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The hierarchical structure of the Workflow Manager REST API begins with a root URL called the workflow URL. The structure of the root URL differs between ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online, as demonstrated in the examples below.

Example root URL for ArcGIS Enterprise:

Example root URL for ArcGIS Online:{orgId}

The various resources and operations that are exposed by the API are organized hierarchically from the workflow server URL. For example, the API provides information about jobs, users, and other system-wide properties.

To access a resource or invoke an operation, you must do the following to create a request:

  1. Generate a token by providing your user credentials.
  2. Construct a URL to the selected resource or operation as defined in the API Reference.
  3. Provide values for relevant parameters in their specified format.
  4. Access the URL using the prescribed HTTP method (typically GET, POST, PUT or DELETE).

When building requests, it is recommended that the token be sent in the request header instead of a query parameter for additional security. Refer to http header authentication for examples.

Refer to Resources and Operations for a list of capabilities.

The API is stateless, which means that the server does not keep track of transactions from one request to the next. Each request must contain all the information necessary for successful processing. The server processes each request and returns a well-defined response.

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