All of the GeoAnalytics Tools create new data. This new data is typically feature data but in some cases, such as with the Summarize Attributes and Join Features tools, the output can include tables. These values are returned to you as a URL to a feature service layer. The Create Space Time cube tool returns a netCDF cube returned as a URL to a .nc file that can be downloaded.
URL to a feature service
When you specify the output
of a task, the output will be a feature service that is hosted in your organization.
You set the output
parameter to a feature service name of your choosing. The output URL will be the URL to a
layer within the service. Similarly, tables will be saved as layers in a feature service.
URL to a netCDF file
When you specify the output
of a Create Space Time Cube task, the output will be a
netCDF file that you can download locally. You set the output
parameter to a space time cube name of your choosing.
Big data file share dataset
When you specify the output
of a task and set the output
to a big data file share template, your output
will be a new big data file share dataset. The output parameter will be empty, and the messages will have information
on the location of your new dataset.
For example, the output will look like the following:
"paramName": "output",
"dataType": "GPRecordSet",
"value": {}
And the final job message for the GeoAnalytics tool run will look similar to the following:
"messageCode":"BD_101227","message":"Big data file share dataset created:",