A renderer allows you to change the style of all graphics in a graphics overlay by referencing a single symbol style. A renderer will only affect graphics that do not specify their own symbol style.
Use case
A renderer allows you to change the style of all graphics in an overlay by only changing one copy of the symbol. For example, a user may wish to display a number of graphics on a map of parkland which represent trees, all sharing a common symbol.
How to use the sample
Pan and zoom on the map to view graphics for points, lines, and polygons (including polygons with curve segments), which are stylized using renderers.
How it works
- Create an
and add it to theAGSMapView
. - Create an
, specifying only anAGSGeometry
. - Create a single
such as anAGSSimpleMarkerSymbol
. - Create a renderer with
, passing in anAGSSymbol
. - Set the renderer for the
Relevant API
- AGSCubicBezierSegment
- AGSEllipticArcSegment
- AGSGeodesicEllipseParameters
- AGSGeometry
- AGSGraphic
- AGSGraphicsOverlay
- AGSMutablePart
- AGSPolygonBuilder
- AGSPolylineBuilder
- AGSSimpleFillSymbol
- AGSSimpleLineSymbol
- AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol
- AGSSimpleRenderer
- class AGSGeometryEngine.geodesicEllipse(with:)
Additional information
To set unique symbols across a number of graphics (e.g. showing graphics of individual landmarks), see "Add graphics with symbols" sample.
arc, bezier, curve, display, ellipse, graphics, marker, overlay, renderer, segment, symbol, true curve
Sample Code
// Copyright 2016 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import UIKit
import ArcGIS
class AddGraphicsWithRendererViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: Storyboard views
/// The map view managed by the view controller.
@IBOutlet var mapView: AGSMapView! {
didSet {
mapView.map = AGSMap(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
mapView.setViewpointCenter(AGSPointMakeWebMercator(20e5, 20e5), scale: 7e7)
mapView.graphicsOverlays.addObjects(from: [
// MARK: Methods
func makePointGraphicsOverlay() -> AGSGraphicsOverlay {
// Create a simple marker symbol.
let pointSymbol = AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol(style: .diamond, color: .green, size: 10)
// Create a graphics overlay for the points.
let pointGraphicsOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
// Create and assign a simple renderer to the graphics overlay.
pointGraphicsOverlay.renderer = AGSSimpleRenderer(symbol: pointSymbol)
// Create a point graphic with `AGSPoint` geometry.
let pointGeometry = AGSPoint(x: 40e5, y: 40e5, spatialReference: .webMercator())
let pointGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: pointGeometry, symbol: nil)
// Add the graphic to the overlay.
return pointGraphicsOverlay
func makeLineGraphicsOverlay() -> AGSGraphicsOverlay {
// Create a simple line symbol.
let lineSymbol = AGSSimpleLineSymbol(style: .solid, color: .blue, width: 5)
// Create a graphics overlay for the polylines.
let lineGraphicsOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
// Create and assign a simple renderer to the graphics overlay.
lineGraphicsOverlay.renderer = AGSSimpleRenderer(symbol: lineSymbol)
// Create a line graphic with `AGSPolyline` geometry.
let lineBuilder = AGSPolylineBuilder(spatialReference: .webMercator())
lineBuilder.addPointWith(x: -10e5, y: 40e5)
lineBuilder.addPointWith(x: 20e5, y: 50e5)
let lineGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: lineBuilder.toGeometry(), symbol: nil)
// Add the graphic to the overlay.
return lineGraphicsOverlay
func makeSquarePolygonGraphicsOverlay() -> AGSGraphicsOverlay {
// Create a simple fill symbol.
let squareSymbol = AGSSimpleFillSymbol(style: .solid, color: .yellow, outline: nil)
// Create a graphics overlay for the square polygons.
let squareGraphicsOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
// Create and assign a simple renderer to the graphics overlay.
squareGraphicsOverlay.renderer = AGSSimpleRenderer(symbol: squareSymbol)
// Create a polygon graphic with `AGSPolygon` geometry.
let polygonBuilder = AGSPolygonBuilder(spatialReference: .webMercator())
polygonBuilder.addPointWith(x: -20e5, y: 20e5)
polygonBuilder.addPointWith(x: 20e5, y: 20e5)
polygonBuilder.addPointWith(x: 20e5, y: -20e5)
polygonBuilder.addPointWith(x: -20e5, y: -20e5)
let polygonGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: polygonBuilder.toGeometry(), symbol: nil)
// Add the graphic to the overlay.
return squareGraphicsOverlay
func makeEllipseGraphicsOverlay() -> AGSGraphicsOverlay {
// Create a simple fill symbol.
let ellipseSymbol = AGSSimpleFillSymbol(style: .solid, color: .purple, outline: nil)
// Create a graphics overlay for the ellipse.
let ellipseGraphicsOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
// Create and assign a simple renderer to the graphics overlay.
ellipseGraphicsOverlay.renderer = AGSSimpleRenderer(symbol: ellipseSymbol)
// Create an ellipse graphic.
let ellipseCenter = AGSPoint(x: 40e5, y: 25e5, spatialReference: .webMercator())
let parameters = AGSGeodesicEllipseParameters(
axisDirection: -45,
angularUnit: .degrees(),
center: ellipseCenter,
linearUnit: .kilometers(),
maxPointCount: 100,
maxSegmentLength: 20,
geometryType: .polygon,
semiAxis1Length: 200,
semiAxis2Length: 400
let ellipseGeometry = AGSGeometryEngine.geodesicEllipse(with: parameters)
let ellipseGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: ellipseGeometry, symbol: nil)
// Add the graphic to the overlay.
return ellipseGraphicsOverlay
func makeCurvedPolygonGraphicsOverlay() -> AGSGraphicsOverlay {
// Create a simple fill symbol with outline.
let curvedLineSymbol = AGSSimpleLineSymbol(style: .solid, color: .black, width: 1)
let curvedFillSymbol = AGSSimpleFillSymbol(style: .solid, color: .red, outline: curvedLineSymbol)
// Create a graphics overlay for the polygons with curve segments.
let curvedGraphicsOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
// Create and assign a simple renderer to the graphics overlay.
curvedGraphicsOverlay.renderer = AGSSimpleRenderer(symbol: curvedFillSymbol)
// Create a heart-shape graphic from `AGSSegment`s.
let origin = AGSPoint(x: 40e5, y: 5e5, spatialReference: .webMercator())
let heartGeometry = makeHeartGeometry(center: origin, sideLength: 10e5)
let heartGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: heartGeometry, symbol: nil)
return curvedGraphicsOverlay
/// Create a heart-shape geometry with Bezier and elliptic arc segments.
/// - Parameters:
/// - center: The center of the square that contains the heart shape.
/// - sideLength: The side length of the square.
/// - Returns: A heart-shape geometry.
func makeHeartGeometry(center: AGSPoint, sideLength: Double) -> AGSGeometry? {
guard sideLength > 0 else { return nil }
let spatialReference = center.spatialReference
// The x and y coordinates to simplify the calculation.
let minX = center.x - 0.5 * sideLength
let minY = center.y - 0.5 * sideLength
// The radius of the arcs.
let arcRadius = sideLength * 0.25
// Bottom left curve.
let leftCurveStart = AGSPoint(x: center.x, y: minY, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let leftCurveEnd = AGSPoint(x: minX, y: minY + 0.75 * sideLength, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let leftControlPoint1 = AGSPoint(x: center.x, y: minY + 0.25 * sideLength, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let leftControlPoint2 = AGSPoint(x: minX, y: center.y, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let leftCurve = AGSCubicBezierSegment(start: leftCurveStart, controlPoint1: leftControlPoint1, controlPoint2: leftControlPoint2, end: leftCurveEnd, spatialReference: spatialReference)!
// Top left arc.
let leftArcCenter = AGSPoint(x: minX + 0.25 * sideLength, y: minY + 0.75 * sideLength, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let leftArc = AGSEllipticArcSegment.createCircularEllipticArc(withCenter: leftArcCenter, radius: arcRadius, startAngle: .pi, centralAngle: -.pi, spatialReference: spatialReference)!
// Top right arc.
let rightArcCenter = AGSPoint(x: minX + 0.75 * sideLength, y: minY + 0.75 * sideLength, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let rightArc = AGSEllipticArcSegment.createCircularEllipticArc(withCenter: rightArcCenter, radius: arcRadius, startAngle: .pi, centralAngle: -.pi, spatialReference: spatialReference)!
// Bottom right curve.
let rightCurveStart = AGSPoint(x: minX + sideLength, y: minY + 0.75 * sideLength, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let rightCurveEnd = leftCurveStart
let rightControlPoint1 = AGSPoint(x: minX + sideLength, y: center.y, spatialReference: spatialReference)
let rightControlPoint2 = leftControlPoint1
let rightCurve = AGSCubicBezierSegment(start: rightCurveStart, controlPoint1: rightControlPoint1, controlPoint2: rightControlPoint2, end: rightCurveEnd, spatialReference: spatialReference)!
let heart = AGSMutablePart(spatialReference: spatialReference)
[leftCurve, leftArc, rightArc, rightCurve].forEach { heart.add($0) }
let heartShape = AGSPolygonBuilder(spatialReference: spatialReference)
return heartShape.toGeometry()
// MARK: UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Add the source code button item to the right of navigation bar.
(navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem as? SourceCodeBarButtonItem)?.filenames = ["AddGraphicsWithRendererViewController"]