ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: Deprecated List
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS  100.15
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Deprecated List
(AGSNetworkActivity) Member [AGSApplication(AGSNetworkActivity) ags_showNetworkActivityIndicator:]
100.8 The network activity indicator was deprecated in iOS 13. To determine when the ArcGIS Runtime is using the network, assign a network activity delegate using AGSApplication::ags_showNetworkActivityIndicator:.
Member [AGSApplicationDelegate application:openURL:options:]
100.11. The ASWebAuthenticationSession is used instead of SFSafariViewController for out-of-app authentication workflow which does not require this delegate method.
Member [AGSApplicationDelegate application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:]
100.1. Use application:openURL:options: (AGSApplicationDelegate) instead.
Member [AGSArcGISFeature refreshObjectID]
100.4. Use refresh (AGSFeature) instead.
Member [AGSAuthenticationManagerDelegate-p authenticationManager:wantsToDismissViewController:]
100.11. The ASWebAuthenticationSession is used instead of SFSafariViewController for out-of-app authentication workflow and view controller is dismissed by ASWebAuthenticationSession.
Member [AGSAuthenticationManagerDelegate-p authenticationManager:wantsToShowViewController:]
100.11. The ASWebAuthenticationSession is used instead of SFSafariViewController for out-of-app authentication workflow and view controller is presented by ASWebAuthenticationSession.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) darkGrayCanvasVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISDarkGray.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) imageryBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISImageryStandard.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) imageryWithLabelsBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISImagery.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) imageryWithLabelsVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISImagery.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) lightGrayCanvasBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISLightGray.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) lightGrayCanvasVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISLightGray.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) nationalGeographicBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use the National Geographic Style Map.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) navigationVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISNavigation.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) oceansBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISOceans.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) openStreetMapBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleOSMStandard.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) streetsBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISStreets.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) streetsNightVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISStreetsNight.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) streetsVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISStreets.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) streetsWithReliefVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISStreetsRelief.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) terrainWithLabelsBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISTerrain.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) terrainWithLabelsVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISTerrain.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) topographicBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISTopographic.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSBasemap(AGSDeprecated) topographicVectorBasemap]
100.14.0. AGSBasemapType and its associated basemap helpers has been deprecated. Use initWithStyle: (AGSBasemap) with AGSBasemapStyleArcGISTopographic.
Member [AGSBaseStretchRenderer baseStretchRenderer]
100.9. Do not use this method, it creates an invalid and incomplete object.
Member [AGSCredential identitiesForProtectionSpace:]
100.8. No direct replacement. Instead of importing your certificate into the keychain, you can use continueWithDefaultHandling (AGSAuthenticationChallenge) to respond to the authentication challenge which allows the user to browse for the certificate on the device. Alternatively, you can choose to handle the challenge yourself and display custom UI for picking a certificate, in which case use the new init method initWithIdentityCertificateData:password: (AGSCredential) to create the credential and respond to the challenge.
Member [AGSCredential importCertificateData:password:overwrite:error:]
100.8. No direct replacement. Instead of importing your certificate into the keychain, you can use continueWithDefaultHandling (AGSAuthenticationChallenge) to respond to the authentication challenge which allows the user to browse for the certificate on the device. Alternatively, you can choose to handle the challenge yourself and display custom UI for picking a certificate, in which case use the new init method initWithIdentityCertificateData:password: (AGSCredential) to create the credential and respond to the challenge.
Member [AGSCredential removeIdentityFromKeychain:]
100.8. No direct replacement. Instead of importing your certificate into the keychain, you can use continueWithDefaultHandling (AGSAuthenticationChallenge) to respond to the authentication challenge which allows the user to browse for the certificate on the device. Alternatively, you can choose to handle the challenge yourself and display custom UI for picking a certificate, in which case use the new init method initWithIdentityCertificateData:password: (AGSCredential) to create the credential and respond to the challenge.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated) dictionarySymbolStyleWithFileURL:]
100.10.0. Use dictionarySymbolStyleWithURL: (AGSDictionarySymbolStyle) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated) dictionarySymbolStyleWithSpecificationType:]
100.6.0. The specification definition has been moved from the Runtime source code to an Arcade expression in the style file. These styles no longer reside in a default location and creating an AGSDictionarySymbolStyle from a specification is no longer supported with the new Arcade-based symbol styles.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated) dictionarySymbolStyleWithSpecificationType:styleURL:]
100.6.0. The specification definition has been moved from the Runtime source code to an Arcade expression in the style file. Creating an AGSDictionarySymbolStyle from a specification is no longer supported with the new military symbol styles.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated) initWithFileURL:]
100.10.0. Use initWithURL: (AGSDictionarySymbolStyle) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated) initWithSpecificationType:]
100.6.0. The specification definition has been moved from the Runtime source code to an Arcade expression in the style file. These styles no longer reside in a default location and creating an AGSDictionarySymbolStyle from a specification is no longer supported with the new Arcade-based symbol styles.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated) initWithSpecificationType:styleURL:]
100.6.0. The specification definition has been moved from the Runtime source code to an Arcade expression in the style file. Creating an AGSDictionarySymbolStyle from a specification is no longer supported with the new military symbol styles.
Member [AGSFeatureLayer featureLayer]
100.1. Use featureLayerWithFeatureTable: (AGSFeatureLayer) or featureLayerWithItem:layerID: (AGSFeatureLayer) instead.
Member [AGSFeatureLayer init]
100.1. Use initWithFeatureTable: (AGSFeatureLayer) or initWithItem:layerID: (AGSFeatureLayer) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSGeodatabaseSyncTask(AGSDeprecated) importDeltaWithGeodatabase:inputPath:completion:]
100.3. Use class method importDeltaWithGeodatabase:deltaPath:completion: (AGSGeodatabaseSyncTask) instead.
Member [AGSGeoprocessingParameter geoprocessingParameter]
100.9. Do not use this method, it creates an invalid and incomplete object.
Member [AGSJob cancel]
100.1. Replaced by cancelWithCompletion: (AGSJob).
Member [AGSJob pause]
100.1. Please use the pause method through the NSProgress API (exposed via NSProgressReporting through the progress property).
Member [AGSKMLContainer KMLContainer]
100.9. Do not use this method, it creates an invalid and incomplete object.
Member [AGSKMLNode KMLNode]
100.9. Do not use this method, it creates an invalid and incomplete object.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSLabelDefinition(AGSDeprecated) init]
100.11. It is safer to construct an AGSLabelDefinition object using an AGSLabelExpression and AGSTextSymbol. This reduces the chance of AGSLabelDefinition being used with no AGSLabelDefinition::expression or AGSLabelDefinition::textSymbol, which would result in no labels being created.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSLabelDefinition(AGSDeprecated) labelDefinition]
100.11. It is safer to construct an AGSLabelDefinition object using an AGSLabelExpression and AGSTextSymbol. This reduces the chance of AGSLabelDefinition being used with no AGSLabelDefinition::expression or AGSLabelDefinition::textSymbol, which would result in no labels being created.
Member [AGSLocationDataSource stop]
100.14. Replaced by stopWithCompletion: (AGSLocationDataSource).
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSMap(AGSDeprecated) initWithBasemapType:latitude:longitude:levelOfDetail:]
100.14.0. Use initWithBasemapStyle: (AGSMap).
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSMap(AGSDeprecated) mapWithBasemapType:latitude:longitude:levelOfDetail:]
100.14.0. Use mapWithBasemapStyle: (AGSMap).
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSMobileMapPackage(AGSDeprecated) checkDirectReadSupportForMobileMapPackageAtFileURL:completion:]
100.7 This method is no longer required as the result is always true. It can be removed from calling code including any subsequent use of AGSMobileMapPackage::unpackWithMobileMapPackageFileURL:outputDirectory:completion:.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSMobileScenePackage(AGSDeprecated) checkDirectReadSupportForMobileScenePackageAtFileURL:completion:]
100.7 This method is no longer required as the result is always true. It can be removed from calling code including any subsequent use of AGSMobileScenePackage::unpackWithMobileScenePackageFileURL:outputDirectory:completion:.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSOfflineMapTask(AGSDeprecated) downloadPreplannedOfflineMapJobWithArea:downloadDirectory:]
100.10.0. Please use downloadPreplannedOfflineMapJobWithParameters:downloadDirectory: (AGSOfflineMapTask). This method does not support the scheduled updates workflow and will default to use AGSPreplannedUpdateModeSyncWithFeatureServices. An instance of AGSDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters can be created and populated as required. Alternatively the recommended workflow is to use AGSOfflineMapTask::createDefaultDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParametersWithPreplannedMapArea:completion: and then make any adjustments. This will determine if scheduled updates are present and update the property AGSDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters::updateMode appropriately.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSOfflineMapTask(AGSDeprecated) downloadPreplannedOfflineMapJobWithArea:downloadDirectory:excludeBasemap:]
100.10.0. This method has been replaced by downloadPreplannedOfflineMapJobWithParameters:downloadDirectory: (AGSOfflineMapTask). Use AGSDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters::includeBasemap to set basemap inclusion. Note reversal of logic from 'exclude basemap' to 'include basemap'.
Member [AGSPopupManager featureTypeChangeRequiresUserNoficationForTemplate:]
100.1. Use #featureTypeChangeRequiresUserNotificationForTemplate instead
Member [AGSPopupManager numberFromString:field:]
100.1. Use numberFromString:field:error: (AGSPopupManager) instead.
Member [AGSPortal logout]
100.6. Use AGSCredentialCache::removeAndRevokeCredential:completion or AGSCredentialCache::removeAndRevokeAllCredentialsWithCompletion instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSPortalHelperServices(AGSDeprecated) __attribute__]
100.5. This property has never been populated. Use AGSPortalHelperServices::defaultElevationServices to access the 3D elevation service URLs.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSPortalItem(AGSDeprecated) initWithPortal:]
100.6.0. Use initWithPortal:type: (AGSPortalItem) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSPortalItem(AGSDeprecated) portalItemWithPortal:]
100.6.0. Use initWithPortal:type: (AGSPortalItem) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSPreplannedMapArea(AGSDeprecated) getContentItemsWithCompletion:]
100.14.0. Replaced by loading the AGSPreplannedMapArea and accessing the items with AGSPreplannedMapArea::packageItems.
Member [AGSRequestOperation isPaused]
100.1. Please use the isPaused property through the NSProgress API (exposed via NSProgressReporting through the progress property).
Member [AGSRequestOperation pause]
100.1. Please use the pause method through the NSProgress API (exposed via NSProgressReporting through the progress property).
Member [AGSRequestOperation resume]
100.1. Please use the resume method through the NSProgress API (exposed via NSProgressReporting through the progress property).
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSRouteTracker(AGSDeprecated) enableReroutingWithRouteTask:routeParameters:strategy:visitFirstStopOnStart:completion:]
100.11.0. Use enableReroutingWithParameters:completion: (AGSRouteTracker) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSRouteTracker(AGSDeprecated) initWithRouteResult:routeIndex:]
100.9.0. Use initWithRouteResult:routeIndex:skipCoincidentStops: (AGSRouteTracker) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSRouteTracker(AGSDeprecated) routeTrackerWithRouteResult:routeIndex:]
100.9.0. Use routeTrackerWithRouteResult:routeIndex:skipCoincidentStops: (AGSRouteTracker) instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSScene(AGSDeprecated) initWithBasemapType:]
100.14.0. Use initWithBasemapStyle: (AGSScene).
(AGSDeprecated) Member [AGSScene(AGSDeprecated) sceneWithBasemapType:]
100.14.0. Use sceneWithBasemapStyle: (AGSScene).
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSDictionaryRenderer(AGSDeprecated)::textVisibilityMaxScale
100.6.0. Use the AGSDictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration settings instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSDictionaryRenderer(AGSDeprecated)::textVisibilityMinScale
100.6.0. Use the AGSDictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration settings instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSDictionaryRenderer(AGSDeprecated)::textVisible
100.6.0. Use the AGSDictionarySymbolStyleConfiguration settings instead.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated)::configurationProperties
100.6.0. These configuration settings are specific to the older style files and have no effect on the Arcade-based styles.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSDictionarySymbolStyle(AGSDeprecated)::specificationType
100.6.0. With the new Arcade-based styles, the style specification logic is embedded in the style file itself. Since the logic is not internal to the Runtime code, functionality is not limited to the supported military specifications and can be customized for a variety of uses. Use the AGSDictionarySymbolStyle::dictionaryName property instead.
Member AGSDirectionMessageType

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeLength is not supported, use AGSDirectionManeuver::length instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeTime is not supported, use AGSDirectionManeuver::duration instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeSummary is not supported, use AGSDirectionManeuver::duration and AGSDirectionManeuver::length instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeTimeWindow is not supported, use AGSStop::timeWindowEnd instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeViolationTime is not supported, use AGSStop::violationTime instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeWaitTime is not supported, use AGSStop::waitTime instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeServiceTime is not supported, use the difference between AGSDirectionManeuver::duration and AGSStop::waitTime instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeEstimatedArrivalTime is not supported, use AGSDirectionManeuver::estimatedArriveTime instead.

100.2 AGSDirectionMessageTypeCumulativeLength is not supported, use the sum of previous AGSDirectionManeuver::length instead.

Member AGSEdgeInsets
Member AGSEdgeInsetsInsetRect (CGRect rect, UIEdgeInsets insets)
Member AGSEdgeInsetsMake (CGFloat top, CGFloat left, CGFloat bottom, CGFloat right)
Member AGSEdgeInsetsZero
Member AGSErrorCompletionBlockType )(NSError *_Nullable)
Member AGSFeatureLayer::selectionColor
100.4 Use color property exposed through AGSGeoView::selectionProperties.
Member AGSFeatureLayer::selectionWidth
100.4 This property will be removed in a future version.
Member AGSFeatureTable::featureLayer
100.7.0. Use AGSFeatureTable::layer instead
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSGeodatabase(AGSDeprecated)::generateGeodatabaseExtent
100.7 This property has been replaced by AGSGeodatabase::generateGeodatabaseGeometry. A geodatabase can be generated using geometry including an AGSEnvelope or an AGSPolygon - this property will always return the bounding envelope. The AGSGeodatabase::generateGeodatabaseGeometry property will return the underlying geometry.
Member AGSGraphicsOverlay::selectionColor
100.4 Use color property exposed through AGSGeoView::selectionProperties.
Member AGSLocationDataSource::started
100.14. Replaced by AGSLocationDataSource::status.
Member AGSMarkerSymbol::__deprecated
100.5 Will be removed in a future release. There is no other mechanism to specify the rotation type, but all angles are achievable by changing the value of the angle property.
Member AGSMarkerSymbolAngleAlignment
100.8 AGSMarkerSymbolAngleAlignment has been renamed to AGSSymbolAngleAlignment.
Member AGSMarkerSymbolAngleAlignmentMap
100.8 AGSMarkerSymbolAngleAlignmentMap has been renamed to AGSSymbolAngleAlignmentMap.
Member AGSMarkerSymbolAngleAlignmentScreen
100.8 AGSMarkerSymbolAnglePinAlignmentScreen has been renamed to AGSSymbolAngleAlignmentScreen.
Member AGSOAuthConfiguration::showSocialLogins
100.2. There is no impact of setting this property. The setting is available on portal/organization which can be set by the Administrator.
Member AGSPopupDefinition::showRelatedRecords
100.1. Use #relatedFeaturesDefinition.showRelatedFeatures instead.
Member AGSPopupsViewControllerTheme::headlineColor
100.6 This property is no longer used.
Member AGSPopupsViewControllerTheme::headlineFont
100.6 This property is no longer used.
Member AGSPopupsViewControllerTheme::tooltipColor
100.6 This property is no longer used.
Member AGSPortalInfo::licenseInfo
100.7 This property has been replaced by fetchLicenseInfoWithCompletion: (AGSPortal).
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSPortalItem(AGSDeprecated)::__deprecated
100.5 No replacement because this property is not useful. AGSItem.itemID provides a unique identifier of the item.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSPortalItem(AGSDeprecated)::accessAndUseConstraintsHtml
100.4 Use termsOfUse instead.
Member AGSRendererNormalizationType
100.1. AGSRendererNormalizationTypeUnknown is not supported
Member AGSSketchStyle::selectionColor
100.4 Use color property exposed through AGSGeoView::selectionProperties
Member AGSSymbolRotationType
100.8 AGSSymbolRotationType has been renamed to AGSRotationType.
Member AGSSymbolRotationTypeArithmetic
100.8 AGSSymbolRotationTypeArithmetic has been renamed to AGSRotationTypeArithmetic.
Member AGSSymbolRotationTypeGeographic
100.8 AGSSymbolRotationTypeGeographic has been renamed to AGSRotationTypeGeographic.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSSymbolStyleSearchResult(AGSDeprecated)::symbol
100.10.0. The property has been replaced with symbolWithCompletion: (AGSSymbolStyleSearchResult) for fetching a symbol from the search result.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSUtilityNamedTraceConfiguration(AGSDeprecated)::traceConfiguration
100.12. Use makeDefaultTraceConfiguration (AGSUtilityNamedTraceConfiguration) instead to create an instance of AGSUtilityTraceConfiguration for this AGSUtilityNamedTraceConfiguration.
(AGSDeprecated) Member AGSUtilityTier(AGSDeprecated)::traceConfiguration
100.12. Use makeDefaultTraceConfiguration (AGSUtilityTier) instead to create an instance of AGSUtilityTraceConfiguration defined for this AGSUtilityTier.
Member typedef

100.14.0. Use AGSBasemapStyle.

100.1 AGSGridType is not used.

100.7 AGSCredentialErrorType is not used.