Open multiple widgets simultaneously

For in-panel widgets in a widget pool, widget behavior is managed by controller widgets, such as HeaderController and PanelManager.

The HeaderController widget closes other widgets or groups when a widget or group is opened. It can also open all widgets in the same group at the same time in one panel.

The PanelManager widget closes other widgets in the same group when a widget is opened.

As a result, if you want to open more than one widget at the same time, you have the following the options:

  • Use the Dart or Launchpad theme in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder developer edition 1.2 and later. Both themes support opening multiple widgets simultaneously.
  • Customize the HeaderController widget or create a new controller widget that will not close other widgets or groups when a widget or group is opened.
  • Add some widgets to the widgetOnScreen section and to the widgetPool section.
  • Add widgets to the widgetOnScreen group and configure a panel for the group. All groups in the widgetOnScreen section open when the app loads.
  • Make the widget off-panel, and configure it in the widgetOnScreen section. All off-panel widgets in the widgetOnScreen section open when the app loads.
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