What's new

June 2024

  • A new fleet routing service Last Mile Delivery was added that focuses on the subset of vehicle routing problems associated with delivering packages to their final customers.
  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2024.06.005 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Enhanced support for road closures for analyses that use a start time.
  • Bugs were fixed.

May 2024

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2024.06.001 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

April 2024

  • Bugs were fixed.

March 2024

  • Bugs were fixed.

February 2024

  • Street data for South Korea was updated to 2023 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

January 2024

  • Street data for Japan was updated to 2023 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2023

  • Bugs were fixed.

November 2023

  • Bugs were fixed.

October 2023

  • Street data for Thailand was updated to 2023 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

September 2023

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2023 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region
  • Bugs were fixed.

August 2023

  • Improvements to the routing algorithm.
  • Bugs were fixed.

July 2023

  • Bugs were fixed.

June 2023

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2023 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

May 2023

  • Bugs were fixed.

April 2023

  • Bugs were fixed.

March 2023

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2023 Q1 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The job request for all services now support the results operation to retrieve all the job outputs and the inputs operation to retrieve all the job inputs using a single request.
  • Bugs were fixed.

February 2023

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2022 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

January 2023

  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2022

  • Street data for Thailand was updated to 2022 Q3 vintage and street data for South Korea was updated to 2022 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

October 2022

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2022 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The job request for all services and the direct request for Vehicle Routing Problem service now support the usage_cost parameter which can be used to determine the credits used by the analysis.
  • Bugs were fixed.

September 2022

  • Street data for Japan was updated to 2022 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

August 2022

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2022 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

July 2022

  • The direct request for Route , Closest facility , Service area , Fleet routing , and Travel cost matrix services support the locateSettings parameter that can be used to specify settings that affect how inputs are located
  • The job request for Route , Closest facility , Service area , Fleet routing , Location-allocation , and Travel cost matrix services support the locate_settings parameter that can be used to specify settings that affect how inputs are located
  • Bugs were fixed.

June 2022

  • Bugs were fixed.

May 2022

  • Street data for Thailand was updated to 2022 Q1 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

April 2022

  • The direct request for Route , Closest facility , Service area and Travel cost matrix services support the returnEmptyResults parameter that can be used to return empty results instead of an error when the request fails.

  • The direct request for Route , Closest facility , Service area and Travel cost matrix services only return the fields that have non-null values in the response. The previous version would return every supported field even when it's value was null .

    Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
    POST https://route-api.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/Route/NAServer/Route_World/solve HTTP/1.1
    content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • The traffic map service now uses a color blind friendly palette to visualize the traffic flow data.

  • Bugs were fixed.

March 2022

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2022 Q1 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The Route , ClosestFacility and VehicleRoutingProblem services (direct request and job requests) support generating travel directions in Bulgarian (language code bg ).
  • Bugs were fixed.

January 2022

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2021 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2021

  • The direct request for Route and Closest Facility services support the returnTraversedEdges , returnTraversedJunctions , and returnTraversedTurns parameters that can be used to generate the edges, junctions, and turns that are traversed while solving a route.
  • The direct request for Route , Service Area , and Closest Facility services support the geometryPrecision , and geometryPrecisionM parameters that can be used to control the number of decimal places in the response geometry.
  • Bugs were fixed.

September 2021

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2021 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

July 2021

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2021 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

April 2021

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2021 Q1 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The job request of the following services Route , ClosestFacility , ServiceAreas , LocationAllocation , and OriginDestinationCostMatrix , supports a new parameter called ignore_invalid_locations that can be used to return a failure when one or more input locations are not valid such as when they cannot be located within 20 Kilometers of any street feature. The previous service behavior was to always ignore such invalid locations which is still the default behavior.
  • The job request of Route and ClosestFacility service returns two additional output parameters, output_direction_points and output_direction_lines when the populate_directions parameter is set to true. These new parameters provide additional information about travel directions such as point locations along the routes where specific directions events or maneuvers occur.
  • Bugs were fixed.

January 2021

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2020 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2020

  • Routing service support requests only over HTTPS in compliance with the ArcGIS Online platform moving to HTTPS only.
  • services that generate travel directions such as Route , Closest Facility , and Vehicle Routing Problem , now include landmarks in the directions text providing more helpful instructions.
  • Bugs were fixed.

October 2020

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2020 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

September 2020

  • The VehicleRoutingProblem service supports a new parameter, ignore_invalid_order_locations , that allows for finding routes even when one ore more orders are invalid, for example the order could not be located on the street network. The previous behavior of the service was to return a failure when at least one order was invalid. The default value (false) for ignore_invalid_order_locations parameter still supports the existing behavior.
  • Bugs were fixed.

June 2020

  • OriginDestinationCostMatrix service now supports a direct request which should be used when solving small origin-destination cost matrices containing up to 10 origins and 10 destinations.
  • The Utilities service containing the GetTravelModes and GetToolInfo operations has been moved from logistics.arcgis.com site to route.arcgis.com site. The new URL for the Utilities service is https://route.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/Utilities/GPServer . The previous URL https://logistics.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/Utilities/GPServer is still supported but it is recommended to migrate to the new URL.
  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2020 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

March 2020

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2019 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2019

  • For all the services that support the job request, the following region names are no longer supported with the analysis_region parameter and will be removed in future releases. If you specify one of the deprecated region names, the tool automatically assigns a supported region name for your region.

    • Greece redirects to Europe
    • India redirects to SouthAsia
    • Oceania redirects to SouthAsia
    • SouthEastAsia redirects to SouthAsia
    • Taiwan redirects to SouthAsia

    The data coverage page can be used to find out the region assigned to a country.

  • The job request for ClosestFacility service allows you to specify a different number of facilities to find for each incident using the TargetFacilityCount attribute. Additionally, you can specify the cutoff value using the Cutoff attribute, where the service will stop searching for the facilities from a given incident.

  • The use of detailed_polygons parameter is deprecated in the job request for ServiceArea service. Use the polygon_detail parameter instead to generate the detailed polygons.

  • The job request for ClosestFacility service returns output_incidents and output_facilities output parameters.

  • The job request for ServiceArea service returns output_facilities output parameter.

  • Bugs were fixed.

October 2019

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2019 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The job request service for the ServiceAreas now supports generating service area lines along with service area polygons. Both job and direct services impose limits when generating service area lines and other options related to generating polygons. Check the topics describing service limits for direct and job request.
  • Bugs were fixed.

June 2019

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2019 Q1 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The VehicleRoutingProblem service supports creating points for the output assigned stops and the output unassigned stops using the new populate_stop_shapes parameter.
  • The Route , ClosestFacility and VehicleRoutingProblem services (direct request and job requests) support generating travel directions in additional languages. Refer to the documentation of the individual service to find out the list of supported directions languages.
  • The ServiceAreas service (direct and job requests) supports generating higher quality polygons that can include holes to indicate the areas that could not be reached. To generate detailed polygons set the polygon_detail parameter value to High when using the job request. For direct request, set the outputPolygons parameter to esriNAOutputPolygonDetailed
  • The job request forServiceAreas service allows you to specify different break values per facility by specifying the Breaks attribute of the input facilities. For example, given two facilities, this means you can generate 5- and 10-minute service area polygons for one facility and 6-, 9-, and 12-minute polygons for another facility. In previous versions, the same break values were applied to all the facilities.
  • All the services that support job request support a new parameter, output_format , that allows you to obtain all the outputs as a single file. This is especially useful when the request can generate large result. For example, if you are working with the GenerateOriginDestinationCostMatrix service and you generate a travel matrix with 1,000 origins and 1,000 destinations such that the result contains 1,000,000 records, returning such a large output as a Feature Set can cause the service to fail since the service will try to send the entire output in a single attempt. With a file based output, the service sends the output in multiple chunks reducing the possibility of timeouts when returning the outputs.
  • The OriginDestinationCostMatrix service allows you to create the results as CSV files. Refer to the documentation for the output_format parameter for details.
  • All the services that support job request support time_impedance and distance_impedance parameters that allow to better model a custom travel mode for your analysis.
  • Bugs were fixed.
  • Performance, especially when running small jobs, was improved for all the services that support job request.

March 2019

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2018 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2018

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2018 Q3 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The number of credits required for generating simple routes using direct request and job request Route service has been greatly reduced. For example, generating 1,000 routes now only costs 5 credits instead of 40 credits.
  • Support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 is deprecated and will be removed in a future update. For additional details about the TLS support, refer to Esri Technical Support site.
  • Bugs were fixed.

September 2018

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2018 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

June 2018

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2018 Q1 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The job request Closest Facility service now supports specifying up to 5,000 incidents and 5,000 facilities in a single request.
  • The maximum time a client can use the Vehicle Routing Problem service when using the direct request has been increased from 60 seconds to 300 seconds.
  • Bugs were fixed.

February 2018

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2017 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2017

  • The Trucking Time travel mode supports capping speeds using the Vehicle Maximum Speed attribute parameter on the TruckTravelTime impedance attribute.
  • Bugs were fixed.

September 2017

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2017 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.

June 2017

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2016 Q4 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The Origin Destination Cost Matrix service is no longer in beta and supports generating matrices with up to 1000 origins and 1000 facilities.
  • Bugs were fixed.

March 2017

  • Bugs were fixed.

December 2016

  • Street data for most regions was updated to 2016 Q2 vintage. Check the data coverage page for details about the street data vintage for your region.
  • The job request for Route, ClosestFacility, and VehicleRoutingProblem services and the direct request for VehicleRoutingProblem service supports save_route_data parameter that allows you to save the routes returned from the analysis as a zip file which can be subsequently used to create route layer items in your portal.
  • The Route service with job request supports time_zone_for_time_windows parameter that provides the ability to specify the time windows for the stops to be in UTC or in the time zone where the stops are geographically located.
  • The direct as well as the job request for the VehicleRoutingProblem service supports time_zone_usage_for_time_fields parameter that allows you to specify the time zone for all the input date-time fields supported by the service.
  • The stops parameter in the Route service with job request supports a LocationType field that allows you to specify if the input stop is a location that the route should visit or it is a location that the route should travel through without making a stop (i.e treat the location as a waypoint).
  • The route_shape parameter of the Route and ClosestFacility services in job request support a True Shape with Measures option that allows you to create output routes with measurements for linear referencing. The measurements increase from the first stop and record the cumulative travel time or travel distance in the units specified by the measurement_units parameter.
  • The job request for the Route, ClosestFacility, ServiceAreas, LocationAllocation, VehicleRoutingProblem, and OriginDestinationCostMatrix and the direct request for the VehicleRoutingProblem services supports save_output_network_analysis_layer parameter that allows you to save the analysis settings as a network analysis layer file. This file can be sent to Esri Technical Support in order to diagnose the quality of results returned from the service.

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