Return the name and category ID of all categories, or categories which satisfy a filter

A category describes a type of place, such as "movie theater" or "zoo". The places service has over 1,000 categories (or types) of place. The categories fall into ten general groups: Arts and Entertainment, Business and Professional Services, Community and Government, Dining and Drinking, Events, Health and Medicine, Landmarks and Outdoors, Retail, Sports and Recreation, and Travel and Transportation.


  search_text = NULL,
  icon = NULL,
  language = NULL,
  token = arc_token()



Default NULL. Free search text for places against names, categories etc. Must be a scalar value.


Default NULL. Must be one of "svg", "png" "cim". Determines whether icons are returned and the type of icon to use with a place or category.


Optional case-sensitive parameter to specify the preferred language to.


an object of class httr2_token as generated by auth_code() or related function


A data.frame with columns:

  • category_id: the unique identifier for the category

  • full_label: a list of character vectors containing all labels for the category

  • icon_url: a character vector containing the icon URL if present

  • parents: a list of character vectors containing the parent category_id values


The categories are organized into a hierarchical system where a general category contains many more detailed variations on the parent category. For example: "Travel and Transportation" (Level 1), "Transport Hub" (Level 2), "Airport" (Level 3) and "Airport Terminal" (Level 4). The hierarchy has up to 5 levels of categories.


API Documentation


if (FALSE) {
categories("Coffee Shop")

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