Show a line of sight between two moving objects.
Use case
A line of sight between AGSGeoElement
s (i.e. observer and target) will not remain constant whilst one or both are on the move.
An AGSGeoElementLineOfSight
is therefore useful in cases where visibility between two AGSGeoElement
s requires monitoring over a period of time in a partially obstructed field of view (such as buildings in a city).
How to use the sample
A line of sight will display between a point on the Empire State Building (observer) and a taxi (target). The taxi will drive around a block and the line of sight should automatically update. The taxi will be highlighted when it is visible. You can change the observer height with the slider to see how it affects the target's visibility.
How it works
- Instantiate an
and add it to theAGSSceneView
's analysis overlays collection. - Instantiate an
, passing in anAGSGeoElement
(feature or graphic) for both the observer and the target. Add the line of sight to the analysis overlay'sanalyses
array. - To get the target visibility when it changes, observe the target visibility changing on the
Relevant API
- AGSAnalysisOverlay
- AGSGeoElementLineOfSight
- AGSLineOfSight.targetVisibility
Offline data
This sample uses the Taxi CAD Drawing. It is downloaded from ArcGIS Online automatically.
3D, line of sight, visibility, visibility analysis
Sample Code
// Copyright 2018 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import UIKit
import ArcGIS
class LineOfSightGeoElementViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var sceneView: AGSSceneView!
@IBOutlet weak var targetVisibilityLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var observerZLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var observerZSlider: UISlider!
@IBOutlet weak var observerZMinLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var observerZMaxLabel: UILabel!
// properties for setting up and manipulating the scene
private let scene: AGSScene
private let overlay: AGSGraphicsOverlay
private let taxiGraphic: AGSGraphic
private let observerGraphic: AGSGraphic
private let lineOfSight: AGSGeoElementLineOfSight
private let observerZMin = 20.0
private let observerZMax = 1500.0
/// The roof height in meters of Empire State Building.
private let observerZ = 380.0
private let observerPoint: AGSPoint
// locations used in the sample
private let streetIntersectionLocations = [
AGSPoint(x: -73.985068, y: 40.747786, spatialReference: .wgs84()),
AGSPoint(x: -73.983452, y: 40.747091, spatialReference: .wgs84()),
AGSPoint(x: -73.982961, y: 40.747762, spatialReference: .wgs84()),
AGSPoint(x: -73.984513, y: 40.748469, spatialReference: .wgs84())
// handle onto any line of sight KVO observer
private var losObserver: NSKeyValueObservation?
private var initialViewpointCenter: AGSPoint {
// If possible, find the middle of the block that the taxi will drive around, or else focus on the observer
return AGSGeometryEngine.unionGeometries(streetIntersectionLocations)? ?? observerPoint
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
// ====================================
// set up the scene, layers and overlay
// ====================================
observerPoint = AGSPoint(x: -73.984988, y: 40.748131, z: observerZ, spatialReference: .wgs84())
// Initialize the scene with an imagery basemap style.
scene = AGSScene(basemapStyle: .arcGISImagery)
/// The url of the Terrain 3D ArcGIS REST Service.
let worldElevationServiceURL = URL(string: "")!
// initialize the elevation source and add it to the base surface of the scene
let elevationSrc = AGSArcGISTiledElevationSource(url: worldElevationServiceURL)
/// The url of a scene service for buildings in New York, U.S.
let newYorkBuildingsServiceURL = URL(string: "")!
// add some buildings to the scene
let sceneLayer = AGSArcGISSceneLayer(url: newYorkBuildingsServiceURL)
// initialize a graphics overlay
overlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
overlay.sceneProperties = AGSLayerSceneProperties(surfacePlacement: .relative)
// =====================================================
// initialize two graphics for both display and analysis
// =====================================================
// initialize the taxi graphic
let taxiSymbol = AGSModelSceneSymbol(name: "dolmus", extension: "3ds", scale: 1)
taxiSymbol.anchorPosition = .bottom
taxiGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: streetIntersectionLocations[streetIntersectionLocations.startIndex], symbol: taxiSymbol, attributes: nil)
// initialize the observer graphic
let observerSymbol = AGSSimpleMarkerSceneSymbol(style: .sphere, color: .red, height: 10, width: 10, depth: 10, anchorPosition: .center)
observerGraphic = AGSGraphic(geometry: observerPoint, symbol: observerSymbol, attributes: nil)
// ================
// use the graphics
// ================
// add the taxi and observer to the graphics overlay [observerGraphic, taxiGraphic])
// initialize the line of sight analysis between the observer and taxi
lineOfSight = AGSGeoElementLineOfSight(observerGeoElement: observerGraphic, targetGeoElement: taxiGraphic)
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// set the initial viewpoint
scene.initialViewpoint = AGSViewpoint(center: initialViewpointCenter, scale: 6000)
// default to a line of sight target offset of 1.5m above ground
lineOfSight.targetOffsetZ = 1.5
// let's examine the 3D model symbol to see if we can determine a better height
taxiSymbol.load { [weak self] error in
guard error == nil else {
print("Error loading the taxi symbol: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
// use the model's height as the line of sight target offset above ground
self?.lineOfSight.targetOffsetZ = taxiSymbol.height
override func viewDidLoad() {
// add the source code button item to the right of navigation bar
(navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem as! SourceCodeBarButtonItem).filenames = ["LineOfSightGeoElementViewController"]
// assign the scene to the scene view
sceneView.scene = scene
// Add a graphics overlay for the taxi and observer
// create an analysis overlay using a single Line of Sight and add it to the scene view
let analysisOverlay = AGSAnalysisOverlay()
// update the UI if the Line of Sight analysis result changes
losObserver = lineOfSight.observe(\.targetVisibility, options: .new) { [weak self] (losAnalysis, _) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self?.updateLineOfSightVisibilityLabel(visibility: losAnalysis.targetVisibility)
// initialize the observer z slider
observerZSlider.minimumValue = Float(observerZMin)
observerZSlider.maximumValue = Float(observerZMax)
observerZMinLabel.text = getFormattedString(z: observerZMin)
observerZMaxLabel.text = getFormattedString(z: observerZMax)
// update the observer height when the slider is moved
@IBAction func observerHeightChanged(_ observerZSlider: UISlider) {
if let oldLocation = observerGraphic.geometry as? AGSPoint,
let newLocation = AGSGeometryEngine.geometry(bySettingZ: Double(observerZSlider.value), in: oldLocation) as? AGSPoint {
observerGraphic.geometry = newLocation
// Clean up when done with the sample
deinit {
// start and stop animation
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// set the line width (default 1.0). This setting is applied to all line of sight analysis in the view
// update the ui
observerZSlider.value = Float(observerPoint.z)
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// current line of sight status
private func updateLineOfSightVisibilityLabel(visibility: AGSLineOfSightTargetVisibility) {
switch visibility {
case .obstructed:
targetVisibilityLabel.text = "Obstructed"
taxiGraphic.isSelected = false
case .visible:
targetVisibilityLabel.text = "Visible"
taxiGraphic.isSelected = true
case .unknown:
@unknown default:
targetVisibilityLabel.text = "Unknown"
taxiGraphic.isSelected = false
private func updateObserverZLabel() {
observerZLabel.text = {
guard let observerLocation = observerGraphic.geometry as? AGSPoint, observerLocation.hasZ else {
return "Unknown"
return getFormattedString(z: observerLocation.z)
// Track animation progress
private var animationProgess = (frameIndex: 0, pointIndex: 0)
private var animationTimer: Timer?
private let framesPerSegment = 150
private func startAnimation() {
// Kick off a timer
animationProgess = (frameIndex: 0, pointIndex: streetIntersectionLocations.startIndex)
animationTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.12, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in
private func performAnimationFrame() {
animationProgess.frameIndex += 1
// See if we've reached the next intersection.
if animationProgess.frameIndex == self.framesPerSegment {
// Move to the next segment
animationProgess.frameIndex = 0
animationProgess.pointIndex += 1
// And if we've visited all intersections, start at the beginning again
if animationProgess.pointIndex == streetIntersectionLocations.endIndex {
animationProgess.pointIndex = streetIntersectionLocations.startIndex
// Get the current taxi position between two intersections as well as its heading
let startPoint = streetIntersectionLocations[animationProgess.pointIndex]
let endPoint = streetIntersectionLocations[(animationProgess.pointIndex + 1) % streetIntersectionLocations.endIndex]
let progress = Double(animationProgess.frameIndex) / Double(framesPerSegment)
let (animationPoint, heading) = interpolatedPoint(firstPoint: startPoint, secondPoint: endPoint, progress: progress)
// Update the taxi graphic's potision and heading
taxiGraphic.geometry = animationPoint
(taxiGraphic.symbol as? AGSModelSceneSymbol)?.heading = heading
// Formatting z values for locale
private let zValuesFormatter: MeasurementFormatter = {
let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
formatter.numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
formatter.numberFormatter.roundingMode = .down
formatter.unitOptions = .providedUnit
return formatter
private func getFormattedString(z value: Double) -> String {
return zValuesFormatter.string(from: Measurement<UnitLength>(value: value, unit: .meters))
private func interpolatedPoint(firstPoint: AGSPoint, secondPoint: AGSPoint, progress: Double) -> (AGSPoint, Double) {
// Use the geometry engine to calculate the heading between point 1 and 2
let geResult = AGSGeometryEngine.geodeticDistanceBetweenPoint1(
point2: secondPoint,
distanceUnit: .meters(),
azimuthUnit: .degrees(),
curveType: .geodesic)
let heading = geResult?.azimuth1 ?? 0
// calculate the point representing progress towards the next point (cartesian calculation works fine at this scale)
let diff = (x: (secondPoint.x - firstPoint.x) * progress,
y: (secondPoint.y - firstPoint.y) * progress,
z: (secondPoint.z - firstPoint.z) * progress)
return (AGSPoint(x: firstPoint.x + diff.x,
y: firstPoint.y + diff.y,
z: firstPoint.z + diff.z,
spatialReference: firstPoint.spatialReference), heading)