTime1Use as arrival time.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class StopType

Enumerates types of stops that can be in routes.

The StopType can be one of:

StopType::Stop0A regular stop
StopType::Waypoint1A waypoint along a route
StopType::RestBreak2A rest break along a route

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class TravelDirection

Enumerates travel direction for closest facilty and service area tasks.

The TravelDirection can be one of:

TravelDirection::FromFacility0Traveling away from a facility
TravelDirection::ToFacility1Traveling toward a facility

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

enum class UTurnPolicy

Enumerates the type of backtracking allowed via U-turns in a network.

The UTurnPolicy can be one of:

UTurnPolicy::NotAllowed0No U-turns allowed.
UTurnPolicy::AllowedAtDeadEnds1U-turns only allowed at dead ends.
UTurnPolicy::AllowedAtIntersections2U-turns only allowed at intersections.
UTurnPolicy::AllowedAtDeadEndsAndIntersections3U-turns allowed at dead ends and intersections.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

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