Embed a survey using an iframe

You can embed a survey in your custom web app using an inline frame (iframe).


To embed your survey, it must be shared publicly using the Everyone (public) option.


To embed a survey directly in your custom web app, create an iframe element and add HTML that represents the survey.

  1. On the Collaborate tab of the Survey123 website, click the Embed in website link under the Share this survey section to open a tab that provides HTML to embed your survey in a web page. In the Embed options section, you can hide cosmetic survey elements when embedded. Elements that can be hidden include the options at the top of the survey, the header, the survey description, and the footer, as well as the option to ignore the survey's theme.

  2. In your custom web app, create an iframe element and add HTML that represents the survey page.

What's next?

When you embed a survey in either ArcGIS apps or your custom web app, you can add parameters to control the way survey is displayed. Parameters that can be used when embedding a survey, are the same as the URL parameters for launching the web app.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
