arcgis.features.summarize_data module

These functions calculate total counts, lengths, areas, and basic descriptive statistics of features and their attributes within areas or near other features.

aggregate_points calculates statistics about points that fall within specified areas. summarize_nearby calculates statistics for features and their attributes that are within a specified distance. summarize_within calculates statistics for area features and attributes that overlap each other.


arcgis.features.summarize_data.aggregate_points(point_layer, polygon_layer=None, keep_boundaries_with_no_points=True, summary_fields=[], group_by_field=None, minority_majority=False, percent_points=False, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, estimate=False, future=False, bin_type=None, bin_size=None, bin_size_unit=None)

The Aggregate Points task works with a layer of point features and a layer of polygon features. It first figures out which points fall within each polygon’s area. After determining this point-in-polygon spatial relationship, statistics about all points in the polygon are calculated and assigned to the area. The most basic statistic is the count of the number of points within the polygon, but you can get other statistics as well.

For example, if your points represented coffee shops and each point has a TOTAL_SALES attribute, you can get statistics like the sum of all TOTAL_SALES within the polygon, or the minimum or maximum TOTAL_SALES value, or the standard deviation of all sales within the polygon.




Required point layer. The point features that will be aggregated into the polygons in the polygon_layer. See Feature Input.


Optional polygon layer. The polygon features (areas) into which the input points will be aggregated. See Feature Input. The polygon_layer is required if the bin_type, bin_size and bin_size_unit are not specified.


Optional boolean. A Boolean value that specifies whether the polygons that have no points within them should be returned in the output. The default is true.


Optional list of strings. A list of field names and statistical summary type that you wish to calculate for all points within each polygon. Note that the count of points within each polygon is always returned. summary type is one of the following:

  • Sum - Adds the total value of all the points in each polygon

  • Mean - Calculates the average of all the points in each polygon.

  • Min - Finds the smallest value of all the points in each polygon.

  • Max - Finds the largest value of all the points in each polygon.

  • Stddev - Finds the standard deviation of all the points in each polygon.

Example [fieldName1 summaryType1,fieldName2 summaryType2].


Optional string. A field name in the point_layer. Points that have the same value for the group by field will have their own counts and summary field statistics. You can create statistical groups using an attribute in the analysis layer. For example, if you are aggregating crimes to neighborhood boundaries, you may have an attribute Crime_type with five different crime types. Each unique crime type forms a group, and the statistics you choose will be calculated for each unique value of Crime_type. When you choose a grouping attribute, two results are created: the result layer and a related table containing the statistics.


Optional boolean. This boolean parameter is applicable only when a group_by_field is specified. If true, the minority (least dominant) or the majority (most dominant) attribute values for each group field within each boundary are calculated. Two new fields are added to the aggregated_layer prefixed with Majority_ and Minority_. The default is false.


Optional boolean. This boolean parameter is applicable only when a group_by_field is specified. If set to true, the percentage count of points for each unique group_by_field value is calculated. A new field is added to the group summary output table containing the percentages of each attribute value within each group.

If minority_majority is true, two additional fields are added to the aggregated_layer containing the percentages of the minority and majority attribute values within each group.


Optional string or FeatureLayer. Existing feature layer will cause the new layer to be appended to the Feature Service. If overwrite is True in context, new layer will overwrite existing layer. If output_name not indicated then new FeatureCollection created.


Optional dict. Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference. For aggregate_points, there are three settings (overwrite is required).

  • extent - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features in the input_layer that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.

  • outSR - the output features will be projected into the output spatial reference referred to by the wkid.

  • overwrite - if True, then the feature layer in output_name will be overwritten with new feature layer. Available for ArcGIS Online or Enterprise 10.9.1+

    # Example Usage
    context = {"extent": {"xmin": 3164569.408035,
                        "ymin": -9187921.892449,
                        "xmax": 3174104.927313,
                        "ymax": -9175500.875353,
                "outSR": {"wkid": 3857},
                "overwrite": True}


Optional, the GIS on which this tool runs. If not specified, the active GIS is used.


Optional Boolean. If True, the number of credits to run the operation will be returned.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


Optional String. The type of bin that will be generated and points will be aggregated into. Bin options are as follows: Hexagon and Square. Square is the Default. When generating bins, for Square, the number and units specified determine the height and length of the square. For Hexagon, the number and units specified determine the distance between parallel sides. Either bin_type or polygon_layer must be specified. If bin_type is chosen, then bin_size and bin_size_unit specifying the size of the bins must be included.


Optional Float. The distance for the bins of type bin_type that the point_layer will be aggregated into. When generating bins for Square the number and units specified determine the height and length of the square. For Hexagon, the number and units specified determine the distance between parallel sides.


Optional String. The linear unit to be used with the distance value specified in bin_size. Values: Meters, Kilometers, Feet, Miles, NauticalMiles, or Yards


result_layer : FeatureLayer if output_name is specified, else FeatureCollection.

If future = True, then the result is a Future object. Call result() to get the response.

USAGE EXAMPLE: To find number of permits issued in each zip code of US.

agg_result = aggregate_points(point_layer=permits,
                        summary_fields=["DeclValNu mean","DeclValNu2 mean"],


arcgis.features.summarize_data.join_features(target_layer, join_layer, spatial_relationship=None, spatial_relationship_distance=None, spatial_relationship_distance_units=None, attribute_relationship=None, join_operation='JoinOneToOne', summary_fields=None, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, estimate=False, future=False, join_type='INNER', records_to_match=None)

The join_features method works with two layers and joins the attributes from one feature to another based on spatial and attribute relationships.




Required layer. The point, line, polygon or table layer that will have attributes from the join_layer appended to its table. See Feature Input.


Required layer. The point, line, polygon or table layer that will be joined to the target_layer. See Feature Input.


Required string if inputs are not table layers. Defines the spatial relationship used to spatially join features.

Choice list:

  • identicalto

  • intersects

  • completelycontains

  • completelywithin

  • withindistance


Optional float. Required if spatial_relationship is withindistance. A value used for the search distance to determine if the target features are near or within a specified distance of the join features.


Only applied if withindistance is the spatial_relationship argument.

You can only enter a single distance value.


Optional string. Required if spatial_relationship argument is withindistance. The linear unit to be used with the distance value specified as the spatial_relationship_distance argument.

Choice list:

  • Miles

  • Yards

  • Feet

  • NauticalMiles

  • Meters

  • Kilometers


Optional list of dicts. Defines an attribute relationship used to join features. Features are matched when the field values in the join layer are equql to field values in the target layer.


Optional string. A string representing the type of join that will be applied

Choice list:

  • JoinOneToOne - If multiple join features are found that have the same relationships with a single target feature, the attributes from the multiple join features will be aggregated using the specified summary statistics. For example, if a point target feature is found within two separate polygon join features, the attributes from the two polygons will be aggregated before being transferred to the output point feature class. If one polygon has an attribute value of 3 and the other has a value of 7, and a SummaryField of sum is selected, the aggregated value in the output feature class will be 10. There will always be a Count field calculated, with a value of 2, for the number of features specified. This is the default.

  • JoinOneToMany - If multiple join features are found that have the same relationship with a single target feature, the output feature class will contain multiple copies (records) of the target feature. For example if a single point target feature is found within two separate polygon join features, the output feature class will contain two copies of the target feature: one record with the attributes of the first polygon, and another record with the attributes of the second polygon. There are no summary statistics calculated with this method.


Optional list of dicts. A list of field names and statistical summary types that you want to calculate. Note that the count is always returned by default.

Format of argument:

>>> join_features(...
         summary_fields= [
                 {"onStatisticField": "fieldName", "statisticType": "statisticName"},
                 {"onStatisticField": "fieldName", "statisticType": "statisticName"}
  • statisticType name is one of the following:

    • SUM - Adds the total value of all the points in each polygon

    • MEAN - Calculates the average of all the points in each polygon

    • MIN - Finds the smallest value of all the points in each polygon

    • MAX - Finds the largest value of all the points in each polygon

    • STDDEV - Finds the standard deviation of all the points in each polygon

    • COUNT - Finds the number of non-null values, used on numeric fields or strings.


Optional string or FeatureLayer. Existing feature layer will cause the new layer to be appended to the Feature Service.

  • If overwrite is True in context, new layer will overwrite existing layer.

  • If output_name not indicated then a new FeatureCollection is created.


Optional dict. Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference. For join_features, there are three settings.

  • extent - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features in the input_layer that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.

  • outSR - the output features will be projected into the output spatial reference referred to by the wkid.

  • overwrite - if True, then the feature layer in output_name will be overwritten with new feature layer. Available for ArcGIS Online or Enterprise 10.9.1+

# Example Usage
>>> join_res = join_features(...
                 context = {
                     "extent": {
                         "xmin": 3164569.408035,
                         "ymin": -9187921.892449,
                         "xmax": 3174104.927313,
                         "ymax": -9175500.875353,
                     "outSR": {"wkid": 3857},
                     "overwrite": True


Optional boolean. If True, the number of credits to run the operation will be returned.


Optional boolean.

  • If True, a future object will be returned and the process returns control to the user.

  • If False, the process waits for the results to complete before returning control to the user. The default is False.


Optional String. Determines the type of join performed on the datasets. The allowed values are;


  • LEFT


Optional Dict. Defines how two features are joined.


“orderByFields”:”objectid ASC”,

FeatureLayer if output_name is specified, else FeatureCollection.

USAGE EXAMPLE: To summarize traffic accidents within each parcel using spatial relationship.
>>> accident_count_in_each_parcel = join_features(
                                                            {"statisticType": "Mean",
                                                             "onStatisticField": "Population"}
                                            output_name='join features',
USAGE EXAMPLE: To summarize into count using spatial relationship.
>>> accident_count_in_each_parcel = join_features(
                                        summary_fields = [
                                        output_name='return join features in count')


arcgis.features.summarize_data.summarize_nearby(sum_nearby_layer, summary_layer, near_type='StraightLine', distances=[], units='Meters', time_of_day=None, time_zone_for_time_of_day='GeoLocal', return_boundaries=True, sum_shape=True, shape_units=None, summary_fields=[], group_by_field=None, minority_majority=False, percent_shape=False, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, estimate=False, future=False)

The summarize_nearby method finds features that are within a specified distance of features in the input layer. Distance can be measured as a straight-line distance, a drive-time distance (for example, within 10 minutes), or a drive distance (within 5 kilometers). Statistics are then calculated for the nearby features. For example:

  • Calculate the total population within five minutes of driving time of a proposed new store location.

  • Calculate the number of freeway access ramps within a one-mile driving distance of a proposed new store location to use as a measure of store accessibility.




Required FeatureLayer . Point, line, or polygon features from which distances will be measured to features in the summary_layer. See Feature Input.


Required layer. Point, line, or polygon features. Features in this layer that are within the specified distance to features in the sum_nearby_layer will be summarized. See Feature Input.


Optional string. Defines what kind of distance measurement you want to use, either straight-line distance, travel time or travel distance along a street network using various modes of transportation known as travel modes. The default is StraightLine.

Choice list:

  • StraightLine

  • Driving Distance

  • Driving Time

  • Rural Driving Distance

  • Rural Driving Time

  • Trucking Distance

  • Trucking Time

  • Walking Distance

  • Walking Time


Optional list of float values. Defines the search distance for StraightLine and distance-based travel modes, or time duration for time-based travel modes. You can enter single or multiple values, separating each value with a space. Features that are within (or equal to) the distances you enter will be summarized. The unit for distances is supplied by the units parameter.


Optional string. If near_type is StraightLine or a distance-based travel mode, this is the linear unit to be used with the distance value(s) specified in distances.

Choice list: | [Meters, Kilometers, Feet, Yards, Miles]

If near_type is a time-based travel mode, the following values can be used as units:

Choice list:

[Seconds, Minutes, Hours]

The default is ‘Meters’.


Optional datetime.datetime. Specify whether travel times should consider traffic conditions. To use traffic in the analysis, set near_type to a travel mode object whose impedance_attribute_name property is set to travel_time and assign a value to time_of_day. (A travel mode with other impedance_attribute_name values don’t support traffic.) The time_of_day value represents the time at which travel begins, or departs, from the origin points. The time is specified as datetime.datetime.

The service supports two kinds of traffic: typical and live. Typical traffic references travel speeds that are made up of historical averages for each five-minute interval spanning a week. Live traffic retrieves speeds from a traffic feed that processes phone probe records, sensors, and other data sources to record actual travel speeds and predict speeds for the near future.

The data coverage page shows the countries Esri currently provides traffic data for.

Typical Traffic:

To ensure the task uses typical traffic in locations where it is available, choose a time and day of the week, and then convert the day of the week to one of the following dates from 1990:

  • Monday - 1/1/1990

  • Tuesday - 1/2/1990

  • Wednesday - 1/3/1990

  • Thursday - 1/4/1990

  • Friday - 1/5/1990

  • Saturday - 1/6/1990

  • Sunday - 1/7/1990

Set the time and date as datetime.datetime.

For example, to solve for 1:03 p.m. on Thursdays, set the time and date to 1:03 p.m., 4 January 1990; and convert to datetime eg. datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 4, 1, 3).

Live Traffic:

To use live traffic when and where it is available, choose a time and date and convert to datetime.

Esri saves live traffic data for 4 hours and references predictive data extending 4 hours into the future. If the time and date you specify for this parameter is outside the 24-hour time window, or the travel time in the analysis continues past the predictive data window, the task falls back to typical traffic speeds.

Examples: from datetime import datetime

  • “time_of_day”- datetime(1990, 1, 4, 1, 3) # 13:03, 4 January 1990. Typical traffic on Thursdays at 1:03 p.m.

  • “time_of_day”- datetime(1990, 1, 7, 17, 0) # 17:00, 7 January 1990. Typical traffic on Sundays at 5:00 p.m.

  • “time_of_day”- datetime(2014, 10, 22, 8, 0) # 8:00, 22 October 2014. If the current time is between 8:00 p.m., 21 Oct. 2014 and 8:00 p.m., 22 Oct. 2014,

Live traffic speeds are referenced in the analysis; otherwise, typical traffic speeds are referenced. * “time_of_day”- datetime(2015, 3, 18, 10, 20) # 10:20, 18 March 2015. If the current time is between 10:20 p.m., 17 Mar. 2015 and 10:20 p.m., 18 Mar. 2015, Live traffic speeds are referenced in the analysis; otherwise, typical traffic speeds are referenced.


Optional string. Specify the time zone or zones of the time_of_day parameter.

Choice list: [‘GeoLocal’, ‘UTC’]

GeoLocal-refers to the time zone in which the originsLayer points are located.

UTC-refers to Coordinated Universal Time.

The default is ‘GeoLocal’.


Optional boolean. If true, the result_layer will contain areas defined by the specified near_type. For example, if using StraightLine of 5 miles, the result_layer will contain areas with a 5 mile radius around the input sum_nearby_layer features.

If False, the result_layer will contain the same features as the sum_nearby_layer.

The default is True.


Optional boolean. A boolean value that instructs the task to calculate statistics based on shape type of the summary_layer, such as the length of lines or areas of polygons of the summary_layer within each polygon in sum_within_layer.

The default is True.


Optional string. If sum_shape is true, you must specify the units of the shape summary. Values:

  • When summary_layer contains polygons: Values: [‘Acres’, ‘Hectares’, ‘SquareMeters’, ‘SquareKilometers’, ‘SquareFeet’, ‘SquareYards’, ‘SquareMiles’]

  • When summary_layer contains lines: Values: [‘Meters’, ‘Kilometers’, ‘Feet’, ‘Yards’, ‘Miles’]


Optional list of strings.A list of field names and statistical summary types that you want to calculate. Note that the count is always returned by default.


[”fieldName statisticType”, …]

  • fieldName is the name of one of the numeric fields found in the input join layer.

  • statisticType is one of the following:

    • SUM-Adds the total value of all the points in each polygon

    • MEAN-Calculates the average of all the points in each polygon

    • MIN-Finds the smallest value of all the points in each polygon

    • MAX-Finds the largest value of all the points in each polygon

    • STDDEV-Finds the standard deviation of all the points in each polygon

# Example:
>>> summ_output = summarize_nearby(
                        summary_fields = ["Population MEAN","Households SUM"],


Optional string. This is a field of the summary_layer features that you can use to calculate statistics separately for each unique attribute value. For example, suppose the summary_layer contains point locations of businesses that store hazardous materials, and one of the fields is HazardClass containing codes that describe the type of hazardous material stored. To calculate summaries by each unique value of HazardClass, use HazardClass as the group_by_field field.


Optional boolean. This boolean parameter is applicable only when a group_by_field is specified. If true, the minority (least dominant) or the majority (most dominant) attribute values for each group field within each nearby area are calculated. Two new fields are added to the result_layer prefixed with Majority_ and Minority_.

The default is False.


Optional boolean. This Boolean parameter is applicable only when a group_by_field is specified. If set to true, the percentage of each unique group_by_field value is calculated for each sum_nearby_layer feature.

The default is False.


Optional string or FeatureLayer. Existing feature layer will cause the new layer to be appended to the Feature Service. If overwrite is True in context, new layer will overwrite existing layer. If output_name not indicated then new FeatureCollection created.


Optional dict. Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference. For summarize_nearby, there are three settings.

  • extent - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features in the input_layer that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.

  • outSR - the output features will be projected into the output spatial reference referred to by the wkid.

  • overwrite - if True, then the feature layer in output_name will be overwritten with new feature layer. Available for ArcGIS Online or Enterprise 10.9.1+

    # Example Usage
    context = {"extent": {"xmin": 3164569.408035,
                        "ymin": -9187921.892449,
                        "xmax": 3174104.927313,
                        "ymax": -9175500.875353,
                "outSR": {"wkid": 3857},
                "overwrite": True}


Optional boolean. Returns the number of credit for the operation.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


result_layer : FeatureLayer if output_name is specified, else FeatureCollection dictionary.

dict with the following keys:

”result_layer” : layer (FeatureCollection)

”group_by_summary” : layer (FeatureCollection)

# USAGE EXAMPLE: To find hospital facilities that are within 5 miles of a school.
                 output_name='nearest hospitals to schools')


arcgis.features.summarize_data.summarize_center_and_dispersion(analysis_layer, summarize_type=['CentralFeature'], ellipse_size=None, weight_field=None, group_field=None, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, estimate=False, future=False)

The summarize_center_and_dispersion method finds central features and directional distributions. It can be used to answer questions such as:

  • Where is the center?

  • Which feature is the most accessible from all other features?

  • How dispersed, compact, or integrated are the features?

  • Are there directional trends?




Required FeatureLayer . The point, line, or polygon features to be analyzed. See Feature Input.


Required list of strings. The method with which to summarize the analysis_layer.

Choice list: [“CentralFeature”, “MeanCenter”, “MedianCenter”, “Ellipse”]


Optional string. The size of the output ellipse in standard deviations.

Choice list: [‘1 standard deviation’, ‘2 standard deviations’, ‘3 standard deviations’]

The default ellipse size is ‘1 standard deviation’.


Optional field. A numeric field in the analysis_layer to be used to weight locations according to their relative importance.


Optional field. The field used to group features for separate directional distribution calculations. The group_field can be of integer, date, or string type.


Optional string or FeatureLayer. Existing feature layer will cause the new layer to be appended to the Feature Service. If overwrite is True in context, new layer will overwrite existing layer. If output_name not indicated then new FeatureCollection created.


Optional dict. Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference. For summarize_center_and_dispersion, there are three settings.

  • extent - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features in the input_layer that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.

  • outSR - the output features will be projected into the output spatial reference referred to by the wkid.

  • overwrite - if True, then the feature layer in output_name will be overwritten with new feature layer. Available for ArcGIS Online or Enterprise 11+

    # Example Usage
    context = {"extent": {"xmin": 3164569.408035,
                        "ymin": -9187921.892449,
                        "xmax": 3174104.927313,
                        "ymax": -9175500.875353,
                "outSR": {"wkid": 3857},
                "overwrite": True}


Optional boolean. If True, the number of credits to run the operation will be returned.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


list of items if output_name is supplied else, a Python dictionary with the following keys:

”central_feature_result_layer” : layer (FeatureCollection)
”mean_feature_result_layer” : layer (FeatureCollection)
”median_feature_result_layer” : layer (FeatureCollection)
”ellipse_feature_result_layer” : layer (FeatureCollection)

# USAGE EXAMPLE: To find central features and mean center of earthquake over past months.
central_features = summarize_center_and_dispersion(analysis_layer=earthquakes,
                                                   ellipse_size='2 standard deviations',
                                                   output_name='find central features and mean center of earthquake over past months')


arcgis.features.summarize_data.summarize_within(sum_within_layer, summary_layer, sum_shape=True, shape_units=None, summary_fields=[], group_by_field=None, minority_majority=False, percent_shape=False, output_name=None, context=None, gis=None, estimate=False, future=False, bin_type='Square', bin_size=None, bin_size_unit=None)

The summarize_within method finds the point, line, or polygon features (or portions of these features) that are within the boundaries of polygons in another layer. For example:

  • Given a layer of watershed boundaries and a layer of land-use boundaries by land-use type, calculate total acreage of land-use type for each watershed.

  • Given a layer of parcels in a county and a layer of city boundaries, summarize the average value of vacant parcels within each city boundary.

  • Given a layer of counties and a layer of roads, summarize the total mileage of roads by road type within each county.

You can think of summarize_within as taking two layers and stacking them on top of each other. One of the layers, the sum_within_layer must be a polygon layer, and imagine that these polygon boundaries are all colored red. The other layer, the summary_layer, can be any feature type point, line, or polygon. After stacking these layers on top of each other, you peer down through the stack and count the number of features in the summary_layer that fall within the polygons with the red boundaries (the sum_within_layer). Not only can you count the number of features, you can calculate simple statistics about the attributes of the features in the summary_layer, such as sum, mean, minimum, maximum, and so on.




Required FeatureLayer . The polygon features. Features, or portions of features, in the summary_layer (below) that fall within the boundaries of these polygons will be summarized. See Feature Input.


Required FeatureLayer . Point, line, or polygon features that will be summarized for each polygon in the sum_within_layer. See Feature Input.


Optional boolean. A boolean value that instructs the task to calculate statistics based on shape type of the summary_layer, such as the length of lines or areas of polygons of the summary_layer within each polygon in sum_within_layer.

The default is True.


Optional string. Specify units to summarize the length or areas when sum_shape is set to true. Units are not required to summarize points.

  • When summary_layer contains polygons: [‘Acres’, ‘Hectares’, ‘SquareMeters’, ‘SquareKilometers’, ‘SquareMiles’, ‘SquareYards’, ‘SquareFeet’]

  • When summary_layer contains lines: [‘Meters’, ‘Kilometers’, ‘Feet’, ‘Yards’, ‘Miles’]


Optional list of strings. A list of field names and statistical summary type that you wish to calculate for all features in the summary_layer that are within each polygon in the sum_within_layer .

Example: [“fieldname1 summary”, “fieldname2 summary”]


Optional string. This is a field of the summary_layer features that you can use to calculate statistics separately for each unique attribute value. For example, suppose the sum_within_layer contains city boundaries and the summary_layer features are parcels. One of the fields of the parcels is Status which contains two values: VACANT and OCCUPIED. To calculate the total area of vacant and occupied parcels within the boundaries of cities, use Status as the group_by_field field.


Optional boolean. This boolean parameter is applicable only when a group_by_field is specified. If true, the minority (least dominant) or the majority (most dominant) attribute values for each group field are calculated. Two new fields are added to the result_layer prefixed with Majority_ and Minority_.

The default is False.


Optional boolean. This Boolean parameter is applicable only when a group_by_field is specified. If set to true, the percentage of each unique group_by_field value is calculated for each sum_within_layer polygon.

The default is False.


Optional string or FeatureLayer. Existing feature layer will cause the new layer to be appended to the Feature Service. If overwrite is True in context, new layer will overwrite existing layer. If output_name not indicated then new FeatureCollection created.


Optional dict. Additional settings such as processing extent and output spatial reference. For summarize_within, there are three settings.

  • extent - a bounding box that defines the analysis area. Only those features in the input_layer that intersect the bounding box will be analyzed.

  • outSR - the output features will be projected into the output spatial reference referred to by the wkid.

  • overwrite - if True, then the feature layer in output_name will be overwritten with new feature layer. Available for ArcGIS Online or Enterprise 10.9.1+

    # Example Usage
    context = {"extent": {"xmin": 3164569.408035,
                        "ymin": -9187921.892449,
                        "xmax": 3174104.927313,
                        "ymax": -9175500.875353,
                "outSR": {"wkid": 3857},
                "overwrite": True}


Optional boolean. If True, the number of credits to run the operation will be returned.


Optional boolean. If True, a future object will be returned and the process will not wait for the task to complete. The default is False, which means wait for results.


Required string. The type of bin used to calculate density.

Choice list: [‘Hexagon’, ‘Square’].


Required float. The distance for the bins that the input_layer will be analyzed using. When generating bins, for Square, the number and units specified determine the height and length of the square. For Hexagon, the number and units specified determine the distance between parallel sides.


Required string. The distance unit for the bins for which the density will be calculated. The linear unit to be used with the value specified in bin_size.

The default is ‘Meters’.


result_layer : FeatureLayer if output_name is specified, else FeatureCollection dictionary.

dict with the following keys:

”result_layer” : layer (FeatureCollection)

”group_by_summary” : layer (FeatureCollection)

# USAGE EXAMPLE: To summarize traffic accidents within each county and group them by the day of accident.
acc_within_county = summarize_within(sum_within_layer=boundaries,
                                     output_name='summarize accidents within each county',

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