<OfflineMapTypes.h> - Offline Map Enums

Collection of Offline Map enumerations. More...

Header: #include <OfflineMapTypes.h>


enum class DestinationTableRowFilter { All, RelatedOnly }
enum class GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode { SyncWithFeatureServices, NoUpdates }
enum class OfflineMapParametersType { Unknown, GenerateGeodatabase, ExportVectorTiles, ExportTileCache }
enum class OfflineUpdateAvailability { Indeterminate, Available, None }
enum class OnlineOnlyServicesOption { Exclude, Include, UseAuthoredSettings }
enum class PreplannedPackagingStatus { Unknown, Processing, Failed, Complete }
enum class PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption { NoUpdates, DownloadAllUpdates }
enum class PreplannedUpdateMode { NoUpdates, SyncWithFeatureServices, DownloadScheduledUpdates, DownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures }
enum class ReturnLayerAttachmentOption { None, AllLayers, ReadOnlyLayers, EditableLayers }

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enum class DestinationTableRowFilter

Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows.

The DestinationTableRowFilter can be one of:

DestinationTableRowFilter::All0Indicates all rows of a table will be take offline.
DestinationTableRowFilter::RelatedOnly1Indicates that a table can be filtered to only related rows when taking the table offline.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode

Different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.

The GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode can be one of:

GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode::SyncWithFeatureServices0Changes, including local edits, will be synced directly with the underlying feature services.
GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode::NoUpdates1No feature updates will be performed.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class OfflineMapParametersType

Enumerates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.

The OfflineMapParametersType can be one of:

OfflineMapParametersType::Unknown-1The parameter type is unknown.
OfflineMapParametersType::GenerateGeodatabase0The parameter is of type Esri::ArcGISRuntime::GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.
OfflineMapParametersType::ExportVectorTiles1The parameter is of type Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportVectorTilesParameters.
OfflineMapParametersType::ExportTileCache2The parameter is of type Esri::ArcGISRuntime::ExportTileCacheParameters.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.4.

enum class OfflineUpdateAvailability

Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be determined.

The OfflineUpdateAvailability can be one of:

OfflineUpdateAvailability::Indeterminate-1It is not possible to determine whether updates are available, for example, because the operation is not supported.
OfflineUpdateAvailability::Available0There are updates available.
OfflineUpdateAvailability::None1There are no updates available.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class OnlineOnlyServicesOption

Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).

The OnlineOnlyServicesOption can be one of:

OnlineOnlyServicesOption::Exclude0Online layers and tables that cannot be taken offline will be excluded when taking a map offline. (0)
OnlineOnlyServicesOption::Include1Online layers and tables that cannot be taken offline will be included when taking a map offline and will continue to reference the online service. (1)
OnlineOnlyServicesOption::UseAuthoredSettings2A given layer or table will be taken offline, included as online content, or excluded according to the settings in the web map. (2) When a web map is created, the author has the option to pre-select which layers should remain online. This can include:
  • Choosing to leave offline-enabled layers online (for example because they contain data that is frequently updated).
  • Choosing whether online-only layers should be included in the offline map or not.

If no settings are provided in the web map, the default behavior will be to omit any online-only layers or tables from the offline map. This matches the OnlineOnlyServicesOption::Exclude option.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class PreplannedPackagingStatus

Enumerates the different packaging states that an online Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea can be in.

A Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is made up of a set of data packages for each of the layers in the map. When a web map author first creates a map area these packages must be prepared by the relevant online services before the area is ready to be downloaded as an offline map.

PreplannedPackagingStatus lists the possible packaging states for an online map area. The area cannot be downloaded until the value is Complete.

The PreplannedPackagingStatus can be one of:

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Unknown0Indicates that the packaging status of the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is unknown.

This status is returned when your app does not yet know the status of the online area. For example, this would be the case when the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea has a load status of Esri::ArcGISRuntime::LoadStatus::NotLoaded.

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Processing1Indicates that the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is not yet ready for download.

This is the initial status for a Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea that has been created on the web map, but is not yet ready for download.

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Failed2Indicates that a failure occurred when creating the packages for the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea.

This status means that the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea cannot be downloaded. Failures encountered while creating packages need to be addressed by the web map author.

PreplannedPackagingStatus::Complete3Indicates that packaging is complete and the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea is ready to be downloaded.

This status means that all packages required to download the Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PreplannedMapArea have been successfully prepared.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.9.

enum class PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption

Enumerates options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.

The PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption can be one of:

PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption::NoUpdates0No updates will be downloaded.
PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption::DownloadAllUpdates1All available updates for feature data will be downloaded.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class PreplannedUpdateMode

Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.

The PreplannedUpdateMode can be one of:

PreplannedUpdateMode::NoUpdates0No feature updates will be performed.
PreplannedUpdateMode::SyncWithFeatureServices1Changes, including local edits, will be synced directly with the underlying feature services. This mode gives you full control over when you upload and download changes. However, performing a download sync places additional load on the backing feature service, so this approach does not scale well for larger deployments.

This mode is available when the PreplannedMapArea::updateCapabilities include OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsSyncWithFeatureServices.

PreplannedUpdateMode::DownloadScheduledUpdates2Scheduled, read-only updates will be downloaded from the online map area and applied to the local mobile geodatabases. Updates are prepared on a regular schedule and cached for download by all users of the offline map area. Sharing a single set of cached updates, rather than performing individual sync operations, reduces the load on the back-end services. This approach is scalable for large deployments but does not support offline editing.

This mode is available when the PreplannedMapArea::updateCapabilities include OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsScheduledUpdatesForFeatures.

PreplannedUpdateMode::DownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures3Scheduled, read-only updates are downloaded from the online map area and applied to the local mobile geodatabases. Newly added features can also be uploaded to the feature service. This is an advanced workflow that improves the scalability of feature services. When available, applicable scheduled update packages are downloaded and merged into a local geodatabase. This allows for efficient downloading of changes. New features are uploaded using feature sync, which is an efficient operation in the feature service.

Note that when the required update packages are not available, the local geodatabase will be replaced with a new copy. OfflineMapUpdatesInfo::isMobileMapPackageReopenRequired indicates that a new copy of a geodatabase will be downloaded. Local adds on your device must be uploaded to the feature service before the database can safely be replaced.

Be aware that immediately following replacement, the new geodatabase may not contain the new features that have been synced up to the feature service, as this relies on a subsequent scheduled update to download to the client. The new features will be retrieved when the next scheduled update is downloaded and applied.

This mode is available when the PreplannedMapArea::updateCapabilities include both OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsSyncWithFeatureServices and OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities::isSupportsScheduledUpdatesForFeatures and the feature services in your map support creating new features.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.6.

enum class ReturnLayerAttachmentOption

Enumerates the type of layers we wish to include attachments with when taking feature layers offline.

The ReturnLayerAttachmentOption can be one of:

ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::None0Don't include attachments when taking feature layers offline.
ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::AllLayers1Include attachments with all feature layers when taking offline.
ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::ReadOnlyLayers2Only include attachments with read-only feature layers when taking offline.
ReturnLayerAttachmentOption::EditableLayers3Only include attachments with editable feature layers when taking offline.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.1.

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