
Synchronizes the SnapSettings.sourceSettings collection based on SnapSource objects in the currently connected ArcGISMap. Call this method to populate SnapSettings.sourceSettings with a SnapSourceSettings for each valid SnapSource present in the ArcGISMap currently connected to this SnapSettings via GeometryEditor.snapSettings, MapView.geometryEditor, and If there is no connected ArcGISMap, or the map contains no SnapSource objects valid for snapping, then the collection will be empty after this method returns.

The order of SnapSourceSettings objects will match the order that the associated SnapSource objects appear in the ArcGISMap.operationalLayers collection. The collection will not contain a SnapSourceSettings for any SnapSource which is not yet LoadStatus.Loaded when SnapSettings.syncSourceSettings() is called.

Subsequent calls will update the existing collection, accounting for SnapSource objects that have been added, removed, or moved since the last call to the same connected map. Any changes made to existing SnapSourceSettings objects, for example setting SnapSourceSettings.isEnabled, will be preserved.



See also


if the snap settings is shared between geometry editors connected to different maps