PopupViewController Class

  • PopupViewController
  • class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::Toolkit::PopupViewController

    In MVC architecture, this is the controller for the corresponding PopupView. More...

    Header: #include <PopupViewController>
    Inherits: QObject


    Public Functions

    PopupViewController(QObject *parent = nullptr)
    virtual ~PopupViewController()
    int attachmentThumbnailHeight() const
    int attachmentThumbnailWidth() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupAttachmentListModel *attachments() const
    QAbstractListModel *displayFields() const
    bool isShowAttachments() const
    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupManager *popupManager() const
    void setAttachmentThumbnailHeight(int height)
    void setAttachmentThumbnailWidth(int width)
    void setPopupManager(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupManager *popupManager)
    QString title() const


    Detailed Description

    This controller is a thin wrapper around a PopupManager. It re-exposes some PopupManager properties, including the number of total rows to render as a property.

    Property Documentation

    attachmentCount : const int

    Notifier signal:

    attachmentThumbnailHeight : int

    Access functions:

    Notifier signal:

    attachmentThumbnailWidth : int

    Access functions:

    Notifier signal:

    attachments : QAbstractListModel* const

    Access functions:

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupAttachmentListModel *attachments() const

    Notifier signal:

    displayFields : QAbstractListModel* const

    Access functions:

    QAbstractListModel *displayFields() const

    Notifier signal:

    fieldCount : const int

    Notifier signal:

    popupManager : PopupManager*

    Access functions:

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupManager *popupManager() const
    void setPopupManager(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupManager *popupManager)

    Notifier signal:

    showAttachments : const bool

    Access functions:

    bool isShowAttachments() const

    Notifier signal:

    title : const QString

    Access functions:

    QString title() const

    Notifier signal:

    Member Function Documentation

    PopupViewController::PopupViewController(QObject *parent = nullptr)


    • parent Parent owning QObject.

    Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

    [signal] void PopupViewController::attachmentCountChanged()

    Signal emitted when the number of rows in the attachments list-model changes.

    Note: Notifier signal for property attachmentCount.

    [signal] void PopupViewController::attachmentThumbnailHeightChanged()

    Signal emitted when the attachment minimum height changes.

    Note: Notifier signal for property attachmentThumbnailHeight.

    [signal] void PopupViewController::attachmentThumbnailWidthChanged()

    Signal emitted when the attachment minimum width changes.

    Note: Notifier signal for property attachmentThumbnailWidth.

    [signal] void PopupViewController::fieldCountChanged()

    Signal emitted when the number of rows in the displayFields list-model changes.

    Note: Notifier signal for property fieldCount.

    [signal] void PopupViewController::popupManagerChanged()

    Signal emitted when the PopupManager changes.

    Note: Notifier signal for property attachments. Notifier signal for property displayFields. Notifier signal for property popupManager. Notifier signal for property showAttachments. Notifier signal for property title.

    [virtual] PopupViewController::~PopupViewController()


    int PopupViewController::attachmentThumbnailHeight() const

    Returns the minimum attachment thumbnail width.

    Note: Getter function for property attachmentThumbnailHeight.

    See also setAttachmentThumbnailHeight().

    int PopupViewController::attachmentThumbnailWidth() const

    Returns the minimum attachment thumbnail width.

    Note: Getter function for property attachmentThumbnailWidth.

    See also setAttachmentThumbnailWidth().

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupAttachmentListModel *PopupViewController::attachments() const

    Returns a list model containing the attachment images of the Popup associated with this PopupManager.

    Note: This can be null.

    Note: Getter function for property attachments.

    QAbstractListModel *PopupViewController::displayFields() const

    Returns a list model containing the key/value fields of the Popup associated with this PopupManager.

    Note: This can be null.

    Note: Getter function for property displayFields.

    bool PopupViewController::isShowAttachments() const

    Returns whether attachments should be displayed or not according to the PopupManager.

    Note: Getter function for property showAttachments.

    Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupManager *PopupViewController::popupManager() const

    Returns the PopupManager that populates this controller with data.

    Note: Getter function for property popupManager.

    See also setPopupManager().

    void PopupViewController::setAttachmentThumbnailHeight(int height)

    Sets the minimum attachment thumbnail height to height.

    Note: Setter function for property attachmentThumbnailHeight.

    See also attachmentThumbnailHeight().

    void PopupViewController::setAttachmentThumbnailWidth(int width)

    Sets the minimum attachment thumbnail width to width.

    Note: Setter function for property attachmentThumbnailWidth.

    See also attachmentThumbnailWidth().

    void PopupViewController::setPopupManager(Esri::ArcGISRuntime::PopupManager *popupManager)

    Sets the PopupManager. Setting this will trigger a notify on all remaining properties.

    • popupManager To deliver data from.

    Note: Setter function for property popupManager.

    See also popupManager().

    QString PopupViewController::title() const

    Returns the title of the PopupManager.

    Note: Getter function for property title.

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