Read an ArcGIS FeatureLayer, Table, or ImageServer

arc_read() combines the functionality of arc_open() with arc_select() or arc_raster() to read an ArcGIS FeatureLayer, Table, or ImageServer to an sf or SpatRaster object. Optionally, set, check, or modify names for the returned data frame or sf object using the col_names and name_repair parameters. For ease of use and convenience, arc_read() allows users to access and query a FeatureLayer, Table, or ImageServer with a single function call instead of combining arc_open() and arc_select(). The conventions of col_select are based on functions for reading tabular data in the {readr} package.


  col_names = TRUE,
  col_select = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  name_repair = "unique",
  crs = NULL,
  fields = NULL,
  alias = c("drop", "label", "replace"),
  token = arc_token()



The url of the remote resource. Must be of length one.


Default TRUE. Column names or name handling rule. col_names can be TRUE, FALSE, NULL, or a character vector:

  • If TRUE, use existing default column names for the layer or table. If FALSE or NULL, column names will be generated automatically: X1, X2, X3 etc.

  • If col_names is a character vector, values replace the existing column names. col_names can't be length 0 or longer than the number of fields in the returned layer.


Default NULL. A character vector of the field names to be returned. By default, all fields are returned.


Defaults to Inf or an option set with options("arcgislayers.n_max" = <max records>). Maximum number of records to return.


Default "unique". See vctrs::vec_as_names() for details. If name_repair = NULL, names are set directly.


the spatial reference to be returned. If the CRS is different than the CRS for the input FeatureLayer, a transformation will occur server-side. Ignored if x is a Table.


Additional arguments passed to arc_select() if URL is a FeatureLayer or Table or arc_raster() if URL is an ImageLayer.


Default NULL. a character vector of the field names to returned. By default all fields are returned. Ignored if col_names is supplied.


Use of field alias values. Default c("drop", "label", "replace"),. There are three options:

  • "drop", field alias values are ignored.

  • "label": field alias values are assigned as a label attribute for each field.

  • "replace": field alias values replace existing column names. col_names must TRUE for this option to be applied.


your authorization token.


An sf object, a data.frame, or an object of class SpatRaster.




if (FALSE) {
  furl <- ""

  # read entire service

  # apply tolower() to column names
  arc_read(url, name_repair = tolower)

  # use paste0 to prevent CRAN check NOTE
  furl <- paste0(

 # use field aliases as column names
 arc_read(furl, col_names = "alias")

 # read an ImageServer directly
 img_url <- ""

   width = 100, height = 100,
   xmin = -71, ymin = 43,
   xmax = -67, ymax = 47.5,
   bbox_crs = 4326


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