arcgis.widgets module


class arcgis.widgets.MapView(**kwargs)

Bases: ipywidgets.widgets.domwidget.DOMWidget

The MapView class creates a mapping widget for Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab.




The active GIS instance you want this map widget to use.


A WebMap or WebScene item instance that you want to visualize


Whether to construct a ‘2D’ map or ‘3D’ map. See the mode property for more information.


If the Jupyter Notebook server is running over http, you need to configure your portal/organization to allow your host and port; or else you will run into CORS issues.

This can be accomplished programmatically by signing into your organization and running this code:

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS
>>> gis = GIS(profile="your_admin_profile")

>>> more_origins = {"allowedOrigins":"http://localhost:8888"} #replace your port

>>> gis.update_properties(more_origins)
add_layer(item, options=None)

The add_layer method adds the specified Layer or Item to the map widget.




Required object. You can specify Item objects, Layer objects such as FeatureLayer , ImageryLayer, MapImageLayer, FeatureSet , Collection, Raster objects, etc.

Item objects will have all of their layers individually added to the map widget.


Optional dict. Specify visualization options such as renderer info, opacity, definition expressions. See example below


Calling MapView.add_layer() on an Raster instance has the following limitations:

  • Local raster overlays do not persist beyond the notebook session on published web maps/web scenes – you would need to separately publish these local rasters.

  • The entire raster image data is placed on the MapView’s canvas with no performance optimizations. This means no pyramids, no dynamic downsampling, etc. Please be mindful of the size of the local raster and your computer’s hardware limitations.

  • Pixel values and projections are not guaranteed to be accurate, especially when the local raster’s Spatial Reference doesn’t reproject accurately to Web Mercator (what the MapView widget uses).


3DTiles Services are not supported on a Scene at the moment.

# USAGE EXAMPLE: Add a feature layer with smart mapping renderer and
# a definition expression to limit the features drawn.
map1 ="Seattle, WA")
map1.add_layer(wa_streets_feature_layer, {'renderer':'ClassedSizeRenderer',
property basemap

Get/Set the basemap you would like to apply to the widget.




Required string. Ex: (‘topo’, ‘national-geographic’, etc.).


See basemaps for a full list of options.


basemap being used.

# Usage example: Set the widget basemap equal to an item

>>> from arcgis.mapping import WebMap
>>> widget =

>>> # Use basemap from another item as your own
>>> widget.basemap = webmap
>>> widget.basemap = tiled_map_service_item
>>> widget.basemap = image_layer_item
>>> widget.basemap = webmap2.basemap
>>> widget.basemap - 'national-geographic'
property basemaps

The basemaps layers are a list of possible basemaps to set basemap with:

  1. Dark Grey Vector

  2. Gray Vector

  3. Hybrid

  4. Oceans

  5. OSM

  6. Satellite

  7. Streets Navigation Vector

  8. Streets Night Vector

  9. Streets Relief Vector

  10. Streets Vector

  11. Terrain

  12. Topographic Vector

There are basemap layers available if you are authenticated or provide an api key.

  1. ArcGIS Imagery

  2. ArcGIS Imagery Standard

  3. ArcGIS Imagery Labels

  4. ArcGIS Light Gray

  5. ArcGIS Dark Gray

  6. ArcGIS Navigation

  7. ArcGIS Navigation Night

  8. ArcGIS Streets

  9. ArcGIS Streets Night

  10. ArcGIS Streets Relief

  11. ArcGIS Topographic

  12. ArcGIS Oceans

  13. ArcGIS Standard

  14. ArcGIS Standard Relief

  15. ArcGIS Streets

  16. ArcGIS Streets Relief

  17. ArcGIS Open Street Map Light Gray

  18. ArcGIS Open Street Map Dark Gray

  19. ArcGIS Terrain

  20. ArcGIS Community

  21. ArcGIS Charted Territory

  22. ArcGIS Colored Pencil

  23. ArcGIS Nova

  24. ArcGIS Modern Antique

  25. ArcGIS Midcentury

  26. ArcGIS Newspaper

  27. ArcGIS Hillshade Light

  28. ArcGIS Hillshade Dark

  29. ArcGIS Human Geography

  30. ArcGIS Human Geography Dark

property center

Get/Set the center of the Map Widget.




A [lat, long] list, or a dict that represents the JSON of the map widget’s center.


A dict that represents the JSON of the map widget’s center.

#Usage Example

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> map2 ="California")
>>> map2
'spatialReference': {'latestWkid': 3857, 'wkid': 102100},
'x': -13277101.270396618,
'y': 4374001.4894094905

The clear_graphics method clear the graphics drawn on the map widget.


Graphics are shapes drawn using the draw method.

#Usage Example: Drawing two Geometry objects on a map widget.

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> from arcgis.geometry import Geometry, Polygon

>>> geom = Geometry({
                "rings" : [[[-97.06138,32.837],[-97.06133,32.836],[-97.06124,32.834],[-97.06127,32.832],
                "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}
>>> map2 ="Arlington, Texas")
>>> map2.draw(shape=geom)
>>> map2
<Map Widget Displayed with the drawn Polygons>
>>> map2.clear_graphics()
>>> map2
<Map Widget Displayed without the drawn Polygons>

The display_message method displays a message on the upper-right corner of the map widget.


Only one message can be sent at a time, multiple messages do not show up.

draw(shape, popup=None, symbol=None, attributes=None)

The draw method draws a shape on the map widget.


Anything can be drawn from known Geometry objects, coordinate pairs, and FeatureSet objects.




Required object. Known Geometry objects: Shape is one of [circle, ellipse, Polygon, Polyline, MultiPoint, Point, rectangle, triangle].

Coordinate pair: specify shape as a list of [lat, long]. Eg: [34, -81]

FeatureSet: shape can be a FeatureSet object.

Dict object representing a geometry.


Optional dict. Dict containing title and content as keys that will be displayed when the shape is clicked. In case of a FeatureSet, title and content are names of attributes of the features in the FeatureSet instead of actual string values for title and content .


Optional dict. See the Symbol Objects page in the ArcGIS REST API documentation for more information. A default symbol is used if one is not specified.

A helper utility to get the symbol format for several predefined symbols is available at the Esri symbol selector.


Optional dict. Specify a dict containing name value pairs of fields and field values associated with the graphic.

#Usage Example: Drawing two Geometry objects on a map widget.

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> from arcgis.geometry import Geometry, Polygon

>>> geom = Geometry({
                "rings" : [[[-97.06138,32.837],[-97.06133,32.836],[-97.06124,32.834],[-97.06127,32.832],
                "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}
>>> map2 ="Arlington, Texas")
>>> map2.draw(shape=geom)
>>> map2
<Map Widget Displayed with the drawn Polygons>
embed(output_in_cell=True, set_as_preview=True)

The embed method embeds the current state of the map into the underlying notebook as an interactive HTML/JS/CSS element.


This element will always display this ‘snapshot’ state of the map, regardless of any future Python code ran.




Optional bool, default True. Will display the embedded HTML interactive map in the output area of the cell where this function is called.


Optional bool, default True. Will display the embedded HTML interactive map in the cell where the map widget is being displayed. Use this flag if you want the generated HTML previews of your notebook to have an interactive map displayed.

In all notebook outputs, each embedded HTML element will contain the entire map state and all relevant HTML wrapped in an <iframe> element. This means that the data for the embedded HTML element lives inside the notebook file itself, allowing for easy sharing of notebooks and generated HTML previews of notebooks.


When this function is called with set_as_preview = True, the embedded HTML preview element will overwrite the static image preview from any previous MapView.take_screenshot(set_as_preview=True) call


Any embedded maps must only reference publicly available data. The embedded map must also have access to the Unpkg to load the necessary JavaScript components on the page

property end_time

end_time is a datetime.datetime property. If time_mode == time-window end_time represents the upper bound ‘thumb’ of the time slider. For all other time_mode values, end_time is not used.

export_to_html(path_to_file, title='Exported ArcGIS Map Widget', credentials_prompt=False)

The export_to_html method takes the current state of the map widget and exports it to a standalone HTML file that can be viewed in any web browser.

By default, only publicly viewable layers will be visible in any exported html map. Specify credentials_prompt=True to have a user be prompted for their credentials when opening the HTML page to view private content.


Follow best security practices when sharing any HTML page that prompts a user for a password.


You cannot successfully authenticate if you open the HTML page in a browser locally like file://path/to/file.html. The credentials prompt will only properly function if served over a HTTP/HTTPS server.




Required string. The path to save the HTML file on disk.


Optional string. The HTML title tag used for the HTML file.


Optional boolean, default False. If set to True, will display a credentials prompt on HTML page load for users to authenticate and view private content.

property extent

Get/Set the map widget’s extent.




Required dict.

A [[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymax]] list, Spatially Enabled Data Frame full_extent, or a dict that represents the JSON of the map widget’s extent.

Examples for each: web_map.extent = [[-124.35, 32.54], [-114.31, 41.95]] web_map.extent = data_frame.spatial.full_extent web_map.extent = {

“xmin”: -124.35, “ymin”: 32.54, “xmax”: -114.31, “ymax”: 41.95


#Usage Example

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> map2 ="California")
>>> map2.extent
'xmin': -124.20822999999997, 'ymin': 31.436105693000048,
'xmax': -114.33222999999997, 'ymax': 41.31210569300005
property gallery_basemaps

The gallery_basemaps property allows for viewing of your portal’s custom basemap group.

property heading

Get/Set the compass heading of the camera in degrees when in 3D mode. heading is zero when north is the top of the screen. It increases as the view rotates clockwise. The angles are always normalized between 0 and 360 degrees.


heading cannot be set in 2D mode. Rather, 2D mode uses the rotation property.

#Usage Example in 3D mode

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> map3d ="California", mode ="3D")
>>> map3d.heading

When hide_mode_switch is set to True the 2D/3D switch button will be hidden from the widget.


Once the button is hidden, it cannot be made visible again: a new MapView instance must be created to see the button.


jupyter_target is a readonly string that is either lab or notebook: jupyter_target represents if this widget is drawn in a Jupyter Notebook environment or a JupyterLab environment.

property layers

The layers property is a list of the JSON representation of layers added to the map widget using the add_layers method.

#Usage Example in 2D mode

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> gis = GIS("pro")
>>> itms ="owner:"+
>>> single_item =itms[1]
>>> new_layer= FeatureLayer.fromitem(item = single_item)
>>> map1 ="United States")
>>> map1.add_layer(new_layer)
>>> map1.layers
[<FeatureLayer url:"">]

If legend is set to True, a legend will display in the widget that describes all layers added to the map. If set to False,the legend will be hidden.


The default is False .

property local_raster_file_format

The local_raster_file_format method is a string getter & setter. When calling map.add_layer(arcgis.raster.Raster()) for a local raster file, an intermediate image file must be written to disk in order to successfully display on the map. This file format can be one of the following:

Possible Values


"jpg" (Default)

Write raster to a .JPG file. This results in a lossy image, but should draw quicker than a .PNG file. Requires the PIL image processing package (distributed under the name of it’s active fork, “Pillow”)


Write raster to a .PNG file. This results in a lossless image, but it might take a longer time to draw than a .JPG file.


The string that specifies whether the map displays in ‘2D’ mode (MapView) or ‘3D’ mode (SceneView). Possible values: ‘2D’, ‘3D’.

Note that you can also toggle between '2D' and '3D' mode by pressing the icon in the widget UI.

on_click(callback, remove=False)

The on_click method registers a callback to execute when the map is clicked.


The callback will be called with one argument, the clicked widget instance.




Optional boolean. Set to true to remove the callback from the list of callbacks.

on_draw_end(callback, remove=False)

The on_draw_end method registers a callback to execute when something is drawn. The callback will be called with two arguments: 1. The clicked widget instance 2. The drawn geometry




Optional boolean. Set to true to remove the callback from the list of callbacks.



This property is obselete as of >v1.6 of the Python API, since the underlying JavaScript code ran during a take_screenshot() Python call has been has been changed to MapView.takeScreenshot() instead of calling a Print Service URL. Any value you set to this property will be ignored (2D screenshots will still be taken successfully).


ready is a readonly bool that represents if the map widget has been drawn in the notebook.


The remove_layers method removes the layers added to the map widget.


A list of layers added to the widget can be retrieved by querying the

layers property.




Optional list. Specify the list of layers to be removed from the map widget. You can get the list of layers on the map by querying the ‘layers’ property. If not specified, it removes all layers added to the widget.


True if layer is successfully removed. Else, False.

property rotation

Get/Set the clockwise rotation of due north in relation to the top of the view in degrees in 2D mode.




Required float.


rotation cannot be set in 3D mode. Rather, 3D mode uses the heading property.

#Usage Example in 2D mode

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView
>>> map2 ="California")
>>> map2.rotation
save(item_properties, mode=None, thumbnail=None, metadata=None, owner=None, folder=None)

The save method saves the map widget object into a new web map Item or a new web scene item in your GIS.


If you started out with a fresh map widget object, use this method to save it as a the webmap/webscene item in your GIS. If you started with a map widget object from an existing webmap/webscene object, calling this method will create a new item with your changes. If you want to update the existing item with your changes, call the update method instead.


Saving as a WebScene item only works in a Jupyter environment: the map must be visually displayed in the notebook before calling this method.




Required dictionary. See table below for the keys and values.


Optional string. Whether to save this map instance as a 2D WebMap, or a 3D WebScene. Possible strings: “2D”, “webmap”, “3D”, or “webscene”.


Optional string. Either a path or URL to a thumbnail image.


Optional string. Either a path or URL to the metadata.


Optional string. User object corresponding to the desired owner of this item. Defaults to the logged in user.


Optional string. Name of the folder where placing item.

Key:Value Dictionary Options for Parameter item_properties




Optional string. Provide a lists all sub-types, see URL 1 below for valid values.


Optional string. Description of the item.


Optional string. Name label of the item.


Optional string. Tags listed as comma-separated values, or a list of strings. Used for searches on items.


Optional string. Provide a short summary (limit to max 250 characters) of the what the item is.


Optional string. Information on the source of the content.


Optional string. Any license information or restrictions regarding the content.


Optional string. Locale, country and language information.


Optional string. Valid values are private, shared, org, or public.


Optional boolean. Default is true, controls whether comments are allowed (true) or not allowed (false).


Optional string. Language and country information.


Item object corresponding to the new web map Item created.

USAGE EXAMPLE: Save map widget as a new web map item in GIS
map1 ="Italy")
map1.basemap = 'dark-gray-vector'
italy_streets_map ={'title':'Italy streets',
                             'snippet':'Arterial road network of Italy',
                             'tags':'streets, network, roads'})
property scale

Get/Set the map scale at the center of the view. If set to X, the scale of the map would be 1:X.




Required int.


For continuous values to apply and not get “snapped” to the closest level of detail, set mapview.snap_to_zoom = False.

# Usage example: Sets the scale to 1:24000

map =
map.scale = 24000
classmethod set_js_cdn(js_cdn)

The set_js_cdn function is called before the creation of any MapView object, and each instantiated object will use the specified js_cdn parameter as the ArcGIS API for JavaScript CDN URL instead of the default This functionality is necessary in disconnected environments if the portal you are connecting to doesn’t ship with the minimum necessary JavaScript API version.


You may not need to call this function to view the widget in disconnected environments: if your computer cannot reach, and you have a GIS connection to a portal, the widget will automatically attempt to use that Portal’s JS API that it ships with.

set_time_extent(start_time, end_time, interval=1, unit='milliseconds')

The set_time_extent is called when time_slider = True and is the time extent to display on the time slider.




Required datetime.datetime. The lower bound of the time extent to display on the time slider.


Required datetime.datetime. The upper bound of the time extent to display on the time slider.


Optional number, default 1. The numerical value of the time extent.


Optional string, default “milliseconds”. Temporal units. Possible values: “milliseconds”, “seconds”, “minutes”, “hours”, “days”, “weeks”, “months”, “years”, “decades”, “centuries”

property snap_to_zoom

The snap_to_zoom property is used to determine how the zoom is enabled when the map widget is created.




Required bool. Values:

  • True: snap to the next level of detail when zooming in or out.

  • False: the zoom is continuous.


The snap_to_zoom method only applies in 2D mode.

property start_time

The start_time property is a representation of a datetime.datetime property. If time_mode == “time-window”, represents the lower bound ‘thumb’ of the time slider. For all other time_mode values, start_time represents the single thumb on the time slider.


The sync_navigation method synchronizes the navigation from this MapView to another MapView instance so panning/zooming/navigating in one will update the other.


Users can sync more than two class:~arcgis.widgets.MapView instances together. For example, a user can sync MapView A to MapView B, MapView B to MapView C, and MapView C to MapView D together and all will be in sync. Thus, driving one of these MapView objects will make the other MapView objects follow.




Either a single MapView instance, or a list of MapView instances to synchronize to.

# USAGE EXAMPLE: link the navigation of two maps together
from ipywidgets import HBox
map1 ="Chicago, IL")
map1.basemap = "gray"
map2 ="Chicago, IL")
map2.basemap = "dark-gray"
HBox([map1, map2])

The ``tab_mode`` property is a string property that specifies the 'default' behavior of toggling a new window in a JupyterLab environment, whether that is called by pressing the icon in the widget UI, or by calling toggle_window_view() function without arguments.


After a widget is ‘seperated’ from the notebook, you can drag it, split it, put it in a new tab, etc. See the JupyterLab guide pages for more information.




The default tab_mode: will move the widget to a split-right view if there are no other open windows besides the current notebook, otherwise will place the widget in a new tab.


Will move the widget above the current notebook instance.


Will move the widget below the current notebook instance.


Will move the widget to the left of the current notebook instance.


Will move the widget to the right of the current notebook instance.


Will move the widget to a new tab ‘before’ the tab that represents the current notebook instance.


Will move the widget to a new tab ‘after’ the tab that represents the current notebook instance.

take_screenshot(output_in_cell=True, set_as_preview=True, file_path='')

The take_screenshot method takes a screenshot of the current widget view.


Only works in a Jupyter Notebook environment.




Optional bool, default True. Will display the screenshot in the output area of the cell where this function is called.


Optional bool, default True. Will set the screenshot as the static image preview in the cell where the map widget is being displayed. Use this flag if you want the generated HTML previews of your notebook to have a map image visible.


Optional String, default “”. To output the screenshot to a .png file on disk, set this String to a writeable location file path (Ex. file_path = “/path/to/documents/my_screenshot.png”).

In all notebook outputs, each image will be encoded to a base64 data URI and wrapped in an HTML <img> tag, like <img src=”base64Str”>. This means that the data for the image lives inside the notebook file itself, allowing for easy sharing of notebooks and generated HTML previews of notebooks.


This function acts asynchronously, meaning that the Python function will return right away, with the notebook outputs/files being written after an indeterminate amount of time. Avoid calling this function multiple times in a row if the asynchronous portion of the function hasn’t finished yet.


When this function is called with set_as_preview = True, the static image preview will overwrite the embedded HTML element preview from any previous MapView.embed_html(set_as_preview=True) call

property tilt

Get/Set the tilt of the camera in degrees with respect to the surface as projected down from the camera position, when in 3D mode. tilt is zero when looking straight down at the surface and 90 degrees when the camera is looking parallel to the surface.


The tilt method is not applicable, and cannot be set, in 2D mode.


time_mode is the string used for defining if the temporal data will be displayed cumulatively up to a point in time, a single instant in time, or within a time range.

Possible values: “instant”, “time-window”, “cumulative-from-start”, “cumulative-from-end”. Default: “time-window”

See the TimeSlider page in the ArcGIS REST API page for more info.


time_slider is a string property that determines whether a time slider exists for a map widget. If set to True, will display a time slider in the widget that will allow you to visualize temporal data for an applicable layer added to the map. Default: False.

See the TimeSlider page in the ArcGIS REST API page for more info.

toggle_window_view(title='ArcGIS Map', tab_mode=None)

In a JupyterLab environment, calling toggle_window_view will separate the drawn map widget to a new window next to the open notebook, allowing you to move the widget to it, split it, put it in a new tab, etc. If the widget is already separated in a new window, calling this function will restore the widget to the notebook where it originated from.


See the JupyterLab guide pages for more information.

Note that this functionality can also be achieved by pressing the icon in the widget UI.




What text will display as the widget tab. Default: “ArcGIS Map”.


The ‘tab mode’ that this window will open in. Will use this MapView instance’s tab_mode property if not specified. Possible values: “auto”, “split-top”, “split-left”, “split-right”, “split-bottom”, “tab-before”, “tab-after”


The unsync_navigation method unsynchronizes connections made to other MapView instances made via my_mapview.sync_navigation(other_mapview).




(Optional) Either a single MapView instance, or a list of MapView instances to unsynchronize. If not specified, will unsynchronize all synced MapView instances

update(mode=None, item_properties=None, thumbnail=None, metadata=None)

The update method updates the WebMap/Web Scene item that was used to create the MapWidget object. In addition, you can update other item properties, thumbnail and metadata.


If you started out a MapView object from an existing webmap/webscene item, use this method to update the webmap/webscene item in your with your changes. If you started out with a fresh MapView object (without a webmap/webscene item), calling this method will raise a RuntimeError exception. If you want to save the map widget into a new item, call the save method instead. For item_properties, pass in arguments for only the properties you want to be updated. All other properties will be untouched. For example, if you want to update only the item’s description, then only provide the description argument in item_properties.


Saving as a WebScene item only works in a Jupyter environment: the map must be visually displayed in the notebook before calling this method.




Optional dictionary. See table below for the keys and values.


Optional string. Whether to save this map instance as a 2D WebMap, or a 3D WebScene. Possible strings: 2D, webmap, 3D, or webscene.


Optional string. Either a path or URL to a thumbnail image.


Optional string. Either a path or URL to the metadata.

Key:Value Dictionary Options for Parameter item_properties




Optional string. Provide a lists all sub-types, see URL 1 below for valid values.


Optional string. Description of the item.


Optional string. Name label of the item.


Optional string. Tags listed as comma-separated values, or a list of strings. Used for searches on items.


Optional string. Provide a short summary (limit to max 250 characters) of the what the item is.


Optional string. Information on the source of the content.


Optional string. Any license information or restrictions regarding the content.


Optional string. Locale, country and language information.


Optional string. Valid values are private, shared, org, or public.


Optional boolean. Default is true, controls whether comments are allowed (true) or not allowed (false).


A boolean indicating success (True) or failure (False).

USAGE EXAMPLE: Interactively add a new layer and change the basemap of an existing web map.
italy_streets_item ="Italy streets", "Web Map")[0]
map1 = MapView(item = italy_streets_item)
map1.basemap = 'dark-gray-vector'
map1.update(thumbnail = './new_webmap.png')

To update the layer dictionary for a layer in the map. For example, to update the renderer dictionary for a layer and have it by dynamically changed on the mapview.




Required Feature Layer or Feature Layer dictionary. The existing mapview layer with updated properties. In order to get a layer on the mapview, use the layers method and assign the output to a value. Make edits on the this value and pass it in as a dict to update the rendering on the map.


If the itemId of the feature layer is changed, this will not work.

# Create a mapview and add layer
map1 ="Oregon")

# Get a layer and edit the color
fl = map1.layers[0]
fl.renderer.symbol.color = [0, 204, 204, 255]

# Update the layer to see it render on map

# Save with the updates
wm_properties= {"title": "Test Update", "tags":["update_layer"], "snippet":"Updated a layer and now save"}
property zoom

Get/Set the level of zoom applied to the Map Widget.




Required int. .. note:

The higher the number, the more zoomed in you are.

Int value that represent the zoom level

# Usage example

>>> from arcgis.gis import GIS, Item
>>> from arcgis.widgets import MapView

>>> map2 ="California")
>>> map2.basemap = 'national-geographic'
>>> map2
>>> map2.zoom = 200
zoom_to_layer(item, options={})

The zoom_to_layer method snaps the map to the extent of the provided Item object(s).




The item at which you want to zoom your map to. This can be a single or a list of Item, Layer , DataFrame , FeatureSet, or FeatureCollection objects.


Optional set of arguments.

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Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
