ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: Class List
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS  100.15
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAGSAddRastersParametersAdds raster datasets to an AGSMosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters
 CAGSAnalysisBase class for rendering analysis results in a scene view
 CAGSAnalysisOverlayManages the display of one or more Analyses on a scene view
 CAGSAngularUnitDefines an angular unit of measurement
 CAGSAnnotationLayerA layer that can visualize annotation text data. Annotation can be used to symbolize text on your maps as described in the Annotation ArcGIS Pro documentation. Annotation is defined by a text string, geographical location, and display properties including font, size, and color. These are stored together in an annotation feature class within a geodatabase
 CAGSAnnotationSublayerAllows you to interrogate the properties of a sublayer within an annotation layer and to change the visibility of the sublayer
 C<AGSAPIKeyResource>An interface for getting and setting the API key of an object
 CAGSApplication(AGSNetworkActivity)A category on UIApplication containing convenience methods
 CAGSApplicationDelegateAn iOS app delegate for handling app events related to actions initiated by ArcGIS classes
 CAGSArcadeConsoleMessageContextProvides information about the execution context where an Arcade console function is invoked
 CAGSArcadeEvaluationResultThe result from the successful evaluation of an Arcade Expression
 CAGSArcadeEvaluatorThis object allows you to evaluate an AGSArcadeExpression under a given AGSArcadeProfile
 CAGSArcadeExpressionAn Arcade expression object, containing an expression, a name, a return type and a title
 CAGSArcadeLabelExpressionAn expression script using the Arcade language. The Arcade label expression property must contain a syntactically correct Arcade script expression. An example expression that combines text with a field value is "State: " + $feature.State_Name Note that quotes are needed around the literal text. See for full documentation on the Arcade scripting language and its function library
 CAGSArcGISFeatureAn AGSFeature object stored in an AGSArcGISFeatureTable object
 CAGSArcGISFeatureLayerInfoInformation about an individual layer or table in ArcGIS Feature Service
 CAGSArcGISFeatureServiceInfoInformation about an ArcGIS Feature service
 CAGSArcGISFeatureTableAn ArcGIS specific source for dataset containing geographic features or non-spatial records
 CAGSArcGISImageServiceInfoMetadata of an ArcGIS Image Service
 CAGSArcGISMapImageLayerDisplays data from an ArcGIS Map service by using dynamically generated map images
 CAGSArcGISMapImageSublayerInformation about an individual layer or table in a dynamic ArcGIS Map Service
 CAGSArcGISMapServiceCapabilitiesInformation about an ArcGIS Server map service capabilities
 CAGSArcGISMapServiceInfoInformation about an ArcGIS Server map service
 CAGSArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfoInformation about an individual sublayer in an ArcGIS Map Service
 CAGSArcGISRuntimeEnvironmentClass representing the ArcGIS Runtime Environment
 CAGSArcGISSceneLayerA layer to visualize an ArcGIS scene service
 CAGSArcGISSublayerInformation about an individual layer or table in ArcGIS Map Service
 CAGSArcGISTiledElevationSourceAn elevation source based on tiled elevation data
 CAGSArcGISTiledLayerDisplays data from a ArcGIS Map service using pre-generated tiles
 CAGSArcGISTiledSublayerInformation about an individual layer or table in a cached ArcGIS Map Service
 CAGSArcGISVectorTiledLayerDisplays data from an ArcGIS vector tiled data source
 CAGSAreaUnitDefines an area unit of measurement
 CAGSAttachmentInformation about a feature attachment
 CAGSAttachmentsPopupElementRepresents a pop-up element of type attachments that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement
 CAGSAttributeParameterValueA class that contains value of attribute's parameter
 CAGSAuthenticationChallengeRepresents an authentication challenge when accessing secured resources
 CAGSAuthenticationManagerA class to manage authentication
 C<AGSAuthenticationManagerDelegate>A delegate for AGSAuthenticationManager
 CAGSBackgroundGridA background grid defines the default color and context grid for display behind a map or scene surface
 CAGSBasemapA basemap for a map or a scene
 CAGSBaseStretchRendererAn abstract base stretch renderer object which is derived from a raster renderer object
 CAGSBingMapsLayerDisplays Bing maps layers
 CAGSBlendRendererA blend renderer for elevation raster data
 CAGSBookmarkA geographic or time location for quick navigation
 CAGSCalloutA callout window
 C<AGSCalloutDelegate>A delegate of AGSCallout
 CAGSCameraA camera to represent 3D viewpoints of a scene
 CAGSCameraControllerA base class for controllers which manage the camera of AGSSceneView
 C<AGSCancelable>A protocol exposed by operations that allow cancellation
 CAGSClassBreakA class break object used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range of values
 CAGSClassBreaksRendererA renderer based on class breaks
 CAGSCLLocationDataSourceA datasource for AGSLocationDisplay based on Core Location
 CAGSClosestFacilityParametersInput parameters for AGSClosestFacilityTask
 CAGSClosestFacilityResultResult returned by AGSClosestFacilityTask
 CAGSClosestFacilityRouteAn individual route between a facility and an incident
 CAGSClosestFacilityTaskA task to find facilities closest to an incident
 CAGSClosestFacilityTaskInfoMetadata about the network analyst service or dataset used by AGSClosestFacilityTask
 CAGSCodedValueAn object that represents a coded value found in AGSCodedValueDomain
 CAGSCodedValueDescriptionAn object that describes an AGSCodedValue to be created
 CAGSCodedValueDomainCoded value domain supported by a field
 CAGSCodedValueDomainDescriptionAn object that describes an AGSCodedValueDomain to be created
 CAGSColormapA colormap to display raster data as either a grayscale or color image
 CAGSColormapRendererA colormap raster renderer
 CAGSColorRampA color ramp representing a range of colors
 CAGSCompositeSymbolDefines a set of symbols that make up a single symbol
 CAGSContingencyAn object that defines a contingency
 CAGSContingencyConstraintViolationAn object that defines a contingency constraint violation
 CAGSContingentAnyValueAn object that indicates any domain value is allowed in a contingency
 CAGSContingentCodedValueAn object that defines a coded value specified in a contingency
 CAGSContingentNullValueAn object that indicates a nil value is allowed in a contingency
 CAGSContingentRangeValueAn object that defines a min and max range specified in a contingency
 CAGSContingentValueAn object that defines possible field values for fields participating in contingent field groups
 CAGSContingentValuesDefinitionAn object that defines a contingent values definition
 CAGSContingentValuesResultAn object that defines possible values for a field in the context of the contingent field groups it participates in
 CAGSCoordinateFormatterFormatter to convert between coordinates and their string representation
 CAGSCostAttributeA cost to travel along the edge of a transportation network
 CAGSCredentialRepresents an credential to access a secured resource
 CAGSCredentialCacheA cache containing credentials to reuse
 CAGSCubicBezierSegmentA cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry
 CAGSDashGeometricEffectA Geometric effect object that transforms the representation of a line using a pattern of dashes and gaps
 CAGSDatumTransformationA base class for transformation between two coordinate systems that have different datums
 CAGSDictionaryRendererRenders @AGSGeoElements using symbols generated from an AGSDictionarySymbolStyle
 CAGSDictionarySymbolStyleA dictionary symbol style object containing symbol primitives and rules for generating symbols from attribute values
 CAGSDictionarySymbolStyleConfigurationConfiguration settings for a custom AGSDictionarySymbolStyle
 CAGSDimensionLayerA layer that can visualize dimension features data
 CAGSDirectionEventAn event along an AGSDirectionManeuver
 CAGSDirectionManeuverA single maneuver in a series of driving direction
 CAGSDirectionMessageA message describing AGSDirectionManeuver
 CAGSDisplayFilterRepresents a type used for limiting which features are rendered
 CAGSDisplayFilterDefinitionProvides definition on how features are filtered from the display
 CAGSDistanceRepresents distance measurement
 CAGSDistanceCompositeSceneSymbolA symbol that changes based on distance from the camera
 CAGSDistanceSymbolRangeA distance range for symbols
 CAGSDomainInformation about a field's domain
 CAGSDomainDescriptionAn object that describes a domain to be created
 CAGSDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJobA job to download an offline map from an online map
 CAGSDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParametersParameters used with AGSOfflineMapTask to take a preplanned map area offline
 CAGSDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResultResults of taking a map offline using preplanned map areas
 CAGSDrawingInfoDrawing information about a sub-layer of map or feature service
 CAGSEditFieldsInfoInformation about edit tracking fields
 CAGSEditorTrackingInfoInformation about a feature service's editor tracking configuration and ownership based access control
 CAGSEditResultInformation about the outcome of an attachment edit operation
 CAGSElevationSourceA base class for elevation sources used in a scene surface
 CAGSEllipticArcSegmentAn elliptic arc segment for use in a multipart geometry
 CAGSENCDatasetAn ENC Dataset
 CAGSENCDisplayCategoriesDisplay categories for ENC data
 CAGSENCDisplaySettingsDisplay settings for ENC data
 CAGSENCEnvironmentSettingsEnvironment settings for ENC data
 CAGSENCExchangeSetAn ENC exchange set
 CAGSENCFeatureAn ENC feature
 CAGSENCLayerA layer that displays ENC data
 CAGSENCMarinerSettingsMariner settings for ENC data
 CAGSENCTextGroupVisibilitySettingsText group settings for ENC data
 CAGSENCViewingGroupSettingsView group settings for ENC data
 CAGSEnvelopeA geometry that represents a rectangular shape
 CAGSEnvelopeBuilderThe envelope builder object is used to create an envelope
 CAGSEstimateTileCacheSizeJobA job to estimate the size of a tile cache to be exported from an ArcGIS Tile service
 CAGSEstimateTileCacheSizeResultSize estimate of a tile cache requested by AGSExportTileCacheTask
 CAGSExpirationExpiration details, that indicate whether a given package is out of date
 CAGSExportTileCacheJobA job to export a tile cache from an ArcGIS Tile service
 CAGSExportTileCacheParametersParameters for the operations on AGSExportTileCacheTask
 CAGSExportTileCacheTaskA task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx). Use this in conjunction with a map or image service to generate and download tile packages
 CAGSExportVectorTilesJobA job to export a tile cache or item resource cache from an ArcGIS Vector Tile service
 CAGSExportVectorTilesParametersParameters for the operations on AGSExportVectorTilesTask
 CAGSExportVectorTilesResultResult of the job to export vector tiles
 CAGSExportVectorTilesTaskA task used to export vector tiles and optionally a portal item's vector tile style resources
 CAGSExpressionPopupElementRepresents a pop-up element of type expression that defines a pop-up element with an Arcade expression
 CAGSExtensionLicenseThe application's extension license details
 CAGSFacilityA facility to use in closest facility or service area analysis
 CAGSFacilityLayerDefinitionDefines the properties of the layer that contains facilities for a floor-aware map or scene
 CAGSFeatureA representation of a real-world object on a map
 CAGSFeatureCollectionA lightweight collection of features
 CAGSFeatureCollectionLayerA layer that can visualize a feature collection
 CAGSFeatureCollectionTableAn individual table that contains features belonging to a feature collection
 CAGSFeatureEditResultInformation about the outcome of a feature edit operation
 CAGSFeatureEnumeratorAn enumerator to iterate over features
 CAGSFeatureFenceParametersGeotrigger fence data created from features
 CAGSFeatureLayerA layer that can visualize vector/feature data
 CAGSFeatureQueryResultResult of queries that return features
 CAGSFeatureServiceCapabilitiesCapabilities supported by a feature service
 CAGSFeatureServiceLayerIDInfoAn object that represents the metadata for a Feature service layer
 C<AGSFeatureSet>An abstract representation of a set of features
 CAGSFeatureSubtypeEncapsulates properties of types of features in a feature layer
 CAGSFeatureTableA source for dataset containing geographic features or non-spatial records
 CAGSFeatureTableEditResultThe edit results of a specific AGSFeatureTable
 CAGSFeatureTemplateRepresents all of the information needed to create a feature
 CAGSFeatureTypeEncapsulates properties of types of features in a feature layer
 CAGSFenceGeotriggerAn AGSGeotrigger that defines regions or fences to be monitored using an AGSGeotriggerMonitor
 CAGSFenceGeotriggerNotificationInfoAn AGSGeotriggerNotificationInfo from an AGSFenceGeotrigger
 CAGSFenceParametersGeotrigger fence data required for an AGSFenceGeotrigger
 CAGSFieldAn object that represents information about a field
 CAGSFieldDescriptionAn object that describes an AGSField to be created
 CAGSFieldGroupAn object that defines a field group
 CAGSFieldsPopupElementRepresents a pop-up element of type fields that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement
 CAGSFillSymbolAn abstract base class for fill symbols
 CAGSFillSymbolLayerA base class for fill symbol layers
 C<AGSFloorAware>A protocol that can be implemented by layers that support floor filtering
 CAGSFloorFacilityA facility that contains one or more levels for a floor-aware map or scene
 CAGSFloorLevelA floor level within a facility for a floor-aware map or scene
 CAGSFloorManagerManages the data displayed by a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels
 CAGSFloorSiteA site containing one or more facilities for a floor-aware map or scene
 CAGSFrameCameraAddRastersParametersAdds raster datasets to an AGSMosaicDatasetRaster by setting various parameters including the use of frame and camera text files
 CAGSGenerateGeodatabaseJobA job to generate a geodatabase from an ArcGIS Feature service
 CAGSGenerateGeodatabaseParametersParameters to generate a sync-enabled geodatabase
 CAGSGenerateLayerOptionOptions defining what data to include for a layer in a geodatabase
 CAGSGenerateOfflineMapJobA job to take a map offline
 CAGSGenerateOfflineMapParameterOverridesGives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile cache packages that make up the data of an offline map
 CAGSGenerateOfflineMapParametersParameters used with a AGSOfflineMapTask object to take a map offline
 CAGSGenerateOfflineMapResultResults of taking a map offline
 CAGSGeocodeParametersParameters to refine gecoding results returned by AGSLocatorTask
 CAGSGeocodeResultA match candidate returned from an AGSLocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation
 CAGSGeodatabaseA geodatabase on disk
 C<AGSGeodatabaseDataset>A dataset within a geodatabase
 CAGSGeodatabaseDeltaInfoRepresents the delta files created to synchronize changes to an AGSGeodatabase object
 CAGSGeodatabaseFeatureTableA Geodatabase dataset containing geographic features or non-spatial records
 CAGSGeodatabaseSyncTaskA task to download and synchronize a sync-enabled geodatabase
 CAGSGeodesicEllipseParametersParameters for geodesicEllipseWithParameters: (AGSGeometryEngine)
 CAGSGeodesicSectorParametersParameters for geodesicSectorWithParameters: (AGSGeometryEngine)
 CAGSGeodeticDistanceResultA result of AGSGeometryEngine::geodeticDistanceBetweenPoint1:point2:inUnits: method
 C<AGSGeoElement>An abstract representation of geographic entities on a map
 CAGSGeoElementLineOfSightAnalysis of visibility along a line between two geo-elements
 CAGSGeoElementViewshedAnalysis of viewshed for a specified geo-element
 CAGSGeographicTransformationUsed to transform coordinates of geometries between spatial references that have two different geographic coordinate systems
 CAGSGeographicTransformationStepRepresents a step in the process of transforming between datums
 CAGSGeometricEffectA base class for multilayer symbol geometric effect
 CAGSGeometryBase class for all classes that represent geometric shapes
 CAGSGeometryBuilderA builder to build geometries
 CAGSGeometryEngineA class providing methods for operating on AGSGeometry objects
 CAGSGeoModelA base class for either an AGSMap or an AGSScene
 CAGSGeoModelFloorDefinitionContains floor-awareness settings for a map or scene
 CAGSGeoPackageA GeoPackage on disk
 CAGSGeoPackageFeatureTableA dataset in a GeoPackage containing geographic features or non-spatial records
 CAGSGeoPackageRasterA raster dataset within a GeoPackage
 CAGSGeoprocessingBooleanA geoprocessing parameter for boolean data type
 CAGSGeoprocessingDataFileA geoprocessing parameter for files
 CAGSGeoprocessingDateA geoprocessing parameter for date data type
 CAGSGeoprocessingDoubleA geoprocessing parameter for double data type
 CAGSGeoprocessingFeaturesA geoprocessing parameter for feature data
 CAGSGeoprocessingFeatureSetA set of features representing results of a geoprocessing job
 CAGSGeoprocessingJobA job to execute tasks on an ArcGIS Geoprocessing service
 CAGSGeoprocessingLinearUnitA geoprocessing parameter for linear distances
 CAGSGeoprocessingLongA geoprocessing parameter for a 32 bit integer data type
 CAGSGeoprocessingMultiValueA geoprocessing parameter containing multiple values
 CAGSGeoprocessingParameterA base class for geoprocessing parameters
 CAGSGeoprocessingParameterInfoInformation about an input/output Geoprocessing Task parameter
 CAGSGeoprocessingParametersInput parameters for a geoprocessing job
 CAGSGeoprocessingRasterA geoprocessing parameter for raster data
 CAGSGeoprocessingResultResult of a geoprocessing job
 CAGSGeoprocessingStringA geoprocessing parameter for string data type
 CAGSGeoprocessingTaskA task to perform Geoprocessing
 CAGSGeoprocessingTaskInfoInformation about a Geoprocessing Task
 CAGSGeoprocessingUnknownParameterA geoprocessing parameter that is not currently supported
 CAGSGeotriggerA condition monitored by an AGSGeotriggerMonitor
 CAGSGeotriggerFeedFeed data required for an AGSGeotrigger
 CAGSGeotriggerMonitorAn AGSGeotriggerMonitor monitors an AGSGeotrigger condition and, when it is met, results in an AGSGeotriggerNotificationInfo
 CAGSGeotriggerNotificationInfoProvides details about an AGSGeotrigger condition that has been met
 CAGSGeotriggersInfoPresents information on an array of AGSGeotrigger objects defined for an AGSGeoModel
 CAGSGeoViewA base class for all views that can display geographic content on screen
 C<AGSGeoViewTouchDelegate>A touch delegate for AGSGeoView
 CAGSGlobeCameraControllerA controller to allow free-form roaming of a scene view's camera around the globe
 CAGSGPXLocationDataSourceSimulates location updates based on a GPX file
 CAGSGraphicA graphic on top of a map
 CAGSGraphicFenceParametersGeotrigger fence parameters data created from graphics
 CAGSGraphicsOverlayAn overlay to display graphics on the map
 CAGSGraphicsOverlayFenceParametersGeotrigger fence parameters data created from an AGSGraphicsOverlay
 CAGSGridA base class for displaying coordinate system grids on a map
 CAGSGroupLayerA container for other layers and group layers. It is used to represent datasets that are composed of multiple layers to be managed as a single layer with respect to display in a map or scene
 CAGSHatchFillSymbolLayerA class representing a hatch fill symbol layer inside of the geometry attached to a multilayer polygon symbol
 CAGSHeatmapRendererA renderer to display heatmaps
 CAGSHillshadeRendererA hillshade raster renderer
 CAGSHistogramEqualizationStretchParametersParameters to create a stretch renderer based on histogram equalization
 CAGSHorizontalVerticalTransformationUsed to transform coordinates of z-aware geometries between spatial references that have different geographic and/or vertical coordinate systems
 CAGSHorizontalVerticalTransformationStepRepresents a step in the process of transforming between horizontal and/or vertical datums
 CAGSIdentifyGraphicsOverlayResultResults of an identify graphic overlay operation on an AGSGeoView object
 CAGSIdentifyLayerResultResults of an identify layer operation on an AGSGeoView object
 CAGSIDInfoMetadata for a service
 CAGSImageAdjustmentLayerA base class for layers that allow color adjustments
 CAGSImageFrameA frame that, when added to an AGSImageOverlay, renders an image on top of a scene
 CAGSImageOverlayAn overlay that contains a frame with an image to display in the view
 CAGSImageServiceRasterAn instance of this class represents a raster that is retrieved from an ArcGIS image service
 CAGSImageTiledLayerA base class for layers that display cached maps. You would typically work with one or more sub-classes of this class
 CAGSImageTiledLayer(CustomImageTiledLayer)Category for implementing custom tiled layers
 CAGSIncidentAn incident to use in closest facility analysis
 CAGSIndoorsLocationDataSourceProvides an indoor or outdoor position based on device sensor data (radio, GPS, motion sensors)
 CAGSInheritedDomainInherited domain for a field
 CAGSIntegratedMeshLayerA layer that can display an integrated mesh
 CAGSItemObject representing a unit of content
 CAGSItemResourceCacheInformation on resources associated with an item
 CAGSJobA long running job on a remote server
 CAGSJobMessageInformational message about the execution of a job
 CAGSJSONRequestOperationAn operation to fetch JSON from a web service
 C<AGSJSONSerializable>A protocol to convert objects to and from JSON
 CAGSJSONSerializableBaseA class that provides a base implementation for our JSON serializable objects
 CAGSKeychainItemA convenience class to store and retrieve objects in the keychain
 CAGSKMLColorStyleDefines how an AGSKMLNode will appear
 CAGSKMLContainerA KML Container element
 CAGSKMLDatasetA KML dataset
 CAGSKMLDocumentA KML Document element
 CAGSKMLFolderA KML Folder element
 CAGSKMLGeometryA KML Geometry element
 CAGSKMLGroundOverlayA KML Ground Overlay element
 CAGSKMLIconThe KML icon of the ground and screen overlays
 CAGSKMLIconStyleA KML icon style object
 CAGSKMLImageCoordinateA KML image coordinate object
 CAGSKMLLabelStyleSpecifies how the name of a AGSKMLNode is drawn, including color and scale
 CAGSKMLLayerA layer that can visualize KML data
 CAGSKMLLineStyleThe drawing style (color, color mode, and line width) for all line geometry
 CAGSKMLNetworkLinkA KML Network Link element
 CAGSKMLNodeA single node within a KML document
 CAGSKMLPhotoOverlayPhoto overlays are a legacy KML feature
 CAGSKMLPlacemarkA KML Placemark element
 CAGSKMLPolygonStyleSpecifies the drawing style for all polygons in a KML node
 CAGSKMLScreenOverlayA KML Screen Overlay element
 CAGSKMLStyleSpecifies the drawing style for a AGSKMLNode
 CAGSKMLTourControllerThe KML tour controller, which can be used to control the playback of KML tours
 CAGSKMLViewpointKML viewpoint specifying a vantage point for looking at a node
 CAGSLabelAngleSpecifies how to calculate the angular position and layout direction for labels on or around point feature symbols. The angular position may be different for each feature (driven by one or more feature attributes) or constant for all features (specified by a fixed number)
 CAGSLabelDefinitionAn object that defines the text, appearance, and position of labels for features within a given scale range
 CAGSLabelExpressionAbstract base class for the different types of expressions that can be used to create label text. Users can read the expression script using the AGSLabelExpression::expression property. To specify an expression script, users create an object of type AGSArcadeLabelExpression, AGSSimpleLabelExpression or AGSWebmapLabelExpression with the required expression script and assign it to the label expression object
 CAGSLabelingInfoAn object that defines the text, appearance and position of labels for features for a given scale range. An AGSLabelingInfo describes a class of labels
 CAGSLabelStackSeparatorA separator character in a label, where a line break may be inserted in long text
 CAGSLatitudeLongitudeGridA grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude
 CAGSLayerAn abstract base class for all layers
 C<AGSLayerContent>A protocol defining common properties and operations for layers
 CAGSLayerFloorDefinitionDescribes how features in an AGSFloorAware layer are associated with floor levels of a facility
 CAGSLayerScenePropertiesLayer properties that apply to 3D scenes
 CAGSLayerTimeInfoTime information details
 CAGSLayerViewStateThe view state of a layer
 CAGSLegendInfoAn individual legend element
 CAGSLevelLayerDefinitionDefines the properties of the layer that contains floor levels for a floor-aware map or scene
 CAGSLevelOfDetailA scale level in a tiling scheme
 CAGSLicenseThe application's license details
 CAGSLicenseInfoA class that contains information pertaining to a licensed named user
 CAGSLicenseResultResult of setting a license
 CAGSLinearUnitDefines a linear unit of measurement
 CAGSLineOfSightBase class for all line-of-sight analysis
 CAGSLineSegmentA line segment
 CAGSLineSymbolAn abstract base class for line symbols
 C<AGSLoadable>A protocol adopted by classes that can load data asynchronously
 CAGSLoadableBaseA base class for loadables
 CAGSLoadableBase(ForSubclassEyesOnly)Information relevant to sublcasses of AGSLoadableBase
 CAGSLoadableImageAn image that is loaded asynchronously
 CAGSLoadableValueA value that is loaded asynchronously
 CAGSLoadSettingsSettings for layers in a Map or Scene
 CAGSLocalFeatureEditAn object that represents a pending feature edit specifying its edit operation and most recent edit time
 CAGSLocalFeatureEditsResultAn object that contains an enumerator that can iterate AGSLocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order based on edit time
 CAGSLocalItemA unit of content on-disk
 CAGSLocationRepresents a location update provided by a location datasource
 C<AGSLocationChangeHandlerDelegate>A change handler delegate for AGSLocationDataSource
 CAGSLocationDataSourceAn abstract base class that provides location updates to AGSLocationDisplay
 CAGSLocationDataSource(ForSubclassEyesOnly)A category to organize subclassable aspects of AGSLocationDataSource
 CAGSLocationDisplayDisplays device location on a map
 CAGSLocationDistanceMeasurementAnalysis of distance between two locations
 CAGSLocationGeotriggerFeedFeed data for an AGSGeotrigger created from an AGSLocationDataSource
 CAGSLocationLineOfSightAnalysis of visibility along a line between two locations
 CAGSLocationToScreenResultResult of a location-to-screen operation on AGSSceneView
 CAGSLocationViewshedAnalysis of viewshed for a specified location
 CAGSLocatorAttributeAttribute avaialable for an AGSLocatorTask
 CAGSLocatorInfoMetadata about the locator service or dataset used by AGSLocatorTask
 CAGSLocatorTaskA task to geocode and reverse-geocode addresses and places
 CAGSManualDisplayFilterDefinitionFilter features from the display based on the specified active display filter
 CAGSMapA map containing 2D geographic content
 CAGSMapServiceLayerIDInfoAn object that represents the sub layer metadata for a Map service
 CAGSMapSublayerSourceA source for AGSArcGISMapImageSublayer based on an existing sub layer
 CAGSMapViewA view component to display 2D geographic content such as maps
 CAGSMapViewCommonA base class for AGSMapView
 CAGSMapViewInteractionOptionsOptions to configure Map View user interactions
 CAGSMarkerSceneSymbolAn abstract base class for 3D marker symbols
 CAGSMarkerSymbolAn abstract base class for marker symbols
 CAGSMarkerSymbolLayerA base class for marker symbol layers
 CAGSMediaPopupElementRepresents a pop-up element of type media that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement
 CAGSMGRSGridA grid representing Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinate system
 CAGSMinMaxStretchParametersParameters to create a stretch renderer based on output min/max pixel values
 CAGSMobileBasemapLayerA layer that can visualize the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package
 CAGSMobileMapPackageA mobile map package
 CAGSMobileScenePackageA mobile scene package
 CAGSModelSceneSymbolUsed to display point or multipoint AGSGeoElement in a scene using a 3D model
 CAGSMosaicDatasetRasterA mosaic dataset raster
 CAGSMosaicRuleA rule determining how a requested image should participate in the mosaic
 CAGSMultilayerPointSymbolA multilayer point symbol
 CAGSMultilayerPolygonSymbolA multilayer polygon symbol
 CAGSMultilayerPolylineSymbolA multilayer polyline symbol
 CAGSMultilayerSymbolA base class for multilayer symbols. Multilayer symbols are built from multiple layers of symbols, which combine to let you add complex symbols to maps and scenes
 CAGSMultipartDefines common members for polyline and polygon multipart geometries
 CAGSMultipartBuilderA builder to construct or modify multipart geometries
 CAGSMultipointAn ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry
 CAGSMultipointBuilderA builder to construct or modify multipoint geometries
 CAGSMutablePartA mutable part of a multipart geometry
 CAGSMutablePartCollectionMutable collection of parts of a multipart geometry builder
 CAGSMutablePointCollectionMutable collection of points of a multipoint geometry builder
 C<AGSNetworkActivityDelegate>A delegate that is informed about network usage by the ArcGIS Runtime
 CAGSNetworkLocationReferences a specific location/position along a transportation network source feature
 CAGSNMEALocationAn NMEA location instance
 CAGSNMEALocationDataSourceAn NMEA location data source object
 C<AGSNMEALocationDataSourceDelegate>A change handler delegate for AGSNMEALocationDataSource
 CAGSNMEASatelliteInfoAn NMEA satellite info instance
 CAGSOAuthConfigurationOAuth details of an app
 CAGSObservableOperationBase class for operations. This adds the ability to register a listener to the AGSOperationBase. It also adds the concept of an error and a result
 CAGSOfflineCapabilityDescribes whether a layer or table can be included in an offline map
 CAGSOfflineMapCapabilitiesOffline capabilities of a map
 CAGSOfflineMapItemInfoMetadata about an offline map
 CAGSOfflineMapParametersKeyRepresents a key associated with a generate offline map parameters override
 CAGSOfflineMapSyncJobA job to sync an offline map
 CAGSOfflineMapSyncLayerResultResult of a sync operation for a map layer or table initiated by AGSOfflineMapSyncJob
 CAGSOfflineMapSyncParametersParameters to synchronize an offline map
 CAGSOfflineMapSyncResultResult of a sync operation by an AGSOfflineMapSyncJob object
 CAGSOfflineMapSyncTaskA task to sync an offline map
 CAGSOfflineMapTaskA task to take a map offline
 CAGSOfflineMapUpdateCapabilitiesDescribes supported methods for obtaining updates for an offline map
 CAGSOfflineMapUpdatesInfoProvides information on the available updates for an offline map
 CAGSOfflineSettingsRepresents settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use
 CAGSOGCFeatureCollectionInfoMetadata of a layer (feature collection) in an OGC API - Features service
 CAGSOGCFeatureCollectionTableAn OGC API - Features feature collection table
 CAGSOGCFeatureServiceAn "OGC API - Features" service
 CAGSOGCFeatureServiceInfoMetadata for an "OGC API - Features" service
 CAGSOpenStreetMapLayerA layer that requests images from OpenStreetMap servers
 CAGSOrbitGeoElementCameraControllerA controller which allows a scene view's camera to orbit a geo-element
 CAGSOrbitLocationCameraControllerA controller which allows a scene view's camera to orbit a fixed location
 CAGSOrderByAn object that is used to specify the sort order of query results
 CAGSOwnershipBasedAccessControlInfoOwnership-based access control information for the features of a feature service layer
 CAGSPartRepresents a single part of a multipart geometry (AGSPolygon or AGSPolyline)
 CAGSPartCollectionParts of a multipart geometry (AGSMultipart)
 CAGSPercentClipStretchParametersParameters to create a stretch renderer based on percentile min/max pixel values
 CAGSPictureFillSymbolUses an image to symbolize the fill for a polygon AGSGeoElement
 CAGSPictureFillSymbolLayerA class representing a picture fill symbol layer
 CAGSPictureMarkerSymbolUses an image to symbolize AGSGeomElement that has AGSPoint or AGSMultipoint geometry
 CAGSPictureMarkerSymbolLayerA class representing a symbol layer that's used to place a picture marker on a point geometry
 CAGSPointA location defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates
 CAGSPointBarrierA point barrier to constrain routes
 CAGSPointBuilderA builder to build point geometries
 CAGSPointCloudLayerA layer that can display point cloud data
 CAGSPointCollectionRepresents vertices (immutable collection of points) of a single part of a multipart geometry (AGSMultipart)
 CAGSPolygonA multipart shape used to represent an area
 CAGSPolygonBarrierA polygon barrier to constrain routes
 CAGSPolygonBuilderA builder to build polygon geometries
 CAGSPolylineA multipart linear shape
 CAGSPolylineBarrierA polyline barrier to constrain routes
 CAGSPolylineBuilderA builder to build polyline geometries
 CAGSPopupA popup which displays a geo-element's information
 CAGSPopupAttachmentAn attachment belonging to a popup
 CAGSPopupAttachmentManagerManages attachments belonging to a popup
 CAGSPopupDefinitionA popup definition
 CAGSPopupElementRepresents an element that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement
 CAGSPopupExpressionArcade expression to display in a pop-up
 CAGSPopupExpressionEvaluationThe result of an attempt to evaluate popup expression
 CAGSPopupFieldInformation about a field in a popup
 CAGSPopupFieldFormatDisplay formatting for a popup field
 CAGSPopupManagerA popup manager
 C<AGSPopupManagerDelegate>A delegate of AGSPopupManager
 CAGSPopupMediaInformation about a single media in a popup
 CAGSPopupMediaValueContents of a media element in a popup
 CAGSPopupRelatedFeaturesDefinitionDefinition for handling related features in popups
 CAGSPopupRelatedFeaturesSortOrderThe order for displaying related features in a popup
 C<AGSPopupSource>A source for popups
 CAGSPopupsViewControllerA view controller for displaying popups
 C<AGSPopupsViewControllerDelegate>A delegate of AGSPopupsViewController
 CAGSPopupsViewControllerThemeA theme to configure the appearance of AGSPopupsViewController
 CAGSPortalAn object representing a portal for ArcGIS
 CAGSPortalFolderRepresents a folder of content within the Portal or Organization
 CAGSPortalGroupRepresents a group within the Portal or Organization
 CAGSPortalGroupContentSearchParametersContains search parameters suitable for finding portal items that belong to a portal group
 CAGSPortalGroupContentSearchResultSetResults of a Group Content Search operation performed on a PortalGroup
 CAGSPortalHelperServicesServices provided by an organization's portal
 CAGSPortalInfoInformation about a portal or organization
 CAGSPortalItemObject representing a unit of content in an ArcGIS portal
 CAGSPortalItemCommentA comment for a portal's item
 CAGSPortalItemContentParametersContent for a new AGSPortalItem
 CAGSPortalPrivilegePrivileges of a portal user
 CAGSPortalQueryParametersDefines a query on a portal
 CAGSPortalQueryResultSetResults of a query on a portal
 CAGSPortalUserAn object representing a registered user of the portal or organization
 CAGSPreplannedMapAreaRepresents an individual offline map area
 CAGSProximityResultThe result of a proximity search
 CAGSQueryParametersParameters to perform a query using AGSFeatureTable
 CAGSRangeDomainRange domain supported by a field
 CAGSRangeDomainDescriptionAn object that describes an AGSRangeDomain to be created
 CAGSRasterA raster dataset
 CAGSRasterCellA raster cell A RasterCell is a specific type of AGSGeoElement used to represent the values of a specific pixel in an AGSRasterLayer
 CAGSRasterElevationSourceAn elevation source based on raster elevation data
 CAGSRasterFunctionA function used to apply on-the-fly processing to rasters
 CAGSRasterFunctionArgumentsArguments for a raster function
 CAGSRasterLayerDisplays raster data in a map or scene
 CAGSRasterRendererA base class for raster renderers
 CAGSRasterSublayerSourceA source for AGSArcGISMapImageSublayer based on a file-based raster in a registered raster workspace
 CAGSRelatedFeatureQueryResultResult of relationship based queries that return features
 CAGSRelatedQueryParametersParameters to perform a related query using AGSArcGISFeatureTable
 CAGSRelationshipInfoInformation about a feature table's relationship
 C<AGSRemoteResource>A protocol adopted by classes that access remote network resources that have the potential to be secured
 CAGSRendererAn abstract base class for renderers
 CAGSRendererScenePropertiesRenderer properties that apply only to graphics or features in 3D Scenes
 CAGSRenderingRuleAn instance of this class represents the rule for how the requested image should be rendered or processed
 CAGSRenderingRuleInfoInformation about an ArcGIS image service rendering rule
 CAGSRequestConfigurationNetworking related configuration of resources
 CAGSRequestConfiguration(Debug)Networking related configuration of resources useful for debugging
 CAGSRequestOperationBase class for operations that perform http requests
 CAGSReroutingParametersRepresents the parameters that are used to perform automatic re-routing if off-route while navigating along a route
 CAGSRestrictionAttributeRestrictions within a transportation network
 CAGSReverseGeocodeParametersParameters to refine reverse-gecoding results returned by AGSLocatorTask
 CAGSRGBRendererAn RGB composite raster renderer
 CAGSRouteAn individual route between stops
 CAGSRouteParametersInput parameters for AGSRouteTask
 CAGSRouteResultResult returned by AGSRouteTask
 CAGSRouteTaskA task to compute routes and turn-by-turn directions
 CAGSRouteTaskInfoMetadata about the network analyst service or dataset used by AGSRouteTask
 CAGSRouteTrackerUses a location to provide status and progress updates as a route is traversed (by a moving vehicle, for example)
 CAGSRouteTrackerLocationDataSourceA location data source that uses a route tracker and a generic location data source to output locations snapped to a route
 CAGSScaleDisplayFilterDefinitionFilter features from the display based on the current map scale
 CAGSScaleRangeDisplayFilterA display filter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range
 CAGSSceneA scene containing 3D geographic content
 CAGSSceneViewA view component to display 3D geographic content such as scenes
 CAGSSceneViewCommonA base class for AGSSceneView
 CAGSSceneViewInteractionOptionsOptions to configure Scene View user interactions
 CAGSSegmentA segment represents an edge of a multipart geometry, connecting a start to an end point
 CAGSSelectionPropertiesSelection properties of an AGSGeoView
 CAGSServiceAreaFacilityA facility to use in service area analysis
 CAGSServiceAreaParametersInput parameters for AGSServiceAreaTask
 CAGSServiceAreaPolygonResult polygon returned by AGSServiceAreaTask
 CAGSServiceAreaPolylineResult polyline returned by AGSServiceAreaTask
 CAGSServiceAreaResultResult returned by AGSServiceAreaTask
 CAGSServiceAreaTaskA task to calculate service areas
 CAGSServiceAreaTaskInfoMetadata about the network analyst service or dataset used by AGSServiceAreaTask
 CAGSServiceDocumentInfoMetadata about the service
 CAGSServiceFeatureTableA dataset from an individual layer or table in an ArcGIS map or feature service
 CAGSServiceGeodatabaseA container for a collection of AGSServiceFeatureTable connected to a feature service
 CAGSServiceImageTiledLayerA base class for all image tiled layers that fetch map tiles from a remote service
 CAGSServiceImageTiledLayer(CustomTiledLayer)Category for implementing custom tiled layers based on remote services
 CAGSServiceTimeInfoInformation about an ArcGIS Server service time info
 CAGSServiceVersionInfoAn object that represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service
 CAGSServiceVersionParametersThe parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service
 CAGSShapefileFeatureTableA shapefile dataset containing geographic features or non-spatial records
 CAGSShapefileInfoMetadata for a shapefile dataset
 CAGSSimpleFillSymbolA fill symbol based on simple patterns
 CAGSSimpleLabelExpressionAn expression script using the Simple REST language. The label Simple expression expects to hold a legal, Simple script and to be read and evaluated by a Simple expression interpreter. An example expression that combines text with a field value is "State: " CONCAT [State_Name] Note that quotes are needed around the literal text. See for full documentation on the labelExpression syntax and functions
 CAGSSimpleLineSymbolA line symbol based on simple patterns
 CAGSSimpleMarkerSceneSymbolA 3D marker symbol based on simple shapes
 CAGSSimpleMarkerSymbolA marker symbol based on simple shapes
 CAGSSimpleRendererA simple renderer based on a single symbol
 CAGSSimulatedLocationDataSourceSimulates location updates based on a list of locations or a polyline geometry
 CAGSSiteLayerDefinitionDefines the properties of the layer that contains sites for a floor-aware map or scene
 CAGSSketchEditConfigurationRepresents edit configuration for AGSSketchEditor
 CAGSSketchEditorA class that allows the user to sketch geometries on the map
 CAGSSketchStyleStyle for the visual appearance of AGSSketchEditor
 CAGSSketchVertexA class that represents a vertex or mid-vertex in the AGSSketchEditor
 CAGSSolidFillSymbolLayerA class representing a solid fill symbol layer
 CAGSSolidStrokeSymbolLayerA class for stroke symbol layers with customized geometric effects
 CAGSSpatialReferenceRepresents the spatial reference of a geometry
 CAGSStandardDeviationStretchParametersParameters to create a stretch renderer based on a standard deviation factor
 CAGSStatisticDefinitionDefines a statistic to be queried
 CAGSStatisticRecordAn individual statistic record
 CAGSStatisticRecordEnumeratorAn enumerator to iterate over statistic results
 CAGSStatisticsQueryParametersParameters to perform a statistic query using AGSFeatureTable
 CAGSStatisticsQueryResultResult of queries that return statistics
 CAGSStopA class that represents a location to be visited along a route
 CAGSStretchParametersBase class of parameters for AGSStretchRenderer
 CAGSStretchRendererA stretch raster renderer
 CAGSStrokeSymbolLayerA base class for stroke symbol layers
 CAGSSublayerSourceBase class for sources of a map image sublayer
 CAGSSubscriptionInfoInformation about the user's subscription
 CAGSSubtypeFeatureLayerA layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup properties, and so on for some or all of the subtypes in an AGSArcGISFeatureTable
 CAGSSubtypeSublayerA sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype
 CAGSSuggestParametersInput parameters for a suggest operation on AGSLocatorTask
 CAGSSuggestResultResult of a suggest operation on AGSLocatorTask
 CAGSSurfaceA surface providing elevation context for a scene
 CAGSSymbolA symbol used to display a graphic or a feature
 CAGSSymbolAnchorThe anchor of a symbol layer, including placement mode and x, y anchor values
 CAGSSymbolLayerA base class to represent symbol layers, which are the fundamental components used to build multilayer symbols
 CAGSSymbolReferencePropertiesSymbol properties that changes how symbols behave when attached to a renderer
 CAGSSymbolStyleA symbol style object
 CAGSSymbolStyleSearchParametersSearch parameters used to search for symbols in a symbol style
 CAGSSymbolStyleSearchResultResults of search operations on a symbol style
 CAGSSyncCapabilitiesCapabilities supported by a sync-enabled service
 CAGSSyncGeodatabaseJobA job to synchronize changes between a geodatabase and an ArcGIS Feature service
 CAGSSyncGeodatabaseParametersParameters to synchronize data of a sync-enabled geodatabase
 CAGSSyncLayerOptionSync parameters for a layer in a geodatabase
 CAGSSyncLayerResultResult of a sync operation by AGSSyncGeodatabaseJob
 CAGSTableDescriptionAn object that describes an AGSGeodatabaseFeatureTable to be created
 CAGSTableJoinSublayerSourceA source for AGSArcGISMapImageSublayer based on a join of other sources
 CAGSTableQuerySublayerSourceA source for AGSArcGISMapImageSublayer based on a SQL query of a dataset in a registered workspace
 CAGSTableSublayerSourceA source for AGSArcGISMapImageSublayer based on a dataset in a registered workspace
 CAGSTextPopupElementRepresents a pop-up element of type text that is displayed in a pop-up for a geoelement
 CAGSTextSymbolA text symbol
 CAGSTileCacheA local cache of pre-rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer
 CAGSTileInfoThe tiling scheme of a tiled layer
 CAGSTileKeyA tile key
 C<AGSTimeAware>A protocol that can be implemented by layers that support time
 CAGSTimeExtentRepresents a span of time between a start time and end time
 CAGSTimeReferenceContains information about how the time was measured
 CAGSTimeValueDefines a period of time
 CAGSTrackingDistanceDefines tracking distance
 CAGSTrackingProgressDefines tracking progress (passed and remaining geometries, remaining time and distance)
 CAGSTrackingStatusDefines route tracking current status data
 CAGSTransformationCatalogAllows discovery and management of the transformations used to convert coordinates between different datums
 CAGSTransformationMatrixA class for holding a translation and quaternion array. This is used for camera movement while preventing gimbal lock
 CAGSTransformationMatrixCameraControllerSupport camera navigation by using AGSTransformationMatrix
 CAGSTransportationNetworkDatasetA transportation network dataset
 CAGSTravelModeTravel options for routes generated by AGSRouteTask
 CAGSUniqueValueEach unique value that is symbolized differently by a unique value renderer
 CAGSUniqueValueRendererA renderer based on unique values
 CAGSUnitDefines a unit of measurement
 CAGSUnknownLayerAn unknown layer
 CAGSUnsupportedLayerAn unsupported layer
 CAGSUSNGGridA grid representing United States National Grid (USNG) coordinate system
 CAGSUtilityAssetGroupA utility network asset group
 CAGSUtilityAssetTypeA utility network asset type
 CAGSUtilityAssociationA connectivity, containment, or structural attachment association
 CAGSUtilityCategoryA category used to define a characteristic of an asset in a network
 CAGSUtilityCategoryComparisonA condition evaluating whether a particular AGSUtilityCategory object exists on a feature in the trace
 CAGSUtilityDomainNetworkA domain network inside a utility network
 CAGSUtilityElementAn entity in a utility network that corresponds to an AGSFeature object
 CAGSUtilityElementTraceResultA trace result set comprised of an array of AGSUtilityElement objects
 CAGSUtilityFunctionTraceResultA trace result set comprised of an array of AGSUtilityTraceFunctionOutput objects
 CAGSUtilityGeometryTraceResultThe trace result comprised of a set of AGSGeometry objects representing the network elements identified by the trace
 CAGSUtilityNamedTraceConfigurationA set of predefined trace options that can be used by the AGSUtilityTraceParameters object to simplify configuring and running a trace operation. Named trace configurations are created in the utility network and allows clients to perform trace analytics without needing to understand the data model. Applications can simply allow the user to choose from a set of named trace configurations that provide tracing capabilities. The set can be configured for different workflows, and a single application can be used by multiple customers and across multiple problem domains
 CAGSUtilityNamedTraceConfigurationQueryParametersThe query parameters to use when searching for applicable named trace configuration objects. If none of the parameters are set the query will return all available named trace configurations. In the query the values in each property are combined using a logical OR and between each property a logical AND is used
 CAGSUtilityNearestNeighborA filter set on the AGSUtilityTraceFilter::nearestNeighbor property to return the next N features from the starting point
 CAGSUtilityNetworkA utility network
 CAGSUtilityNetworkAttributeA network attribute in a utility network
 CAGSUtilityNetworkAttributeComparisonA condition evaluating the value of an AGSUtilityNetworkAttribute on nodes in the network, either to another AGSUtilityNetworkAttribute or to a specific value
 CAGSUtilityNetworkDefinitionAn object that represents the metadata of a utility network
 CAGSUtilityNetworkSourceA network source in a utility network
 CAGSUtilityPropagatorPropagator objects allow a subset of AGSUtilityNetworkAttribute values to propagate through a network while executing a trace
 CAGSUtilityTerminalA single terminal on a junction feature
 CAGSUtilityTerminalConfigurationA utility network terminal configuration
 CAGSUtilityTerminalConfigurationPathThe set of flow paths between terminals for a given device configuration
 CAGSUtilityTerminalPathSpecifies a flow path between two AGSUtilityTerminal objects
 CAGSUtilityTierTiers demarcate a logical level within a network
 CAGSUtilityTierGroupTier groups provide an extra level of organization for tiers
 CAGSUtilityTraceAndConditionCombines two sub-expressions together using a logical AND operator
 CAGSUtilityTraceConditionThe base class for a utility network traversability condition
 CAGSUtilityTraceConditionalExpressionA trace condition that depends on the schema information in the utility network, such as the existence of an AGSUtilityCategory object on a node, or the value of an AGSUtilityNetworkAttribute object
 CAGSUtilityTraceConfigurationThe set of utility network parameters that define elements of a trace or of a subnetwork. AGSUtilityTraceConfiguration is set in the AGSUtilityTraceParameters object
 CAGSUtilityTraceFilterA mechanism to stop tracing when returning results. AGSUtilityTraceFilter objects do not stop traversability to the controller. Consider an upstream protective device trace. At first, you might try defining an AGSUtilityCategoryComparison object that looks for a protective device category and assigning this to the AGSUtilityTraversability::barriers property. When you try to run an upstream trace using this configuration, it will probably fail. This is because traversability will stop at the first protective device, and the trace will be unable to find the subnetwork controller. The correct way to implement this trace is to assign the AGSUtilityCategoryComparison object to the filter. AGSUtilityTraceFilter is set in the AGSUtilityTraceConfiguration object
 CAGSUtilityTraceFunctionFunctions allow the computation of values during a network trace
 CAGSUtilityTraceFunctionBarrierAn AGSUtilityTraceFunctionBarrier object stops continued traversal when a comparison expression evaluates as YES
 CAGSUtilityTraceFunctionOutputAn AGSUtilityTraceFunctionOutput is comprised of an AGSUtilityTraceFunction and its corresponding global result
 CAGSUtilityTraceOrConditionTwo sub-expressions combined together using a logical OR operator
 CAGSUtilityTraceParametersUtility network trace parameters
 CAGSUtilityTraceResultThe base class for trace result objects
 CAGSUtilityTraversabilityA set of options controlling what objects are evaluated or returned during a tracing operation. AGSUtilityTraversability is set in the AGSUtilityTraceConfiguration object
 CAGSUTMGridA grid representing the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system
 CAGSVectorMarkerSymbolElementA class representing a component of a vector marker. A single instance of AGSVectorMarkerSymbolElement is a combination of a symbol and a geometry
 CAGSVectorMarkerSymbolLayerA class representing a marker comprising vector graphics
 CAGSVectorTileCacheA cache of tiles in a vector tile package
 CAGSVectorTileSourceInfoMetadata about a source of vector tiles
 CAGSVectorTileStyleStyle information for a source of vector tiles
 CAGSViewLabelPropertiesLabel properties for AGSGeoView
 CAGSViewpointRepresents the view location of an AGSMapView or AGSSceneView object
 CAGSViewshedBase class for all viewshed analysis
 CAGSVoiceGuidanceDirection guidance text reformatted for speech
 CAGSWebmapLabelExpressionThe label Webmap expression expects to hold a legal, Webmap script and to be read and evaluated by a Webmap expression interpreter. An example expression that combines text with a field value is State {State_Name} Note that quotes are not needed around the literal text
 CAGSWebTiledLayerA layer that requests images from a tiled image server based on a URL template
 CAGSWFSFeatureTableRepresents a table in an OGC Web Feature Service
 CAGSWFSLayerInfoAn object that represents the WFS Layer info
 CAGSWFSServiceAn object that represents a WFS Service
 CAGSWFSServiceInfoAn object that represents the service metadata for an WFS Service
 CAGSWMSFeatureA WMS feature
 CAGSWMSLayerDisplays data from a WMS service
 CAGSWMSLayerInfoInformation about a layer in an OGC-WMS service
 CAGSWMSServiceAn OGC-WMS service
 CAGSWMSServiceInfoInformation about an OGC-WMS service
 CAGSWMSSublayerRepresents an individual layer in an OGC-WMS service
 CAGSWMTSLayerDisplays data from a WMTS service by using pre-generated tiles
 CAGSWMTSLayerInfoA layer in an OGC-WMTS service
 CAGSWMTSServiceAn OGC-WMTS map service
 CAGSWMTSServiceInfoMetadata of an OGC-WMTS map service
 CAGSWMTSTileMatrixAn OGC-WMTS service tile matrix
 CAGSWMTSTileMatrixSetAn OGC-WMTS service tile matrix set
 CNSArray(AGSJSONSerializable)A category on NSArray to provide convenience methods for JSON serialization