<PopupTypes.h> - Popup Enums

Collection of Popup enumerations. More...

Header: #include <PopupTypes.h>


enum class FeatureTypeChangeMode { ResetToDefaults, KeepValues }
enum class PopupAttachmentEditState { Original, Added, Deleted }
enum class PopupAttachmentType { Image, Video, Document, Other }
enum class PopupAttachmentsDisplayType { List, Preview, Auto }
enum class PopupDateFormat { DayShortMonthYear, LongDate, LongMonthDayYear, LongMonthYear, ShortDate, …, Unknown }
enum class PopupElementType { Unknown, TextPopupElement, FieldsPopupElement, MediaPopupElement, AttachmentsPopupElement, ExpressionPopupElement }
enum class PopupErrorCode { InvalidGeoElement, NullNotAllowed, ValueOutOfRange, ExceedsMaxLength, IllegalDomainCode, ContingencyValidationFailure }
enum class PopupExpressionReturnType { String, Number, Dictionary }
enum class PopupMediaType { Image, BarChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, PieChart, Unknown }
enum class PopupStringFieldOption { SingleLine, MultiLine, RichText, Unknown }

Detailed Description

Type Documentation

enum class FeatureTypeChangeMode

Enumerates the feature type change modes in a Popup.

FeatureTypeChangeMode can be one of:

FeatureTypeChangeMode::ResetToDefaults0Resets all fields to the default values defined in the feature template prototype.
FeatureTypeChangeMode::KeepValues1Keeps all applicable current field values. If the value is not allowed in the new feature type, then it will be set to null.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupAttachmentEditState

Enumerates the attachment edit state of the Popup.

PopupAttachmentEditState can be one of:

PopupAttachmentEditState::Original0Attachments that already existed on the GeoElement and have not been deleted are considered original.
PopupAttachmentEditState::Added1Attachments that have been provided via a URL or directly via data and then added to a GeoElement are considered added.
PopupAttachmentEditState::Deleted2Attachments that existed on the GeoElement but have been removed are considered deleted.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupAttachmentType

Enumerates the type of attachment in the Popup.

PopupAttachmentType can be one of:

PopupAttachmentType::Image0An image.
PopupAttachmentType::Video1A video.
PopupAttachmentType::Document2A document.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupAttachmentsDisplayType

Indicates how to display the attachments. If `list` is specified, attachments show as links. If `preview` is specified, attachments expand to the width of the pop-up. Setting the value to `auto` allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application.

The PopupAttachmentsDisplayType can be one of:

PopupAttachmentsDisplayType::List0Show attachments as links.
PopupAttachmentsDisplayType::Preview1Attachments expand to the width of the pop-up.
PopupAttachmentsDisplayType::Auto2Allows applications to choose the most suitable default experience for their application.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class PopupDateFormat

Enumerates the date format for a Popup.

PopupDateFormat can be one of:

PopupDateFormat::DayShortMonthYear0Example: 30 Dec 1997
PopupDateFormat::LongDate1Example: Tuesday, December 30, 1997
PopupDateFormat::LongMonthDayYear2Example: December 30, 1997
PopupDateFormat::LongMonthYear3Example: December 1997
PopupDateFormat::ShortDate4Example: 12/30/1997
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLE5Example: 30/12/1997
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLELongTime6Example: 30/12/1997 5:59:59 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLELongTime247Example: 30/12/1997 17:59:59
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLEShortTime8Example: 30/12/1997 6:00 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLEShortTime249Example: 30/12/1997 18:00
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLongTime10Example: 12/30/1997 5:59:59 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateLongTime2411Example: 12/30/1997 17:59:59
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateShortTime12Example: 12/30/1997 6:00 PM
PopupDateFormat::ShortDateShortTime2413Example: 12/30/1997 18:00
PopupDateFormat::ShortMonthYear14Example: Dec 1997
PopupDateFormat::Year15Example: 1997
PopupDateFormat::Unknown-1Unknown date format

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupElementType

Enumerates types of PopupElement.

The PopupElementType can be one of:

PopupElementType::Unknown-1an unknown value
PopupElementType::TextPopupElement0a TextPopupElement
PopupElementType::FieldsPopupElement1a FieldsPopupElement
PopupElementType::MediaPopupElement2a MediaPopupElement
PopupElementType::AttachmentsPopupElement3a AttachmentsPopupElement
PopupElementType::ExpressionPopupElement4a ExpressionPopupElement

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.14.

enum class PopupErrorCode

Enumerates the error codes in a Popup.

PopupErrorCode can be one of:

PopupErrorCode::InvalidGeoElement11000Invalid attributes or geometry on the associated GeoElement.
PopupErrorCode::NullNotAllowed11001Null value not allowed.
PopupErrorCode::ValueOutOfRange11002Value is out of range.
PopupErrorCode::ExceedsMaxLength11003Value exceeds the maximum length.
PopupErrorCode::IllegalDomainCode11007Coded value domain code is not defined in the domain list.
PopupErrorCode::ContingencyValidationFailure11008Field values do not satisfy the ContingentValuesDefinition.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupExpressionReturnType

Enumerates the type of the result returned by an Arcade expression.

PopupExpressionReturnType can be one of:

PopupExpressionReturnType::String0A string value is returned.
PopupExpressionReturnType::Number1A numeric value is returned.
PopupExpressionReturnType::Dictionary2The return type is expected to be a dictionary of key/value pairs that must follow the Web Map Specification for a popupElement. Refer to Popup Element for more details.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.3.

enum class PopupMediaType

Enumerates the type of media in a Popup.

PopupMediaType can be one of:

PopupMediaType::Image0An image.
PopupMediaType::BarChart1A bar chart.
PopupMediaType::ColumnChart2A column chart.
PopupMediaType::LineChart3A line chart.
PopupMediaType::PieChart4A pie chart.
PopupMediaType::Unknown-1An unknown media type.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

enum class PopupStringFieldOption

Enumerates the string field options in a Popup.

PopupStringFieldOption can be one of:

PopupStringFieldOption::SingleLine0A single-line input box.
PopupStringFieldOption::MultiLine1A multiline input box.
PopupStringFieldOption::RichText2A rich text editor allowing for bold text, highlighting, and so forth.
PopupStringFieldOption::Unknown-1An unknown string field option.

This enum was introduced or modified in Esri::ArcGISRuntime 100.0.

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