Show labels on layers

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Display custom labels on a feature layer.

Image of show labels on layers

Use case

Labeling features is useful to visually display a key piece of information or attribute of a feature on a map. For example, you may want to label rivers or streets with their names.

How to use the sample

Pan and zoom around the United States. Labels for congressional districts will be shown in red for Republican districts and blue for Democrat districts. Notice how labels pop into view as you zoom in.

How it works

  1. Create a ServiceFeatureTable using a feature service URL.
  2. Create a FeatureLayer from the service feature table.
  3. Create a TextSymbol to use for displaying the label text.
  4. Create an ArcadeLabelExpression for the label definition.
    • You can use fields of the feature by using $feature.field_name in the expression.
  5. Create a new LabelDefinition from the arcade label expression and text symbol.
  6. Add the definition to the feature layer with featureLayer.LabelDefinitions.Add(labelDefinition) .
  7. Lastly, enable labels on the layer using featureLayer.LabelsEnabled.

Relevant API

  • ArcadeLabelExpression
  • FeatureLayer
  • LabelDefinition
  • TextSymbol

About the data

This sample uses the USA 116th Congressional Districts feature layer hosted on ArcGIS Online.

Additional information

Help regarding the Arcade label expression script for defining a label definition can be found on the ArcGIS Developers site.


arcade, attribute, deconfliction, label, labeling, string, symbol, text, visualization

Sample Code

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage x:Class="ArcGISRuntime.Samples.ShowLabelsOnLayer.ShowLabelsOnLayer"
        <esriUI:MapView x:Name="MyMapView" />

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