ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: AGSMarkerSymbol Class Reference
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS  100.15
AGSMarkerSymbol Class Reference


An abstract base class for marker symbols.

Subclasses represent marker symbols. Symbols describe how graphics and features look on a map. Different symbols are used with different geometry types. Marker symbols are used to display those graphics and features which are based on point or multipoint geometries.

Inheritance diagram for AGSMarkerSymbol:
AGSSymbol AGSObject <AGSJSONSerializable> AGSPictureMarkerSymbol AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol AGSTextSymbol

Instance Methods

(id< AGSCancelable >) - createSwatchWithBackgroundColor:screen:completion:
(id< AGSCancelable >) - createSwatchWithCompletion:
(id< AGSCancelable >) - createSwatchWithGeometry:width:height:screen:backgroundColor:completion:
(nullable id< AGSCancelable >) - createSwatchWithWidth:height:screen:backgroundColor:completion:
(BOOL) - isEqualToSymbol:
(nullable id) - toJSON:

Class Methods

(nullable id< AGSJSONSerializable >) + fromJSON:error:


AGSSymbolRotationType rotationType __deprecated
float angle
AGSSymbolAngleAlignment angleAlignment
CGFloat leaderOffsetX
CGFloat leaderOffsetY
CGFloat offsetX
CGFloat offsetY
NSDictionary< NSString *, id > * unknownJSON
NSDictionary< NSString *, id > * unsupportedJSON

Method Documentation

◆ createSwatchWithBackgroundColor:screen:completion:

- (id<AGSCancelable>) createSwatchWithBackgroundColor: (nullable AGSColor *)  backgroundColor
screen: (nullable AGSScreen *)  screen
completion: (void(^)(AGSImage *__nullable swatch, NSError *__nullable error))  completion 

Creates swatch with provided background color.

backgroundColorDesired background color of the image.
screenScreen that the swatch will be rendered for. If you specify nil then the main screen will be used.
completionA block that is invoked when the operation completes.

◆ createSwatchWithCompletion:

- (id<AGSCancelable>) createSwatchWithCompletion: (void(^)(AGSImage *__nullable swatch, NSError *__nullable error))  completion

Creates a swatch with a clear background color. This method uses main screen's scale to determine the size of the image.

completionblock that is invoked when operation completes.

◆ createSwatchWithGeometry:width:height:screen:backgroundColor:completion:

- (id<AGSCancelable>) createSwatchWithGeometry: (AGSGeometry *)  geometry
width: (NSInteger)  width
height: (NSInteger)  height
screen: (nullable AGSScreen *)  screen
backgroundColor: (nullable AGSColor *)  backgroundColor
completion: (void(^)(AGSImage *__nullable swatch, NSError *__nullable error))  completion 

Creates a swatch using the provided geometry and other parameters. This is the most configurable of the methods to create swatches. You can pass the pixels per inch that you would like the image to be rendered at. This will determine how many pixels are used to render symbols of sizes that are specified in points.

geometryThe geometry of the symbol to be drawn in the swatch image. The specified geometry is in DIPs, with the point {0,0} located at the center of the swatch image. The X-axis increases towards the right side of the swatch image. The Y-axis increases towards the top of the swatch image. For example: when creating a swatch for an AGSMarkerSymbol, specifying a geometry of {10,10} will draw the marker 10 DIPs up and to the right of the center of the swatch. The geometry type (AGSPoint, AGSPolyline, AGSPolygon) should correspond to the symbol type (AGSMarkerSymbol, AGSLineSymbol, AGSFillSymbol). The geometry's spatial reference is ignored.
widthDesired width of the image in pixels.
heightDesired height of the image in pixels.
screenThe screen that the swatch will be rendered for. If you specify nil then the main screen will be used.
backgroundColorThe desired background color of the image.
completionA block that is invoked when operation completes.

◆ createSwatchWithWidth:height:screen:backgroundColor:completion:

- (nullable id<AGSCancelable>) createSwatchWithWidth: (NSInteger)  width
height: (NSInteger)  height
screen: (nullable AGSScreen *)  screen
backgroundColor: (nullable AGSColor *)  backgroundColor
completion: (void(^)(AGSImage *__nullable swatch, NSError *__nullable error))  completion 

◆ fromJSON:error:

+ (nullable id<AGSJSONSerializable>) fromJSON: (id)  JSONObject
error: (NSError **)  error 

Initializes and returns an object from its JSON representation.

JSONObjectNSDictionary or NSArray containing the JSON.
errorencountered during the operation, if any.

◆ isEqualToSymbol:

- (BOOL) isEqualToSymbol: (AGSSymbol *)  other

Compares this symbol to another for equality.

otherThe other symbol to compare this one to.
YES if the two symbols are equal, otherwise NO.

◆ toJSON:

- (nullable id) toJSON: (NSError **)  error

Returns JSON representation for this object.

errorencountered during the operation, if any.
NSDictionary or NSArray containing the JSON.

Reimplemented in AGSPortalItem.

Property Documentation

◆ __deprecated

- (AGSSymbolRotationType rotationType) __deprecated

The rotation type of the marker symbol.

The default value is AGSSymbolRotationTypeArithmetic. This property is deprecated in release 100.5.

100.5 Will be removed in a future release. There is no other mechanism to specify the rotation type, but all angles are achievable by changing the value of the angle property.

Provided by category AGSMarkerSymbol(AGSDeprecated).

◆ angle

- (float) angle

The angle (in degrees) of the marker symbol.


◆ angleAlignment

- (AGSSymbolAngleAlignment) angleAlignment

Specifies whether the symbol should rotate with the map/scene or stay at the same angle with regards to the screen. Default is AGSSymbolAngleAlignmentScreen which keeps it aligned with the screen. Only supported for graphics overlays when AGSGraphicsOverlay::renderingMode is AGSGraphicsRenderingModeDynamic, and for feature layers when AGSFeatureLayer::renderingMode is AGSFeatureRenderingModeDynamic


◆ leaderOffsetX

- (CGFloat) leaderOffsetX

Specifies how to position a callout's leader in relation to the symbol (for example, when a user taps on the map to display a callout for the feature or graphic). Default value is 0 and the callout's leader is positioned at the horizontal center of the symbol. The values specified here are interpreted in a cartesian coordinate system and in points (not pixels). Thus, a value of -5 will offset the callout's leader left on the x-axis by 5 points


◆ leaderOffsetY

- (CGFloat) leaderOffsetY

Specifies how to position a callout's leader in relation to the symbol (for example, when a user taps on the map to display a callout for the feature or graphic). Default value is 0 and the callout's leader is positioned at the vertical center of the symbol. The values specified here are interpreted in a cartesian coordinate system and in points (not pixels). Thus, a value of -5 will offset the callout's leader down on the y-axis by 5 points


◆ offsetX

- (CGFloat) offsetX

Specifies how to position the symbol in relation to the graphic or feature's point geometry. This is useful when the marker needs to be offset to properly coincide with a location on the map.

Default value is 0 and the symbol is centered horizontally on the point geometry. The values specified are interpreted in a cartesian coordinate system. Thus, a value of -5 will shift the marker left by 5 points on the x-axis.

For example, consider an AGSPictureMarkerSymbol using the image of a pushpin. By default, the center of the image will be used as the anchor to center the image at the map location. However, if you wanted the needle of the pushpin to end at the map location, you would need to offset the image appropriately to make the needle's end coincide with the map location.


◆ offsetY

- (CGFloat) offsetY

Specifies how to position the symbol in relation to the graphic or feature's point geometry. This is useful when the marker needs to be offset to properly coincide with a location on the map.

Default value is 0 and the symbol is centered vertically on the point geometry. The values specified are interpreted in a cartesian coordinate system. Thus, a value of -5 will shift the marker down by 5 points on the y-axis.

For example, consider an AGSPictureMarkerSymbol using the image of a pushpin. By default, the center of the image will be used as the anchor to center the image at the map location. However, if you wanted the needle of the pushpin to end at the map location, you would need to offset the image appropriately to make the needle's end coincide with the map location.


◆ unknownJSON

- (NSDictionary<NSString*,id>*) unknownJSON

A dictionary of values that was in the source JSON but was unparsed by API.

NSDictionary containing the unknown JSON.

◆ unsupportedJSON

- (NSDictionary<NSString*,id>*) unsupportedJSON

A dictionary of values that are supported by the REST API, but not exposed through the SDK API.

NSDictionary containing the unsupported JSON.