Access and create bookmarks on a map.
Use case
Bookmarks are used for easily storing and accessing saved locations on the map. Bookmarks are of interest in educational apps (e.g. touring historical sites) or more specifically, for a land management company wishing to visually monitor flood levels over time at a particular location. These locations can be saved as bookmarks and revisited easily each time their basemap data has been updated (e.g. working with up to date satellite imagery to monitor water levels).
How to use the sample
The map in the sample comes pre-populated with a set of bookmarks. To access a bookmark and move to that location, tap on a bookmark's name from the list. To add a bookmark, pan and/or zoom to a new location and tap on the 'Add Bookmark' button. Enter a unique name for the bookmark and tap ok, and the bookmark will be added to the list
How it works
- Instantiate a new
object and create aBookmarkList
. - To create a new bookmark and add it to the bookmark list:
- Instantiate a new
object passing in text (the name of the bookmark) and aViewpoint
as parameters. - Add the new bookmark to the book mark list with
- Instantiate a new
Relevant API
- Bookmark
- BookmarkList
- Viewpoint
bookmark, extent, location, zoom
Sample Code
// Copyright 2017 Esri.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI.Controls;
using System;
namespace ArcGISRuntime.Samples.ManageBookmarks
[Activity (ConfigurationChanges=Android.Content.PM.ConfigChanges.Orientation | Android.Content.PM.ConfigChanges.ScreenSize)]
name: "Manage bookmarks",
category: "Map",
description: "Access and create bookmarks on a map.",
instructions: "The map in the sample comes pre-populated with a set of bookmarks. To access a bookmark and move to that location, tap on a bookmark's name from the list. To add a bookmark, pan and/or zoom to a new location and tap on the 'Add Bookmark' button. Enter a unique name for the bookmark and tap ok, and the bookmark will be added to the list",
tags: new[] { "bookmark", "extent", "location", "zoom" })]
public class ManageBookmarks : Activity
// Hold a reference to the map view.
private MapView _myMapView;
// Dialog for entering the name of a new bookmark
private AlertDialog _newBookmarkDialog = null;
// Button to show available bookmarks (in a menu)
private Button _bookmarksButton;
// Text input for the name of a new bookmark
private EditText _bookmarkNameText;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
Title = "Manage bookmarks";
// Create the UI
// Initialize the app
private void Initialize()
// Create a new map with a World Imagery base map
Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISImagery);
// Add the map to the MapView
_myMapView.Map = myMap;
// Create a set of predefined bookmarks; each one follows the pattern of:
// ~ Initialize a viewpoint pointing to a latitude longitude
// ~ Create a new bookmark
// ~ Give the bookmark a name
// ~ Assign the viewpoint
// ~ Add the bookmark to bookmark collection of the map
// Bookmark-1
Viewpoint myViewpoint1 = new Viewpoint(27.3805833, 33.6321389, 6000);
Bookmark myBookmark1 = new Bookmark
Name = "Mysterious Desert Pattern",
Viewpoint = myViewpoint1
// Bookmark-2
Viewpoint myViewpoint2 = new Viewpoint(-39.299987, 174.060858, 600000);
Bookmark myBookmark2 = new Bookmark
Name = "Dormant Volcano",
Viewpoint = myViewpoint2
// Bookmark-3
Viewpoint myViewpoint3 = new Viewpoint(-33.867886, -63.985, 40000);
Bookmark myBookmark3 = new Bookmark
Name = "Guitar-Shaped Forest",
Viewpoint = myViewpoint3
// Bookmark-4
Viewpoint myViewpoint4 = new Viewpoint(44.525049, -110.83819, 6000);
Bookmark myBookmark4 = new Bookmark
Name = "Grand Prismatic Spring",
Viewpoint = myViewpoint4
private void CreateLayout()
// Create a new vertical layout for the app
LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this) { Orientation = Orientation.Vertical };
// Create button to show bookmarks
_bookmarksButton = new Button(this)
Text = "Bookmarks"
_bookmarksButton.Click += OnBookmarksClicked;
// Add bookmarks button to the layout
// Add the map view to the layout
_myMapView = new MapView(this);
// Show the layout in the app
private void OnBookmarksClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create menu to show bookmarks
PopupMenu bookmarksMenu = new PopupMenu(this, _bookmarksButton);
bookmarksMenu.MenuItemClick += OnBookmarksMenuItemClicked;
// Create a menu option for each of the map's bookmarks
foreach (Bookmark mark in _myMapView.Map.Bookmarks)
// Add a final menu item for adding a new bookmark for the current viewpoint
bookmarksMenu.Menu.Add("Add ...");
// Show menu in the view
private void OnBookmarksMenuItemClicked(object sender, PopupMenu.MenuItemClickEventArgs e)
// Get title from the selected item
string selectedBookmarkName = e.Item.TitleCondensedFormatted.ToString();
// If this is the "Add ..." choice, call a function to create a new bookmark
if (selectedBookmarkName == "Add ...")
// Get the collection of bookmarks in the map
BookmarkCollection myBookmarkCollection = _myMapView.Map.Bookmarks;
// Loop through bookmarks
foreach (Bookmark myBookmark in myBookmarkCollection)
// Get this bookmark name
string theBookmarkName = myBookmark.Name;
// If this is the selected bookmark, use it to set the map's viewpoint
if (theBookmarkName == selectedBookmarkName)
// Set the name of the button to display the current bookmark
_bookmarksButton.Text = selectedBookmarkName;
private void AddBookmark()
// Create a dialog for entering the bookmark name
AlertDialog.Builder dialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
// Create the layout
LinearLayout dialogLayout = new LinearLayout(this)
Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
// Create a layout for the text entry
LinearLayout nameTextLayout = new LinearLayout(this)
Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
// EditText control for entering the bookmark name
_bookmarkNameText = new EditText(this);
// Layout parameters for making views fill available width
LinearLayout.LayoutParams fillWidthParam = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
_bookmarkNameText.LayoutParameters = fillWidthParam;
// Label for the text entry
TextView nameLabel = new TextView(this)
Text = "Name:"
// Add the controls to the layout
// Create a layout for the dialog buttons (OK and Cancel)
LinearLayout buttonLayout = new LinearLayout(this)
Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
// Button to cancel the new bookmark
Button cancelButton = new Button(this)
Text = "Cancel",
LayoutParameters = fillWidthParam
cancelButton.Click += (s, e) => _newBookmarkDialog.Dismiss();
// Button to save the current viewpoint as a new bookmark
Button okButton = new Button(this)
Text = "OK",
LayoutParameters = fillWidthParam
okButton.Click += CreateNewBookmark;
// Add the buttons to the layout
// Build the dialog with the text control and button layouts
// Set dialog content
dialogBuilder.SetTitle("New Bookmark");
// Show the dialog
_newBookmarkDialog = dialogBuilder.Show();
// Handler for the click event of the New Bookmark dialog's OK button
private void CreateNewBookmark(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_newBookmarkDialog != null)
// See if the bookmark name conflicts with an existing name
string bookmarkName = _bookmarkNameText.Text.Trim();
bool nameExists = false;
foreach (Bookmark bookmark in _myMapView.Map.Bookmarks)
// See if this bookmark exists (or conflicts with the "Add ..." menu choice)
if (bookmarkName.ToLower() == bookmark.Name.ToLower() || bookmarkName.ToLower() == "add ...")
nameExists = true;
// If the name is an empty string or exists in the collection, warn the user and return
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bookmarkName) || nameExists)
AlertDialog.Builder dlgBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
dlgBuilder.SetMessage("Please enter a unique name for the bookmark.");
// Create a new bookmark
Bookmark newBookmark = new Bookmark();
// Use the current viewpoint for the bookmark
Viewpoint currentViewpoint = _myMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry);
newBookmark.Viewpoint = currentViewpoint;
// Set the name with the value entered by the user
newBookmark.Name = bookmarkName;
// Add the bookmark to the map's bookmark collection
// Show this bookmark name as the button text
_bookmarksButton.Text = bookmarkName;
// Dismiss the dialog for entering the bookmark name