View content beneath terrain surface

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See through terrain in a scene and move the camera underground.

Image of view content beneath terrain surface

Use case

By default, a scene's terrain is fully opaque and the camera cannot go underground. To see underground features such as pipes in a utility network, you can lower the opacity of the terrain surface and set the navigation constraint on the surface to allow underground navigation.

How to use the sample

The sample loads a scene with underground features. Pan and zoom to explore the scene. Observe how the opacity of the base surface is reduced and the navigation constraint is removed, allowing you to pan and zoom through the base surface.

How it works

  1. Display an Scene in a SceneView which contains layers with underground features.
  2. To see underground, get the scene's base surface and set its opacity to a value between 0 and 1.
  3. To allow the camera to go underground, set the surface's navigation constraint to None.

Relevant API

  • Surface
  • Surface.NavigationConstraint

About the data

This data is a point scene layer showing underground wellbore paths (green polylines) and seismic events (brown points).


3D, subsurface, underground, utilities

Sample Code

<ContentPage x:Class="ArcGISRuntimeXamarin.Samples.ViewContentBeneathSurface.ViewContentBeneathSurface"
        <esriUI:SceneView x:Name="MySceneView" />

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