Get place details including name, address, description, and other attributes

The /places/{placeId} request returns details for a place.


  icon = NULL,
  token = arc_token(),
  .progress = TRUE



a character vector of place IDs as generated by within_extent() or near_point().


Required. See API Reference for possible fields or refer to the fields vector.


Default NULL. Must be one of "svg", "png" "cim". Determines whether icons are returned and the type of icon to use with a place or category.


an object of class httr2_token as generated by auth_code() or related function


Default TRUE. Whether a progress bar should be provided.


an sf object


To request details, you use the requested_fields argument to specify the fields and the attributes you want from the Place, Address, Details and/or Location price groups.

It is always recommended to specify the fields you want, however, you can also use requested_fields=all to return all of the attributes available. By default, The place_id attribute is always returned in addition to the other attributes you requested.

The attributes available for places may vary. For example, opening hours may not be available (or applicable) for geographic places or landmarks.

You will only be charged for attributes that contain valid values for the requested fields. If no data is available for the requested field, null or an empty collection is returned and you are not charged. You are only charged once if one or more attributes with valid values are returned from a price group.


API Documentation


if (FALSE) {
place_ids <- c(

res <- place_details(place_ids)

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